Max Level Newbie

54. The double booster (3)

After the speculation turned out to be true, Vulcan spent time doing the same thing day by day.

Exclusive hunting, hunting, hunting.

He wielded the sword like a fish in a watery hunting ground in a similar environment to Asgard, which he had encountered for a long time, and used magic.

The ancient gods, boasting enormous force between 1200 and 1300 levels, poured out their respective forces toward the Vulcan, but couldn't help him.

For Vulcan, who gained enlightenment at the temple of fire and lightning and took a leap forward, they are just a lump of experience and merit.

If about 10 monsters joined the army at the same time, at least none of them would have threatened him.

Quagua oligo!


A squeak.

Monsters in the shape of God, like Hokulus and Honus, fell like autumn leaves and bled on the floor.

But not a single drop touched the body of the Vulcan.

The movement of the blanks that are already moving towards other monsters before blood can flow out of their separate bodies.

Some of the jinma watching it looked at the scene with a blank look and burst into a fit of anger.

There are already many people who lack hunting grounds and can't get as much public value as they want, because a thunderbolt has appeared for a few days and has been hunting monsters so fast that their stomach hurts.

a piece of paper

A squirt.


He's running at a tremendous speed, like a monster re-gene.

One of the demons who freely dealt with the power of lightning, which is not common among demons, stretched out a golden sword and cut down the monster before the other eunuchs could even use their hands, followed by a stream of magic poured out by other eunmas.

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

a scene so spectacular that one's eyes are filled with tears

Similar to Asgard, the extremely hard Naraka land was so devastating that it was destroyed in a mess that it was useless.

Already, monsters have been killed by the hands of the Vulcan.

Therefore, the other real horses were wasted without a single merit, and the Vulcan glanced at them and then moved at a rapid pace.


A free-spirited bulkan that moves freely as if not restricted by the flesh.

Some of the real horses watching him like that vented their anger.

"Oh, my... ...fuck you!"

"I can't believe they're already sweeping up the scarce monsters!”

some of the rarer horses with very angry faces.

If he could, he was so heated that he could tear the bulkans to death and chew on the flesh.

But because the same gin and horses could not do any damage by the characteristics of Naraka, they could not interfere with the hunt of the bullcans.

We just have to find out the monster's spirit as quickly as possible, and launch an attack one beat faster than him.

Of course, their skills, which did not reach the 1400 level, had no choice but to lose the speed race against the already fast Vulcan, but even so, the Vulcan was often defeated in the last-minute race because there were so many real horses competing for a monster.

The Vulcan, which has never suffered from the lack of monsters.

In the end, he was also forced to vent his anger, just like other real horses, and the real horses, who heard him, began to utter more profanity than before, with a look on their faces as if they were more.

"Argh! Please let me level up!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Find it! Just search it, you punk!"

A situation similar to competing to monopolize a monster in a virtual reality game.

Vulcan worked hard to accumulate experience and merit in such a stressful environment, and so a year has passed.


[Contacted with the statue of a demon.]

[All the public values collected so far will be converted to empirical values.]

[Level up!]

[The currency of Naraka is paid by the quest.]

"......Whoa. I finally raised level one."

The Vulcan, which was staring at the statue of a demon that gave him a red energy.

A harsh curse was heard from behind him.

"Hey, if you've done your job, get the hell out of here."

"Yes, I'm coming, you bastard."

Vulcan also responded with a natural curse and then backed away.

Then he moved to a quiet place and checked his inventory, and looked disappointed when he saw a little less than he thought.

It's not enough money to buy a skill've only raised level one, so it's obvious. Well, it's enough money to buy a map.... the higher the level, the higher the amount.’

Hardly comforting, the Vulcan turned around and headed for convenience facilities, paid NPC to buy the best maps.

A map that contains general hunting ground information that can be obtained from beginner's helpers everywhere in the city, and better hunting ground than that.

Although the price was so high that I had to raise the level one and almost empty the money I received, there was no desire to continue hunting under stress in the midst of those sickle creatures.

'I'm glad I'm stressed out, but I'm not very efficient at hunting either....the level-up pace wasn't slower than when I went around horseback riding, thanks to the overlap of merit and experience, but still much slower than I expected......huh, now that we've got the best map, we can hunt more comfortably, right?’

Of course, I didn't even think that this would allow me to monopolize a hunting ground.

Although the price of a top-of-the-line map was quite high, it was not so precious that the horses who spent a long time in Naraka could not afford it.

In the end, they will be able to hunt more easily than before, but they will certainly not be able to afford to monopolize a dungeon like they did in Asgard's days.

The Bulkan, whose thoughts reached this point, unfolded the map hoping that there were fewer horses where he headed.

At the same time, a system window rose before his eyes with an audible alarm.

A ring.

[Used of Nara Car's top-of-the-line map, the mini-map has been activated.]

[The system that successfully penetrated Naraka provides information for you.]

[Mini Map shows hidden hidden dungeons over tens of thousands of years, 'The sanctuary of the Wudangpa'.]


The blanks, with their mouths slightly open, admired the remarkable capabilities of the system.

But he regained his composure in a much faster time than before and thought to himself.

'It's not surprising now. Yeah, give me more.'

Vulcan, which has experienced all sorts of horseback riding and Naraka beyond Asgard, the world of players, and the world of strong players.

In the process, we have seen all kinds of strange abilities of the system, so we have come to the point where most things are not much agitated.

He whistled and secretly moved in a completely different direction from what he had been heading so far, reaching the area marked on the mini-map.

A steep mountain that even ordinary monsters walking around the field cannot see even if they wash their eyes and look for it.

Vulcan, who reached the top of the place, inserted his sword into the blue-lit earth by the system, and a moment later revealed the true face of the top of the mountain, which had been hidden by magic with subtle vibrations.


[Boss Monster, Eliminate the Atomic Zhang Sambong, located in the sanctuary of the Hidden Quest Wudangpa]

[Difficulty Level A (by horse)]

[Compensation Mass Experience]

Eliminate Chang Sam-bong, the atomic power, and the break-up of the independents.

*Jang Sam-bong, an expert in sword and a member of the Mystery Moon faction of ancient times. But now he's just a fallen monster. Press his clever sword and accomplish the quest.

[Found the first hidden quest location, and receive additional merit over the next five years.]

[If you first kill the Boss Monster, you will receive additional public value.]

'......there's no limit on the number of people, so it looks like other horses could break in.'

That was a little disappointing, but there was no major complaint in the first place because it was a place that could not have been found without the help of the system.

Well, it's a foregone conclusion that one day it'll be revealed by some of the moons that are flushing around, but he'll be able to monopolize it for a while.

If we were lucky, there was a good chance that we would not be found by any real horse for 49 years, the end of the quest.

'Even if we find it, we're not going to talk about this honey-like hunting ground, so we don't have to worry too much. If it's class A by horse......Boss monsters will be around 1400 and 1300 regular monsters, so the level is reasonable."

"Okay, let's go."

Bulkan was thrilled to see Hidden Dungeon in a long time.

He trudged along, kicked the door with a signboard that read "Wudangpa" and advanced vigorously.

It is the two masters who wear robes and wear swords, named "members of the shaman's lacquerware."

Given the enormous level of 1315 and yet by a name never even heard of it from Hoculus or Honus, they seemed to have played the role of gods in the past.

Former gods who have become in a miserable position, like monsters being killed all their lives in Asgard.

Vulcan, who looked at them for a moment with a sad expression, lifted the sword.


in a blaze of anger

The energy of a stingray sword climbing up the lightning sword of the brain cavity.

And the energy of the brain that covered the whole body of the Vulcan.

The members of the shamanic ruler who responded approached the Bulkan at the same speed as the light, and soon the sound of their ears tearing rang out at the sanctuary of the shamanism.


49 years to the end of the quest.

The Vulcan gained momentum in growth due to its stable hunting ground.


[Level up!]

[The currency of Naraka is paid by the quest.]

"Hoo-hoo, it's hard!"

A bulkan sitting on the floor without even thinking about putting a sword in the sword house.

There was a murmur of pain coming out of his mouth.

Although it was the Vulcan who had already held the atomic bomb Jang Sam-bong for more than 50 times, the fight with him was never easy.

As evidenced by his 1400-year-old level, Jang Sam-bong has been aiming for the whole-body bloodline of the Vulcan with his clever yet powerful swordsmanship.

amazing skill to the point where one might think he is better at handling swords than anyone he has ever met.

In terms of swordsmanship, Bulkan was a very difficult opponent to deal with.

Of course, the Bulkan's organs were not just swords, so he managed to capture Jang Sam-bong by using various spells, including cerebral palsy, but to this day, it must have been a powerful bosmonster, whose carelessness is unacceptable.

'Well, that's until today.

The Vulcan, lying in the boss's room for a while and resting.

He opened the status window to check his level and merit.

His physical level is 1337, and his achievements have been 18.823 million 3812.

Since he had never stopped by a stone statue of a demon since he discovered the sanctuary of the Wudang faction, the Vulcan now had an enormous amount of merit.

Perhaps if you had changed all of these to experience and raised the level, it would have been much easier to deal with Jang Sam-bong.

But Vulcan did not do so.

Because he wanted to avoid exposing this place as much as possible, the sanctuary of the independents he monopolized.

Luckily, during the 49 years of the Vulcan hunt, none of the eunuchs came here.

The best situation for Vulcan, who hoped not to have a single competitor.

As such the best situation was maintained, the Vulcan began to think that it would be best not to leave this place to reduce the risk of exposure to the maximum.

But until today.

With the end of the quest only five days away, the Vulcan had no reason to be here any longer.

He is already at a higher level than the level of a regular monster, so he is not getting as much experience as before.

Vulcan thought, shutting down the system windows that had been floating in front of his eyes.

'You can't level up in five days anyway. Before the end of the quest, we should get to the city quickly and change the official value to the experience level so that we can raise the level and get money.’

After clearing his mind, Vulcan jumped up from his seat and escaped from the sanctuary of the independents.

Then he raced toward the city as fast as he could.

In fact, even if I didn't go this fast, it wasn't far enough to get there in five days, but I couldn't stand the blanks any longer.

Shinhwa-class skills that have been ringing in their heads for 50 years.

In order to get it in hand as soon as possible, the Vulcan flogged itself more and more and more like a meteor.

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