May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 94: :Is it wrong to seek an encounter at a ramen restaurant?

"Boss, you are still hanging out at this late hour. Be careful to get killed by the squadron." Sougo reminded him as he looked at Jiang Cheng, who was swaying and shaking. "After all, those people are extremely disgusted with heavenly beings like you. "

"Unknowingly, I played the game so late. I didn't even save dinner. I wondered if I could come out and find something to eat." Jiang Cheng scratched his head and explained, then looked at the crowd behind Zou Gou. It's like a member of Shinsengumi who is looking for something.

"I came out to find food so late. After all, it is really leisurely and leisurely." Sougo continued, "Recently, the rogues have been active a bit. Although the boss looks quite strong, you must be careful not to be surprised by strange characters. Kill it, after all, beasts also doze."

   "That's it, thank you for the reminder," Jiang Cheng returned casually, "Then what are you doing now? Are you looking for something? Is it the orangutan that came out of the cage in heat?"

   "Aren't the orangutans in heat three hundred and sixty-five days a year?"

"That said, just feeding bananas doesn't seem to work. Occasionally, you should change the flavor of the orangutans, such as apples. Pay attention to the nutritional balance, and usually take the orangutans out to keep your body and mind healthy." Jiang Cheng shook his fingers and said earnestly, "It is very troublesome to raise orangutans. I can't do this kind of work anyway."

   "It makes sense~" Sougo wrote in his notebook as he said.

   "Captain Okita, it's not the time to talk about this!" A member of the Shinsengumi spit out frantically, "Should we not hurry to search for the whereabouts of Gui?"

"Don't worry, that guy is injured. He must not run far. Please carefully search the surrounding area for me." Zongwu waved his hand and said, and then looked at Jiang Cheng again, "That way, the boss will have to do it too. Pay attention to safety, otherwise I will be sad if it hangs up that day, after all, our [Earth Fear Night] series has only come out to the second episode."

   "It makes sense. If you really hang up in an inexplicable place, you will be very distressed. After all, there are so many unplayed games~"

   "If you see Kotaro Katsura, remember to send me a message."

   "Katsura Kotaro?" Jiang Cheng shook his head, "I have never heard of such a name. If it is a wig Kotaro, I know one."

   "Well, see you later." After that, Sougo waved his hand and walked in the other direction.


   "Unexpectedly, there really is such a store that is still open in the middle of the night," Jiang Cheng looked at [Beidou Xinxuan] with the lights on and said with emotion, then opened the door and walked in.

   Jiang Cheng was stunned after entering, only to see a long-haired man and Jisong shopkeeper staring at them.

   "Welcome~" Ji Song noticed the visitor hurriedly greeted him.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't say anything!" Jiang Cheng hurriedly retired.

   "Qiaodou sack! I think you have misunderstood something." Ji Song explained quickly.


   "Ah, the feeling of being full is so comfortable~" Jiang Cheng said with emotion after drinking the last sip of soup. On the left side of Jiang Cheng, there are tall empty bowls. Roughly speaking, there should be dozens of bowls.

   "Your appetite is really big~" A few loosely wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

"In fact, it's just a little bit more than ordinary people," Jiang Cheng said and took out his wallet from his arms to pay. "If you are full, I won't bother you. Please send the invitation to Yoshihara during the wedding. I will be on time. Attended. The wedding dishes are best prepared for Chinese food, and for wine, Chinese wine is best. I will prepare it for gift money!"

   Talking, Jiang Chengcheng wants to get up and leave.

   "Did you listen to someone talking just now?" A few loosely angered, "I said it wasn't that kind of relationship!"

"That's it," Jiang Cheng nodded and continued, "Are you also afraid of worldly vision? But I think it's okay! As a single woman, you have the right to pursue your own happiness! So! Don't pay attention to other people's rumors. , Be brave to pursue happiness!"

   "That's right! You don't think Jiang Cheng knows that way too." Gui said with touch.

   "Scare!" Jiang Cheng looked at Gui and was a little confused, "When did you come here with the wig? Where did the long-haired man go?"

"It's not a wig, it's Gui!" Gui replied, then closed his eyes and said slowly, "I don't know, maybe the timid man slipped away when I stepped into the door of this room. Look like this If you get up, not only is Lian Ji Songdian, even the man is a courageous coward. So, come on, Ji Songdian."

  "From start to finish, you are the only one, OK!" Ji Song said angrily, "You both have problems with your heads! What rude things are you thinking about! Really!"

   "So that's the case, I understand," Jiang Cheng said a little bit, and then gave Gui with an uppercut. "That courageous man is you! Take responsibility for me, you guy!"

   "Enough for the two of you! Can you listen to people?"

“私密马赛,几松小姐,我对这种恋爱啊什么的不是很懂了,但是不用担心!”江成撇了一眼躺在地上吐着白沫的桂,“我会帮你揍到他愿意Announcing the relationship between you!"

   As he said, Jiang Cheng squatted down, grabbed Gui's clothes with one hand, fisted with the other, and kept greeting Gui on his face.


Jiang Cheng took a sip and glanced at Gui, who had been beaten to a pig's head and passed out. Then he looked at Jisong again, "Miss Jisong, is this okay? Don't worry, I will leave my hands on the lower body. Between you..."

   Just as Jisong was about to furious, the sound of a police car outside the door rang and the door was also pushed open.

   Sougo opened the door, "Is there anyone weird see here? I want to take a look when I hear a sound here."

Oops! Ji Song looked at Gui Xin who fell to the ground and thought.

"Oh, Mr. Zongwu, it was only a few minutes before I met again~" Jiang Cheng looked at Zongwu and smiled and said, "Is Mr. Zongwu specially here to protect me? I am really super moved. of!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng really hid his face and wept.

"It's really an adventure~" Zou Wu said, and then looked at Gui who was lying on his back beside Jiang Cheng and was beaten by Jiang Cheng until his parents didn't know him. "Hey, boss, this is not Yoshihara, don't be here. Planting a place to kill people, even if I am an acquaintance, it will make it difficult for me to do it. If you are caught, Yoshihara will definitely be fished out. Don’t increase the workload of our police."

   It looked like it was fooled, and he was relieved to feel relieved. In fact, from the first side of Gui, Ji Song knew Gui's identity: Katsuya Kotaro, the Shi Zhishi. After all, Gui's wanted notices are posted all over the street.

   "At least you have to use something like this." Sougo took out a bazooka and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Save time and effort."

   "Is it necessary for him to save time?!" spit out a few loosely.

   "This kind of thing is not very good. Using this in such a narrow place can easily confuse the store." Jiang Cheng gestured the bazooka in his hand a few times, raised his head and said seriously.

   Hearing the sound, Ji Song nodded.

   "At least you need to use this kind of thing in an open place," Jiang Cheng said again.

   "No need! You don't need something like that at all!" Ji Song vomited, "You don't need that kind of thing anywhere!"

   "So Ms. Jisong, you are really too soft-hearted. Treating this kind of scumbag who is unwilling to announce the relationship is not worth your effort at all!" Jiang Cheng said loudly.

   "I said it's not like that!"

"Could it be!" Jiang Cheng was shocked, and then he leaned close to a few pines and whispered, "I understand, I will keep a secret for you! Women are always empty and lonely and cold, I understand! But Next time remember to turn off the lights in the house and lock the door! Don’t forget it!"

   A few loose and calmly took the bazooka in Jiang Cheng's hand, and smiled at Jiang Cheng.

   "Are you going to solve this scumbag yourself?" Jiang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and then said with emotion, "It seems that you have also grown up~"

   "Die." As he said, a few Songs pressed the switch at Jiang Cheng.

   Boom! ! !


"Ahem," Jiang Cheng got up and wiped the dust from his face, "Miss Jisong must have never played FPS so the accuracy is so bad. Next time I can lend you some A good introductory FPS game, practice well, and the quasi-head will definitely be much better than it is now! Whether it is a scumbag or a ball, it can be solved with one shot!"

   "Since there is nothing wrong here, I will leave first." I always realized his voice.

   "Hey? I'm still thinking about asking Zong Wujun to have a meal. After all, I'm still working hard this night." Jiang Cheng said quickly.

"No, we are not as idle as you, the boss." As he said, Sougo turned around and was ready to go, "Yes, let me practice the FPS game with accurate head next time. It is best to practice moving targets. Recently The number of hits on the earth mulberry is decreasing."

   "Ah, no problem." Jiang Chengbi made an OK gesture.


"So that's the case. I misunderstood what I said." Jiang Cheng sat down again and listened to a few loose explanations under pressure. "I'm really sorry, after all, this guy has been a little unusual to wives and survivors since he was a child. Miss Jisong, even if she doesn’t look at her face, she can beat her eighty points.

   "What does it mean that I can score eighty points without looking at my face? Does it mean that my face looks ugly?! Will the score be lowered if I wear my face?!"

"How come! Miss Jisong, you are too unconfident!" Jiang Cheng retorted loudly, "Don't be discouraged even if your face becomes 59 points! You can reach the pass line with a smile! "

   "You guy is really annoying! Does anyone say that about women?!" A few angered.

   "I apologize to Jisongdian for him, this guy has always been like this, he doesn't understand women's feelings at all," Gui sat down and sighed and said, "A bowl of soba noodles, trouble."


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