May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 102: : Anyway, this one point of natural roll can't be saved...

   looked at his conspicuous cow-skin-like clothes, Xin Baji pushed his non-existent glasses, raised his non-existent face, and made a non-existent voice.

   "I agree with Jiang Chengsang's words, what's the secret! The colors are too rich! Do you think the show?!" Tugging at his own clothes, Xin Baji pointed at the three people on the side to complain.

   The clothes selected by the little monkey for four people...In general, it's hard to say...

  Dutch cow outfit except for the new eight. The silver is white with a white scarf. Kagura is dressed in red with a red scarf. Gui is dressed in bright yellow with a yellow scarf. The Jiang Cheng embarrassment that these people looked aside was almost guilty. Those who didn't know thought it was a holster borrowed from the crew next door, and they forgot to borrow a headgear.

   "No, this is just to distinguish you a few." Xiao Yuan replied, "Apart from Yin Sang, I look the same."

   "Are you thinking of us as a passerby in the comics?!" Xin Ba Jiao exclaimed.

   "Ah~ Yin Sang~ The scarf is crooked~" The honey blushing little ape fiddled with the rope around the little stone lion’s neck, "It's really hairy, it seems that I can't do it every day~"

   "You are the one who has the hands and feet!" Yin Shizie exclaimed.

   "At the end, you still can't tell anyone?! Put my glasses on!" Xin Bajia also vomited loudly.

   "Kagura-chan, you'd better take off that costume as soon as possible. It will smell like natto, the one that can't be washed off." Jiang Cheng casually reminded.

   "No way!" Xiao Yuan retorted, "That's freshly made! There is no natto smell at all!"

   "No, everything from your hands has a natto odor. I can smell the natto odor on your body halfway through Edo." Jiang Cheng pinched his nose and replied.

   "It's useless to be tempted to me~ My heart and body belong to Yinsang!" The little ape chuckled and proudly announced this false fact that only he had admitted.

   "Who would be tempted by a flat-breasted girl with natto-smelly smelling natto for three hundred and sixty-five days a year like you! Are you underestimating me?!" Jiang Cheng roared, and the blue veins on his face burst out.

   "Who do you think is a flat-breasted girl! Show me a good look at the live-action movie!"

   "Don't talk about it," Jiang Cheng finally sighed away from his face, and persuaded Kagura, "Quickly take that off, and then my uncle will take you to eat barbecue."

   "Hey? Barbecue!" Kagura became excited when he heard it.

   "Barbecue, I haven't eaten it in a long time~" Xin Baji nodded, showing a look of yearning.

   "If you want to come, you can go together~" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

   "Is it really okay?!" Xin Ba Ji asked in surprise.

   "Of course, I am different from some petty people." Jiang Cheng continued casually.

"Hey, who are you stingy! I'm just poor! There is no way to be poor! It is the same gender as the child born! It cannot be changed!" Yin Shi was displeased when he heard it. And shouted loudly.

"You are simply lazy!" Jiang Cheng retorted, "Also... as far as the current method is concerned, gender is also changed! It is also a matter of cutting off the **** and sticks and loading two balls. It's not difficult!!!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Cheng's tone changed, and he continued bitterly: "Of course, if you want to completely change yourself when Yin Shi, I can introduce you to a good doctor. By the way, I will give the whole Rong or something. I will try to ensure that you will Become Yoshihara's top card! As for the stage name, I have thought about it for you, and it's called [Dr. Chopsticks]!"

   Everyone present did not observe that the little ape’s face on the side was getting darker and darker...

   "What [Dr. Chipper]! What do you want me to do?! Such a doctor can't recruit customers at all! Hearing this name, the customers will be scared away!" Gin Shiki retorted, pulling his neck.

"Hey? Don't you like it?" Jiang Cheng asked in doubt, then closed his eyes and thought for a long time, "Why not call it [Dr. Picking Maru] or [Dr. Balling]? But I don’t think the first stage name sounds good~ "

"No, I don't think it would be better to call it [Beep——] [Beep——] [Beep——] [Beep——] [Beep——] Doctor." Guiyi seriously suggested, and then looked at Yin Shi with encouraging eyes , "Don't worry, I will definitely promote it to you."

   "Go to death for me!" With that, Yin Shi rolled over Gui.

   "That kind of thing... absolutely not allowed..." The little ape lowered his head and black face, gritted his teeth. Then he raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng fiercely, "How can that kind of thing be allowed! Yinsang! How can he do that kind of thing!"

As she said, Xiao Yuan jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Cheng, "Even if you want to do that kind of thing, can you cut off the silver sang [Beep——] and [Beep——] and put it on me! At that time I I will frequent it too!"

"Is this what you think of?!" Yin Shi drew out the wooden knife and stopped the little ape and cursed. Looking at the little ape who was beaten with a subtle expression, Yin Shi was really defeated. He turned his head and asked Jiang Cheng, "I don't think about gender, but! Can the doctor transform me into refreshing straight hair!"

   "That is impossible, it's no longer saved." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking, "I advise you to give up."

   Kagura, Shin Baji and Katsura nodded while holding hands.

   "That's impossible, Aru, this kind of excessive request can't be done by a doctor no matter how skilled it is!"

   Xin Ba Ji and Gui, who heard the words of Kagura, held hands and nodded at the same time, and said at the same time, "Sou So, mother and mother."

   "Even the gender can be changed. Is it so difficult to transform a straight hair?!" Gin Shiki cursed.

   "Don't worry about that much, if you want to eat barbecue, hurry up, you two." Jiang Cheng looked at the new Baji and Kagura to remind him, and turned around first to leave this place of right and wrong.

   "That's great!" Kagura and Shin Baji cheered, and they were about to turn around to follow.

   "Then I..." Gin Shiki turned around as he said, ready to follow.

   "You die for me." Jiang Cheng said without hesitation.

   "Well, don't be so stingy~Aren't we friends?" Yin Shi Lai familiarly put his arm on Jiang Cheng's shoulder, brushing his non-existent lower limit without any discipline for a barbecue.

   "Hey!" Just when the four of them were about to leave, Gui called out to the four of them.

   "Yes, yes, have you even forgotten the original purpose?! How can you become a qualified ninja with such an attitude!" Little Ape stood up, holding his hands and said solemnly. At this time, the little ape thought that Gui was going to reprimand these people out loud, and nodded in relief.

   "Can you take me with you?" Gui continued.

   "It's not this!" The little monkey was reached by Katsura, "Isn't your purpose to sneak into the practice and rescue your companion?! If your companion knows that you look like this, you will cry! It will definitely be sad!"

   "Souga! Our purpose is to save Elizabeth!" Guiduan took a shot, "When did we forget this purpose? This time the enemy is so powerful, it can affect our memory!"

   "That's not the reason! You haven't seen the enemy yet! You just simply forgot!" Xiao Yuan said.

   "But it's amazing, Saru-kun," Katsura nodded and said, "It's only your memory that hasn't been affected. Is this a real ninja? It's surprisingly reliable."

As he said, Gui turned around and walked towards the other Jiang Cheng who was about to go away. "Then, Jun Jun, the task of saving Elizabeth is entrusted to you! Please!" After that, Gui returned. Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, that is the yearning for barbecue!

"Don't worry! Leave it to me..." Xiao Yuan smiled and waved his hand and replied, "...I'm so big! It has nothing to do with me! Didn't you want me to teach you the ninjas?! It's not you Are you going to save your companion?! In the end, how did you become me alone to save your companion?! Find out the situation for me, huh! Also, don’t you just call me a little ape?!"

   said, the little ape got up and jumped up, throwing out a few kunai. Not only the nearest Gui, but even the four Jiang Cheng who are about to go away have been recruited. Of course, Jiang Cheng's reaction speed is still very fast, and at that moment he held up his Block all kunai for myself and Kagura.


   The crowd once again gathered in front of the shrine. Except for Jiang Cheng and Kagura, the others were pierced with kunai, and the worst was Katsura, who was still lying on the ground, his entire back was pierced with kunai.

   "Do you really want to rescue your comrades? If you still have this attitude, I won't be able to help at all!" Xiao Yuan helped his glasses and said.

"No, I'm actually not interested at all," Jiang Cheng said, raising his hand, then waved his hand, his face was indifferent, "It's just a pet, just go to the street and just pull a tramp and put him in a puppet costume. Already? Anyway, the IQ of the wig is indistinguishable at all."

   "It makes sense." Yin Shi also nodded and said.

   "It's not a wig, it's Gui! How can that kind of thing be replaced casually! My Elizabeth!" Gui stood up, crying with tears, the voice was moving, empathetic, touching, and deep in feelings.

   "If you can't tell the difference between grapes and raisins, what qualifications do you have to say?" Jiang Cheng drew his ears and said casually again.

   "Are you looking down on me?!" Gui angrily roared, "There is no difference in that kind of thing!"

   "You are! Are you looking down on grapes and raisins?! Some readers who only like grapes or only raisins will definitely want to strangle you!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

"It makes no difference at all! If you feed it to the pet dog, it will make the pet dog breathless!" Said, on the side of the Gui painting style, facing the non-existent camera, smiled and reminded, "The audience on the other side of the screen, please remember Okay~ Don’t give your pets something like grapes or grapes, you will really die~ the meat ball will lose its elasticity~"


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