Max Level Newbie

55. Stationary 2

"Hoo, hoo. Haha."

Vulcan breathed hard, feeling as if he could not lift a finger properly.

But I didn't feel distressed, perhaps because of the sense of accomplishment that I finally succeeded the lightning rod.

On the contrary, I could feel a bit of freshness, so I burst into laughter with my voice.

He watched for a moment the wonder he had created, forcing himself to lie down.

"I didn't believe it, but half the Mount of Act 3 is blown away.….’

Act3 of Asgard is the land of the gods in charge of each dimension.

Therefore, the earth was so hard that it could afford their strength, and even if it was damaged, it would quickly be restored.

However, the peak, which was blown away by the Vulcan, seemed to take quite a while to recover from such extensive damage, was still unthinkable of being restored.

The Vulcan watching it with a proud look.

But he soon hardened his face.

On the surface, it seemed to be a powerful skill that even other senior gods could not follow, but it took a lot of things to use in practice.

The mental power used to connect all the skills properly is enormous....I need too much mana invested in the protection of the devil. Besides, it's so hard in itself to set the timing for the volcanic outburst skill that it's obvious that 100 in battle will all fail. Hoo...... will the day come when we use this in real life?’

Of course someday it will be possible.

In the case of intermittent mana, the situation would be better if additional stats were obtained while level-up, and skill links would also become more familiar with the training.

Besides, the skills you learned this time are magic.

Among them, they were included in the category of flame series.

As long as he invests only time, it will certainly improve, not by using techniques like the Blue Dragon Vision Act, which he thought he was not talented.

"You've actually improved a lot over the past year.’

"Oh, it's hard."

The blanks, which stretched out on the floor in a groaning voice, rested in that condition.

If I used the potion that Powell made, I could recover much faster and start training again, but I didn't want to do that now.

After all, he planned to conduct another quest to Naraka tomorrow and practice hard.

It was a blanks where I thought it wouldn't be bad to spend the rest of my time so leisurely.

The Vulcan is spending a quiet time thinking about this and that.

But his peaceful time did not last long.

Honus, who came to his side before he knew it, had a look of displeasure.

He was staring at the blanks with a fierce look.

"Uh...... hello?"


a blister with an awkward face

But Honus did not answer him and still looked at him with an uncomfortable look.

It's as if he's holding back something he wants to say.

Vulcan, who checked his face, felt a sweat coming from his forehead.

It would have been better if he yelled and nagged as soon as he met him as usual, but he didn't say anything, which made me feel even more appalling.

Vulcan crept up to divert attention from Honus, who appeared angry at what he had done.

Then he used the last magic he had learned in Naraka, 'Call the Hell Hunt.'

in a blaze of anger


A three-headed hellhound, boasting a huge body as big as a small hill.

Unlike ordinary dogs, it looked very brave to see a high-temperature flame swaying along the wind instead of fur.

But his role now is not to tear the flesh of the enemy, but to attract Honus' attention.

Therefore, Vulcan ordered the hell-hunting dog to act cute like a cute puppy.

"Duri! Do something pretty!"


As soon as the Bulkan's order was issued, the size of the hell-hunting dog was reduced to about one meter.

Then, he danced and centered on the round fireball summoned by the Bulkan.

clap clap clap clap clap clap

Even the act of singing in three different voices was a rare sight that no circus could ever see.

"This is the magic I created while training in the closed house. Isn't it cute?


But Honus remains silent.

Only then did Vulcan, who grasped the atmosphere, recall the hell-hunting dogs that had been acting cute by collecting mana, and there was only a sense of silence between them, creating an awkward atmosphere.

One minute, five minutes.

When the Vulcan, who could not bear the frustration, decided to say anything, a heavy voice came out of Honus' mouth.

"You've become stronger."

"Wrong...... Thank you."

Vulcan who knew to be nagged about damaging Asgard.

But the embarrassment was young in his face when a totally unexpected compliment came from Honus.

What's more surprising happened next.

"Every time I go into a closed-door training session, I'm sure it'll work, so I don't have to ask you to be careful. But I'd like you to pay attention to the summer at least a half, or a tenth, of the time spent on training. Then I'll get going."

A short piece of advice that will only take about ten seconds.

Looking at Honus leaving his seat after only that much talk, Vulcan was so surprised that he could not even see him off properly.

"No, I can't believe Honus, who is famous for being talkative, just disappeared after saying this.….’

It was beyond my comprehension.

Therefore, despite the fact that the Vulcan was barely scolded, he had no choice but to feel more anxious and looked back on the summer after a long time to get rid of his discomfort.

But Honus did not save his breath for any particular intention.

Going to see the Vulcan in the first place wasn't to punish him.

'Cause it's the same thing that Powell won't listen to anyway....I'll only hurt my mouth when I tell you.'

Powell, the only being who gave up Honus.

But decades ago, the name Vulcan was added to it, so Honus had long given up hope that Vulcan would take good care of the summer.

He went to see the Vulcan because he heard the words of the supreme god through his brother, Hokulus.

'One day when there's a crisis in Asgard, the Vulcan will play a big role in stopping it...'….’

When Honus heard this, he asked his brother, "I can't sympathize with him at all."

Not only was it hard to understand that a crisis was coming to Asgard, the world of gods, but it was also hard to understand that Bulkan, a young man who had only been a god for a thousand years, was receiving the attention of the supreme god.

I don't think Powell would know.I thought...’

But... ...

I could see now.

Just as he went to check the growth of the Vulcan, his stunning blow with his eyes.

When he witnessed such a gruesome inspection of power that even he, who had lived for more than 20,000 years, could not be confident that he could handle.

Honus had no choice but to admit.

A hundred, two hundred, a thousand years from now...... the fact that he might be able to look beyond his achievements, beyond the horculus.

"As I face the Vulcan from the front......I could tell for sure. Afterward, how on earth can you be so strong without the help of your physical strength to train? Is it because it has the potential to do so? And... ...what the hell is the crisis facing Asgard...….’

Honus, whose head has been complicated by various ideas.

But he soon shook off his worries and went down to Act 2 to do his job.

I didn't think there would be a big crisis as long as there was the supreme god anyway.

Such a blistering incident was overcome without any problems.


[You have selected New mode.]


[Hunting 100 Common Quest Jin-ma]

[Difficulty Level A (by horse)]

[Experience value of compensation invitation, additional expansion of activity zone]

*Act as a bosmonster of the Temple of Fire and Lightning, the site of the hidden quest, and hunt 100 gin horses wandering around the temple and its vicinity. You can get a large amount of experience value every time you hunt, and you can get more experience value when you accomplish a quest.]

"Well, that's how it is.”

Vulcan nodded as if convinced, ending the quest window.

According to the system's explanation, every time we hunt the real horses, it seems to give us more experience than conquering the real world.

'Surely that kind of reward would make the new mode more salty than the devil mode. The level of the ancient god monsters, except for the Bosmon, is 1300 and a half seconds......and certainly the level-up pace was on the decline.'

However, it was not that I had no worries.

About 50 years ago, there was only one Qin Ma, who visited the temple of fire and lightning, and Gao Chin-ta.

Thinking about it, I was worried that I would have to spend quite a long time here in the future to meet the true horses.

Of course, since the area of activity is wider than before, the horses that roam outside the temple of fire and lightning can also be hunted.….

'The last time I went out looking for Gao Chin-ta......I think it was a very remote place.’

The blanks that made a serious face by throwing away the bright look before.

But he soon stopped worrying.

Even the Shinhwa-class skills that she purchased have not been properly honed.

If the real horses don't come, just like we've been doing, the Yumwanggangrim, the Yeomra sword, the Goddess of God, and the volcanic eruption.

And finally, we had to work on the new technology, the lightning sword, that we created by linking it all together.

'If I could finish'll be easy to deal with a rock-seager. Even if we don't complete it, we'll probably win if we finish this quest. And... day we'll be able to jump over Powell.’

Recalling the two beings that he thought were his goals, Rock Seager and Powell, Vulcan started stretching with a giggle.

When I felt at ease, I was nervous and impatient because I wanted to go into training right away.

He summoned the hell-hunting dog to check his mana before going into full-fledged training.

in a blaze of anger


Duri, a hell-hunting dog that formed the form of a monster that wielded a huge flame by the mana poured out of the left hand of the Vulcan.

Unlike what was seen in Asgard, the one summoned with a reduced size to fit the size of the boss room shook his tail and acted cute.


"Yes, pretty, pretty. I'll be with you more in the future.”

Bulkan smiles at Du-ri who welcomes him.

But his words were false.

Unlike the other four Shinhwa-class skills, the "Call the Hell Hunt" skill, which was purchased impulsively while the money was remaining, had nothing to do with the blanks except that it was a flame-collecting skill.

Vulcan is not a pure wizard, but a horseman who enjoys approaching his opponent with his own sword.

Therefore, it was not very efficient to distribute mana to hell-hunters who might fit in as a guardian of a sorcerer pouring out bombs from a distance.

Still, he wanted to give something meaning even if he was forced to, so he was using it to warm up before going into training.

Naturally, when he started training in earnest after that, he had no choice but to become a cold-hearted person, so whenever he was summoned, Du-ri, a hell-hunting dog, had to appeal his presence desperately.

Should I have bought the law instead of the hell hunting dog there?... I'm not familiar with the martial arts, but studying the essence of fire there might have paid off pretty well.’

The Bulkan, which was taking care of Du-ri's charm, thoughtlessly thinking like this.

Then his expression hardened momentarily.

Thud, thud, someone who gradually approaches where he or she is with the heavy footsteps.

Feeling it, Vulcan and Du-ri turned their heads at the same time, and immediately after that, the door of the boss room opened abruptly.

Like a giant statue made of bronze, a huge-bodied horse in glossy metal armor.

He looked alternately at the Vulcan and Du-ri, making a silly remark.

"What, you haven't seen Bosmon so far?”


"But why two bosses in the boss room?"

Naturally, while he was observing Vulcan and Du-ri, Vulcan was also observing the Qin horse.

The blanks that instantly displayed scanning ability to determine that the opponent's level was lower than yours.

He gave a fresh smile and spoke to the Qin horse.


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