May Be the Fake Gintama

: Please take 1 day off, sorry.

Recently, my unit’s busy heads have grown. I wrote a chapter at noon today, but it looked like a running account, so I deleted it again.

Forget it, let’s take a day off, and I will have a rest tomorrow, and it’s not my turn to be on duty. You can empty your head. Think carefully about the plot of the next daily short story.

In fact, there is an impulse, that is, the ordinary daily short stories will be separated from the past, and the small long stories that have been conceived will be started directly, but, forget it, let's try to write as much as possible. It's not easy to write it once, and I feel uncomfortable if I lack the weight.

I will make up for what I owe today, and there will be three shifts in the next two days.


In addition, how come there are fewer and fewer subscriptions... There are more and more collections, but subscriptions continue to decline. This kind of operation... is it all to see piracy?

Try to subscribe as much as possible, there are coins for watching an ad.

Thanks to book friends 2021xxxx6038 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

Thank you for your 135 yuan rewards for no one.

Thanks to Lamentation for the reward of 750 starting coins.

Thank you Fengziren for the monthly pass!

Thank you for a monthly pass sent by the mysterious accident!

Thank you for the monthly pass sent by Cang Yi!

thank you very much!


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