May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 146: : Red Sakura chapter change: 6

   At this time, Kagura finally discovered that dozens of ronin were hidden in the shadows in front of him.

The searchlight-san, who was standing at the top of the house-shaped boat, was born and reminded: "Everyone, you can't kill her. If you kill even women and children, it will ruin our reputation as a samurai. We must capture her alive. And, this eldest lady's uncle is an incredible monster~"

"Senior, should you have a limit for controlling Lolita?!" Youzi cursed, "She has already invaded here, why do you want to catch her alive! And, sooner or later, those people will also be our enemies!" "

"I'm not a lo*ic*n, but a feminist. Only gentle treatment of women is in line with the feminist style!" Takeshi retorted too much, "Also, it is better not to stimulate that kind of beast now. This is The conclusion I reached as a staff member of the Ghost Corps."

   But just after finishing talking, Takeshi Bianping Tai heard a scream, and when he glanced at it, it turned out that Kagura was cruelly torturing those ronins at this time. For Kagura, this level of ronin was one by one.

   "What's the matter? This little girl!"

   "Very awesome!"

   A crowd of ronin spoke out.

   After knocking out a Ronin casually, Kagura shouted: "Wig! You are here! If you are there, you should say Aru!"

   Seeing the Kagura who was at ease in front of a crowd of ronin, Yuzi finally couldn't help it, raised his gun and pressed the trigger at Kagura without thinking.


   "Hey, hey, I didn't expect to see acquaintances at such a time," Jiang Cheng put away his umbrella, squinted and said with a smile.

   "So didn't you say it? Don't introduce some strange..." Before Takeshi Bianpingtai finished speaking, Jiang Cheng had taken the lead in shooting Takeshi Bianpingtai.


   Takeshi flattened and changed his hairstyle too.

"I seem to remember your voice," Jiang Cheng squinted, and stretched out a finger, "Didn't I say don't let me meet you~ Because I can't help but want to give you a gift~ this explosive head Do you like it? I think it suits you unexpectedly~"

   "Senior Wushi!" After shouting again, he looked at Jiang Cheng with an unkind expression, "Who are you guys?!"

   "This voice..." Jiang Cheng searched for meaning in his mind, and finally... "You are that flat breasted girl!"

   "Who is a flat breasted girl! You bastard!" He shouted with a burst of veins.

   "Sure enough, I guessed it right, it really is a flat chest, Hirako." Jiang Cheng glanced at and said with emotion.

   "Who is Hirako! Don't just give people strange names!"

   "I just think the accident is suitable for you, this name." Jiang Cheng explained helplessly, and then said hello to Yuzi, "I would like to see you for the first time, Hirako."

   "I said it's not Hirako!" Said again, frantically.

   "Indeed, it is not Hirako," Takeshi flattened too much and said, "You can still see some ups and downs from the side, and the cliffs are different."

"So, you don't understand this, right?" Jiang Cheng sighed and continued, "Now there is something called a chest pad, which looks really similar. She must have used it. That kind of thing."

   "Who do you think would use that kind of thing!" he cursed again.

   "This possibility is also very high." Takeshi Bianping Taizhi murmured under his chin.

"Senior, are you like this too?!" Yuzi yelled, and then quickly turned to the side, and shouted at Takasugi who was still carrying his back: "Sama Jinsuke! I really didn't use that kind of thing! You can check if you don't believe it. a bit!"

"It's useless, Pingzi," Jiang Cheng persuaded, "Gao Tsai is very kind, even if he thinks you are flat chested, he can't say it because he's afraid of hurting your heart. Besides, you too. It’s not that I like that type."

   "I said I'm not called Hirako anymore!" Yuzi scolded, "Also, it should be called Jinsuke University! Besides, do you really know what type of Jinsuke-sama likes?"

   "Of course," Jiang Cheng replied naturally, "After all, we have been to Hualiu Street countless times together. I remember Gaozai's hobby clearly!"

   "Hey?! Really?! Has Mr. Takasugi ever been to such a place?"

   "After all, Mr. Takasugi is also a normal man, understand."

   "If you say that, I will understand."

   "I also understand..."

   A group of ghost soldiers laughed.

   "Enough for you!" Yuzi yelled, "How can Master Jinsuke go to such a place! Don't be fooled by him!"

   "You are enough! You have been there countless times! No matter how you maintain Gaozi's pure image, it is useless! You have been there!" Jiang Cheng shouted.

   "Sama Shinsuke..." Yuko turned his head and looked at Takasugi.

   At the same time everyone looked at Takasugi.

   At this time, Takasugi was carrying his back, but the blue veins on his face jumped up and down.

   After a long time, Takasugi managed to endure his anger, and said leisurely: "I haven't been."

"You lied!!" Jiang Cheng couldn't help cursing, "You were lying! I remember it clearly! Once you almost fought with Yin Shi over a girl! But in the end the girl chose you. But the first The girl said the next day that you don’t understand at all..."

   Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Takasugi had already drew his sword out and threw it over.

   "It's dangerous!" Jiang Cheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the knife sticking straight in front of him, and continued with lingering fear: "Okay, okay, let's not turn over your dark history."

   "Uncle, he wig..." Kagura murmured while pulling Jiang Cheng's arm.

   "Ah, I see, there is nothing for you here, you should go back first." Jiang Cheng replied.


   "No, but, go back quickly, and leave the rest to me." As he said, Jiang Cheng looked at Kagura with the expression still squinting.

   "Don't!" Kagura played a little bit.

   "Be obedient, at this time, you should listen to the adults!" Jiang Cheng said sharply, "Don't be willful!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng directly lifted Kagura by the back collar of Kagura, and threw it towards the shore.

   "Do you want to kill me?!!!" Kagura was thrown into the air and cursed with blank eyes.

   Then...Boom! !

   "Well, for this kind of thing, I just need to send a boat to take her down. There is no need to do this. Master Jiang Cheng." Takeshi Bianping murmured while looking at the ruins on the shore.

   "No, it's faster to do this in this case," Jiang Cheng replied.

   "In fact, there is one more thing I hope to get the assistance of Mr. Esari." As he said, Takeshi Hentai took out a thick report from his arms, "This is the Edo Youth Protection Ordinance..."

   "lo*ic*n also has a limit, hello!" Youzi scolded.

   "Shut up, Hirako!" Takeshi Bianping prevented Yuzi from speaking too much, and then began to introduce Jiang Cheng to Jiang Cheng's own regulations.

   "I said it wasn't Hirako! Why did you even call you! My name is Youzi! How can I repair you when you come to the island!" Youzi said frantically.

   "Be quiet, and [BEEP—] again." Jiang Cheng complained.

   "Why add a [BEEP—] sound inexplicably? No need to add that kind of thing!" He shouted frantically with blank eyes.

   "I just think it's really not good to talk about thighs here." Jiang Cheng murmured.

   (The pronunciation of thigh is similar to and, both are mata)

   "Is there only that kind of thing in your brain?!" Youzi was already mad to a certain extent.

   "I don't think this one is very good. Let all young people wear sportswear every day..." Jiang Cheng frowned and murmured.

   "But, sportswear can reflect the mental outlook of teenagers, right?" Takeshi Biantai replied, "In fact, I wrote sports swimwear at the beginning..."

   "Senior Takeshi, you are just a pure metamorphosis..." Youzi spit out expressionlessly.

"Speaking of, is that man back? It's the man who can transform with that weird knife." Jiang Cheng flipped through the report in his hand and said casually, "If he comes back, don't let him Go out at will, otherwise I won’t let him go easily next time."

   "You mean..."

"Well, I'm just here to pick up my niece who is still wandering late at night. By the way, I also recounted the old friends. But it seems that Gao Zi seems to have nothing to say to me. Then, my task is also completed. Now, bye bye." Jiang Cheng was about to get up and leave.

   "Well, since it's here, we should treat you well." Then, UU Reading Takeshi Bianpingtai toward the side of the ghost soldiers made a few gestures.

  In an instant, a crowd of ronin surrounded Jiang Cheng.

   "Alala, the attitude has changed a bit quickly~ Is this the so-called Tuqong Dagger?" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

   "After all, now that there is no distinction between enemy and friend, we can't let you go easily." Takeshi Biantai replied, "Of course, if you can choose to join the ghost team, we are also very welcome."

   "I'm used to being lazy," Jiang Cheng said embarrassedly, touching the back of his head, "So this kind of life may not be suitable for me, hahaha."

   After a few laughs, Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly and said, "Or do you think that these few people can keep me? There must be a limit to arrogance."

"Perhaps you are right, but there is also a prerequisite, that is, you need to face the usual you to set up. It seems that Mr. Jiang Cheng did not check the calendar today when he went out..." After a pause, the city became peaceful and Taixiangyi The ronin gave an order, "Come on! Everyone!"

"Actually, you also calculated a little wrong. Although it is indeed the 15th today, but..." Jiang Cheng kicked the two Ronalds next to him and instantly came to the front of Takeshi Biantai, "Before I fell asleep. , Kill all the people in this ship, but it’s too late~"



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