It was the Vulcan that faced any powerful enemy of the Tower of Babel but never showed any signs of shaking.

Although it did not reach the level of "no-confidence" that many people say, the numerous training sessions that have been carried out while reaching the current position have put the spirit of the Vulcan on the level of transcending the world.

Moreover, after following the advice of Icarus, the king of heaven and earth, the tea was being strengthened by the deeper consideration of its existence.

Nevertheless, it was difficult to calm down in the current situation.

No, it was beyond that level, screaming and barely holding back what it wanted to glow.

Realizing that it would do no good for his current situation, however, Vulcan calmed himself with his eyes closed, slowly taking a deep breath.

Then he spoke quietly to himself.

"Are you serious?"

a doubtful blank for now

I had no choice but to.

The aftermath was too great to accept that the system said, "You can't raise your physical level in the future."

Of course, it's a system that has never sent a false message or an alarm before, but I couldn't let it go without trying anything.

Let's catch any monster for now!

After thinking, Vulcan quickly went down the Tower of Babel.

Fortunately, once cleared floor was a structure that fought floormasters only if they wanted to, so the Vulcan was able to go further downstairs beyond the tricky 99-story Diablo.

The blanks arrived on the 51st floor without a break.

He breathed his mana into the silver beads embedded in the wall, and before he knew it, he could move into the space where Icarus the Heavenly King was.

Icarus's face facing such a bulkan was greeted with joy.

Icarus, who thought he would chat with me again because he used to come down to the 51st floor when he was stuck in training or had something to share his thoughts with.

Although he was not lonely at first, it was true that he missed the existence of conversation as he spent a long time alone in a tower.

He approached the Vulcan with a bright expression.

But towards Icarus, the blanks pulled out the lightning sword of the brain cavity.

Icarus asked with a puzzled look.

"What is it? What's wrong with you?"

"I have an urgent matter to attend to, so please die quickly."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Are you serious?"

Icarus, who tries to swear at Vulcan but checks his serious expression and asks back with a stiff face.

Then the blanks nodded toward him with a firmer face.

"Yes. I'll explain it to you later. It's urgent."

"......Such a bitter, finish quickly."



a hand-wringing paddies

The bulcan that blew Icarus' neck with a neat horizontal cut.

He waited nervously for the alarm to be heard from the system.

If the system has already turned off the alarm and message, it has been released again.

It was clear that there would be some notification whether or not he could get the experience value, and such a bull's guess became true.

But the notification was the exact opposite of what he wanted.

[You have reached the highest level.]

[I can't get any more experience.]

[I want you to raise your level of physical strength and become a better person.]

"Oh, shit..." Ah, ahhhhh!"


Qua Qua Qua Kung!

After all, he can't hold back his anger and goes on a magic hunt.

He grabbed his throbbing head under the strain and went down to the lowest level of the Tower of Babel.

He then indiscriminately displayed his skills against the monsters at the bottom.

The current level of the blanks is 1700 in total, combining physical and physical levels.

Furthermore, as a result of digging deeper into his power beyond that figure, he was showing greater ability.

For such a Vulcan, the monsters at the bottom, which are no more than floormasters, are just toys.

The Vulcan devastated the bottom floor by constantly exercising its super-high-level techniques such as super-heated hell, livestock law, lightning swords and ruins, and monsters swept away like autumn leaves.

Usually, one's ears have to tickle at the alarm that one's experience level has gone up.

However, the alarm sound in the Vulcan's ear contained a completely different content.

[You have reached the highest level.]

[I can't get any more experience.]


[I can't get any more experience.]

Only after sweeping away the monsters on the 10th floor, which are part of the lowest floor area, did the attack stop.

He flopped down, grabbing his wretched head by the use of rapid mana.

Then he stared blankly into the air for a while, muttering to himself in a feeble voice.

"I can't believe the highest level is set...I didn't know there was such a thing...….”

It was truly ridiculous.

It would have been less shocking if they had received such a statement through the system in advance, but the Vulcan has completely forgotten the system itself for the past 100 years.

The shock was bound to be greater than ever.

Of course, there was a way to become stronger even if you couldn't raise your physical level.

In the first place, I could think that there was room for strength even if I no longer level up, as I was a player who often experienced an imbalance between level and level-up.

But even so, it was clearly a huge penalty.

As long as you don't raise your level of physical strength, you can only continue to grow in half.

How can this be a simple problem?

In addition, to what extent is the difference between the actual level and the level, and if the gap widens further, even the moment of enlightenment would gradually disappear.

Because they are deprived of the opportunity to keep up with their limitations.

Even if he had a level 99 magic skill, it was natural that he could not push himself to the limit if he had only level 1 mana, so the current bullcahn was in a very serious situation.

Vulcan wandered around in anguish and anguish that followed with its tail, and went back to the 51st floor of the Tower of Babel and met Icarus.

Having heard of the situation from Vulcan, he also took the current situation seriously.

"Well... ..this is definitely a problem. By the way, when I first heard it, I thought the player's ability to use the system was incredibly comfortable, but that's not it either, right? Why are there so many unexpected penalties?"

"Whoa. I'm sure it's a problem to ignore this and keep climbing the tower?"

It was the Vulcan who asked him to say no, but Icarus accepted his words.

"Yes, I did. I told you to forget the system because I thought it could cure your bad habits, not because I didn't mean you didn't have to level up. Of course, physical growth to support enlightenment is also necessary......we can take a few more steps forward, but we can't do more. We'll have to find a way.”


The blanks sigh deeply with the spirit of bringing out all the anger inside.

But the heart was just as stuffy as it was before he sighed, and the Vulcan scratched his head nervously.

Then Icarus said to him,

"Yes, level... did you say level of nerve? Aren't you confident you'll post it? As the system says, if you raise your level, you can do what you call a transfer. I think that's going to lift that level again."

"Oh, no. I'm not good at that."

"Well, it's hard to take care of someone in your personality."

Icarus giggling and teasing the Vulcan.

It was his effort to change the sagging atmosphere a little, but the face of the Vulcan was never ready to unfold.

Looking at him in contemplation with his gaze down with a stony face, Icarus remained silent, and a long quiet time passed.

The Bulkan, which had been in anguish for days and days as if it had taken root like that.

A loud noise suddenly popped out of his mouth.

Icarus, who was looking for a way to solve the Vulcan's troubles at a slight distance, ran at a rapid pace and told Vulcan.

"What's the matter? Is there something serious?"

Of course, there was still a big problem in conquering the tower, but it was a blanks that had never been shouted like this.

Icarus with a rather surprised look on his face.

Then the blanks quickly spoke to him.

"I need to get back to where I used to be.”

"Where you were? The place called Asgard? Why?"

"There was something I had to go back less than 200 years after I entered the tower, but I forgot for a moment. If I hadn't thought about the level of God, I would have kept forgetting......after."

The bulkan, who sprang from his seat, said to Icarus.

"Anyways, I had to go back to Asgard because of my level of dexterity, so I'd better take this opportunity and come back. See you later."

"......that you want me to die again?"

"That's the only way out.”

Vulcan, who smiled face to face at Icarus, answered briefly, and Icarus closed his eyes as if he had no choice.

The Vulcan swung the sword at a rapid pace and cut Icarus' throat, and after a while it was able to return to the 51st floor of the Tower of Babel with an audible alarm.

[You have reached the highest level.]

[I can't get any more experience.]

"......I know, I know."

The blanks that get nervous against the insensitive voice of the system.

He quickly exited the Tower of Babel.

Then, the key was used to open the space where the Tower of Babel was located and then moved to the Nurhark-level Mawangseong Fortress.

Shu Wuowook.

The Vulcan returned to the secret place of Mawangseong, which has three doors again.

He thought of Hokulus, who would be so angry, before returning to Asgard using his harness, and put on a poo-chewing look.

The deadline he said was 200 years.

However, Vulcan spent more than 260 years in the tower.

'No, I don't know how much time it took to clear the 100th floor of the Tower of Babel....Whoa. It's going to break as soon as it gets there.'

Already, I felt as if I could hear the nagging of old gods, including Hokulus and Honus.

But as long as he made a clear mistake, he could not avoid it.

Moreover, the situation at present was much worse for me to worry about you, so I came to think that nagging was no big deal.

The bitter smile of the Vulcan used the harness.

'Yes......that's not what matters now. It's better to get beaten up first, let's hurry and get in trouble. But nothing big happened without me, right?’

Of course, although he was strong enough to be one of the top three actors in the past, there were many gods in Asgard.

It was the Vulcan who didn't think that one of his vacancies would have such a big impact, so he returned to Asgard without much concern for the gods.

But from the moment he stepped on the ground of Act3, the Vulcan could feel that something was greatly wrong.


Act 3 should be empty to take care of their own world.

But now, unlike usual, many gods were talking.

Embarrassed by him, Vulcan grabbed any god and tried to ask what was going on, but changed his mind and went to the places where Hokulus often stayed in order.

Because I thought it would be better to hear the details from Hokulus once anyway.

Fortunately, Hokulus remained where Vulcan thought he was.

As soon as he found the Vulcan, he shouted loudly, and the guilty man endured it silently.

"Bulcan! Where the hell have you been? You don't even care for your own world!"

"......I'm sorry. I was training somewhere else and I forgot the time."

"No, how much you've been so absorbed in training that you haven't visited Asgard in 360 years! Genga knows what's been going on!"

Vulcan, who heard what Hokulus said, looked surprised.

I thought the time I spent on the 100th floor of the Tower of Babel might be quite long, but 100 years have passed in the meantime.

Having nothing to say, Vulcan apologized once again to Hoculus, but his anger was hardly relieved.

Hokulus, who opened his mouth with the intention of yelling at Vulcan again.

However, Vulcan, who wanted to know the situation even if he was scolded when he was scolded, asked questions about the current situation before he spoke, and Hoculus gritted his teeth and answered them.

"Since 10 years ago...... a monster I've never seen in my life has destroyed more than ten lower latitudes."

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