Max Level Newbie

57. Proof (3)


Hokulus, who had received the intense gaze of the Vulcan, remained silent for a while.

The gaze of staring at him, piercing as if observing the blanks.

Maybe it was because of his expressionless face, and when he looked a little angry, the other gods responded, "Yes, it is."

Because I thought Hokulus would say a word about that young god's presumptuous remarks.

But Hokulus' innermost thoughts were not.

No, it was the exact opposite.

The great state of the Vulcan heard through his brother Honus.

And judging by the terrifying pace of growth that seems to have no limits, it occurred to me that he, too, could achieve enough results by investing in areas other than his credit, like Powell.

"In a way, it can be said that the Lord himself recognized the potential of the would be natural to allow...’

Hokulus, who eventually decided to grant Vulcan's request.

But there was something else he was worried about.

He was worried about the other gods' resistance and dissatisfaction with his actions.

In fact, there was no one but himself and the very few gods, including Honus, who knew the true skills of Vulcan.

He had no choice but to do so because he had devoted himself to his training, with minimal reduction in his interaction with other gods and control of the lower world.

In a way, Hokulus sighed as he looked at the Vulcan, which could be said to have taken the same step as Powell.

'You don't have to look like Powell if you don't have any social skills.’

No, it was rather more than Powell.

Powell had a strong presence, while the Vulcan had no place to go, so there were quite a few gods whose names were vague.

How dare you come forward and say what you want to say on that subject.

'We'll come back later and talk about it.... 쯧.'

a hokulus with a slight scar on the bulkan inside

He took his eyes off the Vulcan and looked all over the other gods staring at him.

Rather than just allowing it here, I felt I should show them something that they could understand.

Hokulus turned his head again towards the Vulcan.

Then he spoke in a low and medium voice.

"Can you prove what you say?"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought it would be more efficient to invest in training on the sword and magic side than to control the summer and build up our strength. I'm sure there's a reason. Show me what you've achieved so far. Of course we should be left out of course.

Upon hearing the words, Vulcan replied cheerfully with a cool smile.

"Yes, I will."

A man full of spirit, not feeling any tension at all.

The gods couldn't hide their bitter feelings at the sight of him who never seemed to think he might fail to meet Hokulus' expectations.

A god who can use the expression "young" or "young" but not lacking.

It was because he thought God, who lacked experience for a long time, was being reckless under his own power.

There were often such people.

The young gods who think they are the best in Act 3 because they have beaten all the strong players of Act 1 and Act 2.

Of course, as time goes by, most people realize that it was a wrong idea, but it seems that he still has not escaped from his overconfidence.

Moreover, he is said to have defeated the demon king who invaded his world in the past, which makes him even more confident.

But that will also end today.

Self-esteem can be a big crack, but......I can't help it.’

'You must have had very little experience with the other gods. Maybe it's a good experience to get your place...….’

'Please don't be too frustrated.’

The gods, who, although they have so far shown signs of disapproving of the actions he has shown, had no ill feeling against the Lord himself, the Vulcan.

So they looked at the young God trying to "prove" the Vulcan with a look of concern not to be too shocked.

Vulcan didn't know exactly what they thought.

However, he was able to grasp the fact that they did not have much expectations for him.

I couldn't help not knowing.

From the moment I walked out and talked to Hokulus, I felt strongly that the bad eyes were pouring on me.

Of course, it was not malicious.

In a way, the eyes seem to be in the middle of reprimand and advice, which can be said to have originated from affection.

I could fully understand that. It wasn't much of a bad feeling either.

'......but I can't help but feel stuffy.’

It was like that since I first arrived at Act 3.

A world quite different from his own idea of wielding a sword, using magic and fighting monsters.

The older gods who restricted and bound themselves by emphasizing love and sacrifice for the people of the lower world.

As a result, he had been wandering around the world to avoid their surveillance and did everything he wanted to do, but even so, he had always been dissatisfied with them because he couldn't help but notice them at all the time.

He scanned the gods in front of his eyes, keeping his mouth shut tight in Korean and Japanese lines.

Most of the gods combined physical and physical levels and did not exceed 1500, and only a few gods were at the level of 1,600.

Those who are over 1700 can count them on their fingers, including the Hokulus.

It was safe to say that he was qualified to be at the top of the list if he had the skills of the current Vulcan.

Vulcan pulled out a lightning sword of his own brain cavity and posed.

Then he smiled fierce enough to feel provocative and boosted his mana.

I intended to show them clearly.

He's grown up so much that he can't put himself in their mold.


a spectacular stage set solely for him

And those who have risen to the level of God looking at the stage.

At its center, the Vulcan began to unfold its strength without regret.


Fu Hua Aak.

The energy of the brain and the yumwanggangnim that instantly covers the body of the Vulcan.

The gods, faced with the wonderfully intense energy, groaned unknowingly.

Because the magic limit they thought, the power to easily overcome it, was felt from the Vulcan.

The momentum of the blanks was shocking, to the point that some even thought no further proof processes were necessary.

But this wasn't the end.


As soon as the devil's slogan, which facilitates the operation of the specimen's mana, unfolded, the sparks and lightning emitted from the body of the Vulcan increased its momentum even more and more.

It was because the two forces, which were running wild like wild horses, had room for their mental power to control them, and had an environment where they could increase their output.


Now the light is so strong that the viewer is blinded.

The gods who saw it looked at him without saying a word.

Even the murmur that was heard a while ago had now completely disappeared.

The magic power of the Vulcan was great.

But Honus knew.

That what we have shown so far is not all about the Vulcan.

Decades ago, the mighty sword of power that blew away the entire mountain peak of Asgard Act 3!

Thinking about it, it was Honus who sweated his fist without knowing it.

Soon enough, the sword will be filled with a great deal of mana....if we get there, no one will doubt the power of the Vulcan...….’

Honus is concentrating with his eyes wide open, thinking of the powerful magic that will soon follow.

But what Vulcan thought was one more jump over Honus' expectations.

The energy of the brain, the yumwanggangrim, the protection of the devil.

They would not doubt their skills, even if they used a lightning rod and a volcanic eruption to show them the right force.

However, Vulcan never wanted to finish this performance.

The blanks that he thinks will be a turning point in his act3 life.

No longer wanted to be restrained or restrained by other gods, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to create a shocking scene that would never be forgotten.

So the additional number of attempts.

You'd never dare to use it in real life, but now that you have enough time and a stable environment to use the technology...….

The last number that is thought to be sure to succeed.

super-heated hell

Bulkan recited the sijeon in a voice so small that no one could hear it, and under his feet a flame like a fire of hell was summoned, giving him an additional buff.

In that state, the blanks that exert a strong concentration to extract the energy of the stingray sword!

A long-growing dagger from his sun-lit body, the vast energy flowing out of it, has caused the gods around him as much astonishment as they could not even breathe properly.

Of course the spirit shown by the Vulcan was not great enough to overwhelm everyone here.

However, considering that the power of his current skills has completely ruled out the use of "nova," he has no choice but to understand the reaction of other gods.

As if the technology had finally been completed, the Bulkan sword grew to about 20 meters and maintained its length.

The gods watching it no longer doubted the Vulcan's ability.

No, beyond that, he was clearly imprinted on his mind as a level-headed man who would be comparable to Powell.

From now on, they were not in a position to evaluate Vulcan's ability.

The state of being a perfect spectator, expecting how far he will show.

So all the gods are swallowing dry saliva and waiting for the last of the Vulcan to burst.

A voice piercing a period of tension, such as the calm just before the typhoon came, struck the ear of the Vulcan.

"Bulcan, that's enough. I'm sure others will understand.”


It was the Vulcan who was about to pour out the energy of the lightning sword toward the mountain far away, after just putting up the energy of the volcanic eruption.

So I tried to put a truly overwhelming, horrifying scene into the heads of other gods.

But I couldn't ignore the request of Hokulus, who had been the leader of Asgard for a long time.

He looked at the gods around him with his eyes wide open, and slowly mingled the energy one by one.

Reclaim the long-standing salve, lift up the energy of the super-heated hell that had gathered under his feet, release the energy of the brain, Yeomwanggangrim, and demons...….

After returning all of his skills, he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a long sigh.

He spoke to Hokulus.

"Are you accepted?"

His eyes were clearly on Hokulus, but somehow he seemed to be talking to the gods who had surrounded him.

Hokulus, who felt it, looked at the faces of the gods, just as Vulcan did before proving his strength.

Unlike the beginning, Asgard's gods nod their heads with a face that seems to have fully acknowledged the power of the Vulcan.

Hokulus, who identified them as such, also nodded and said,

"Do as you please. However, I hope you will come back to Asgard before 200 years.”


After smiling with a curious look, Powell murmured low, looking at the blanks that threw the sword into the sword's house.

"The bluffing."


[A year has passed.]

[From this time on, when moving to the Nurhark-level Mausoleum, you can proceed to the next quest.]

I wish you good luck.]

I can't believe the system even cheered me on. I feel uneasy for no reason. How hard in the world...….’

"What do you think?”

"Oh, no big deal."

"Yes. How long will it take to get here this time?”

"Well, I don't know. "Hokulus said to be back in 200 years, maybe 200 years?"

"You're a real nut, too. None of the Yongin people has ever had a break like you.”

"Haha, thank you for the compliment."

Vulcan and Powell have a bad talk.

So the two spent some time chatting for a while, and naturally the moment the conversation ran out, the blanks rose from their seats.

Then, without saying a word, he took the harness out of the inventory and opened the portal to the Nurhark-level horse system.


A black portal opened with a faint sound.

Before jumping in there, Vulcan spoke to Powell.

"Next time, I may be stronger than you. Don't be too disappointed."

"That confidence is good, isn't it? Get off quickly before you get hit."


a bull kan who burst into laughter with his voice

He finally exchanged glances with Powell and threw himself into the portal.

The feeling of passing through a dimension door that I am used to.

And King Atilhu's Ma Uranus in front of his eyes.

Looking at it, the Vulcan held strongly the silver key held in his right hand.

An unknown land which, I don't know the exact meaning, is said to give you a chance to be a true God.

A quest, also called the last test.

To challenge it, the Vulcan took a step toward Ma'wangseong.

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