May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 140: : Overtime is a very painful thing...

   "Isn't that person like this before and now? Don't mind, hahahaha." Sakamoto said casually.


   After leaving the snack shop, Jiang Cheng turned directly into the side alley, took out his cell phone from his arms, edited a message and sent it to an unsaved email address.

   [Electric blood, have you heard of this name? Will it be helpful for research? 】

   Three minutes later, Jiang Cheng received a reply.

   [I heard that it was extracted from a special ore on a certain planet, but the shipment volume is very small. Therefore, I am not quite sure. But I don't think it will be of much help. After all, we have already completed the compression experiment. 】

   After reading the message, Jiang Cheng quietly thought about it for a minute, then came to a conclusion in his mind, so he picked up the phone and edited a message and sent it out.

   [Not sure that it might be helpful, I will get it. If it is helpful to the research, it will help a lot. 】

   Three minutes later.

  【I see, Senior Jiang Cheng. 】


   "This entrustment takes me a copy." Jiang Cheng walked into the dim sum shop again and said to the four people who were still sitting in the original seats, "I need a section of that electrophoresis, and I can buy it with money."

   "It's useless to tell me this kind of thing. You have to tell Mutsu too. Ahahahaha..." Sakamoto looked up and replied.

   "Let's not talk about the request you mentioned, first of all you have to find the goods?" Yin Shi said without looking up.

   "I have been working with you and I don't know when to find it," Jiang Cheng said with disdain, then looked at Xin Ba Ji and asked, "That woman should have left you a clue? What is it?"

   "Ms. Mutsu said, let's go here if there is a problem." After that, Shinbaji took out a business card, "Aoki Chamber of Commerce."

   "I see." With that, Jiang Cheng turned and walked out.

   "I always feel that Jiang Chengsang is a little bit wrong..." Xin Baji murmured, "I have never seen Jiang Chengsang like this before, as if he is very anxious."

   "Don't care, don't care," Yin Shi said casually, "Isn't our job easier then? After Jiang Cheng finds the goods and the payment, why don't we just ask for the payment?"

"Your attitude is really irritating, Yinsang." Xin Ba Hao said with a curled lips, "That's our job, right? If your job is taken away, you should be angry, right? "

   "Broken!" Gin Shizuo suddenly reacted.

   "Sousou, this should be the attitude." Xin Baji nodded approvingly and said.

   "If you leave it alone, that idiot might tear down the chamber of commerce!" Gintoki stood up, and at the same time lifted Sakamoto.

   "No, I'm not talking about that..." Xin Baji murmured, but then he also reacted, "No, would Jiang Chengsang really do that?!"

   "Of course!" Gin Shiki replied, "You guys don't eat it!"


   At this time, the sky is already dark.

   Jiang Cheng stood downstairs and looked at the Aoki Chamber of Commerce, which was still lit, before pushing the door and walking in.

   "Well, you must hurry up!" Everyone was still a step late, and when everyone at Yinshi arrived at the Aoki Chamber of Commerce, they saw Jiang Cheng opening the door and walking in.

   "Hurry up!" Gintoki shouted, and grabbed Sakamoto's hair and rushed in. Kagura and Shinhachi also rushed in.


   "That, I'm very sorry, if you can't prove that you are a friend of Sakamoto-sama, we cannot provide you with information here." The president of the Aoki Chamber of Commerce explained to Jiang Cheng while sitting on the sofa with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense," Jiang Cheng sat on the opposite sofa and drew his ears impatiently, then picked up his umbrella and rushed towards the president, "Spit out all the information you know within three seconds. Otherwise. If so, this chamber of commerce will no longer exist when the sun rises tomorrow."

   "Huh? Are you joking, gentleman?" The president still smiled and said, "We Aoki Chamber of Commerce have never offended you, right? If you are so messy, I can only call the police."

   "One," Jiang Chenggong moved the umbrella to the other wall and fired a shot decisively after finishing talking about one.

   Boom! ! !

   A hole was blown out of the wall.

"Just sort out your lines, you still have two opportunities." Jiang Cheng said casually, but Jiang Cheng's heart was not so casual, because this matter may be helpful to that matter, so Jiang Cheng will show Must be so eager.

   "Our Aoki Chamber of Commerce implements the principle of credibility first! Threats are a little useful for our Aoki Chamber of Commerce..."

Before he could finish, Jiang Guo broke the second shot in the other direction, then pointed his umbrella back at the president, squinted his eyes and said, "You have one last chance, you don’t have to be in front of me. Pretend, I can see all the undisguised desires under your false smile."

   "I'm so sorry!!" The president stopped pretending, got up and knelt down and shouted, "I will say everything I know!"


When   Ginshi, Shinyagi, Kagura and Sakamoto, they entered the door and saw the following scene: The entire president's office was destroyed by Jiang Cheng and only two complete walls were left, and the president was kneeling on the ground tremblingly.

   "What the **** is thinking of your kid?!" Yin Shi rushed to Jiang Cheng and kicked Jiang Cheng over. "It's just that you broke this place like this when it was late for a while?!"

   "What are you talking about," Jiang Cheng got up and said casually, "This person is all recruited."

   "Recruited? What do you mean?" Xin Baji pushed his eyes, and then said in shock, "Is there really something wrong with this Chamber of Commerce?! Are they guarding and stealing?!"

   "It's almost there, but the electrophoresis isn't here," Jiang Cheng said and walked to the door, "Leave me the next thing."

   "We too..." Xin Ba Ji was interrupted by Jiang Cheng before he finished speaking.

   "No, I am enough." After saying that, Jiang Cheng walked out without looking back, leaving only the Wanshiya trio and Sakamoto who looked at each other on the ground.

   "Then, what the **** is going on? Can you explain it to us too? President Sang?" Gintoki walked to the sofa and sat down, grinning and showing white teeth.


   "It's really bad! It turned out to be all self-directed and self-acted!" After listening to the president's words, Xin Baji cursed, "He has a good face, but he has done such a thing."

   In fact, the entire incident was directed and performed by the Aoki Chamber of Commerce. First, the location of the transaction was deliberately revealed to attract people from a certain organization, and people from a certain organization were deliberately robbed of all the money and goods at the transaction site.

   Then, under the guise of the quick aid team, entrusted the House of Everything, and then gave them some hints. Under these prompts, the House of All Things and the Quick Rescue Team will destroy the organization that had taken the goods before, and secretly take the goods and the payment when the two sides have not recovered, and come to a snipe and clam to fight for the fisherman's profit.

After   , the insurance money, the goods, and the payment for the goods, finally all fell into the hands of the president of the Aoki Chamber of Commerce.

   "The calculation is pretty good, but you didn't expect to provoke unexpected people?" Yin Shi said casually, "Of course, maybe without Jiang Cheng, you might be successful."

   "But when it comes to this, why is Jiang Chengsang interested in that kind of thing? Yinsang?" Xin Baji asked.

   "I don't know, but..." With that, Yin Shi remembered Jiang Cheng's expression at that time, and even Yin Shi felt that something was wrong. "Perhaps, I just want to make the four-wheel drive longer lasting."

   "How is it possible!" Shinyachi yelled, but then suddenly he felt a disharmony, "By the way, what about Sakamoto-san?"

   "I ran out Aru with my uncle." Kagura pointed to the door and said.

   "Don't worry about that person," Gintoki said casually, waving his hand, "Sakamoto Tatsuma is as powerful as a monster. He was very great and famous in previous wars."

   "Is that idiot very tough Aru?" Kagura looked incredulous.

   "Yeah, it's very tough anyway. Besides, isn't there a real monster beside him? So it's okay." Gin Shiki continued.

   "It's true that Jiang Chengsang's words are really reassuring." Xin Baji murmured.

   "Probably, my uncle is better than that bald..." Kagura couldn't help but replied.

   "Isn't that obvious?" Yin Shitacked his nostrils and replied casually, "After all, it can be seen from the hair follicles."

"That's not the same thing at all, right?!" Xinba Haw exclaimed, but then he got serious, "Well, Yinsang. Speaking of Jiang Chengsang, you and Sakamoto-san have participated in the war against barbarians, right? At last…"

   "I forgot," Yin Shi interrupted Xin Ba Hao to love you huge, "Don't ask others what they have forgotten."



  Under the Evil Organization Building.

  The battle is over.

   Jiang Cheng glanced at the **** members of the strict organization. Then he walked aside, took out a shocked blood from the box, closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

   "It seems that I made a mistake This has nothing to do with Altana at all." Jiang Cheng said with a sigh.

   Then Jiang Cheng took out his phone, edited a message and sent it out.

   [Electric blood has nothing to do with Altana. 】


   When Jiang Cheng dragged the goods and the payment back to the Aoki Chamber of Commerce, he found that Sakamoto was not here.

   "Where is Sakamoto?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously.

   "Hey? Isn't Sakamoto-san with you?" Shinbaji asked rhetorically.

   "What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng said disdainfully.

   But then, Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi thought of a possibility at the same time, "That fool, shouldn't..."


   smile bar.

   "Miss Aliang, please marry me!" Sakamoto shouted and pounced on Aliang.

   The latter still resorted to a simple and unpretentious trick to slap her legs.

   "Today, my work completion degree should be multiplied by three Aru!" Kagura said, holding his hands.

   Xin Ba Ji/Yin Shi/Jiang Cheng: "……"



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