Max Level Newbie

58. Tower of Babel (3)

Vulcan looked perplexed at the unexpected offer.

I never thought a monster in the hunting ground would teach him.

In a situation he had never thought about, Vulcan felt his mind confused, and reflexively distanced himself from Icarus.

This is because it was expected that the attack would cause serious damage in the event of a surprise attack in a situation where one's thoughts have not been sorted out.

In fact, he could not bear such anxiety factors when he was inferior.

But Icarus, the Heavenly King, showed no hostility toward Vulcan.

Rather, he smiled exaggeratedly and did not hesitate to show his kindness toward the Vulcan.

Seeing him acting as if he were not a monster guarding the Tower of Babel, but a resident he met in Asgard, I couldn't bear any more curiosity.

Vulcan opened his mouth with a doubtful look on his face.

"What the hell are you talking about? You want me to take it out.”

"That's what he said. Get me out of this goddamn tower."

The Vulcan shook his head.

"How can I. No, why do you want to get out of the tower before that? You're a floormaster.”

"Do you think I'm doing this because I want to? Of course I'm forcing it. And if it's you enough, no. Not enough. But there is a possibility."

"What possibility?"

The Vulcan, still very wary of Icarus.

Icarus also looked displeased at him, but soon sighed as if he understood and continued.

"Whoa, yes. I'm afraid I can't accept this offer from a place full of hate and malice. But I mean it. To try to teach you, to get you out of here in return. And there's a way to make it possible for you. Lastly, I promise never to do anything that would harm you. I'll be defenseless if you like, so you can kill me and go up to the 52nd floor."

Icarus, who recited the long words without breathing properly, paused for a moment and made a serious face.

Then he frowned and added in a strong tone toward the blanks that looked at him.

"However, it would be much better to accept my offer and get taught and go up. It'll be a lot more advantageous for us to conquer the tower."


Icarus the Heavenly King who closes his eyes, throwing away two swords he had in the distance, perhaps to prove that his words are not false.

Facing his defenseless appearance, Vulcan used his scanning ability without words.

Looking at Icarus, who was still judged to be telling the truth with a good feeling for himself, Vulcan put the sword in.

"......Please explain it to me so that I can understand it for now."

"Right. Let's have a seat first."

Icarus said to Vulcan with a cool smile.


"......yes, if you experience death in a tower after exhausting all your chances of resurrection, you will not lose your life, but be subordinate to the tower."

"Yes, the most powerful of them will be floormasters, and the less qualified will be on the first to tenth floors. Of course, it doesn't make much difference. 쯧."

"Why is there no difference? But floormasters seem to have their own reason."

Vulcan recalled floormasters from the 11th to 50th floors he had been fighting for.

Though they were manifesting a clear hostility toward themselves, they were speaking.

Even if I didn't take Icarus in front of me as an example, it seemed to me that Izzie was in a much better position than the lowest-class monsters wandering around the tower.

But Icarus didn't seem to think so at all.

"You're completely stained by the tower, and you're forced to hate the guys who climb it, is that rational? I think it's better to have the lowest-class beings who are driven only by instinct, losing everything."

"Hmm. They were forced to show hostility to me.”

"Of course. There are many demons, but some of them were originally very good. Now I'm completely crazy."

Icarus, who sighed, muttered to himself.

"... ...and I'll go crazy someday.”

When I saw Icarus, who looked gloomy for a while, I felt sorry for him.

But it didn't come out on the surface.

It was because he did not want to provoke his opponent for no reason, and he was aware that he could be in such a situation.

Of course, if you don't challenge the tower anymore after your last resurrection and go outside, this mishap won't happen...….

'The moment I give up the tower, I'll be stuck for a long time. Maybe forever.'

a blister with a serious look on one's face with a moment's thought

Icarus waited for him like that, and soon the Vulcan, who arranged his thoughts, spoke.

"So, in your view, I'm most likely to conquer the tower? And perhaps if you conquer the tower to the end, you will achieve your wish?"

"Yes. Whatever you want, you have the power to achieve. Well, it's a rumor that's been around a long time ago, but the ones who spread it were great, too, so it's not that I can't believe it."

A moment's loudness, his throat cleared, and he continued his speech.

"I've been sidetracked for a while, and you're the second most likely guy I've seen since I was subordinate to the tower. There have been about 10 people who have come all the way here, including you, and they've all been using a lot of resurrection opportunities. Of course, they were all great guys on all levels, wasn't enough anyway. To go further."

"... ...I've been wondering about it for a while, but it was the most likely one. I don't know who it is, but isn't that what you should have asked him for? Did he also fail to conquer the tower?"

"It worked. No, I'm not sure. Because I'm tied up here. But I think we probably succeeded."

"Then we could make a deal through him, right?

a blister that asks a question again

Then Icarus looked at him with a look of indifference.

But Vulcan could vaguely feel that in his eyes there was a sense of wonder that could not be hidden.

"He didn't need my help. From the beginning, I was so overwhelming that I couldn't even compete with him.”


"Well, I'm stronger than I was then, but I still don't feel like fighting him at all. Anyway, he smashed me up in a flash, and of course, no deal was made."

"......that's a pity."

"Yes, it's a pity. But it's okay.”

Icarus, who recovers his bright expression and smiles at the Vulcan.

To Vulcan, who looked at his handsome face and even teeth and thought it was like a scene from a toothpaste CF, he said emphatically.

"Because it's a job to raise you."

" But wouldn't it be too much to conquer the tower if I learned from you, who are only the first floormaster in the middle floor?”

a sharp flash of blanks

Icarus, however, did not change a single expression and took the words of Vulcan.

"Well, you could think so. But it's not a loss to be taught by me from your point of view, is it? Are you going to refuse to be taught by someone as big as me in exchange for nothing to hurt you?”


"In addition, after I was subordinate to the tower, I was enlightened and strengthened. Maybe... ...I think I'm stronger now than the guys on the 52nd or 53rd floor. So when you get past me, the 52nd and 53rd floors are free passes."


"Of course what I can teach you may be limited, but......I don't think it's going to hurt you anyway. And do you know? Some of the beings above me may want you to conquer the tower and bring yourself out. Then you can learn from there and go up. Are you going to refuse to say this?"

The blanks I heard so far made up my mind.

Surely the words of Icarus, the Heavenly King, were not a loss to himself at all.

I entered the 51st floor with the determination to get something by fighting with him, even if I were to die, and as a result, I had the opportunity to be guided by a person who reached 1,700 levels without any risk, so there was no reason to refuse.

"Okay, I'll do that."

"Good choice."

Icarus smiling to reveal his white teeth again.

He moved quickly to pick up the golden twin swords he had abandoned, and gave off a strong air.

The mysterious silver wind that surrounds his whole body with him, and the wings behind him that spread wide.

He opened his mouth as if he were a hawk, glaring at the Vulcan.

"Let's take a look at the right skills before we begin to give guidance. At a glance, it's very strong...... though it seems to have great potential. Because we need to check it out."

"......yes. Let's have a fight first.”

To relieve the tension, Tshaor put a sword in the air a couple of times, and from the body of the Vulcan, the wrath of the God of Destruction and the protection of the devil, two energies rose simultaneously.


Icarus, King of Heaven, looks slightly surprised by the passing energy of the Vulcan, which is released with the spirit of exploding the surrounding area.

But he soon erased that look and smiled.

"This is more fun than I thought. You don't have to yield, do you?



Vulcan jumped out of his seat even before Icarus's words were over and used his brain-riding.

After rising high, Icarus murmured inside, looking at him making uncontrollable moves like a thunderbolt tearing up the air at will.

'He's a hotshot.’

Thinking that he was also sad about being impatient, he followed the bull's-eye by making the silver wind that was twisting his body thicker.


"Why? Were you surprised that you stuck so easily?"

Instead of answering to Icarus' teasing words, Vulcan turned around again using his brain-dragon.

I'm going to try to get a shot at Icarus' gap.

To that end, the Vulcan created numerous flame spells in the air after a super-heated hell.

Then he poured out his eyes at Icarus, creating the most spectacular effect possible with a dosage that would disturb his eyes.

Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Qua Kung!

a deafening noise

Flame magic, enhanced by heat hell, and by the power of circling the body of the Vulcan, was crushed toward the whole body of Icarus.

In between, a glimpse of lightning also pressed him in harmony with the magic of the flame system, and the Vulcan quickly circled around Icarus and waited for a gap in his guard to be revealed.

But Icarus's response was done in a completely different way.

Shu Wu-uk.

The move is as fast as saying that everything he has acted as if he had been on the defensive so far is a lie.

At the moment, the flame magic that missed its goal hovered in the air, and the epilepsy magic passed by with a wide tear of the innocent air.

And Vulcan, the magician of the spells, had a look of surprise at Icarus, who appeared before him in a flash.



Icarus' twin swords, which looked as light as they were, instead of sharp.

But the power was beyond imagination.

It was so heavy that the entire forearm, not the hand that he took, and his wrists were sore after two or three rounds of competition.

Even the speed was greater than power, so that even the blanks dealing with the power of lightning could hardly catch up with his offensive.

Of course, the Vulcan wasn't up to Icarus to the point of being beaten.

Aiming at the gap that was revealed little by little at every attack, the Bulkan did his best to wield the lightning sword, and when the distance was only wide, he used an incomplete lightning rod to draw the surprised look of Icarus.

But the result is the defeat of the Vulcan.

On the surface, it was a waste of time for the blanks that lasted for three hours, but it was not very comforting because Icarus had a hunch that he did not use his final seconds.

Eventually, Vulcan, who had no strength left all over his body, was forced to stare blankly at Icarus' sword flying toward his heart.

But I didn't feel too bad.

He was aware of the difference in level anyway.

Although it was a bit disappointing, he thought that it was not a life-threatening fight, but a battle, and that the teachings would soon be continued by Icarus, so there was no need to worry about it.

But Icarus, contrary to Vulcan's idea, did not stop the sword, and neatly stabbed the Vulcan's heart.

a blistering look at Icarus with a startled look of astonishment

A question popped out of his mouth with blood.


The voice of desperation, as if it had been stabbed in the back by a friend who had completely believed in him.

From the perspective of Vulcan, it was inevitable.

A situation in which Icarus is fully aware of the sincerity of the scanning ability of the system.

And From a common-sense point of view, the Icarus I is unsafe and unscoped, but by behaving this way gain because he felt that there is no more large, his shock had.

But Icarus, the Heavenly King who did something shocking, looked like he had nothing to hide from.

He answered the question of Vulcan immediately.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Just because you've never died before.”

Icarus, who looked at the blanks with a slight look on his face, added as he stole under his nose with his finger.

"It's a death I've never experienced in my life, but it's possible to experience and come back to life in a tower, right? Then we should use it. The awakening of the moment of death and the training of the soul by it will probably be of great help to you. This won't happen again.”

Vulcan, who looked at the horse with a dejected look, squeezed out his strength before he died.

"I've been... ...died a chewed...….”

a wi-yee


The blanks that lose all their vitality and fall to the ground powerlessly.

Looking at him, Icarus, the Heavenly King, looked blank.


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