May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 7: Hell named loneliness.

   "Another planet?" He was puzzled.

"Ah, another one, my home." Jiang Cheng replied softly, "Even though I hate it and not reconciled, I have to admit that it is my home. I also have very important [family] on that planet. on."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng remembered the scenes from when he met Songyang. Those were unforgettable memories.

   "You..." Seeing the unspeakable sadness and desolation in Jiang Cheng's eyes, Shenwei didn't know what to say.

   "Ah, sorry," Jiang Cheng turned his head and smiled, and reached out his hand to touch Shenwei's head, "I accidentally remembered the past."

   This time, Shenwei did not knock off Jiang Cheng's hand.

   "It's a weird fellow." After a long time, Shenwei said this with a chuckle.

"Human beings are not hard to change creatures. When one person meets another person, the original life trajectory will change. I am very lucky. I have met two such people." Jiang Cheng smiled and said Such a sentence, but as far as Shenwei is concerned, it looks more like Jiang Cheng is talking to himself.

   "Two?" Shenwei asked in confusion, "Is one mother? What about the other?"

   "Little devil, your curiosity is too heavy!" Jiang Cheng said, and knocked Shenwei fist.

"Obviously you opened this chatterbox yourself!" Shenwei cursed, covering the bag on his head, but then whispered: "When will I be as strong as you? In that case, maybe I can beat that man, too. Take his mother away from him..."

   "No, your idea is wrong." Jiang Cheng replied, "Your goal was wrong from the beginning. Your enemy is not that man. It's your mother."

"how come?"

"Perhaps in your eyes it was the man who took Sister Jiang Hua away from the planet, but if Sister Jiang Hua doesn't desire it, that man will not succeed." Jiang Cheng slowly explained, "Sister Jiang Hua chose. It's not because that man is blocking me to stay. And... she is reluctant to leave you..."

   "We..." Shenwei lowered his head, "I know, I always know, but I..."

   "Perhaps you don't understand at all. Sister Jiang Hua, who has been alone for countless years, brought her redemption to that man."


   "It was the man who saved her from the lonely hell, and you, her children." Jiang Cheng's expression also softened a little.

   "Why are you so sure?"

"Because I was the same, I was redeemed by her, from the **** called loneliness." Jiang Cheng replied, then turned his head to face the gods' eyes, "So, at least stay by her side and act like a baby, she That's all I want..."

"Even if you surpass that man and abandon [family], you still can't surpass Sister Jianghua. She has been fighting since she left Suan, has been fighting, fighting for you in other places. Strong, beautiful and gentle People, that's your mother."

   "So, what should I do?!" Shenwei raised his face and exclaimed.

"So I told you? Just stay with her and act like a baby to your heart's content." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking, and then asked a lot, "Also, just leave the troubles to me, we Isn’t it an appointment? I, as a person, don’t want to break the agreement anymore..."

   "But..." Shenwei wanted to say something, but Jiang Cheng interrupted again.

"Occasionally you have to learn to rely on adults. The strength of children is limited," Jiang Cheng continued, "Also, let's become stronger, not to bring down that man, but to get closer to your mother. Being close to this family has always been Your mother fighting somewhere."

   "I don't understand..." Shenwei stretched out his two hands, "That kind of power, what is it..."

   "I only know that it is not only the strength of the body, but also the strength of the heart. My teacher taught me this way."


"Well, like Sister Jiang Hua, a gentle and strong person." Jiang Cheng replied softly, "I just understand it now. Maybe the teacher, like Sister Jiang Hua, has been fighting in places we can't see, but I I haven't found it."

   "I don't understand," Shinwei curled his lips, "I don't want to become this kind of adult who speaks all things inexplicable."

"Then, let's give you a simple task," Jiang Cheng said with a serious face and nodded, holding his hands, "This is an A-level task! Are you confident to complete it?! If it is completed, it will make mom happy. Add 10!"

   "???" A big question mark appeared on Shenwei's head.

   "Don't even understand this?" Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, and then explained, "Although I don't like playing rpg games, I still understand tasks like this kind of NPC favorability."

   Looking at Shenwei's little face, who was still puzzled, Jiang Cheng sighed and said, "That's it. Next time that bald guy comes back, try to keep him for a reunion dinner."

   "Is this kind of thing really okay? Can it really make my mother happy?" Shenwei asked with a black line.

   "Would you like to make a bet? My gambling luck is surprisingly good~" Jiang Cheng teased.

   "No! Mom said that you can't get gambling!" Shenwei replied decisively.

   "Cut, life without gambling is like sushi without wasabi!" Jiang Cheng retorted, "Remember it for me! Kid!"

   "Well, then if I win, what will you give me?" Shenwei asked.

   "That's right..." Jiang Cheng supported his chin and closed his eyes, thinking carefully, "If you lose..."

   "This ship! If I win, give me this ship!" Shenwei said with bright eyes.

"it is good."

   "Hey?!" Shenwei didn't expect Jiang Cheng to agree so neatly, and looked at Jiang Cheng in shock.

   "Why is this expression?" Jiang Cheng wondered.

   "Because you promised me so simply..." Shenwei murmured, "What if I lose?"

   "I just wanted to lose before it started? This is not what a man should have!" Jiang Cheng teased.

   "Who will lose!" Shenwei was a child who couldn't stand the excitement, and immediately shouted, "My ship is temporarily stored with you! Waiting for me to get it!"

   After finishing speaking, she stood up and walked out in full force.

   "Ah, it really is just a child." Looking at the Shenwei who turned and left, Jiang Chengyang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled softly.


   After Shenwei returned home, he felt that something was wrong. He obviously wanted to go to his mother's hometown with that man. Why did he finally accept such a bet?

   Thinking of this, Shenwei was ready to turn around and go to Jiang Cheng to have a theory, but before Shenwei went out, Jiang Hua's voice came.

   "Shenwei, have dinner~"

"Okay, I get it now."

   After dinner, at night, Shenwei rubbed his hands and stood by Jiang Hua’s bed, his face was full of entanglements. Should he say it or not? Shenwei has been entangled to a limit.

   But in the end, Shenwei chose to speak his own words. It's just another way of saying it.


   "School trip?" After hearing what Shinwei said, Jiang Hua and Xiao Kagura were puzzled.

   "Mummy, what is a school trip?" Xiao Kagura looked at Jiang Hua who was aside curiously and asked.

   "The so-called school trip means traveling with one's companions and teachers." Jiang Hua explained with a smile.

   "Almost that's what it means!" Shenwei quickly replied.

   "Ah~study trip~" Jiang Hua looked at Shenwei with a wry smile, "But our family doesn't seem to be rich enough to send you to school? Shenwei?"

   "That's actually..." Shenwei hurriedly wanted to explain, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of any good reasons.

   "But it's okay," Jiang Hua smiled and said, "Mom agrees."

   "Sure enough..." Shenwei said bitterly, but the next moment, "Agree?! Mom, did you agree?! Is it really okay?!"

   "It can be, but..." Jiang Hua leaned into Shenwei's ear and reminded softly, "Be sure to listen to [Teacher]~"

   "No! That talent is not a teacher!" Shenwei retorted subconsciously, but the next moment he quickly covered his mouth.

   Fortunately, Jiang Hua does not intend to pursue it. But the little Kagura on the side was different, full of curiosity.

   "Hey, Kamui, what exactly is a school trip?" Xiao Kagura exclaimed excitedly, "Can I go to many interesting places? There are many delicious things? Kagura wants to go too~"

   "Kagura, you're too early!" Shenwei replied trip or something, you have to wait for you to grow up! "

   "That's it..." Xiao Kagura curled his lips in a loss, making a look that he was about to cry.

   "Speaking of which, mom, do you have a place you want to go?" Shenwei asked, and then looked at Jiang Hua curiously, and even the little Kagura on the side looked at Jiang Hua curiously.

   "I mean, where do you want to go..." After thinking for a while, Jiang Huacai stretched out a finger and smiled and said, "Earth."

   "Earth?" Kagura asked in confusion, but then reacted, "Ah, isn't that the planet where you and Dad sent your uncle to?"

   "Well, the earth, the bald man once said that it is a very, very beautiful place." Jiang Hua explained with a smile, "but with the character of that bald Ma Daha, I should have forgotten it a long time ago."

   "Then when Mommy gets better, let's go to the earth together!" Little Kagura said excitedly.

"Hi, everyone." Jiang Hua touched Xiao Kagura's head and said with a smile. At the same time, he looked at the stack of books on a side chair, and whispered softly: "Earth, it really is a beautiful planet. Jiang Chengjiang has grown into an excellent adult there too..."



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