May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 133: : The so-called idols are actually no different from ordinary people!

   "Really, it hasn't been seen since just now." Fourteen said, "Where did it go?"

   "Don't look for it. If the girl's house disappeared without a word, it must be a poop!" Kondo said, holding his hand, "Don't worry about her, just because of this fourteen you are not a woman!"

   "Really? Then I know the reason why you are not female."

Fourteen had just finished speaking, and I saw Xin Ba Hao with his big red eyes pulling Kondo's collar and shouting loudly: "Don't say anything rude! Atong-chan can neither fart nor make things easy! It's all. It is discharged in the form of cute eggs! Just like a quail!!"

   After listening, Jiang Cheng and Kagura degenerated into peas.

"Do you think that you can save her pure situation?!" Kondo retorted with a black line, "It will only make people feel more disgusting! Idols can both fart and poop! You face reality Right!"

   "Then you also admit that my sister can fart!"

   "Of course! I have accepted this kind of thing a long time ago!" Kondo took it for granted, "It's just pink smoke!"

   "I said you are the one who is most reluctant to face reality!" Xin Bajia shouted again.


   "These two people are out of help..." Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly.

   "It's Aru..." Kagura replied.

   "I think so too..." Just after Fourteen, I heard the phone ringing.

   "Oh, Yamazaki, I'm very busy now, I'll hang up." After saying fourteen, I hung up the phone.

   "By the way, I really haven't seen that virgin brother." Jiang Cheng looked at the fourteen in confusion.

   "The police's job." Fourteen replied casually.

   "Oh, it's Yamazaki. Indeed, he is investigating consecutive women abduction incidents." At this time, Sougo brought Madao over and said, "He said he wanted a copy of Atong's signature."

   "Don't worry, I'll sign it for him." Fourteen replied at random, but the next moment... "I said you are enough! Why are you still holding such an uncle!"

   "I just think it's surprisingly easy to use," Sougo took the whip and hit the ground twice, only to see a strange blush on Madao's face...

   "It really is m..." Jiang Cheng said with a black line on his face.

   "Because it is madao, it must be m Aru. And the sunglasses originally looked like m, so it must be m!" Kagura replied decisively.

   "You two are all right," Jiang Xingkai is arguing frantically with Xin Baji and Kondo, "Stop arguing about that kind of meaningless thing, okay!"

"How could it be a meaningless thing!" Xin Ba Hao retorted, "This person is insulting Atong sauce! What would you do if your idol is insulted by someone! Ah, you don't seem to have the love you like. beans……"

   "I can't bear the woman I like being said like that! I can't forgive it even if it's the Odoudou of A Miao sauce!" Kondo retorted, pulling his neck.

   "It's okay to observe, then?" Jiang Cheng suggested, "Will you fart or poop? It's okay to observe for yourself?"

   "Hey, this person casually said something terrible," the fourteen on the side was a little speechless, "It seems to be guiding the two on the path of perversion..."

   "This kind of thing..." Xin Baji flushed and squeezed.

   "It makes sense!" Kondo looked serious, but everyone could tell that he was very excited, "Next time I will hide in the toilet of A Miao-chan's house..."

   Before I finished speaking, I saw Ah Miao rushing over at a very fast speed in the distance.

   "Miaochan!" Kondo exclaimed excitedly, the next moment...

"Go to hell! You perverted gorilla!!" A Miao waved the shopping bag in his hand and slammed Kondo's face directly. The latter was hit and flew out, two lines of nosebleeds kept flowing, but A Miao But he didn't intend to let Kondo go...

   "Sister, why are you here..." Seeing Miao who was punching Kondo, Shin Baji asked in confusion.

"Ah, Xinchan," Ah Miao stood up, and instantly switched her smiling expression, "It just suddenly felt like someone was crooking my old lady, chasing after Xun Xun's perverted breath. Nothing. What a great thing."

   "Isn't this a great thing?!" Xin Bajia vomited, "telepathic?! And what kind of abnormal breath is it!"

   "By the way, what are you doing here? Do you work?" Ah Miao continued.

   "Yeah," Xin Baji nodded quickly, "It is the work commissioned by Atongchan. I will help Zhensengumi improve his image today!"

   "This way, then you won't disturb your work," A Miao said with a smile, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Ahhhhhhh, is Jiang Chengsang here too?"

   "Ah, hahahaha," Jiang Cheng only felt a chill on his back looking at A Miao who was smiling, "I just passed by..."

"Passing by?" Ah Miao asked in confusion, but then it seemed that something suddenly occurred, "Ah, it's already this point, I'm going home to cook quickly, and I will come home for dinner with Xin Jiang in the evening. I always want to thank you. Just a moment~"

   As he said, A Miao squeezed her eyes and brightened the bag full of eggs in her hand.

   "What kind of thanks, elder sister, do you want to murder?" Xin Baji spit out expressionlessly.

   "Huh? What did you say?"

   "Ah, he didn't say anything!" Jiang Cheng hurried out of the round, "If you have a chance, you must try Miss A Miao's craftsmanship if you have a chance, but there is really no time today..."

"That's really a pity..." Ah Miao showed regret, then looked at Xin Ba Hao, "But Xin Jiang must go home for dinner today. My sister is going to try a new egg dish, Kagura Sauce today. Come together too, don’t refuse, if you can’t find anyone at the meal..."

   Kagura/New Eight Chi: "..."

   After finishing speaking, Ah Miao smiled again and said hello to the people and just extended it.

   "Jiang me..." Xin Ba Ji looked at Jiang Cheng.

"This kind of thing...I can't do anything about it. You should give some face to your own sister's cooking," Jiang Cheng replied, "Of course, if I am hospitalized afterwards, I will definitely bring the fruit to visit. "

   "Sousou, how can my sister's cooking be an oudoudou without saving face?!" Kondo, who did not know when he stood up, clasped his hands and sternly said, "Then let my brother-in-law accompany you!"

   "This person is really helpless..." Sougou and Fourteen on the side vomit at the same time.


   "By the way, it's been too long for that Atong sauce to go to the toilet..." Jiang Cheng said casually, "It's not constipation, right?"

   "How come!" Xin Ba Hao roared.

   "Girls are like this," Kondo nodded and replied, "It takes a long time to go to the toilet every time. It also takes a long time to go to the toilet. It is said that it is to go to the toilet, but it didn't come out until the end of the friendship."

   [You were simply dumped...] Everyone thought.

   "Vice commander! Found it! There!" a member of Shinsengumi shouted.

   "Where?" Fourteen looked in the direction that Zhensengumi was pointing, and on a big screen...


on the screen:

"Kuns! Do you really think Shinsengumi is worthy of the existence of maintaining peace in Edo?! Everyone! They are just very fragile and know the waste of a large amount of consumption tax! The evidence is that we easily stand in front of them Captured their head of the day!"

   At Yibo Temple, a group of [Tengu Party] smashers are shouting to Zhensengumi on the big screen. Behind the heavily armed rovers are the **** Atongchan and a group of girls.

"The girls here and this temple gate are the best evidence to prove their incompetence!" The suspected leader continued to shout, "This world is decaying! Let us change it! We are in Yibo The temple is waiting for you! Come if you want to save these girls!"

   "Is this also in your schedule?" Jiang Cheng pointed to the big screen and asked curiously, "It's like a fire drill?"

"How is it possible!" Fourteen scolded, and then looked at the members of Zhensengumi, "Quickly go over! This kind of thing happened in front of us, this time Zhensengumi is really going to be over! Give it to me quickly! save!!"


   Different Buddha Temple.

   "The people who occupy the Yibo Temple are the Yi Langshi known as the [Tengu Party]. It has been proved that the recent series of women abduction incidents are theirs!"

"The popular idol Ms. Mondori Tera, who served as the head of the Shinsengumi one day, will also be taken hostage. Now, all the hostages have been taken to set foot, and the prisoners' request is to release all the renunciations arrested by Shinsengumi, and Zhensengumi is required to announce its dissolution."

   "If these two conditions are not they say they will kill all hostages. How will Zhensengumi respond to this? We will pay more attention to the future!"

   The anchor Huaye was chattering to the camera, and behind the anchor Huaye was a group of onlookers and several media.

   The anchor Hanano just finished speaking, he heard an emergency brake sound, and the anchor Hanano looked over, "Come on! Real selection team is here!"


   "How are you going to be responsible for this happened?" A group of media instantly surrounded the bus leased by Zhensengumi.

   "Please say a few words!"

   "Kondo-san, Atong-chan was kidnapped in front of you, right? Didn't you notice it?"

   "They asked Shinsengumi to disband, what are you going to do?"

   Looking at the countless microphones in front of him, Kondo only felt irritated. He simply ignored them, and led a group of Zhenseng Group members directly to the tower of the Yibo Temple, leaving the reporter aside.

   "Don't go! Kondo-san! Don't you want to say a few words?" The reporters didn't intend to let Kondo go, but the next moment, Gintoki got off the bus.

  The eyes of the reporters instantly fell on Yin Shi's body.



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