May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 353: : Be polite and understand the rules when you are a guest in someone else's house

【recovered! Afutu's expression when looking at Shenwei also changed, his pupils shrank, and he thought to himself: [How is it possible? ! He said master? Does it mean to control that night rabbit's instinct by perseverance? ! Too...too good to shoot! Head! Already... has surpassed Fengxian! ! 】

   At the same time thinking, Afutu looked at Jiang Cheng again, [No, the most frightening thing is this person, who can easily give the leader who has surpassed Fengxian to...]

"Ah, enough for playing," Jiang Cheng let go of his hand, then stood up and stretched out a little, "The body is already active enough, thank you Nobita for playing with me for so long. ."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng looked at Avotu on the other side, "The one over there... er... I can't remember it, it's the guy from the development gallery. Nobita will leave it to you."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng held his umbrella in one hand, and with the other in his arms, he walked towards the door unhurriedly. But just as Jiang Cheng just walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, and left Shenwei with his back to say: "Nobita, the power in your hand and the umbrella in your hand are not so useful."

   After speaking, Jiang Cheng stepped out of the door, and Yue Yong followed after a while. Only the Baihua people and Afutu who could not recover for a long time were left.


   The next day.

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   Kagura quit his job at the House of All Things after breakfast and came to Yoshihara early. However, it is said that she has lost her job. Recently, Wanshiwu has not received any commissions. The so-called work is just staying in the house in a daze.

   Looking at the entire row of ruined houses and the carpenters who were repairing the houses, Kagura was slightly surprised, and then quickly rushed to Jiang Cheng's residence.


   Kagura opened the door with an anxious look and looked at the mummy-like divine might that was wrapped up and down lying on the bed. Finally, he couldn't help but laughed.

"Puff ha ha ha!" Kagura knelt on the ground, with one hand covering his stomach, and the other hand tapping the floor constantly, tears bursting into his eyes, "What are you dressing up as Aru? You want to change your image. Aru? Because I feel embarrassed, I want to change my image now. Aru? Although it is a little better than the previous image, it is still inferior, hahahaha..."

   "Well, Afutu, it seems that a cockroach has come in, can you take it to death instead of me who is inconvenient to move?" Shenwei said.

"Don't do it, you should do this kind of trouble yourself, captain." Afutu quickly waved his hand, "Behind this cockroach, there is still an incredible monster that I want to tremble. "

   said, Afutu ran out the door without hesitation.

"It's so pitiful, I don't even have a person to take care of." Kagura got up and came to Shenwei's bed, and looked at Shenwei with a mocking expression. "Would you like your lovely sister to take care of you Aru? I am also very good at it~"

   "Can you ask me casually?" Shenwei asked with a smile.

   "Of course, I will try my best to satisfy your Aru no matter what you request!" Kagura said, patting his chest.

   "Can I trouble you to disappear from this room? No, it's a bit inaccurate. Can I ask you to disappear from this world? With existence itself."

   "Shenwei! Bastard!" Kagura gritted his teeth instantly, "Your lovely sister can take the initiative to take care of you, and you should cry so much that you can say [Ali Gadai] silently accept it! Bastard!"

   Just finished speaking, Kagura suddenly thought of something, and then took out the communicator from his arms and took a few photos at Shenwei without hesitation, and even a group photo of Biye.

   "What are you doing?" Shenwei asked with a smile.

   "Of course I took this stupid look of you to show Mommy to see Aru." Kagura smirked, "Now Mommy will think I am a reliable sister!"

   "Do you want to be killed by me too?" Shenwei asked with a smile and narrowed his eyes.

   "Really?" Kagura deliberately pulled Ra Shenwei's arm, "Do you use this body?"

   Shenwei couldn't help but let out a soft "hiss" sound.

"Hey? Now I seem to hear someone make a "hiss" sound," Kagura pretended to be puzzled, and at the same time tugged Shenwei's arm again, "Who is it, Aru? Could it be you? Right? No, it shouldn’t be you? Anyway, you wouldn’t make such a sound, would you? Does it hurt? Really Aru? If so, I’m really sorry. After all, I’m also the first Take care of the fool brother once, some things are not so good yet~"

   "Don't worry, I will definitely kill you." Shenwei said with a smile on his face to endure the pain.

"Horrible~" Kagura covered her mouth, pretending to be a little timid, "It's terrible~ Idiot brother, even if his head is beaten like this, he still hasn't been corrected. That kind of distorted personality that refuses to admit defeat is still Correct it~It's terrible~It's terrible~"

   Shenwei was not talking, but just smiled faintly.

"Replied! Mommy returned the message to Aru!" Kagura looked at the message on the communicator, pretending to be surprised: "It said that I was asked to take good care of you. ."


   When Jiang Cheng opened the door of Shenwei's room and entered, what he saw was such a scene of deep brother and sister relationship.

   Kagura with a smile on his face was holding a dark dish that exuded a strange smell that could no longer be called porridge, and forcibly sent it into Shenwei's mouth one by one.

   Shenwei smiled from beginning to end, without making any rejection. It may also be that the whole body cannot move. But it doesn't matter!

   Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng turned his face and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, then turned his back and gave Kagura a thumbs up.

   "The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is really good, my uncle, I am really touched!" Jiang Cheng sobbed and said, "Kagura, Nobita will leave it to you!"

   "Oh! Leave it to me!" Kagura slapped his chest and responded, then forcefully opened Shenwei's mouth, and poured the pot of unknown objects into Shenwei's mouth.

   "I really envy you, I can be taken care of by my sister so tenderly." Jiang Cheng said with a touch of emotion.

   "Uncle, do you want to have a bowl too? I have cooked a lot." Kagura said, "For the sake of brother, today's cooking is a life-threatening death!"

"No, no need," Jiang Cheng directly raised his hand and refused without thinking. "I ate breakfast very full, so I should leave it to Nobita. After all, I didn't eat dinner yesterday. I must be very hungry if I want to come? "

"That's right, it's better to cook two more pots." Kagura nodded, then raised an index finger, smiled and said, "Moreover, this kind of special porridge is also put in the special porridge from my eldest sister. Where can I get the egg-boiled eggs specially prepared for patients~ Aru who will get better soon~"

   "Really a sensible child," Jiang Cheng praised, and then looked at the mighty power on the bed with a smile on his face, "Then I won't bother you two~ Enjoy your sister's care, Nobita~"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng stepped out of the door and got up and left without looking back.

   "Idiot brother~" Kagura yelled sweetly, "Is it any better? How is the care of your cutest sister?"

   "If there are eighteen layers of hell, probably I think this is the feeling of being on the first layer." Shenwei replied with a smile.

"It seems that it's still a little bit worse," Kagura nodded, then slightly cocked the corners of his mouth, and said viciously, "You still have to work harder, at least let you experience the level of the eighteenth hell, Aru! "

   "Ah, that's really looking forward to it~"


Originally, Ju Jiangcheng estimated that Shenwei’s injury should be intact within two days due to his own strong self-healing ability, but he did not know the reason, and he recovered in five days, which is more than Jiangcheng expected. It was three days late.

   Incidentally, from the moment he discovered that the power of God got out of bed, Kagura stayed next to Jiang Cheng every step of the way, in the name of enhancing feelings.


   "Finally going back? Smelly kid." Jiang Cheng stood outside Yoshihara's gate, holding his hand and looking at the gods in front of him with disdain.

   "I'll see you again in a while, dumb uncle." Shenwei said with a smile, and then looked at Kagura who was standing next to Jiang Cheng, "and, dumb sister."

"Hurry up and go back to Aru, I don't want to see your stinky face again," Kagura learned from Jiang Cheng's posture, holding his hands and disdainfully said, "I have worked so hard to take care of you, even one sentence. No thanks."

   "Then...bye." After speaking, Shenwei turned around directly.

" wait, that's in the development gallery over there," Jiang Cheng shouted to Shenwei and his party, and then slowly walked forward, standing next to Afutu and whispered, "Next time When you come to other people’s homes, you must be polite. Don’t always talk about poor villages, rural areas, and backward monkeys, otherwise... Next time you will only be able to save your life... Yes. Only you will survive. Do you know?"

   Looking at Jiang Cheng's smiling face, Afutu didn't have the guts to attack, and nodded with cold sweat on his face.

   "Also, from now on, Yoshihara has nothing to do with Chun Yu. Please pass this sentence to you as it is."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng gently pushed Avotu's back and waved, "Then, goodbye."


   on the spaceship.

   "Afutu, what did he tell you just now?" Shenwei looked at Afutu with a smile on his face.

   "What else can be besides threats?" Afutu curled his lips, "I didn't expect to be threatened in such a poor... place. This time I really have a long experience."

   "Are you afraid?" Shenwei asked with interest.

   "How is it possible!" Afutu retorted, "I just don't want to cause unnecessary disputes!"



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