May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 107: : Don't just ask strangers for strange things!

   "You don't have to remember so clearly what it is called! It was my treat that time!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed.

   "What! It turned out to be your treat! Why didn't you call me at that time, you are so soulless!" Gui was not calm in an instant.

"At that time, I just made a lot of money by hitting small steel balls. I left a lot of military expenses, so I went, and I didn't call you, but I couldn't find you." Yin Shi waved his hand and said disgustingly. "Anyway, aren't you the same as us in the survivor's house?"

   "Are you insulting the samurai?! I just heard that Mei Zidian's husband passed away and wanted to talk to her about the story that happened to her!" Gui exclaimed.

"Do you even remember the name so clearly?! But it's right, just talk about the story that happened to her, but who knows how to talk? What kind of posture is used to talk? This is worth discussing." Yin Shi Nodded and said.

   "It's just a simple face-to-face..." Gui was interrupted by Xin Bajia before he could finish.

"You two, look at what the atmosphere is right now! Is it the time to say this?!" Xin Ba Haw was very angry with these two idiots, "Is it really good to say this before the battle begins?! Gui Sang Do you want to save Elizabeth?! Or do you really want to save Elizabeth? I thought you were different from them! In the end, aren't you only interested in that kind of thing?!"

   said these words in one breath, and Xin Ba Ji felt a little hypoxic.

   "Hey, that guy...not normal..." the ninja wearing glasses murmured, "I can vomit so many grooves in one breath, it's close to the lower level of ninja."

   "Your ninja level is too random!" Xin Baji said again.

   "Huh, it's only the level of forbearance," just snorted, "It's not enough to face us! Let's go!"

   said, the three ninjas were about to rush over in an instant. Seeing this, Xin Baji quickly looked at Gui, "Kaisang! The battle has begun! Stop your meaningless quarrel with Yinsang!"

   "I expected it a long time ago!" Gui looked relaxed, and then shouted, "Prepare curry!"

   just finished shouting, Kagura and Katsura on the side picked up two plates of curry at the same time.

"What [preparing curry]! Don’t say so, it’s okay! Where did you guys get it from!" Xin Ba Hao looked at the two of them frantically, but when they saw the three ninjas on the opposite side, each of them was also doing it. When I was eating two plates of curry, the whole person was not good, "Why are you [preparing curry]?! What? Is it strange that I am! Could it be that my 16 years of life have gone wrong?!"

   "Can Nian, your nirvana has been calculated by my calculations, and the data shows that if this continues, the probability that we will seal your nirvana will be over 99.8%!" said the ninja wearing eyes.

   "Shut up! How do you know Aru if you don't try it?! Don't underestimate our curry [Sannin]!" Said Kagura and rushed to the three ninjas, at the same time Katsura and Shinba Chi also followed.

   "[Three Ninjas]?! What [Three Ninjas]?! Could it be me? Am I?!" Xin Baji shouted.

   "Let you fakes see how real ninjas are!" Just shouted, and at the same time rushed to the Kagura trio with two other companions.

   After a short confrontation, the two teams landed safely.

   is not safe either. After all, the curry on the heads of the Kagura trio is still very hot. After all, the curry prepared by the other party is just out of the pot, which is different from the curry that Katsura prepared for a day.

   "It's hot!!"×3

   "Using the same moves in time, the result is a world of difference. This is the difference in strength between us." Just said, Sannin turned his head at the same time.

   At this time, the Kagura three found out that the other party had eaten all their curry!

   "Asshole! Actually see through our moves!" Xin Baji said in disbelief.

   "So you are too naive."

   Gui got up and snorted and said, "It's you innocently."

   "What?" I just said it, and suddenly I felt my stomach turned upside down, as did the other two accomplices.

"Tummy! Belly... Could it be that you **** got under the curry..." The three of them curled up on the ground holding their stomachs, with cold sweat on their faces. The three of them could only try to hold a certain switch of their own, but this drug It is too strong, the three of them are now almost reaching their limit!

"Did your mother teach you [Don't eat things given by strangers]?" Gui stood up and patted the curry on the shop's own body, while mocking, "In order to show off his wrists, he dug his own grave. Before learning Ninja, learn it first. Common sense!"

   "Aren't you the same?!" Xin Baji spit out expressionlessly.

   But at this moment, Kagura's painful groans attracted the attention of the two. The two turned their heads to find that God was lying on the ground with painful hands covering his stomach, and his entire face was distorted.

   "Captain! What's wrong with you!" Gui asked anxiously.

   "What a good thing you did...I was hungry and grabbed some aru..."

   "You have eaten too!" Xin Bajia vomited!

   But at this time, the three people on the opposite side didn't seem to be ready to give up, but they were also quickly knocked down in the face of Shin Baji and Gui, who still retained their fighting power.

On the other hand, Yin Shi and Xiao Yuan are much simpler. After Xin Ba Jia is over, when Xin Ba Jia looks over, Xun has been bound by Yin Shi and Xiao Yuan to a firm, and the technique... …Is very familiar, like copying and pasting from some kind of [Forbidden Spell Scroll].

   But at this time, everyone discovered that Lord Fengxian had already slipped away.

   "It would be great if you hide it all, it is impossible for you to win him!" Xun lay on the ground and said stiffly.

   "But with that said, that man is really strong, and he can entangle that guy for so long." Gin Shiki nodded with deep approval, "Unexpectedly there are such strong ninjas in this world."

   What everyone doesn't know is that the so-called enemy of life that Quan Zang said is actually his own hemorrhoids.

   Now Quanzang is still fighting his hemorrhoids in the toilet, the outcome is uncertain! Of course, there was Jiang Cheng's cheer, and the balance of victory and defeat was gradually moving closer to the hemorrhoids in Tibet... after all, it was too painful! No matter how strong a ninja is, it can't stand it!

   once again turned the angle of view to Yinshi's side, everyone was finally able to come to the second floor and untie Elizabeth.

   "Elizabeth!" Gui hugged Elizabeth and started crying bitterly.

   "Hey, is there something wrong?" Xin Ba Ji was the first to notice that except for something wrong, "How can I feel motionless?"

   "Really! I really didn't move!" Gui also found out, "Are you too excited to see me?! Elizabeth!"

   "Obviously not!" Yin Shishi roared, and at the same time he stabbed Elizabeth with a wooden knife. "It's just a doll! It's cotton inside!"

   "Really, and I didn't bleed even if I stabbed it through with a wooden knife." Xin Baji continued.


   Finally, under the coercion and lure of everyone, Xuncai slowly told the truth.

"There is no Elizabeth here at all. Elizabeth has never existed from the beginning. That uncle purposely forged such a puppet just to kill you to attract you out." Xun slowly said, "You have been completely deceived~ "

   "Wig-man, I said wig-man, can you explain it?" Yin Shi stood behind Gui with a kind smile on his face.

   "Speaking of..." Gui turned his head, throwing out her natural dull expression, "I seemed to have a quarrel with Elizabeth about grabbing soba noodles two days ago. Why did I forget.

   "Then it just ran away from home!" Yin Shishi roared, and rushed towards Gui.

   "What a joke! How do you make up for our so much effort?!" Xin Ba Ji also rushed towards Gui.

   A chaotic battle begins again.

   But in the end, everyone went back safely, but after returning to the House of Everything, Xin Ba Ji felt something was wrong, "Where is Jiang Chengsang?"

   The four of the [ninfive] on the other side, a long time after leaving the post, they finally realized that there seemed to be one missing person, "Where is Quanzou?"


   is a residence, inside the men’s toilet.

   "Hey, are you okay?!" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's not good at all, I feel I can't do it anymore..." Quan Zang, who had fought fiercely with hemorrhoids for nearly one night, replied feebly. At this time, Quan Zang's face turned pale, his lips were not bloody, and his whole body was already in cold sweat Drenched.

   "Where is your companion?! Didn't you say that your companion will come to save you?!" Jiang Cheng shouted again.

   "They... don't know. Speaking of your companion? Didn't you say that you have left a mark?"

"……do not know."

"I really can't do it..." Finally, Quan Zang couldn't hold on anymore, and fell down with a plop, "Please, I will burn a weekly jump magazine every week from now on, if you find it troublesome, you can burn the bound edition. Although you and I don’t know each other, at the end of my life I can only..."

   "What silly thing to say!" Jiang Cheng scolded't just ask strangers to such things casually! ! ! Hold on to me! ! ! "


  Edo Hospital ushered in two special patients, or one patient, when Chaoyang first appeared.

   A man wearing sportswear, but his lower body sweatpants has been changed into sports shorts, helped a man in a blue ninja suit with blood on his buttocks to hang on to the anorectal department.

  Of course, this incident has been circulated for a while in the nursery circle of Edo Hospital...


   It was already morning when Jiang Cheng returned to Yoshihara. Jiang Cheng carefully avoided a kind of Baihua members and sneaked back to his room.

   But as soon as I came in, I saw Yue Yong leaning against the window and looking at herself with a kind face.

   "I just went to shit..." Jiang Cheng scratched his head and said with a smile.

   "Suga~ Shit can be pulled all night~ What a great man~"

   "Listen to me making up for you...Bah, listening to me explain to you." Jiang Cheng continued quickly.

   "No, you don't need to explain to me. If you want to explain, let me talk about the girls first?" Yueyong asked, looking at the ninja-dressed girls under the window.

   Jiang Cheng glanced at the girls, and suddenly remembered that these girls were the girls who were willing to go with him to shoot [Forbidden Surgery Scroll] yesterday. At that time, he seemed to have accidentally revealed his address.

   Jiang Chenggang wanted to open his mouth to explain, Yue Yong took the lead in throwing out countless kunai, Jiang Cheng...pounced on the street...

   "Scum!" Yue Yong took a sip and walked out of Jiang Cheng's door.

  PS: After listening to Yue Yong's suggestion with personal opinions, the girls all said that the scumbag was unworthy! And left Yoshihara cursingly...


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