Max Level Newbie

55. Stationary 2(3)

"What, what?"

Naturally, Anomalokurus could not understand the meaning of the Vulcan.

No, I didn't even want to understand.

If we could get out of this incomprehensible boss monster's grasp, it wouldn't matter if we didn't know that.

But I couldn't.

Anomalacurus could not even cope with the violent attack that stabbed him right after he spoke up, and he had to give up his life in the face of the brilliant title of Jinma and Mawang.


[A large amount of experience has been obtained.]

[The Number of Jin-ma Remaining to Achieve the Quest: 20]

"Phew. I was worried because it was the first time you two came at once."

Fortunately, they were the weakest horses I've ever seen.

Vulcan, who thought this in his mind, also put the items that were created after his body disappeared into the inventory.

Then by the power of the Boss Monster, I thought, looking at the temples of fire and lightning.

Twelve horses in the temple right now......I'm sorry to hear that. If I had twenty, I would have been able to complete the quest at once without having to go out of the doesn't matter. After we finish all the 12 of them, we'll look around the temple, and if it's still not enough, we'll come back to the boss room and train more, and then we'll look for them later.’

Vulcan looked at the real horses moving around the temple with a positive mind.

He killed his spirit to the fullest and then approached the Qin horse hunting closest to his position.

The twelve horses were hunting, all at a certain distance, as if they had their own zoning.

Tired of the constant hunting competition, they must have agreed on each other.

And it came as a great boon to the Vulcan.

When dealing with a group of rare horses, the chances of being beaten are high, but in the case of those who are separated one by one, they are more than 90 percent confident.

'And they'll never think that the boss monster would come out and collaborate with the regular monster, so they won't be able to defend themselves.’

But don't let your guard down.

Vulcan, who wanted to minimize the slightest risk, shifted his steps in his head, constantly imagining a fight with the real horses, and finally found one that was closest to him.

The one who has been showing composure to two spirits in the temple of fire and lightning.

But the level was 1315, far below the blanks.

Vulcan, with a shady smile like the assassin in the back alley, slanted toward him, killing the spirit.

Then the moment he turned his back on him, he ran out and fed him a dagger.


"Laughing out loud!"

Jinma Laura, whose waist was cut off by a powerful attack that was incomparable to the general monster, the Spirit.

He found the blanks in the darkening vision and made a dying voice.

"What the hell..." What the...... work......."

quasik, quasik, quasik


The blanks that took up the lightning sword of the brain cavity and punched the head of the Jinma Laura.

He checked his large-scale experience with a pleasant face and then went forward again, killing his spirit.

That's how you deal with one, two, three, ten...….

The Bulkan succeeded in killing 11th Jinma neatly.

But there remained the greatest difficulty for him.

The strongest-looking horse I've ever met in the temple of fire and lightning was sitting near the entrance.

After examining his movements with the power of Bosmonster, he is certain to be an absolute strongman, who seems to fall short of Gao Chin-ta but seems to be at least 1400 levels.

Of course, Vulcan was proud to be second to none, and he was confident enough even in a one-on-one fight.

However, Gao Chin-tara did not want to have a fair fight with him from the standpoint of the Vulcan, who had more than hundreds of battles with Jin Ma, who was stronger than him.

The current Vulcan aims to achieve the quest as soon as possible.

There was no reason to take a more difficult path, where there was an outdated risk.

Therefore, as he had done so far, he attacked him with a regular monster in the temple, while approaching the Jinma with as much spirit as possible.

Quack, boom!

Puff, puff, puff!

The blanks that attack the Jinma by approaching the five spirits, the maximum number he can control.

He made the spirits as loud and colorful as possible, creating an environment where he could hide his presence better, and sneaking toward him.

[Jinma Vicereut]


[Strongness: Evil]

[potential: best]

* King and queen of Virugal level.

* I'm in a good mood because of increased hunting.

'As expected, he was over 1400. Well, I don't think I'll lose if I face it head-on, but...... let's go easy!'

As soon as Vulcan thought he had taken enough distance to give him a valid blow, he immediately fired a long dagger and pushed it forward with explosive leg strength.

It's like a knight holding a huge Lance and participating in a horse-riding contest!

The act of doing was like that of an immortal assassin, but at least it was a magnificent sight, as if the shining hero in the myth seemed to defeat the devil, at least on the surface.

Of course, it was more shocking than the bolt from the blue sky for Jinma Vicerette.

Why would a monster that looks so much stronger than other monsters come out and attack himself?

With the sparks and lightning coming from that sword, health seemed powerful enough to never lag behind itself.

I've never heard of such a strong monster!’

In a moment, Viceret, who came up with 50,000 ideas, quickly collected his energy from the spirits and presented himself with the "Extreme Blood Prince" to the Vulcan.

However, it can't be helped that he is less powerful than the blanks, which used their full strength after waiting for the best time.

He was eventually forced to step back twenty steps with his right arm in tatters.

Besides, that wasn't the end.

Seven meteors falling in succession toward him, as if they would not give him a moment to catch his breath.

When he saw it, Vicereut, stunned, backed away in a hurry to the rear.

The idea of escaping the temple of fire and lightning at the same time as evasive.

But his opponent, Vulcan, was not a very easy man.


A fearsome monster that comes by using a thunderclap to his left and right, making uncontrollable movements.

Embarrassed by him, Viceret exploded all the potentials in his body, unleashing indiscriminate attacks at an angle of 180 degrees forward.

He attempted a wide range of attacks because he could not detect the monster's movements under his current physical condition.

However, it was not a concentrated attack, nor was it a bulkan that would be hit hard by widespread attacks.

He approached Viceret more quickly, with some damage covered, and with a neat, shaggy move he struck a sword at the scruff of his neck.

Vicerette intuitively felt that there was no way to stop it.

He rolled his head for the last time, thinking what he would hear would make him feel the dirtiest.

Then in a desperate voice just before he died, he spat out the words he had come up with at the bull's-eye.

"You cowardly, naughty bastard...….”


in a blaze of anger

A squirt.

[A large amount of experience has been obtained.]

[Level up!]


It hasn't been long since I left the boss room, but I quickly raised the level.

Normally, one should be happy with humming, but Vulcan didn't.

Because the word he heard from the devil, Viceret, stabbed him in the chest like an awl.

'Is it terrible...... am I?'

The Vicerreut's words were brooded in a firm posture like a stone that had been in one place for over 100 years.

He had been shocked beyond his imagination.

Because I've never heard of 'coward' or 'severe' before.

But in a way, it was natural.

Many of the people who had been subjected to the Vulcan were all dead before they uttered the words.

Therefore, of course, he had never thought that the actions he had done so far were cowardly or crude.

I just thought it was an action to clear the stage of the game more efficiently.

But when I took a deep look at Viceret's position, which he had suffered directly from, I could certainly realize that the actions he had been doing were quite dirty.

"......Farwell's been quite a spin.”

Of course, the propensity for fire and lightning did not include fairness.

Powell also called for arbitrary, violent, and non-resistance, because he never asked me to be righteous.

But even so...…,

"Strong Flame......I feel like a terrible lightning bolt is going astray...….’

Vulcan, who has really had time to reflect on his identity after a long time.

Thinking of Jinma Vicereut, who was killed by his own surprise, he slowly escaped from the temple with an uncomfortable heart.

Of course, his words did not make him feel uncomfortable enough to change his behavior, so the other eight horses also hunted in a similar way.

He summoned Du-ri, the hell-hunting dog, and made a fuss to attract the real horses, and then blew the heads of the men who were in the spotlight to Du-

Bulk with a huge amount of experience and continuous level-up with the sound of quest success.

He even read the message that the area of activity has become wider, and thought to himself.

'Sorry, Viceret. This doesn't fix easily. Still, Gao Chin-ta was dying...... without a chance of winning, the habit of running away seems to have been fixed to a certain extent, so it would be said to be less severe than before. Please understand.'

The Vicerreut, who has already apologized to the dead Vicerette.

For his growth, he once again decided to become a relentless and violent bulkan instead of being a crude and cowardly bulkan, and then opened the system window to confirm the next quest.


[General Quest Narraka's Dominator]

[Difficulty level A+class (by horse meter)]

[Experience of reward supernova, key to being a true God]

*Use a wide range of activity areas to hunt the horses and raise the level. Each time you hunt the Qin horses, you can get a large amount of experience, and the area of activity becomes wider. If Naraka is to be overwhelming, the quest is completed. You can get more experience when you achieve a quest.

*The more notorious Narraka is dealt with, the more likely it is to succeed in the quest.

A system of continuously giving quests in God mode, contrary to one's own conjecture that he thought would move on to Devil mode.

The blanks who checked the contents of the quest thought to themselves.

You're the one who's going to overwhelm Naraka.... the level of the ancient gods was not very high, so the level of the horses was somewhat stagnant. The tallest one...... Was it 1467? Was it a little higher than that? I'm not sure. By the way, this quest is a bit abstract...….’

Unlike the quest that has been granted in Naraka so far, this quest has no clear standard.

However, it was not a big concern because it had a clue to focus on the notorious real horses.

"Okay, this time I could really die many times, but......that's the only way to grow up to the Powell level."

With a curious look on his face, the lightning sword of the brain cavity was moved by a bulkan over his shoulder.

Vulcan to become the strongest bug monster in Naraka's history.

His move was simply relentless.

By the Vulcan's spell, which slowly stretched out near the temple of fire and lightning, the lives of the real horses who first encountered the Bug Monster fell in a flurry.

The next target, the stronger horses, were also not strong enough to handle the monster Vulcan.

Against the sudden rise of the Vulcan in a totally unexpected situation and place, the majority of the real horses had to fight in great embarrassment, and had no choice but to give up their necks without using proper power.

At last, the atmosphere became so chaotic that even among the true horses who did not share information with each other that rumors of the Vulcan were circulating, and the scene of parties and hunting by two or three took place in Naraka, but that was also useless.

The Vulcan, which was connected to Naraka in new mode, had monsters as its base, and its life was infinite.

The possibility of the true horses winning the fight against such an unreasonable being did not exist from the outset.

"Bitch! I killed that bastard! Why did you come out again!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What the hell is that? There was no such thing on the update bulletin board!"

Furthermore, unlike other monsters, the blanks are constantly strengthened through continuous training and level-up.

On the contrary, powerful horses were gradually disappearing to prevent the Vulcan from moving forward.

Most of the real horses he could deal with were killed by the persistent rush that disregarded Vulcan's death, or were fed up with the mess of Naraka and returned to his own world.

Naturally, even the weaker ones have no choice but to go back to their own horse world.

Really absurdly, the huge world of Naraka was driven to the point where it was about to go down because of a single bug monster called the Vulcan.

Now the real horses in Naraka are only a few who have been in their own horse-riding world for a long time because of their work, and who have not heard of the existence of the Vulcan and have come back up again.

Even after being caught in the Vulcan radar network, his life was quickly lost.

After 50 years, the Vulcan level is 1485!

It was a huge number that was almost 1500 years old, higher than any demon or horse ever seen.

Still, the quest showed no sign of completion, and Vulcan was spending his time practicing a lightning rod that was problematic for use in practice with a little nervousness.

When the Vulcan is spending countless hours to complete the quest that may take so long.

He found Naraka again.

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