May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 110: :I really can't think of the title and just make it in one click!

   "Dingchun, be good, it doesn't hurt at all. Don't mess around." Jiang Cheng glanced at the sturdy Dingchun that was tied up, while comforting.

   "Oh, okay, let's go!" Jiang Cheng pointed at the three helicopters on Dingchun's head with an OK gesture.

   "This posture is a bit too big, right!" Xin Baji spit out from the side.

"There is no way. If you walk over, you can fix the size of Chun Chun. It will definitely cause great damage to the street. If you use a helicopter, you can reduce some damage. In addition, tell the natural volume who is drinking below. This time the reconstruction cost of the house is not required. I borrowed it.” After speaking, Jiang Cheng once again looked at Dingchun, which had successfully lifted off.

   "Ah~ Dingchun, we are flying~" Kagura still sat on Dingchun's head.


   "Hey! Why did you go up too! It's really dangerous!" Jiang Cheng shouted.

   "It's okay Aru, Dingchun will be very obedient." Kagura touched Dingchun's dog's head, and then did not know where to take out a pair of sunglasses and put it on, "Go!"



   "Thank you so much. Fortunately, Jiang Chengsang's help. Otherwise, let Dingchun stay in Kabukicho and I don't know how serious the situation will be."

   After finishing speaking, Shin Baji looked at Dingchun and Kagura playing in the clearing of Yoshiwara, as well as a group of wandering girls.

   "Unexpectedly the unexpected popularity of Dingchun," Jiang Cheng said with emotion, "In fact, it is also fortunate that Yueyong's Yoshihara expansion plan, otherwise, according to the previous Yoshihara's words, there must be no such large open space for Dingchun."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, "Remember to tell the natural roll, the rent of this piece of land is 100,000 yuan per month, and remember to hand it in to me."

   "One hundred thousand!"

"Don't be surprised. This is already the friendship price in the friendship price." Jiang Cheng was a little helpless. "Do you think it's easy to expand such a large area underground in Yoshiwara? The project has already been spent. It's 300 million. Originally, I was planning to build a large store specializing in selling games."

"No need! Why build a store specializing in games in Yoshihara! Isn't it for your own selfish desires in the end?!" Xinba yelled, then glanced at Yoshihara again, "But, it's really different. Well, since Jiang Chengsang came to Yoshiwara, now Yoshiwara is more like a small city! Large shopping plazas, restaurants, so many clothing stores, and even an amusement park! It’s incredible!"

Jiang Chengyang raised the corner of his mouth. Although he tried his best to conceal it, the pride on his face couldn't be hidden. "Of course! Unlike someone, no matter what the position, I will work hard! Don't If you look down on these stores, the total GDP they contribute has surpassed that of Yoshihara's travel girls."

   "Hey?! Is it so high?!"

"Of course!" Jiang Cheng nodded and continued, "Although Yoshihara made a lot of money in the past, the business model is too single! It depends only on those wandering girls who make a lot of money, but the money has gone to Feng. In the hands of the fairy boss, the wandering girls at the bottom are still poor, and the money is gathered from the guests to the wandering girls and finally into Fengxian's purse. Not only are they single, but the wandering girls lack the enthusiasm for work! But now it's different!"

After a pause, Jiang Cheng looked at the travel girls who were playing with the huge Dingchun, "Now we are using the personal income tax and distribution system according to work! The travel girls only need to pay 5% every month. Up to 10% of the personal income tax and the rest of the income are their own! They are now a real high-income group! In order to make the money in their hands flow again, all kinds of shops have been built!"

   "It's incredible! Unexpectedly, Jiang Chengsang has such a business acumen!" Xin Ba Hao praised.

   "Of course! The wanderers nowadays don't just work in the store! They can work in all kinds of situations! You can work in the Ferris wheel, in the bookstore, and even in the shopping plaza!"

   "Work refers to..." Xinbaji murmured while supporting his glasses.

   "Of course it's your job!"

"Hey, I can't imagine it at all! I almost thought that Yoshihara was different! I didn't expect that there would be no change at all! It's still the same as before, just doing skin and meat business! It's just a few new scenes!" Xinba Haw spit out frantically.

"Isn't it normal to say something silly?" Jiang Cheng looked at Xin Ba Hao with an idiot look. "They only do those things. Even if they find a new job, they can't learn. Here, these wandering girls were sold when they were very young, except for what the wandering girls learned, nothing else."

   "That's right. But for now, this is the limit that can be done for them. Of course, the wandering girls who are not willing to pick up customers are also properly placed." Yueyong who just arrived explained.

   "That's it, but that's the same. The wandering girls who I see now always have smiling faces. Perhaps this is the biggest change." Xin Baji replied.


   Downstairs of the House of Everything, Dengshi Xiaodian.

   "It's finally solved, and the reporters have all gone back." Gin Shizu let out a sigh of relief, "Then to celebrate, let's have a drink!"

   "Drink a head! Why do you look like you can solve the problem by yourself! In the end, didn't you let Jiang Chengjun wipe your butt?!" Granny Dengshi's spit star almost flew to Yin Shi's face.

   "What should I do with the toys and snacks of Xiaodingchun I originally prepared! What does it mean to take the deity away before selling it!" Catherine shouted.

   "Who allowed you to use the image of Dingchun! Give me the license fee, you are so soulless!" Yin Shizie shouted at Catherine.

   "Spit out the rent owed before that, you bastard!" Catherine retorted without thinking.

   "Hey, that's my line!" the grandmother Dengshi shouted.

   Just when the three of them were arguing and making a mess, a strange woman's voice interrupted the three people's quarrel.

   "Excuse me, is the owner of the huge dog here?"

   "Ah, this silver hair is curly," Granny Dengshi said, looking at the visitor.

   "Hey? Looking for me? What's the matter?" Yin Shi turned his head and saw two young women in Miko costumes, "Are you cos Kikyo?"

   "No!" Ayin retorted, "We are real witches!"

Yin Shi just wanted to say something more when he saw a dog who was so small that he was slap-sized and resembling Dingchun ran to his very few, and he rubbed his shoes with excitement, "What is this?! Ding! Spring?! Little Dingchun?!"

"Ha, it's really rare~ Xiao Junzi will actually get close to people outside of us." Ayin said casually, and then his tone changed, "Now let’s formally introduce it. We are the beautiful witch sisters for the first time with the son, Ayin And Baiyin."

   Baiyin consciously blew the flute.

"The giant dog was kept by the little girl in the son's house." Ayin continued, "It is our fault that it has become the current situation, but at least let us help it restore its original form. Before that, ask, Where is that huge dog now? Serious things will happen if you leave it alone!"

"A serious matter? Do you mean appetite?" Yin Shi nodded, "That's right, after all, the body size has become so large, and you will eat more, so please pay a little for the food! please!"

   "It's not that!" Ah Yin replied loudly, "Anyway, let it return to its original shape before it awakens to its final form! Otherwise..."

   "Final form?" Ginshi was puzzled, "Can it continue to grow bigger?! Now this situation can't be fed anymore, no matter how big it is..."

Imagining the scene where a bag of dog food was not enough to fix the spring between the teeth, Yin Shi was completely panicked, "That's not hurry up! If it gets bigger, it will suffer! I will take you there! I am sure there is a way to restore Dingchun to its original state. The size?!"

   said, Yin Shi had already walked outside the door.


   Yoshihara gate.

"Hey, are you kidding? You put the God of Browsing in this place?!" Ayin said silently, "Or you just came to play?! Time is running out! If God of Browsing gets any more stimulation, UU reading www.uukā can't imagine the consequences!"

"Don't worry, even the shogunate dare not break in casually in this kind of place. Putting it in this kind of place is the least noticeable." Yin Shishi waved his hand very casually, and then led Ayin and Baiyin. The sisters walked into Yoshihara, "Speaking of which, what is the final form of Dingchun? Will it become very big? Is it like a mountain? Finally, I feel a little bit as a protagonist. Sure enough, the protagonist should be different. ."

"It's not like that anymore!" Ayin was really a bit fierce, and then slowly explained, "The hole of the earth's gas gushing hole called the dragon's cave, the **** of brows is the **** who protects the biggest cave-the Huanglongmen. the son of."

   (Note: [Huanglongmen] is pronounced the same as [Anal Liumen] in Japanese)

"Well, sure enough, the reason why our family won't get hemorrhoids is Dingchun? In this way, I really want to reward Dingchun. It is really hard to guard the **** of everyone in our family." Yin Shi nodded and continued. .

"Could you not misunderstand what I said! Homophones will deduct money in China! You are so faint!" Ayin scolded, and then explained again, "We are the witches who guard the temple of Huanglongmen for generations, but God People drove us away and built a flight terminal on the Yellow Dragon Gate. That is, the terminal station of the universe. Because of this, we lost our career and had no life, so we had to abandon the son of God."

   "Abandoned the son of God for life?!"

   "No way! No money!" Ayin retorted loudly.

   "But why did it suddenly become like that?" Gintoki asked.

   "Brown **** is a docile animal, but once the power is liberated, he will transform into a terrifying beast god." Baiyin explained aloud after Ah Yin.


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