May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 2: Lost...

  Branding the sun star.

   "Ah," Jiang Cheng sighed and looked at the scene in front of him, and then continued somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Sure enough, I am just a kid, and I came to this place unknowingly."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng unconsciously walked towards a certain street.


   The war against barbarians has just ended not long ago.

   Now Jiang Cheng's heart is full of confusion. He has lost the person he wants to protect, or the goal, and there seems to be nothing in front of him.

   Only a pair of walking dead remains.

   Jiangcheng walked aimlessly, unable to see the direction and the future.

   Jiang Cheng remembered what Songyang once said, [Actually I am too, I am still confused, but is it OK? Sometimes worry and sometimes lost, you just need to be the samurai you look forward to. 】

   "Teacher, it's really simple to say, but how can I go on in a life where I don't even know the direction..." Jiang Cheng muttered while looking at the front.

   At this moment, Jiang Cheng remembered a certain woman with a smile on her face exactly like Songyang, the person he first met.

"I'm really an idiot. At this time, I think of Sister Jiang Hua," Jiang Cheng laughed at himself, "But as far as I am now, even Sister Jiang Hua will be disappointed when I see it...I failed. Life... did not protect the teacher, nor the life of the companion..."

   At this moment, Jiang Cheng saw a spaceship, to be precise, it should be a space passenger ship. After a long time of thinking, Jiang Cheng finally chose to board the spaceship.

   [Just look at it from a distance, just let me take a look at Sister Jianghua from a distance! ] Jiang Cheng thought so in his heart.

   Then, following the spaceship Jiang Cheng into the universe, the name of the owner of Xinghai Fang is very easy to find, after all, the owner of Xinghai Fang is quite famous in the universe at this time.

   Jiangcheng didn't take much effort to inquire about the home of Xinghaifang's owner, and then changed several ships to finally arrive at the nominal home of Jianghua's sister-Luoyang.


   After solving the two punks, Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky of Laoyang seemed to be always overcast, as if he was always preparing to cry, and it seemed that the rain was about to fall in the next second. Of course, the rain is really frequent.

The whole street is full of gangsters. Jiang Cheng has only been here for half an hour, and several waves of gangsters have been watching him, and these gangsters will never know what it means to retreat. At a certain moment, Jiang Cheng's heart was already murderous.

   This is no wonder Jiang Cheng, after all, the war against barbarians has just ended, Jiang Cheng's hostility has not completely faded, and the blood on his hands has not been completely washed away.

   "That stinky uncle is really a good place to pick, I don't know anything about romance." Jiang Cheng sighed and complained, then crouched down and searched the two fainted little bastards.

"It's really a poor planet, just a few dollars..." Jiang Cheng sighed and took the few coins found out into his arms. Jiang Cheng is not without money, but this is his fine tradition. After all, when he was a child When I wandered with Songyang, I was so poor, I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it...

   Just when Jiang Cheng was about to get up and leave, a child stopped himself.

   "Hey, you fellow," Shenwei shouted, standing behind Jiang Cheng with an umbrella, "what the **** is doing?"

   "Yeah, who's the little rabbit came out? But there are no carrots here in Ogisang." Jiang Cheng slowly got up and looked at the incoming person, squinting his eyes and said with a smile.

   In fact, Jiang Cheng could see the identity of Shenwei at a glance, and what he had to say was that the dull hair on his head was too conspicuous, almost exactly the same as Jiang Hua.

"Hey, don't talk to me in that frivolous tone!" Shenwei rushed over. At this time, Shenwei had just met Afutu, and was infected by Afutu's words, and felt a little unhappy in front of him. Jiang Cheng just turned into a punching bag of supernatural power.

   Jiang Cheng single-handedly blocked Shenwei's horizontal kick. Seeing a miss, Shenwei had already prepared, and his clenched fist blasted towards Jiang Cheng's face.

   But Jiang Cheng did not give Shenwei this opportunity, "Don't just look at my hands, give me a little attention to my legs~"

   Talking, Jiang Cheng raised his right leg and hit with a knee!

   When Shenwei saw this, he quickly resisted with both hands, but he was still hit, and the whole person was suspended...

   At this time Jiang Cheng turned slightly and straightened his right leg...

Oops! Shenwei thought.

   One kick...

Jiang Cheng looked at the divine power holding his leg with a black line, "Hey, what's the matter? At this time, the normal routine should not be kicked by me and stand up and wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. You won’t admit defeat]? What are you trying to do like this? Can’t you play cards according to the routine? It makes it impossible to say the lines I just prepared!"

   "Do you think you are watching some hot-blooded comics?!" Shenwei spit out, and at the same time he bit down and bit on Jiang Cheng's leg.



"You are not a simple rabbit! You are a puppy! It hurts, kid!" Jiang Cheng shouted at the Shenwei who was on the side, and rubbed the place where he was bitten by Shenwei. "I don't know if you need a rabies vaccine. …"

   "You are a puppy!" The mighty retorted with a grin.

   At this time, the two were sitting side by side on the steps of a square. The rain fell gently, and Jiang Cheng stretched out the umbrella slightly towards Shenwei.

"Shooting at an unknown passerby, it seems that your family education is really messed up~" Jiang Cheng said casually. I really don't know how that stinky uncle educates his children. Jiang Cheng silently added the last sentence in his heart. .

   "Are you also a night rabbit?" Shenwei didn't mind, but looked at the umbrella in Jiang Cheng's hand and asked, "And you are not here, right? I have never seen you here."

   "The child is really curious, so I can't like it." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Are a group with those people?"

   "Although it is not clear who you are talking about, I am who I am."

   "This way..."

   "A child must look like a child, and when he grows up, he will become bald." Jiang Cheng said casually.

   "Who is going to be bald!" Shenwei retorted, "But what are you doing in this place? Come to this poor and chaotic place..."

   After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng replied, "I don't know, maybe I just want to act like a baby..."

   "You are a kid! Even such a big person still thinks of acting like a baby!" He said in a loud voice.

   "That's right, such a big person still wants to act like a baby. I didn't expect that one day I would be educated by a kid~" Jiang Cheng said with a chuckle.

   "You... are you strong." After a long time, Shenwei raised his head and said slowly.

   "Strong?" Jiang Cheng continued, "I don't know, if it's really strong, maybe I won't be here."

  Shenwei just wanted to say something, Jiang Cheng already stood up, "Let’s find a store to relax at this time, do you want to come together? Kid."


   Shenwei looked at the shop Jiang Cheng was looking for, his entire face turned black, "What do you want to bring a child like me to this place?!" Shenwei raised his head and shouted.

"Hey? If you are relaxed, of course you come to this kind of place. There are both kawaii girls and two drinks." As he said, Jiang Cheng raised his leg and walked in. "I don't know the little girl in the universe." What is the difference between my sister and the earth..."

"Hey, there are Chinese wines in this kind of place! It's amazing!" Jiang Cheng said with emotion, and at the same time looked at the smiling young lady who was pouring her own wine. To be precise, she was the cosmic lady, pink. The whole face looks very handsome. The key is that a certain part looks really majestic.

   "Miss Sister~ I wonder if you have time to spend a good night with me tonight?" Jiang Cheng asked expectantly.

   "Hey, what are you doing now? What do you say in front of the children?! You are the one who doesn't understand family education the least!" Shenwei ranted frantically from the side.

   "Ah, leave him alone," Jiang Cheng smiled and said to the young lady on the side, "If you have strawberry milk, just give him two glasses."

   "Speaking of which, do you really have money? Come to a place like this..."

   Shenwei came to Jiang Cheng's side, seeming to be a little restrained, after all, this was the first time he was brought to such a place.

   "I look down on who, kid," Jiang Cheng snorted disdainfully, and took out a thick stack of banknotes from his arms.

   "You are so rich and you rob those bastards! You are really nasty!"

   "Hey, don't think too much, kid! Did you confuse the robbery and the robbery? I'm the one who was robbery, OK!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

   "Even if you say that..."

   "My education is a disguised form of education. When I let them know what they want from others, they will also lose something..."

   "What kind of perversion is this!" Shenwei curled his lips and said.

   "It's not a fallacious reasoning, it's education!" Jiang Cheng said sharply, and then looked at the young lady who was aside again and smiled, "I haven't answered others yet~"

   "Of course they would like to~ After all, the guests look super handsome~ I have never eaten such a good-looking guest~"

   "Private please give me a young lady," Jiang Cheng raised his hand to the waiter beside him, "I don't like the carnivorous girl at all~"

   When the young lady stood up and left in anger, Shenwei finally couldn't help but whispered, "Your personality is really super strange..."

   After that, Shenwei stood up and said, "I'm going home." After speaking, he left without looking back.


   "Mom, I met a super strange person today!" As soon as he opened the door, Shenwei said impatiently.

   But when Shenwei walked through the door, he realized that there was a familiar bald man standing by the bed...

   "Why is it weird?" Jiang Hua asked while sitting on the bed with a smile.

   "No, it's nothing."


   On the other side, when Jiang Cheng got drunk and came out of the tavern, he was dragged back home by a young lady who had previously been described as a carnivorous girl...

   Of course, the next day, Jiang Chengcheng was thrown out of the house by the little sister. Except for the clothes and the umbrella, everything else was confiscated...

   Miss Sister still murmured, "The handsome guys are scumbags! The scumbags who have done that kind of thing and don't want to be responsible!"

   Jiang Cheng got up and retorted, "What is a scumbag? You are just taking advantage of the danger! And I don't remember what I did! I'm not the kind of man who likes to move when I fall asleep!"

   Miss sister blushed and sipped, "You didn't do anything, but there are some places in your body that make you tease..."

   "Stop talking! I'll admit it! Take the money! Don't owe each other!" Jiang Cheng slipped away without looking back.


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