Max Level Newbie

60. Whispering (2)


momentarily blanked out

For a moment, he slapped himself in the face, under the illusion that he was dreaming of his days on Earth.

But the surrounding landscape remained the same, and the cheeks were tingling.

He murmured foolishly to himself.

"......what is it?"

He looked at the translucent "friend acceptance" system window in front of his eyes and said he didn'

There was a succession of alarm bells in his ears.

[A friend request has been received from an unfamiliar partner.]

[Will you accept?] Yes / No]


A friend request that keeps flying as if urging.

At this point, I couldn't even dismiss it as a dream.

He began to give deep consideration to the current situation with a frown on his forehead.

'......I've never heard of a list of friends.’

This was for sure.

Although his ability is said to have completely eliminated the system in the game, he has never been told that he has a "friend" related ability.

Jake, Anderson, Uro and others probably don't know anything about this, as he had never heard anything about Act 1 when he was in full swing with the players.

' I know more about the system, it's hard to say they know what I don't know.’

A blank blank that looks like a mathematician facing a difficult problem and looks at the system window in front of him.

As if to fill in such blanks, there was a continuous audible alarm in his ear.

" doesn't mean something's wrong.

The Vulcan, who spoke to himself unconsciously, slowly took his hand toward the "Yes" button.

I was a little worried that something like a strange virus might eat up my mind, but rather than that, I was much more curious about who sent me a friend request.

More than anything else, the present situation is as hard as death because of frustration and nervousness.

There was a little thought that anyone could talk to.

'Is the system trying to find out about my unstable condition and comfort me?’

The moment I clicked the button with this ridiculous thought.

A message began to appear in the "Dialogue with a Friend" in front of his eyes.

Hey,'s a bee's ass.]

Do you wear your head as a decoration?]

How did this bastard get to the top of the ladder?...I don't understand.]

[Strange Lee: Hey, hey! Talk to me! Are you dumb? Are you dumb?]


a feast of back-to-back curses

The spirit of the Vulcan, who saw it, momentarily went out of order like a broken fuse machine.

However, the "unfamiliar Lee" in the chat window was sending a message at a tremendous speed without considering the blanks.

As if what I said earlier was a joke, a stranger who started the engine in earnest.

How creative and colorful the swearing he sent was, rather than in a bad mood, it was so admirable.

Vulcan so absent-mindedly focused on the message of a stranger.

A sentence came into his eyes.

[Strange: He's trying to help, but he's still talking. Hermie... 쒸...... Pearl.]

A stranger who talks as if he knew his situation.

Vulcan hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Hey, you're helping? How? No, do you know my situation now? And who are you? What the hell did you do with your friend's?"

[Strange Li: Look at this bastard. See how he's reacting to the word "help" all the time. I'm afraid someone's a badass.]

"I can't believe it's terrible. When did I...….”

The offended Vulcan refuted the stranger's words, but the mysterious opponent did not care and only said what he had to say.

The brazen response forced Vulcan to feel ridiculous beyond absurdity, but he was forced to focus on the content as his message penetrated his situation exactly.

[Strange Lee: Never mind. Let's not drag it out. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but don't mind that. I'm the only one who can do this. And since it's so hard, I'm only going to get to the point.]

[Strange: Cut it short, you're limited in level, aren't you? I can't raise my level because I'm not sociable. Thinking about Ao makes me angry. What a jerk! He's got a new deck on his lower body.

[Strange Lee: Ah, Mr. Shue. It's annoying to talk about it.]


He was more hurt by the fact that he was not sociable than when he was given a double bath.

Whether or not, stranger's messages continued to come up.

[Strange: Anyway, there's only one way to solve your situation right now, so do what I tell you to do?]

A long time ago, you were a former. Was it Jong-byun or Jeon-jeon? Anyway, do you remember the message that came up when you did that?]

[Strange: If you give up, you'll lose all your strength and go back to level one.]


When I read a message from a stranger, I remembered the old memories.

Unknowingly, he uttered exclamations of admiration and was lost in thought.

A former abandonment that I thought I would never do before I thought of committing suicide.

The stranger was commenting on it.

No, I was asking for a "resignation of transfer" beyond comment.

[Strange] Do you remember? If you remember, press it quickly.]

[Strange Lee: And start anew. Then solve your problem. Okay? I'm going.]

"Come on, wait! Wait! Why are you giving up on a job? You'll have to explain it in more detail!"

a blister for a stranger in a hurry

I had no choice but to.

I had a rough idea of who he was.

It's because there were only two people who knew so well about the system that they couldn't even get over even the Hokulus.

The best, or one of those drinks.

But knowing that didn't mean he could even grasp his intentions.

He desperately grabbed the stranger to hear a little more detailed explanation, and sent a series of messages in which the stranger was annoyed.

[Strange Li: What the......what's the matter with the Wizard?]

[Strange Lee: Whoo...]...a good me to bear it. Hey, let me explain it to you. Take a good look.]

[Strange: Even if you go back to level 1 and become a completely new human being, you're so skilled that you can level up quickly anyway. Well, if you're a skilled worker, that's going to fly away, but you've completely "understood" your powers through real enlightenment, right? It'll be maintained.]

[Strange Lee: Then what? Hey, of course you can raise your level quickly, right? Now I know where to hunt, what's the problem? Zola, hurry up and get up! Oh! Next! What is it... ...Yes, former!]

[Strange Lee: Put it on the superman. And go up to the barbell tower again while level up. It doesn't have a physical level, instead of a physical level.]

[Strange] What the hell...]...for someone who doesn't even know how to take care of summer, who's stuck to God. You're going to pick a superman.]

The blanks were momentarily offended by the subsequent defamation of character, but they did not show it.

No, I couldn't show it.

He wasn't so distracted that he cared about it.

Body level limits that kept him distressed, and made him tired.

I've found a way to solve it, but is it a matter of contempt of character?

Vulcan spoke to the stranger in an urgent voice.

"Gee, is it real? If I choose a superman instead of a half body, can I grow to the end without any level restrictions?”

[Strange Lee: Yeah, dude. Now you're speaking formally, asshole. What's that, the superman? It's because there's only physical level instead of being weak. You can't even handle your powers, can you? The extra-statted superhuman would have an advantage.]

[Strange Lee: Anyway, I've said all I have to say, so I'm really leaving now. Kill the Rock Sigun or whatever, break Act 3, and climb the Tower of Babel. Okay?]

[Strange: I'll adjust the barbell tower time scale, so don't worry if it takes too long to level up.]

[Strange Lee: Then I'm really going. Bbyong.]

A stranger trying to get out of the chat room with a cute, unbecoming ending.

Then Vulcan asked him the last question.

"Wait, wait! I have a question."

What is it?]

"Are you...... the best? Or a drink? Who are you?"

The stranger, who had heard this, took a pause, unlike ever before.

Vulcan waited for his message, unable to swallow his saliva properly.

That's a few seconds, but a lot longer than that.

He sent the last message.

[Strange Lee: I'll let you know when Act 3 is broken. I'm tired. I'm going. Bbyong.]

["Strange Lee" is out of the chat room.]

A stranger who disappeared with an alert message.

Vulcan looked at the messages he had sent with a blank look, and sat down with his legs loosened.

I felt that my heart was consumed more than I faced floormasters who had been fighting for their lives.

He rested for a long time wiping the sweat on his forehead without even realizing it, and clicked on the "Private System Window" as "unfamiliar Lee" said to look at his condition.

His condition, which changed from human to half-body and half-body to God, caught my eye at a glance, and a "Give up transfer" button was placed in a small corner.


a gulping, gulping, and swallowing a saliva

Of course, it wasn't suspicious.

It is certain that he has helped himself by controlling the system a little bit by bit by bit.

Besides, it was safe to say that there was no penalty because there was no other way than this method.

'And...... it may take a while, of course, to level up, but it's still much better than shoveling because of the level limits. Plus, you said you'd adjust the time scale of the Tower of Babel....after. Of course it's dangerous to believe everything at will, but...….’

The blanks with their eyes closed and their brows frowned.

But the results were already fixed.

From the moment he pondered whether to do it or not, from the moment he was driven into a situation where there were no other options, he knew he would press the "give up his transfer" button.

Vulcan opened his eyes with a wink.

His slightly bloodshot eyes were showing his mental burden, but no further hesitation was revealed.

He took his finger with a firm gesture and tried to press the "Give up transfer" button.

Then he stood up and spoke to himself in a dumb tone as if he had finally realized it.

"......that could have been a disaster. If you give up your job here, you can't get out of the lower levels."

The blanks that blamed themselves with a bang on the head.

He left the Tower of Babel after cutting down the monsters at the bottom, which showed a stark difference from the 110-story floormaster.

Then, using the key, and even the harnesses, the bulkans that returned to their summer rule.

He finally took his finger and pressed the button of "Giving up on his transfer" without hesitation.

Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

With a huge vibration sound, the huge force surrounding him felt the all being released.

It was as if a stout young man in his twenties was gradually losing his strength and going back to being a boy and a baby.

It's the first unique experience he's ever faced since he's only been able to gain a new level of strength.

After such a short time.

Vulcan looked down at his completely changed self, and muttered to himself, checking out the system message that had appeared before his eyes.

A ring.

[Gave up his transfer and return to level one.]

[You have been disqualified as a 'God at the Helkium level'.]

[Are you ready to embark on a new journey?

"......will it be enough to start with Act 1?"

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