Powell looked at the figure with a grimace.

The height, which seemed to go over ten meters lightly, was not so special.

I've been wandering the world, and I've been able to meet all the bigger demons than him.

But the faces of demons that are embedded in his whole body.

And watching the saliva coming out of it made me feel disgusted.

What the hell is that? Is it the new devil?'

Powell did not want to be disturbed by his research, so his lab was built on the horse he destroyed.

That's why I wondered if he was one of the naturally occurring demons.

But it didn't take much time before the energy felt by that monster realized something was familiar.

An unidentified hand that Vulcan brought to himself, having been studying for a long time.

Looking at you, Powell spoke to Rock Seager as if he had only realized it.

"Oh, I get it. You've come all this way to find your hand, haven't you? I think it's been played. Why would you...….”

"Krrrrrrrr....... Krrrrr."

But there was no way he could communicate with Rock Seager, who already had no reason left.

Powell said again, looking at him with a look of regret and anticipation.

"I'm afraid we can't communicate. I wanted to ask a lot of questions. How to absorb magic, how to accumulate and use its power, and whether there are any side effects of using magic....but the side effects look terrible. You look awfully stupid.”

"Kreuk? Kreu...….”

Rock Seager standing dumb with a look of no idea what he's talking about.

Looking at such a fellow, Powell sighed.

"Whoa. I can't do it either. Looking at your skeleton makes me want to study your hands no longer."

a limp Powell

In fact, based on the hands of Rock Seager, he was conducting a study on absorbing magi without side effects and changing its properties to more stable horsepower.

When I found out that the power I had felt in the samples of some kings I had gained from visiting another world was mixed in my hands, I remembered that there was a way for a non-devils to use it.

Therefore, Powell, who saw the great potential, has been researching for decades, and has recently been making small but successful progress.

But if the price for using magi is such an ugly skeleton, and a mental state with no reason left...….

'You'd better just search.’

Of course, there would not have been a complete scrapping of research because it was Powell, who had a strong desire to explore.

However, they just hold off until their positions are even higher.

In addition, it seemed that more complete research would be possible if the entire body of the boy could be secured, not just a palm.

Powell smiled freshly at the thought that he could produce more complete results in the future.

He spoke again, knowing that his opponent would not understand him.

"As I study your hand......I failed to change my temper with magic, but I still got a lot of help. There was some progress in the analysis process, so the level went up.”


"In gratitude, I'll show you the achievement.”

Does he have a rough idea of what the word means?

Upon hearing Powell's words, Rock Seager laughed out loud as soon as he finished.

"Cra la la la la la la la la la!"

It was different from the previous careful observation of Powell's appearance, and it was an unpleasant laugh as if he claimed, "The understanding of you is roughly finished, and it's a nonsense at your level."

A figure similar to provoking an opponent.

Of course, it wasn't Powell who would be swayed by that much stimulation.

He, who distanced himself from his lab, also laughed loudly as he faced Lock Seeger.


Of course, the impact of Powell's current appearance was far less than that of Rock Seager's buff.

But when the brilliant light was emitted from his body, and he gradually grew in size and grew to the size of a hill.

So the laughter of returning to the figure of a valiant dragon, covered with burning red scales, was distinctly different from before.

Rock Seager's face was filled with anger at the sound of a powerful force that could overwhelm and shrink his opponent.

Hundreds of thousands of faces, including the face of a giant forewar in the Mingchi, as well as the face on his shoulder, look bitterly displeased.

said Powell, who looked at it with a poor look.

"Dump, eyeball monster."


In reverse, a deformed fear rock-siger caught in Powell's provocation.

His new, strongly stamped, shot at Powell like a bullet, and a more radiant smile spread over Powell's face facing him.

Rock Seagar's fists that stretch out without hesitation.

And Powell's tail attack to crush it head-on.

It clashed in the air, creating a tremendous noise like a volcano erupting.


So the fight between the two absolute masters began.


The deformed fear, the physical ability of the Rock Seager was unsurpassed.

fuselage vision, motor nerves, and muscular strength lightly above the average level of the devil.

On top of that, it was no exaggeration to say that he was like the king of marijuana, which spewed out a great deal of power, and the dense and disgusting horse made me suspect that he was actually a devil.

Of course Powell himself knew best that he wasn't the devil.

It is because the scent similar to humans, which cannot be felt by demons like the collection of magi, was also flowing from his body.

I don't understand......I have no idea what the base was. Was he a madoist like me? Or is something wrong in the course of the devil's descent...... is it the result of a combination of great coincidences, whatever it is it? That's funny.'

A curious creature that cannot even be guessed.

Moreover, it seems that he has evolved since he met Vulcan, constantly absorbing demons.

His strength was so great that he couldn't stand a second of the blanks of his time.

Of course... ...

'But not for me!’

Powell's attitude beyond self-confidence, close to arrogance.

But he deserved this idea.

It was because Powell's fighting power was beyond imagination, to the extent that he even surpassed the physical ability he had previously given to Rock Seager.

In fact, the gap between the specifications, or what is called the stats by the player's standards, was meaningless between the two.

Powell could have been a little ahead, but even so, it's not enough to produce significant.

But now the special magic that Powell sprayed in the sky was making the situation one-sidedly favorable to him, and Rock Seager was only gradually losing ground while venting his anger.

Yama's eyes.

The highest peak of sensing magic that allows one to grasp every move of the opponent in the high sky and in the unnoticed secrecy.

That was producing overwhelming results on Powell's side despite their similar specifications.

Each and every action of the Rock Seager.

And the movement of fine muscles wriggling for it.

On top of that, Powell was able to produce the best results through Yamah's eyes, which captured even the smallest details of his gaze, breathing, and delivered all the information to Powell.

Rock Seager's attack neutralizes it to a near-foreseen avoidance, and Powell's surprise is that his attack picks only the most vulnerable points at that time.

It was not just a magic trick called "Yama's Eye," but a miracle produced by Powell's "battle experience" that could instinctively accept the information coming from it and act accordingly.



Puff, puff, puff!

This time again, Powell avoided the wave of maggots from Rock Seager's hand as if he knew it, and then attacked the flame-meter magic at a crack.

Rock Seager tightened the guard with his strong arm, but was forced to panic as fragments of the flame that split right after the crash were again bulging in size and pouring like meteor showers.


For the first time since the start of the battle, the Rock Seager is bouncing far away with a spark on its side!

He flew into the sky so far that it was a small spot in a flash that he stopped and came down to the ground again.

Hard and fast.

The face that stands out all over the body is so angry that it gnaws its teeth.

It was his feeling to put his hand in Powell's chest right away and take his heart, but it didn't seem easy.

No, it wasn't just that it wasn'

Rock Seager looked down at Powell with a fear of chilling his back.

a red giant smiling with a twinkling smile

His tail soared high into the sky, and at the same time a splendid magic burst out that made him blind.

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

A total of 28 fire columns!

They erupted like lava through the floor.

Among Powell's magic, which can handle tens of thousands of flame series skills, the most destructive technology!

It flew for all the range that Rock Seager could avoid, and he hurriedly crouched his arms and knees to guard the front.

Of course, defense will not cause any damage.

He wriggled around, spewing terrible screams like thousands of demons coming out at the same time.

Powell, who sneered at Rock Seager, who looked like a squid in a bonfire, moved to the back of him at the end of the magic.

Then as soon as the red-cooked fellow lifted his head, he pierced the head of Rock Seager with his tail.


Rock Seager with a shape as if its head had been blown up by a spear, or a hollow log.

He fell to the floor, drooping as if the thread had been broken.

And Powell looked at it with a look of disgust.

'Whoa. That's gross. I can't believe we can finish it only after using Yama's eyes to create a gap....and the durability of the Flame Festival to the end is terrifying. Thanks to you, mana consumption is huge.’

But Powell, who straightens his face.

It doesn't matter as long as the battle is over.

He was even slightly smiling at the thought of studying the samples of the extraordinarily rare creature.

But it was too early to think.


Rock Seager that crashed to the floor with a bang.

Because he thought he had lost his head to control his body and died, he made only a slight moan and caused his upper body to rise.


Powell with a rather surprised look.

He did his job regardless of whether he did it or not.

He stammered around his body with both hands, and then stopped moving face.

Woody Duck.


Rock Seagar, which has been removed from its body as if it were uprooting a plant.

He put such a plucked face on his neck, and after a while he regained his former appearance, he began to stare straight at Powell.

Even the burned faces all over the body were scattered and disappeared like paint, and new faces appeared on the spot.

Powell was surprised at the grotesque yet admirable phenomenon.


Then he opened his own subspace, took out the potion, and quickly took it and spoke to Rock Seager.

"Those faces...You must be hiding a lot in your body.”


Rock Seager, who ignored Powell's words and threw his whole body again.

Powell, who avoided his attack through high-speed flight magic, murmured low.

"I'll smash all that face into a mess.”

The second round has begun.

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