Max Level Newbie

63. Supreme Deity (2)


Vulcan asked back as if he had misheard, and Gruwin frowned and repeated what he had said once again.

"Have you got an X in your ear? I want you to be the God of God for me!

", why, no, wait."

Broken words that flow out of a situation where one has not yet recovered one's mind.

Vulcan said to Gruwin with a look of dumbfoundedness after gulping down.

"Whoa, now you're telling me to be your successor, aren't you?


"Why would I do that? No, how can I be the best before that? I can't do that!"

"You can do it. If you are more trained to conquer the Tower of Babel, you can qualify as a true god, and it is enough to be the supreme god. Even though it's a humble talent compared to this great and great body, you're still worth it. I'll teach you hard from now on, so follow me."

"Ha, this is so.”

Vulcan turned around, scratching his head and grumbling.

Though he thought himself quite a helpless man, that gentleman was more ridiculous.

No, is it the children's prank that the God of the Peace of the World?

I couldn't understand why he wanted to do such a heavy job.

Vulcan turned again and looked at the supreme god.

"No, why do you want me to do such an important job?"

"It's important, but it's not difficult. It's over if you just qualify as a true God and give me the highest handover. You don't have to do anything, you just have to exist."

"Why do you want to leave what you're already doing to me? From what I hear, I don't think I'm too busy with my work. You were giggling to yourself earlier, watching something weird!"

"What a strange thing! Two-Eyes is the most famous girl group in the Meridium dimension."


Vulcan shouted, forgetting that the opponent in front of him was the supreme god.

Gruwin looked at him with disapproving eyes.

But he did not persecute or intimidate the bullcans.

Instead, he popped out a short word.



"Yes. I'd like to leave for Act 4. And for that, I need a successor to replace my role, the one who will keep this world. That's all."


"I don't care about anything else, you're only talking about Act 4."

"Do Act4 exist? Wasn't Act 3 over?”

"Hmm. Actually, Act4 is a rough-and-ready word I've written. Act 1, 2, 3 is the division within Asgard that I created in the first place, and Act 4 is not the world I created, so it's wrong to call it this way....because I thought this word would suit me best."

Gruwyn staring somewhere far away.

He took a pause and continued his speech.

"It's where I want to be, shouldn't it be like Act 4?”


Vulcan spared his words.

Then he looked at the supreme deity.

The information he knows is not as good as Hoculus or Powell.

Rather than asking questions with such short knowledge, I thought it would be better to listen to Gruwin's explanation quietly, and he continued to explain whether he also understood the intentions of the Vulcan.

"Where was I? Okay, let's start with what we talked about earlier. You were curious about the drink, weren't you?”


"Yes. The one who the demons call a drink, that is, the one who made the Naraka you visited, is the one-to-one supreme."


"At the same time, he's the Creator. The creation of the system, which is the unique ability of players, and the creation of the Babel Tower, which entitles them to become true gods. I took over the position of the supreme god after conquering the Babel Tower he had built by him. I'll call you a second generation. I think it's been 30,000 or 40,000 years since then."

The supreme Gruwyn's explanation continued.

Gruwin, who was unable to find an opponent not only at his level but also at other levels, was forced to head to the Tower of Babel, which was created by the Creator, where he fought numerous floormasters and eventually succeeded in conquering the tower.

So the Creator faced him.

Having boasted such an amazing presence that even the great Gruwin couldn't dare to attack, he reportedly left to create another world after handing over all of his power to Gruwin.

"After he left, it was my world for a while. Although I've always been tired of managing the world, it wasn't too much of a burden, and it was fun to explore the laws of the world that I didn't know. I was very touched to see things that I had inadvertently passed through are maintained by far more complex principles, and interlocked with others."

"Then why don't you keep having so much fun?...I'm sorry."

Gruwin overpowered the blanks with a single look.

Slowly he returned to the sofa where he lay and leaned back and spoke low.

"Because it's no fun now."


"After about 10,000 to 20,000 years, the fun stuff was getting boring. I wasn't the kind of guy who was supposed to be like this. It was more of a taste to keep, manage, and explore than to crush and consume. I don't know what you're like, but......I was anyway. Besides, I didn't have the confidence to take a deeper look at the world in my ability. The more you sell it, the more interesting it is to find out, but it's not going to be fun because the progress has been blocked."

"In spite of being in the highest position?"

"Yes, especially for Naraka, the system, and the Tower of Babel. Since you're a player, you could experience all three. What do you think? Can you figure out how they work?”

"......not at all. I don't know how to keep Asgard's monster going."

"Not much of a thing. I was just trying to study Naraka and copy it as much as I could. I'm sure you felt that, too. That Asgard is much more crude than Naraka."


It was definitely a blister that I thought of.

At that time, I had no consideration for the idea of rapid growth, but that was the difference created by Gruwin's imitation of what the Creator created.

The more I knew, the more awe I felt about the Creator.

"But Naraka is a gentleman. System, I still don't know how this is granted to people. I was able to get involved in the system and adjust the quests to a certain extent, but I didn't know much more than that. The same goes for the Tower of Babel. No matter how much I thought about it, I didn't even know half of it."

"I see."

Now the Vulcan no longer vomited on Gruwin's words.

Gruwyn's words were a valuable story that could not be heard anywhere else, and were very interesting.

Rather than keep asking questions with his clumsy knowledge, he thought it would be better to just listen to the end and ask questions.

Gruwyn looked at him and continued the conversation.

"Anyway, I'm so stuck, and I'm tired of continuing to do things that aren't even my taste. Was that all we talked about? Anyway, I did. So I wanted to leave the world right away. When the Creator gave me this world, I told him this. There is no activities are a great crowd and much greater than I deserved to be a great are you going to create a world, if you have any memory in the future. Of course, you can't leave the world and its members behind, after you have at least set up a successor qualified as the "true god" to manage the world.”


"Yes. I thought of you as the heir, and so far I have followed you well. Well, I don't really like it, but......but you showed up sooner than I thought. I thought I'd have to make Asgard and have about 100,000 years to get a potential."

"......wasn't it just to protect the human race from the devil?"

"Well, like I said, I don't like demons to be installed. That's why. But the more important reason is to look for the right successor."

"It's easy to find."

"Yes, I thought it would be much faster to find them there after gathering all the guys who wanted to be stronger than to go through the dimensions. Like I said before, I don't want to be a scumbag devil. Well, you wouldn't have thought about coming because you had Naraka anyway."

Gruwyn frowned and grumbled as if he didn't like it.

"Then maybe the Creator preferred the devil. They didn't make Naraka for you. No? Did you care about it because it only applies to humans?"

Gruwyn with a confused expression.

Then I spoke to him as if the blanks were protesting.

"But do I have to do it?"


"Isn't there a lot of other people besides me who can use it? It's like the Hoculus.….”

Vulcan picked up the horse as soon as possible.

I didn't think it would be a loss to be his successor.

However, Gruwyn, who became the highest god before himself, keeps saying that he's tired and is only thinking about forcing himself to pass it on to him.

He sold the name of the hokulus once to see the liver, and examined Gruwin's reaction.

But Gruwyn looked determined as if he had already made up his mind.

"Hey, you brat, where did you hear what I said? You're the one who decided after I finished looking at Asgard. I was thinking of Horculus and Powell, but you're much faster than them. I've already outstripped them. I mean, it's a bit of a headache, and it's more than me, and he's a talent, but......I'll tell you it's a close call. I saw that you're the type who's good at the real game. I'll roll hard in the future and make it a skill to conquer the Tower of Babel."

The Vulcan was a little upset at the moment.

Until now, he pretended to be humble and only smiled at others for being "talented," but he was actually proud of his magical talent.

At that time, a person who looked down on him openly appeared, and there was a crack in it.

Of course, Vulcan's patience, which has endured thousands of years of training, has already reached beyond the inevitable, but as the level has risen, he has also built up high self-esteem.

A slightly choked bulkan grumbled to Gruwin.

"What would you do if I said I didn't want to be your successor?”

"Hmm? What's wrong with the fact that this supreme god is giving you direct guidance and putting you on the top of the world?”

"Just seeing you feel so stuffy, I'm worried, too. And I'm confident that I can climb the tower myself without the help of the Gods."

"Huh, is that so? You haven't met the guys at the top of the barbell."

"That's my job."

the blanks that continue to emerge in an uncooperative manner

Gruwin, who had been staring at him for a while, sighed and exhaled, and said as if he had given up.

"Okay. Don't be the best."


The Vulcan had a puzzled look on his face.

Although the gutter and the gutter were not enough, I didn't know that the supreme god would give up so soon.

Looking at the supreme deity with such a rather perplexed look, Gruwyn looked again at the Vulcan, with a look of determination.

Then he said with a lot of strength, every word of it'em.

"I'm not usually patient. I don't know if I had thought and waited for 100,000 years in the first place, but now that I thought I had chosen my successor completely, I can't wait for it again."


"I'll just go to Act 4."

"......what? Then, what happens to this world? Didn't you say earlier that the world wouldn't be maintained without the supreme god?"

"Well, I did everything I could. But if it doesn't work, there's nothing we can do. The world is doomed. Am I doomed?"


The Vulcan, who heard Gruwin's utterly unbelieving irresponsible words, looked dumbfounded.

Whether or not, his words went on and on.

"And just in case. Maybe the world that feels a sense of crisis wants to rely on you, the next most powerful being after me. Well, if you're at your level now, you'll have to be stuck with nothing to handle that power..... If you don't mind, just don't be the heir. Because I don't care."

Gruwin smiles after saying this.

Looking at his expression like that, Vulcan found that there was no further way out.

A blister that flutters the shoulders in a flash with a melancholy expression.

Perhaps he felt sorry for him, but Gruwin added words of consolation to him.

"Yum, what are you so depressed about? Did I make you do something I can't do? Dude, being the best is funnier than I thought. I told you before, it's not my taste, but I've been lost in time for about 20 to 20 years. If you're a researcher, you're probably going crazy about being funny after 100,000 years. Well, I don't think you're a researcher type, but...….”

"Yes, no...….”

"......If you don't want to decide, you should be the supreme god, then find a successor, and follow me. I'll let you know how to get to Act 4 that the Creator made before you leave after the handover. How could a 2,000-level bastard be so depressed? Take it easy, man!"

"......that's how it works?"

The Vulcan, which he had never thought of finding a successor to himself, was a blister.

When he heard Gruwin's words, he felt his head clear, stretched out his drooping shoulders, and said energetically.

"I'll do my best, my lord!"

When he saw him, the best man Gruwin said, kicking his tongue.

"The bald-headed bastard."

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