May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 124: : Is today 3 more unexpected? Huh?

   "I seem to see a new Cowherd star who is mad at Langsan's shoulders is rising!" Another Cowherd said excitedly, "Sure enough, our Gao Tianyuan is destined to become the number one Cowherd shop in Edo!"


   This is what I saw when the Mushiya trio and [Hachiro]’s mother, Kushiro and Hachiro entered Takatenhara. Almost all the cowboys gathered around Jiang Cheng and discussed something excitedly.

   However, because the crowd was too dense, Yin Shi and the others did not find that the person surrounded was Jiang Cheng.

   "No need to work?! What are you doing around together?!" Hachiro, who received the instructing of Kuangsielang's eyes, walked forward and coughed twice and reminded loudly at the same time.

   "It's the store manager who is back!" A group of cowboys found out, "The store manager, look at the performance chart!"

   "What's wrong with the performance chart?" Hachiro was puzzled, and turned to look at the performance chart on the wall. And Kuang Si Lang also looked over, only to see a handwritten KOU above, the red line representing performance has reached the ceiling!

"Masaka!" Crazy Death Lang was a little unbelievable, but in the end he smiled and said with a little emotion, "Sure enough, my vision can't be wrong. From the first sight of that man, I know , He can definitely become a cowboy beyond me!"

   "Hey? What do you mean?" Shinbaji was a little confused, "Isn't Kuangshi Langsan the number one cowboy in Kabukicho? What are you talking about?"

"The first cowboy?" Kuang Si Lang smiled, and then continued with a serious face, "No, from now on this title will be handed over to that man, but luckily it was discovered by me in advance, otherwise it would be something else. If the shop digs into our Gao Tianyuan business, it will definitely be robbed!"

   "That man? Who is it?" Gin Shiki asked while digging his nostrils.

   Yin Shi had just finished asking, and saw that the Cowboys who had just surrounded Jiang Cheng were all scattered, and they were divided into two rows and stood behind Jiang Cheng, which is full of pomp.

   "It's the man! Jiang Chengsang!" Kuang Shi Lang pointed to Jiang Cheng who was sitting on the deck with Erlang's legs up and said seriously.

  Gin Shi/Shin Baji/Kagura: "..."

   The three of them have only one idea now [this shop is about to end...]

"Crazy dead Langsang, I advise you to quickly separate the boundaries with that man. Otherwise, absolutely! I will definitely be involved in some strange things..." Xin Ba Hao helped his glasses and said blankly. .

"Hey? Do you know Jiang Chengsang?" Kuang Si Lang was a little confused, "If you are an acquaintance, it would be better. Please help me to persuade Jiang Chengsang. Although I have tried to invite him, he has not yet Promise to work on my side..."

   "No, it is not him that is the trouble, but the terrible women behind him..." Xin Baji said, remembering the horror of being dominated by the women of Baihua in the Snow Sculpture chapter.

   "Huh?" Crazy Death Lang puzzled.

   "Hey, what are you doing in a place like this? When did you change jobs?" Yin Shi walked up to Jiang Cheng and said.

   "Isn't this Silver Time?" Jiang Cheng looked at the people coming and then smiled, "It's just to help out the class."

   "Top shift? Have you ever done this kind of work? Be careful that those tigresses will unload you when they know it." Gin Shiki said casually, and then sat down.

"But it's really amazing to say. I didn't expect this kind of work. It's exactly the same as the profound meaning you taught me in the past!" Jiang Cheng didn't care about Yinshi's words, but said with a little emotion, "Just coaxing one. You can drink free wine by coaxing those women. I didn’t expect this kind of work to be really possible~"

   "Hey? Do you have a good understanding of Cowherd's way?!" The crazy dead man who walked over looked at Yinshi with a frenzied expression, "Please be sure to discuss it with me!"

   "No, it's not like that..." Yin Shi didn't know how to answer.

   "Uncle, I have sent your location to Yueyue." Kagura walked over while digging his nostrils, and at the same time took out his mobile phone (which Jiang Cheng bought) and shook it in front of Jiang Cheng.

"It doesn't matter, right?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and it didn't matter, "It's just crazy dead Langsang who bought the game for me, and I worked for him for a while. It's just a simple equivalent exchange. But what are you doing here? This kind of place is not a place for underage girls like you, but you can drink it if you just have milk."

   "Don't underestimate people Alu!" Kagura held his hand with a look of disdain, "I am already an adult! At least I have to drink a bull!"

   "Really?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips, "I have conveyed all your words to Sister Jiang Hua."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng took out his communicator and shook it in front of Kagura.

   Looking at Jiang Hua’s reply: [It’s still too early for a barbarian cow. Milk is more suitable for Kagura. 】, Kagura couldn't help but pounced on Jiang Cheng with his teeth and claws.

   "Aru used such a despicable means!" Kagura cursed while catching Jiang Cheng, "This kind of despicable means only made by elementary school students!!"

   "It doesn't make any difference what you did just now, right!" Xin Baji vomited.

   Jiang Cheng, who casually pressed Kagura on the seat, raised his head and asked, "Continuing the topic, what are you doing in this place? Also, please have a glass of milk and a glass of soda."

   "Who wants milk! You smelly uncle!" Kagura said madly, "At least give me a bully bastard! Here are some handsome cowboys!"

   "Don't be capricious, Kagura," Jiang Cheng sighed lightly. "A handsome man may not be reliable. You have to remember this clearly!"

   "It makes sense, Aru! It's handsome and useless! But it must be rich!" Kagura nodded and said, "Then, give me some diamond kings!"

"That's not right!" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless. "When you look at men, one can't look at their faces, two can't look at their wallets, three can't choose bald heads, four can't choose natural curls with silver hair, and five can't choose glasses in human skin! This is common sense. Of course it’s a bit early to say this, but you must keep it in mind!"

"Hey, what's the matter with the following three conditions?" Xin Ba Hao vomited again, "It's all you added now, right? The bald guy refers to the bald guy?! The silver-haired natural curls refer to the silver mulberry, I can. I understand, but did the last spectacle in human skin refer to me?! Why did the last condition say after a glance at me?!"

   "No, there is no such thing!" Jiang Chengyi said righteously, then leaned to Kagura's ear, and reminded him in a low voice, "Be careful of some glasses that enter puberty in estrus."

"I heard it all!" Xin Ba Haw frantically said, "I also have an aesthetic, okay! Who would like the big stomach king Musi who can only pick his feet and nose and keep his mouth all day long! "

   "Moreover, she has a rough temper. She can only cook bibimbap and can't do housework. She is definitely a waste housewife. She has a baby with 100% genetic baldness. Where is this kind of girl?" Yin Shi nodded and then added.

   "Hey, that's it!" Kagura jumped up and kicked the refurbished Bajiao directly.

   "Does my Kawaii's niece actually look like this in your eyes?!" Jiang Cheng jumped up and kicked Silver Time.

   "Uncle..." Kagura threw into Jiang Cheng's arms crying.

   "Yo Xi yo Xi, don't care about Kagura sauce, although what they said is the same as what I saw, but I think that except for the fact that the child is bald, everything else can be changed!" Jiang Cheng comforted.

   "That alone is impossible to marry!" Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao got up and shouted at the same time.

   "What silly things to say, refer to Jiang Hua's sister's appearance, I think Kagura will become a fanatic afterwards." Jiang Sung retorted.

   "What if you refer to that bald man again?" Gintoki curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Although it looks like a beautiful girl now, but the eighteenth woman has changed, what if you look closer to the bald man in the future?!"

   "That's really helpless." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking.

   "You answered too fast! Don't you need to think about it?!" Xin Bajia vomited, "The owner of Xinghai Fang from far away in the galaxy will cry after hearing it! I will definitely cry out of grievance!"

   "Don't worry! Kagura sauce! It doesn't matter if you look like that bald guy! My uncle will definitely help you to get a plastic surgery!" Jiang Cheng said vowedly.

   "Who is going to have a plastic surgery!!" Kagura said with a punch on Jiang Cheng's stomach, and in an instant, Jiang Cheng flew out.

   But no one noticed except Ginshi. After Kagura uttered the word "plastic surgery", Hachiro's face changed slightly, but then Hachiro continued to patrol the store.

   Of course, Kuang Si Lang's face changed slightly, but no one noticed...

   Kagura had a wallet from Jiang Cheng in his hand, and then Kagura and Gintoki both showed the sinister smile of [Successful Combat].

   "Hey, why did the two of you show the expression of [successful battle]? Did you aim at Jiang Chengsang's wallet from the beginning?! What about your morals?!" Xin Baji spit out frantically.

   "Anything like that is okay. Right now, the house of everything is almost exhausted. It's just a little extra money, don't make a fuss." Gin Shiki said casually, and then bashfully gathered in front of Kagura to prepare for the spoils.

   "I'd better resign as soon as possible..." Xin Baji muttered...

But at this moment, "Hey, Yinsang, what the **** is this place, we are here to find Hachiro, is it possible that you want to say that he is in this place?" Hachiro's mother glanced around~www. then asked in front of Yinshi.

   "Ah, calm down." Gin Shiki comforted, and then looked at Kuangshi Lang on the side, "Well, Mr. Kuang Shi Lang, can you distract everyone, I have some questions to ask you..."

"Well, okay, but wait a minute, there are still a few named guests on my side, and they will come when I explain to them." Kuang Shi Lang smiled and said, and dispersed the cowherd around. , I also walked in a certain direction.

   "Yin Sang, my mother hasn't noticed it yet..." Xin Ba Ji whispered in his ear when he approached Yin Shi.

   "Of course..." Gintoki looked at Hachiro who was patrolling aside, "Even if he is his own son, he will be like that... and the name Hachiro is very common..."

"But what exactly is Hachiro planning to do? Although it's hard to tell his mother when he understands his appearance, why should he take the initiative to contact us?" Shinpachi continued, but he still controlled his voice to be heard when there was only silver. Range.

   "People can still make sense, even if it's a long-winded mother who is attacked in front of him, the son will still take action." Yin Shi sighed and said.

   "It's not so much being attacked, it's better to say that you are attacking others..." Xin Baji vomited expressionlessly.



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