May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 348: :The first part of Shin Yoshihara Yan begins! (Jiang Cheng: Hey? Where is it...

Yoshihara, late at night.

"Report to the chief that those people have already entered Yoshihara. They are approaching towards Master Jiang Cheng's residence!" A Baihua member bowed his head and knelt in front of Yue Yong on one knee, "According to our information, it can't be wrong. , Those few people are the commander and deputy commander of the Seventh Division of Chunyu!"

"Well, I see. Just continue to monitor. Don't act rashly. Don't take action if you don't have to." Yue Yong let out a puff of cigarette lightly, "Remember to report to me at any time."

"But, Mr. Jiang Cheng's side..." The Baihua member raised his head and stopped talking.

"Ah, don't worry, I will find a way." With that, Yue Yong turned around and left.


On the streets of Yoshihara, a few figures holding oiled paper umbrellas walked on the street calmly, facing the constant wooing of street girls, and did not show the slightest impatience. Still walking in a certain direction constantly.

"One by one, it's really troublesome." Avotu said in a somewhat impatient voice, and then raised his head and glanced at the one who had just disappeared from the roof. The figure of Baihua members, "Moreover, this feeling of being stared at by others is really uncomfortable."

As he said that, Afutu turned his head to look at the smiling divine might holding an umbrella, frowning pretending to complain: "Head, I really can't believe that you can hold back your move, if it were the previous words. , Can't help it long ago?"

"The change is really big," Shenwei turned his head and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that this place could become like this in such a short time, and I don't know how Boss Fengxian did it."

"Head..." Afutu reluctantly reminded him, "We are not here to play this time."

"Hey, I know." Shenwei responded, turned his head and looked straight ahead, looking at a small second-story building not far away, his expression became excited, "It's really excited, I already feel it. Here, that man..."

The two wandering girls holding Shenwei's arms were startled by the sudden change of Shenwei's aura.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I just got excited suddenly." Shenwei smiled and looked at the two wandering girls on the side. "Then, can you talk about it? I'm very curious about that man."

"I'm sorry!" After the two wandering girls apologized, they quickly released Shenwei's arms, and then turned and fled without looking back.

"Am I that scary just now?" Shenwei cast a natural and dull expression and looked at Afutu and Yunye on the side.

"No, it's just a little bit more excited than usual." Avotu replied, "But then, after all, that man..."

"I thought it was Afutu who knew it," Shenwei pretended to complain, then turned his head and looked forward while continuing, "In Chunyu was treated as a taboo... Ten years ago, the destruction of Chunyu The culprit of the Second Division..."

"If I want to do that kind of thing, I can do it too."

"No, it can't be done," Shenwei smiled, "At that time, the man seemed to be exhausted after fighting for a long time. Can you do it?"

Afutu choked for a while.

"Although there is also the reason for the baldness, the upper head kept silent, but the reason is that they are afraid. If they retaliate, they may be completely wiped out." Shenwei said as he walked, his footsteps are always the same. "Only some foolish lower-level people will discuss that man. The smart and fearful upper-level people dare not make any measures against that man, even if they know that this man is on earth, it’s the same for me. Say you understand? So do you understand why I am so excited?"

"Head, our first task is to determine the status of Father Fengxian. Please don't forget." Avotu reminded again, "As for the man, I don't think it matters. For those who don't care, we don't have to make it. The kind of thing that might damage our interests."

"How can I say that? I really look forward to fighting him. No, I'm already excited and can't stop shaking."

Seeing his uncontrollable expression of excitement on his head, Avotu said his heart was very tired...


At the same time, the man in Shenwei's mouth was barefoot at this time, with two heavy dark circles on his face, but even so, he was staring at the computer screen in front of him intently.

"Yo Xi! Won!" Jiang Cheng let down the gamepad, cheered loudly, "I didn't sleep for two consecutive days, and finally completed this final abnormal mission! Great, this time I can finally have a good rest."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng stood up, stretched his waist, and staggered towards his bedroom.

However, at this moment, Jiang Cheng's door was opened, and at the same time, two people came directly from him.


Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and fell down, at the same time blood was spraying continuously on his forehead...

"Work has begun." As he said, Yue Yong approached directly, pulling up Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the ground, and turned and walked out of the door.


The three of Shenwei came to Jiang Cheng's downstairs, but they did not go in the first time but were stopped by two members of Baihua.

"Hey, I said it's impossible to come in that simple, it seems you have to do it, head." Afutu said helplessly, "No way, let me come this time."

The two members of Baihua pulled out Kunai and assumed a defensive posture, with solemn expressions.

"Wait a minute, Afutu, I don't want to get the blood of such a weak woman." Shenwei said with a smile.

At this moment, a Baihua member opened the door and whispered something in the ears of two Baihua girls.


"No but, this is the order of the leader."


The two Baihua sisters stepped aside and gave way to the three of Shenwei.

"Let's go, Afutu, Yunye." As he said, Shenwei was the first to step in.


In the hall.

Behind a screen, Jiang Cheng was sitting on the ground and looking at something in discomfort. Next to Jiang Cheng, there were two Baihua members hugging Jiang Cheng's arms with excitement.

"What are you looking at? Can you be more serious at this time?" Yue Yong frowned and said.

"No, I'm reading the lines before Mr. Fengxian. After all, I have to pretend to be a little bit like." Jiang Cheng replied without looking up.

After listening, Yue Yong held his forehead and said speechlessly, "Enough, as long as you remain silent, you can just stay and drink behind the screen. Leave the rest to me."

"Since you said that, it can only be done like this." Jiang Cheng nodded, and put down the table.

"Here!" Yue Yong looked at the gently pulled door and reminded in a low voice, "Hurry up and drink! Remember, don't say a word!"

Jiang Cheng nodded and made an OK gesture.


"Boss Fengxian, it's been a long time since I saw you," Shenwei sat down casually on the ground not far from the screen, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "But what's wrong? Why do you want to block your face?"

"Ahem, that Master Fengxian has recently suffered from a cold wind and is not suitable for seeing guests." Yue Yong cleared his throat and explained, standing next to the screen.

"That's how it is, it's getting old after all." Shenwei replied with a smile, "but you won't be able to say a word even if you catch the wind and cold?"

"Because of the wind and cold, Master Fengxian's voice is also a little uncomfortable, and it is not suitable to speak for some time." Yue Yong finished speaking, and cast a fierce look at Jiang Cheng behind the screen.

Jiang Cheng understood, and then coughed twice in his throat.

"Well, it seems that this time it is really unfortunate, Boss Fengxian." Shenwei nodded with his chin, still with a faint smile on his face, "But if this is the case, some of the above words are unnecessary. I have relayed it to you, and I will still refuse you as I did before. After all, I also know the temper of the boss Fengxian."

【Hey! Think of a way! Yueyong glared at Jiang Cheng again, [Listen to what he said! It should be Chun Yu's information! faster! 】

[Didn’t you just say that I can’t talk? ! 】Jiang Cheng stared back, 【How can I talk to you in this situation? ! And it will be exposed as soon as you speak! 】

[Who cares about you! 】

In the end, under Yue Yong's silent pressure, Jiang Cheng could only helplessly raise a white wooden sign.

"This is really a rare visitor, the commander of the 7th Division of Chunyu, an adult who has climbed to the position of commander at a young age, what is the cost of coming to such a cheap place (crossed out)?"

"this is?"

"Ah, because I can't, I switched to this method." Yueyong explained, and then looked away at Jiang Cheng again, [Speaking of all Fengxian's lines! And why can you write a typo? ! 】

[It's all Yueyue, you are pressing too hard! It’s not bad to make only one word wrong in such a short time! ] Jiang Cheng stretched out his hands somewhat helplessly.

"It turned out to be like this," Shenwei nodded slightly, and then again showed a smiling face to look at the shadow on the screen. "But it's really funny, boss, you established the Seventh Division, right? Lost all the trouble Give it to me, but I went to such a place to live a leisurely and secluded life. It's really cunning~"

Two seconds later, Jiang Cheng erected a new white wooden sign and said: "If you are old, your body and mind are exhausted. Wine can nourish your body, and a woman can nourish your soul. When you are young, you won’t Understand? Z..."

"No, I understand." Shenwei replied with a smile, "But in the end, I really don't understand what the Z is. Can you tell me? And it seems that there is a zzz sound behind the screen. What does this mean?"

【Z? Yueyong looked at Jiang Cheng suspiciously behind the screen, and saw that Jiang Cheng had already screamed slightly, constantly making zzz noises...

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