Max Level Newbie

53. The Station Branch (4)

I couldn't understand.

The current situation makes Gaozinta question himself, who usually moves according to his instinct rather than thinking deeply and doesn't pay much attention to anything other than his training.

Gao Chin-ta mumbled to himself again in the absence of a single listening boss.

"Why on earth..." You think he's getting stronger?"

I could only think so.

Otherwise, it only means that he is weaker than before, because he knew best that he was not.

Rather, he was recognized for his achievements through constant hunting and was able to wield more magic than before.

Even some of the stronger horses were eager to find out the secret of their rapid growth...….

'Then it really means that Bosmonster is getting stronger......that's possible? I've never heard of a monster like that before. Are you saying that the more you fight, the stronger the monster that was updated this time?’

Gao Chin-ta rolled his head and thought about this and that, but he couldn't come to a proper conclusion in the end up to the end.

It is because the real horses, including him, did not have a complete understanding of this place, Naraka.

When this place came about, how the monsters keep re-enacting, and how the amenities are maintained...….

It's just speculation that it might have been made by a god who's expected to be looking over there, but nothing was certain.


Gao Chin-ta, who had been lost in thought for so little time.

He soon smiled a cool smile and shook off his doubts.

Even if you think about it, it won't be solved.

Just enjoy the current situation.

It's a good thing, not a frown, if the Bosmon of his exclusive hunting ground continues to be strong.

The stronger he gets, the more merit he will get, and the more helpful he will be in training.

He was unusually fond of fighting among militant and violent horses, so he burst into a happy smile and accepted the current situation.

He thought.

'Okay, a monster that's constantly growing, that's funny. It's really fun. But I've also risen faster than any other demon to this occasion...….’

Gao Chin-ta, full of strength in his fist.

Unable to control the boiling excitement in his body, he swung his right hand wide.


Gao Chin-ta, who had a big crack on the wall of the temple, thought as he came out of the boss room, with a slightly refreshed look.

Three minutes from the first encounter here with the Bosmonster to his head.

There was no time to take a break to widen the gap to the point of beating him to death again in that time.

He tried to walk towards the entrance of the temple to have time to reflect on himself after a long time.

But a moment later, his plan went up in smoke because of the alarm that went off in the "Throne's Crown."

Gao Jinta, who quickly became a tough face, threw away his bright expression until now.

A harsh curse came out of his mouth.

"It's not enough to chew on this piece...... dare you, while I was away?"

Gao Jinta, who, like King Atilhu, had his own ruling horse system.

When the signal sounded that something had happened to him, he could not control his anger.

He was even angrier that only ordinary demons worked, because he had the idea of the people of the Jinma as Gao Chin-tao and King Attilhu.

'I don't know who they are, but I'll have to tear them all up and come back.’

Gao Jinta quickly escaped from the temple of fire and lightning, then left Naraka and returned to his world of horseback.

Peace came after a long time inside the temple, which was always roaring due to rough training.

And Vulcan, who was completely unaware of this, was struggling in the room of resurrection to feed Gao Chin-ta a blow next time.


Gao Chin-ta's guess was true.

Levels are the blanks that remain stationary at the end of 1,200.

However, another item responsible for the player's force, proficiency, was developing at a alarming rate.

Although it was cut off once along the way by Gao Jinta's invasion, it was a blistering blot that glanced beyond the wall that had blocked him.

This makes it easier to get to higher ground than before.

Furthermore, the current situation, which has repeatedly experienced death by Gao Jinta, has come as a boon to Vulcan.

The Vulcan, which at first had been intimidated by the pain of death that constantly aroused his fear.

For this reason, the inner horse of him became more aggressive, and at one time, he failed to properly resist Gao Jinta and even lost his life in a minute.

But when it was repeated, repeated, and repeated, death no longer felt as death.

Things have changed from the moment death became routine, just like eating and sleeping.

Like Belgeram, who was enlightened in the lava cave, the Vulcan broke the shell that held itself in check and grew.

But there was a slight difference between the realization of Belseram and Vulcan.

The Devil's Duke of Belseram, through a series of irresistible deaths, felt that all his feelings of anger, desire, etc. were useless, forgiving the Vulcan, but the Vulcan...….

"Gaozinta, you son of a...... next time, I'll give you a shot on the face!’

On the contrary, he was overcoming himself in a way that was further developing his inner anger.

The blanks that no longer fear death, which can be called the greatest fear of the living.

For such a man, what in the world could instill fear in him?

Nine years after finally facing Gao Chin-ta, the enormous fear and pressure of Rock Seager, which was holding back the growth of the Vulcan, had shrunk to an extent hard to recognize its shape.

And there was even greater anger on the spot.

Like the enmity of the Vulcan, which was like a fire, and the fighting spirit ate the Simma he had.

So overcoming his own weaknesses, Vulcan was able to handle lightning and fire with even more explosive power, and despite being at the same level, he was able to make a much better move against Gao Chin-ta than before.

'But not this much!'

The blanks that are moving around, operating the energy of the brain by electric power, instead of turning on the patriarchal seat as usual.

Obviously there was no one else in the room except for the blanks, but his intensely moving figure seemed to be exchanging his sum with someone invisible and transparent.

It was a phenomenon that appeared just now because he was making the right move by repeating his fight with Gao Jinta.

dental floss

A bulkan whose whole body is covered with golden currents and roams through a narrow room.

Even the old gods of Asgard were quick enough to admire, but not to his heart.

Vulcan, whose eyes were moving so fast that his eyes were dizzy, constantly recalled the fights of the past and focused his mind to reach the state he wanted.

I couldn't win this much.

No, it would be too much to give Gao Chin-ta a proper shot, regardless of how fast he beats Gao Chin-ta.

Vulcan pressed himself nonstop to recreate again the movement that he had unconsciously done in the previous fight, beyond the limits of the flesh.

'The level I want......if I could use the feeling of being free to move as if there were no physical limitations...….’

The face of Vulcan, who recalled his movement, which had ignored inertia and rapidly stretched into the air just before a head-on clash with Gao Chin-ta, became even more serious.

If that happens, you will be able to show fraudulent movements such as teleporting without the help of the accumulator.

From then on, Vulcan spent his time forgetting everything, preoccupied with the energy of the brain, and the spirit of lightning.

The two were the most suitable skills to recall the movements and feelings that they had unconsciously unfolded.

So he went on a training course, maintaining a deadly concentration to capture the sensation that was almost undetected.

How deeply absorbed he was, even when he moved to a temple of fire and lightning after a week, he did not recognize it and was absorbed in training.

So a month, two months, half a year.

When the quest finally reached its time of year, the Vulcan movement changed.

Patsch... ...chuck.

Stubborn... ...stubborn.

It wasn't just an overlay to the body.

It wasn't just a move that resembled a brain war.

Every moment of change in direction, the sparkle emits a golden color that is almost blind and evaporates.

He could exist as a complete lightning bolt, with his physical mask completely removed for a moment.

In front of him, a virtual enemy, Ginma Gaojinta, was born.

The guy who's smiling as usual.

Vulcan looked at him and smiled the same way, and quickly dug into his arms to give him a blow.

Of course it wasn't easy.

Even if it's a myth he's made out of fiction, the real horse is the real horse.

Following Gao Chin-ta's illusion of speed, which is too fast to keep up with ordinary movements, Vulcan used the wine of lightning he had mastered.

And the unorthodox movements that he learned after hard work.

As if he were a massless creature, the movement of the Vulcan, ignoring inertia and gravity, stirred inside the boss room at a speed that seemed impossible to accelerate any more, and finally occupied Gao Chinta's loopholes.

Gao Chin-ta turned his head in a hurry and showed an embarrassed face.

The bulkan, who put a fierce blow on it, smiled a cheerful smile, and at the same time the illusion of Gao Jinta, who was in front of his eyes, vanished like a goblin.

A thrill of pleasure. And a never-ending uplift.

I could hear something in the ear of the Vulcan floating in the air, enjoying the pleasant feeling with my whole body.

The Vulcan broke out of its own world and fell to the ground.


The image of the Vulcan stopped with a little bit of soot on the floor, as if the incarnation of lightning appeared.

It was so mysterious that I felt like I was not in this world.

He slowly opened the system window in that state, reading the messages that had passed through his ears.

[Legendary Skill Brainstorm has been upgraded to the mythical Skill Brain Rage!]

[Battle proficiency has risen from SS to SSS!]

[Defense proficiency increased from A to S.]

[Hedge proficiency has risen from SS to SSS!]

[Quest Success!]

[General Quest Hidden Quest Place, Survive for a Year as the Bosmoner of the Temple of Fire and Lightning.]

[Very large amount of experience!]

[Activity zones have been extended to areas around temples of light and lightning.]

[Increases exposure to tightly hidden temples of fire and lightning. The probability of being discovered by the Jinma increases even more.]

[Level up!]

[The following quests are supported in Devil mode. If you want to hunt quests and monsters, please re-enter devil mode, and if you want to hunt the real horses, please keep them as they are.]

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