Max Level Newbie

19. A warrior from the Real World

Fielder was lost in thought without a wordless.

said Bulkan, looking at Fielder, who was not too surprised to hear what he said.

"You're not surprised."


"I was a little curious. When I first told him I was leaving Asgard, I wondered why he sent me so neatly. I thought I'd catch more, but you gave up too cleanly.”

eyes with a hint of doubt

The blanks continued.

"Did you know this would happen?"

"No. I really didn't know. I hope you don't misunderstand."

Fielder, who smiled unusually, made an excuse.

"We just thought like this. After hundreds of years in the summer, at the most, hundreds of years, you will experience all the pleasures you can enjoy. My acquaintances also pass away one by one, so I feel like I'm left alone in the world."


"I was sure I'd be back here by then, so I just wanted to wait comfortably. I knew that if I wished to return home, I would pass on the magic of dimension shift."

Vulcan believed Fielder.

His words were not logical, but because he believed in the Fielder himself, so he could be passed without much doubt.

a momentary silence of the Vulcan

Fielder continued the conversation instead.

"I've heard that the Earth, ···,·, is so well-developed that it's almost annihilating in the event of a war, but I don't think that's why. In Mr. Vulcan's words, is it Ma Wang-gun?"

"That's right. Maybe it's not just Earth."

"That's true, too, ······. They target a world that is not protected by God. Or maybe God was hit and I couldn't use my power. Earth without believers, half-believers, or even warriors, would have been a good target for them."

Frowning Fielder said to Vulcan.

"I need a little more detail. May I ask you a favor?"


With a sigh, the bulky began to explain the whole story.


Feels like the body is gone, and only thinking is floating in an infinite space.

The Vulcan drifted through the cracks of the dimension, like a wreck of a vast sea.

Then at one point, I felt like I was being sucked into a certain place, and the Vulcan realized that it was finally arriving on Earth, and couldn't hide its excitement.

It was only two years after Earth's time, but he was in a position to return home after more than a decade of hard work.

Naturally, I could not help but feel different.

After such an exciting time, the Vulcan was finally able to set foot on the earth, especially the land of the Republic of Korea.


The blanks that landed on the ground frowned.

Because the scenery was completely different from what he had imagined.

It was a bulcan who thought of the bustling landscape of the city, or the dense trees in the mountains.

Vulcan, who was trying to leave his seat quickly, looked around with a blank look on his face, wondering if it would look strange if he caught people's eyes.

half-walled buildings

The ugly appearance of melted and broken rebars.

Broken roads, remnants of rolling cars and shattered windows.

"What is it?"

The Vulcan couldn't come to its senses.

"Is there a war with North Korea, by any chance?”

The scenery of Korea that I had never thought about.

The only thing I could think of was the panic-stricken Vulcan was the North's surprise attack.

No wonder the extent of the damage was too extreme for natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes.

The land is so ruined that no end can be seen from the perspective of human beings.

It was a tragic sight that only war could produce.

'I need to find out what's going on.’

Vulcan decided to leave this spot and run recklessly.

There is no modern weapon that can threaten you anyway.

If you run in any direction, you'll find a city with people and a decent city.

When the thought of the Vulcan tries to invoke the energy of the brain.

Vulcan felt some approach near him.

"What is it? Were there still people here?”


Vulcan, who was trying to look happy, thinking it was a human being.

But it wasn't human that appeared before him.

Red skin. A figure with two horns on its head.

A robust-bodied monster with a pointed arrowhead-shaped tail.

When he saw a creature with the appearance of a typical demon in the Western world, Vulcan was speechless.

[Bellake, Ten Man of the Ma Wang]


Isn't this the Earth?’

Belake spoke to the panic-stricken Bulkan.

"Hey, tell me. What made you come all the way here? Are you here to kill yourself?"



Small demons laughing and sneezing at the end of the ten-man bellake's words.

The Vulcan looked at them with a blank look on his face.

[Ma Wang Stealing a Private]


[Mawangun's Private Kir]



[Mawangun's Private Hudura]


Levels that are slightly superior to normal orcs as a whole.

But that wasn't the point.

The home, earth, where he arrived after a hard time.

The problem was the fact that the beings that could not be seen there were roaming the streets.

'I'm sure this is Earth.’

The letters written on the broken and rolling signboards are Hangeul.

There is no possibility that this place is on a different dimension than the Earth.

So, how are those monsters that might be on the Rubel continent?

And what happened to the people who lived here?

Are your family, your friends alive?

What the hell happened to me for two years without me?

"Hey, man. Can't you hear me? Are you deaf?"

Toward the imaginary Vulcan, Bellake said, stiffening his expression.

Being offended when one's words were ignored.

It is possible to communicate with any intelligent person due to the nature of the demon species, but they do not answer.

Bellake lifted a huge black trident and aimed it at the chest of the Vulcan.

"Human. Answer me. This is your last chance. What brings you here?"

"Laughing, you're going to kill the duodenum anyway!"

"Let's die fast! Blood! I miss blood!"

"Kkaka, it's human meat!

They are already running excitedly to see if they expect a blood festival to take place in front of them.

Vulcan looked at them with irritating eyes.

a loud laugh A voice like a noise that is very uncomfortable to hear from the human ear.

The Vulcan said to the demons.

"Be quiet."

" "··이이이, this man was a psychopath. Hahahahaha!"

Belake laughed loudly at the words of Vulcan.

Belake, who put his head back and laughed for a long time.

He stopped laughing and looked at the blanks.

The veins in his head appeared thick and angry to the top of his head.

"I'll kill you as painfully as I can, man."

Bellake stabbed the Vulcan's thigh with a trident.



"Keuw. What is it?"

Belake's eyes opened wide in a totally unexpected situation.

I expected him to cry like a child through his giant trident.

Bellake looked at his throbbing hand because of the counter-elasticity.

Then he looked at the Vulcan standing in peace as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell are you doing, you little punk? That's it! I'll do it right!"

Three steps back, Bellake squeezed his whole strength and struck out a trident. With a ferocious spirit, the trident flew toward the chest.

Something could have prevented the attack just now, but this time it will be different.

His strength is one of the ten leaders of the Devil's Army.

Bellake firmly believed that his spear would be more than pierced through his heart.



a bang of a bang.

"Huck, ···, ·장이, !"장이!"

"Our captain has been attacked!"

The evil spirits opened their eyes at the far-off Velake with a much greater reaction than before.

There was no ability to judge exactly what happened.

But it seemed certain that humans had attacked their captains in some strange way.

"Let's go! Let's kill him!"

The nine small demons, who made the encircling net round, rushed in at once and wielded their weapons.

A variety of weapons, including swords, swords, and iron-out, knocked on the whole body of the Vulcan.

Kkang. Kkang.



Small demons who beat up the bullcans without resistance.

However, Vulcan was just watching what the little devil did with a relaxed attitude.

The current Vulcan passive skill called 'Geumgang Bulgoe' is so great that even the high standard of Asgard is applied, it is A.

According to the standards of the Ruebel continent or the Earth, SS is a nonsense proficiency.

In addition, the level difference was enormous.

Even at 99 levels, the attack on Orcs and Goblin was a bulkan that was greeted by yawning.

Far from being 471 level, their attack was not even ticklish for the Vulcan, who built up a half-body force far beyond it.



"Yi,·,·, 이!"

"My sword is broken!"

"What the hell, man! It's strange!"

Small demons with broken weapons.

Flustered and helpless, the Vulcan quietly cast a spell over them.

Infinite Necessity has come to light for the first time in a long time.

The nymphs, which had flown helplessly by the small demons, hit the nine.


kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwang

[Experience has increased very little.]

The devil that burst out without a trace.

That wasn't the end.

The power of infinity has not been resolved to the extent that it has unleashed the Small Devils.

A scene in which every nook and cranny makes a large crater more than 50 meters in diameter.

It was a destructive force comparable to the Hellfire used by a common summer wizard.

Even the magic blanks were slightly surprised by the sight he directed.

'I can't believe it's only in Asgard, but it's gotten a lot stronger. I have to be careful.’

Asgard, not only humans, but also earth floors and stones, were much harder than the summer.

Therefore, seeing the earth's ground breaking apart much larger than he thought, Vulcan vowed to control its power well.

Chubbuck Chubbuck

The Vulcan slowly approached the far-flung Velake.

When I approached and looked at the extent to which I could kick it, I opened my mouth wide as if I had not come to my senses by the magical power of the Vulcan.

Vulcan said in a voice containing his anger.


"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

quivering velake

He was so full of spirit that it was hard to find.

Vulcan spoke slowly, step by step, so that even a distracted Bellache could be understood at once.

"I have just arrived at this Earth dimension. I heard that only humans lived here. Tell me as you know who you are, how you came here, and for what purpose you invaded the land of men. And who's your general?"

"He그·· 그건 그건 그건 그건 그건 그건"

"If you speak nicely, I will spare your life. But if you're showing signs of speaking in vain, or if you're closing your mouth, ·····."."."

in a blaze of anger

The blanks, which collected the energy of flame on their fingers, pointed to the half-broken skyscraper.

The increasing concentration of mana.

The mighty energy of the belake was shot into the building, and melted away without leaving any trace.


"I don't have time, so tell me quickly."

It was a low voice as if he had restrained his feelings as much as possible, but Bellake could intuitively feel that there was an unimaginable amount of anger hidden in it.

Not to live.

Just overwhelmed by the pressure from the huge power gap, I felt like I had no other choice but to open my mouth.

Belake tried to open his mouth, forgetting even the fear of Amarus, the general manager who led them.

Then, Vulcan felt someone flying towards him and looked up at the sky.

A monster of great size that falls at a rapid rate.

A muscular devil whose two horns are bigger than the height of an adult male.

Arriving before Vulcan and Bellake, he said in a deep voice.

"What, I came here with a big explosion, and there's only one human being. Hey, you. What are you doing here?”

a giant scolding Bellache

Vulcan looked at his abilities.

[Devil Army Cactus Naramhardt]


"He그·· 그것이 그것이 그것이 그것이 그것이 그것이!”

Naramhardt, who was watching Bellake trying to make an excuse.

Vulcan moved his body between Belake and Naramharth.

Narramhardt, with an unpleasant look moving one eyebrow, was about to say something, and Vulcan took it up a step ahead.

"Cheoninjang, you know more than ten.”

Narramhardt, who heard Vulcan's words, said with a puzzled look.

"Kid, where did you learn to cut in on someone else's conversation?"

It's like scolding a child who knows nothing about the world.

The Vulcan no longer answered back, but gathered its mana.

The Vulcan, which instantly floated ten Hellfire in the air, extinguished nine magic tricks with a frivolous heart.

'You have to live to figure out what's going on.’

Vulcan, who made a sound with his teeth, glared at Naramhart.

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