May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 465: : The lowest level of friends, at least to understand the pain of your friends...

   "Shut up, ah ah ah ah!!!"

   Along with the cracking sound of the wall, the wall behind Jiang Cheng and Fang heard the voice of Yin Shi.

   Immediately afterwards, Gin Shiro roared out of the collapsed wall and quickly rushed towards the lion whose foot was still flying upside down in the air because of Jiang Cheng.

   "Who do you think is because of stubbornness and reluctance to give up the natural curls!" While roaring with white eyes, Yin Shikong turned around and kicked it forcefully and kicked the lion's chin.

   After this blow, the lion screamed again and spit out a large mouthful of blood before falling heavily to the ground.

   "Silver...Silver——!" Fangichi looked in the direction of Ginshi in disbelief.

   "What's the matter with those two cats?!" The head of the embassy with a bell shouted in surprise.

   "It's Jiang...and the new guy..." The wild cat looked at Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng who were guarding Fang Yi in surprise.

"Ah, grin, grin," Jiang Cheng turned his head, grinning with big white teeth, and showing a joking smile, "It was just a day without seeing, why are you all running here? It made me look for so long, yes. Do you want to become a domestic cat because you have been a wild cat for too long?"

   "Don't be kidding, Jiang Cheng, they can't be the kind of docile and obedient domestic cats." Yin Shi snorted and said.

   "Believe it or not?" Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes with contempt, "Who is the docile and obedient domestic cat?!"

"Hey! You guys! Did you hear that?!" Ignoring Jiang Cheng's indignation, Yin Shi glanced at Fang Yi who was lying on the ground and shouted at the wild cats: "This guy just gave up the throne of the cat boss. , From now on Kabukicho will be changed to Wildcat Free City! There is no cat boss in Kabukicho! Now you are free to do whatever you want! Live your own way! Then! I want to test you guys right Free expression! You have to use your brain to think carefully and answer me!"

As he said, Gintoki glanced at Yoshiichi who was lying on the ground dying and unable to move, "There is no more cat boss now! Who is this Doraemon like a dirty rag?! To protect you. Who is this ugly Frieza who vomited blood and fell to the floor with bruises all over—who?!"

   After listening, a group of wild cats looked at each other, then nodded at the same time, and got up and rushed towards the lion that was already standing still and vomiting blood.

  "Just a...friend!!"×n

   All the wild cats yelled and pounced on the male lion, pounced on the lion’s body and bite.

"No...impossible!" The head of the embassy opened his eyes and looked through the window in disbelief at the wild cats who were biting the lion crazily. "The wild cats are united? There is such a thing. !"

"Too...too perfect!" The Cat King clenched his fist and looked at the scene below excitedly, "Look! That wave of energy that is like a cloud! That's it! That's the Su Omega of the Weird Cat! "

   Looking at the window that had begun to crack, the person in charge of the embassy on the side hurriedly said: "This is not the time to talk about this, sir! If you don't take refuge soon, there will be danger here too!"

   "I don't want it!" The Cat King shook his head to show off his little temper. At the same time, his lower body was pushed forward with excitement.

   But at this moment, a cat's paw and an orangutan's paw simultaneously caught the cat king and the head of the embassy.

  In an instant, the Cat King and the head of the embassy fell silent, sweating coldly but not daring to make a sound.

   "Do you know?" Raising his hand to grasp the cat king's crotch, Gui said, "It is said that only the naughty cat..."

   "If you do a ligation, you will become obedient and obedient..." Kondo, who held the head of the embassy, ​​took the words.

   "Hey..." The head of the embassy slowly turned his head mechanically, covered with black lines, and said with a sweaty face and the corners of his mouth, "This is the first time I have heard of..."

   "But that's a superstition..." The Cat King slowly turned his head mechanically, and said in a cold sweat, "The kind of little things can't stop my fiery passion!"

   "Let's try it..." Gui continued.

   "Hey?" The head of the embassy and King Cat both let out a suspicion at the same time, but their hair exploded at the same time.

   Immediately afterwards, while a "ding" sounded like something being taken off, the head of the embassy and the cat king screamed as they broke through the sky.

   "Ah ah ah ah!!!" ×2


Fangyi, who was lying on the ground between Jiang Cheng and Yinshi, watched the unfinished battle between the wild cats and the lion in front of him, and slowly said, "Yin, you really did something amazing. What happened, instead of inheriting the throne of the cat boss, you abolished Kabukicho and turned Kabukicho into a lawless area. Those guys should be more troublesome than before."

"It doesn't matter if the cat boss doesn't have anything," Yin Shizuo raised his mouth slightly, "because those guys have already experienced the so-called pain between friends, so that you can forget those troublesome things. , Look ahead and live happily."


  Fang just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yin Shi again.

   "Looking back blindly. No one will be happy." Gin Shiki continued to take care of himself, "Your friend will lend you a body to keep you alive. It must not be for you to atone for your sins..."

   said, Gintoki turned his face to look at Yoshiichi, "I hope that the painful friend bound by the chain can live freely like a stray cat..."

Looking at the face of Yin Shi, for some reason, Fang Yi saw the wild cat that used to be, smiled lightly and closed his eyes, "Is this what you said "to live according to your own rules"... "

   "That's the most suitable one for Kabukicho..." Gintoki glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was slowly walking towards the hole in the wall behind him, and said, "Hey, where are you going?"

   "After becoming a cat, I haven't tried the taste of a mouse yet," Jiang Cheng said without looking back, "a little bit curious..."

   "Don't overdo it." Yin Shi reminded, "Your stomach, which is used to the delicacies of mountains and seas, will get diarrhea if you eat that kind of dirty stuff."

   "Ah, don't worry. Then..." Jiang Cheng replied, and then gently raised his right paw, "Goodbye, friend Wildcat, I will come to you again when I have time."

   "Ah, good." Fangyi sat up slowly, raising his right paw without looking back, "Even if it's a ball of wool, I will definitely play with you at that time."

   After a soft smile, Jiang Cheng jumped to the entrance of the cave and disappeared completely.

After Jiang Cheng left, Fangyi lowered his head and slowly continued, "Yin, I want to ask you for one thing. Don't worry, I won't say you want you to inherit the cat boss. Just be with me... and be my friend. "

   But when Fang didn't even finish his words, he found that the silver time that was supposed to be beside him had disappeared without a trace...

   After a moment of silence, Fang Yi raised his head, showing some relief on his face. At the same time, with a loud bang and a howl of the male lion, the male lion was finally defeated by a crowd of wild cats.

   A crowd of wild cats instantly jumped up and cheered...


   Outside the Mutian Liaoxing Embassy, ​​night has fallen unknowingly.

The younger brother of the ditch mouse group turned the key to set the car on fire, and then looked at Kuroju Katsuo who had just closed the door and sat down on the co-pilot, and said, "Big brother, is this okay? Leave the king alone, afterwards Things that become terrible have nothing to do with me."

"Idiot are you? What kind of **** king is that kind of guy." Katsuo Kurikoma with a toothpick dangling said disdainfully, then turned his head and looked out the window, hooked his mouth and said, "But it's a pretty good thing to say. Work, I made a lot of money, and I saw a good show. It's really the king of real cats."

   "That's right, I saw a good show and made a lot of money. I am really happy~" Jiang Cheng's voice came from behind the black horse and the little brother.

"Don't you think?" Kuro Koma looked at his little brother with a grin, but then, Kuro Koma reacted, turned his head and looked behind him, and held it tightly at the same time. The knife in the corner of his eye.

   "If you don't want to die, just keep me quiet, otherwise..." Jiang Cheng said coldly, "I will kill you now..."

   "You guy!" Kurikoma Katsuo thought of the man in front of him, because of the humiliating memory of this man in Gao Tianyuan.

"I...I hate to speak Mandarin when talking to others, and..." Then, Jiang Cheng grabbed the toothpick from Kuro Koma's hand and thrust it into Kuro Koma's hand holding the knife. On, "The guy who is still chewing something in his mouth."

   "Huh!" Heiju Katsuo clutched his hands and exclaimed in pain.

   "Big Brother!" Upon seeing this, the younger brother on the side was in a hurry. He quickly drew out his knife and turned his head towards Jiang Cheng before slashing it down, "You bastard!"

   "Tell me to keep quiet," Jiang Cheng put one hand on his cheek, while holding an umbrella to point to this little brother's head, "Want to get a headshot by me? Smelly kid."

   The little brother stopped his movements instantly, the cold sweat on his face dripped down instantly, and then he took a sip of water.

"Last... isn't the last thing over?" Kuroju Katsuo clutched his stabbed hand, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "We haven't had any conflict with Yoshihara recently, and we haven't been there anymore. Gao Tianyuan, right?"

"Speak to me in Mandarin, and then use your Guanxi accent, which makes people disgusted by hearing it. Now I will send you to hell." Jiang Cheng coldly reminded him, and then chuckled lightly, "Really follow There is no conflict in Yoshihara, but this time you seem to accidentally provoke my "friend"..."



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