May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 472: :Onmyoji chapter: 4

"Yeah! That's good! This attitude is good!" Jiang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "In view of this attitude, you don't have to pay for this table! Just pay for my equipment! And it's also used for a while. Time is up, you can get a 20% discount on the depreciation of electronic components! It is already my biggest concession!"

   "This is the address of my home." Wai Daomaru took out a folded letter paper from his body and handed it to Jiang Cheng respectfully.

"No, isn't it unnecessary?" Jiang Cheng took the letter paper, looked down at the letter paper and said with some confusion, "You can just take me directly, is it because you are afraid of being scolded by your parents? It doesn't matter, I I'll explain it for you. After all, there are not many children who can honestly admit to mistakes these days, so..."

   Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly discovered that the girl who was still standing in front of him... disappeared.

   "Hey? Where are the people?" Jiang Cheng looked around.

   "Hey, what's the matter?" Yue Yong opened the door and walked in. "I just heard a loud noise coming from here."

"Ah, a strange little girl used a mace to make my game device like this," Jiang Cheng reluctantly pointed to the ruins next to him, "Leaving a letter with the address written on it, he secretly I left, really, what a kid who can cause trouble~"

   As he said, Jiang Cheng put the letter paper into his chest and walked towards the door. After arriving at the door, Jiang Cheng put on his shoes and picked up his umbrella in Yueyong's idiotic eyes.

   "I'll go to her parents or guardians and ask for compensation, and I will be back soon." After saying this, Jiang Cheng stepped out without looking back.

   Looking at Jiang Cheng's further and further back, Yue Yong showed a weird face, and at the same time said a word in a low voice.

   "That fool's head... does it really matter?"


   On the other side, a trio of Wanshiya headed by Yin Shi was standing in front of a magnificent house. As for why I am here, I may have thought of what the anchor Yuno said when he left the House of All Things yesterday-"Not for the generals and the royal family, I...I want to use this power for the smiles of the people."

   "Yo Xi, let's go in." After saying this, Yin Shi started off.

   "Hey? Please wait for a while!" The new Baji hurriedly stopped, and then showed a look of doubt, "Where is this place?"

"The Yuye crowd is an elite group of pure blood." Yin Shi looked at the three-meter-high red wooden door in front of him, and slowly said: "However, this clan appears to have talents but ran to do the weather. What would the old stubborn group of authority think about the people who forecast their sister's in vain?

   "Could it be..." Xin Baji suddenly reacted.

   "Go and talk to them, and the group of hemorrhoids that are obtrusive to the chrysanthemum!" With that, Yin Shi stepped forward, raised his foot and kicked the door open, and then stepped inside the door.

"Please wait a minute! Yinsang!" After realizing that Xin Ba Ha hurried to catch up with Yin, he said with some worry, "So, this is Yuyezhong's site? What if he did something like this. if…"

   Before the new eight words were finished, a huge foot slammed into the front of Yin Shi and the others.

   was approaching the five tall, monster-like shikigami with mussels and fangs that were approaching him, and Gintoki also stopped.

   "What are you doing, worms," ​​a shrewd eyes, glanced at Gintoki and the others with an uncomfortable expression, "you know that this is Yuyezu's territory and you still have to break in?!"

   "I'm not looking for a small rash like yours." Yin Shi raised his face and replied without fear, "Give me a hemorrhoid. Do you want to be squeezed out by me? Ah?!"

   "Quickly disappear from here before being crushed by us!" The Shikigami threatened.

   "Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ji hurriedly came to Yin Shi, and reminded in a panic, "This is not good! It will definitely be killed! Let's retreat first! Make a plan and start again!"

   "What are you afraid of?" Yin Shi looked disapproving, "Don't worry."

   "Huh?" Xin Baji let out a puzzled cry.

"Shiki God must use Shiki God to deal with it," Yin Shi took out from his arms a paper man folded with white paper and painted with a five-pointed star array. "I was also prepared. "

   Looking at the paper man who was sandwiched between Yinshishi's index and middle fingers, Xinbaji looked in disbelief, "That, is it..."

   "It was given to me by Yuno anchor for body protection." Gintoki explained, and then pinched the paper man in his hand and placed it in front of him. "This is sealed with the Shikigami that she controls."

   "Really?!" Xin Ba Ji asked in surprise.

"Listen well, you guys," Gin Shiki raised his face again to look at the five shikigami in front of him, his expression was quite arrogant, "I will not give way anyway, are you? It doesn't matter to me that my face is crying and crying. Oh!"

   While talking, Gintoki bit his left thumb and shouted "Come out! Shikigami!" Then he pressed his thumb to the belly of the paper man in the palm of his right hand.

   Ding Dong...similar to the sound of a door bell.

   Including the five local gods, all the members were expressionlessly silent for a long time.

  The scene...It's a little embarrassing...

   "Hey? Walkie-talkie?" Yin Shi looked at the unresponsive paper man in his hand, his expression unclear.

   "Isn't this kind of thing that can appear right away?" The new eight chicks on the side asked silently.

  ...There was silence for about a few seconds. An enemy Shiki couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what are you doing?"

   "Ah, sorry, please wait a moment." Xin Baji quickly raised his head and replied.

   "Silver sauce, click again to see Aru!" Kagura suggested.

   "Appear! Shikigami!" Gin Shiki once again pressed his left thumb on the five-pointed star on the paper man.


   "Look, it's a walkie-talkie, it's a walkie-talkie at all, right?" Xin Bajia couldn't help but complain.

   "Come" came the voice of a middle-aged woman from the paper man.

   "Yes! Someone has answered!" Xin Baji said in surprise, "Is it Shiki?"

   "Appear! Style..."

   Yin Shi shouted again, but this time before Yin Shi finished shouting, he was interrupted by the middle-aged woman in the paper man who was like a walkie-talkie with a local accent.

   "Our family has already subscribed to the newspaper, we don't need it anymore."

   "No, this, it's not that the newspaper is Shikigami." Gin Shiki tried to communicate and explained, "I'm sorry, are you a Shikigami?"

   "Oh! It turned out to be Nakaki-kun! Sorry, Shikigami is out now."

   "Zhong Qi? Hey? Aren't you Miss Shiki?" Gin Shiki asked again.

   "She said to go to SUTAYA to return the movie. When I get back, I will ask her to call you back."

   After saying that, there was a voice from the other side as if the phone had been dropped.

   "SUTAYA? Hey? Who was it just now?" Xin Baji twitched his eyes and spit out, "Can there be a few people in it? Is there SUTAYA?"

   "It seems to be Okasan Aru," Kagura said, "I can't help it if I'm not here."

   "Okasan is also okay in this case, right?" Xinbaji reminded, "Which is Shiki, mother is also Shiki?"

   "Hey, what are you doing?" The enemy said impatiently, "It's a little bit more modest."

   "Ah, I'm so sorry," Yin Shi quickly apologized, then raised an index finger and continued, "Again, let me press it again!"

   "It's the last time, hurry up." The enemy replied impatiently.

   Then... Ding Dong.

   "Here..." It was still the voice of the middle-aged woman of Okasan, who was suspected of being a shikigami.

   "Well, I'm really sorry for bothering you so many times," Gintoki said with a hint of apology, "I'm Sakata who made an appointment with Shikami-kun."

   "Ah, okay, okay, wait a minute."

   "Great! It looks like I'm at home this time!" Yin Shishi whispered in surprise.

"I said the child's father, the child's father, come here for a while, and there is another weird call, you can give me a few words, it is really entangled!" Okassan shouted impatiently to the child his father from the paper man It came out in the middle.

"What? It's so noisy, is it Zhongqi? Is that guy again? It's really annoying!" The middle-aged man's voice rang, and then as if he had received the phone from Okasan, he continued, "Hey, What's the matter with me?"

   "That, I'm really sorry, it's not Zhongqi, I'm Sakata." Yin Shizuo explained weakly, "I'm not looking for uncle, may I ask Shigami?"

   "You are the one who always pesters my shikigami!" The man's voice became a little excited, "You bastard, don't go too far!"

   "That, please listen to me..."

   "You wait for me, I will beat you now!"

   "Come on, then, uncle will do, so please come quickly." Yin Shi was impatient after all.

   "Husband! Where are you going with that kind of thing?!" Okasan's voice sounded Shut me up! I'm going to give that **** Zhongqi some color now! "

   There was the sound of two people pulling and pulling from the paper man.

   "Don't do this! You will be caught by the police! Do you want to kill someone?!"

   "Didn't you make me think of a solution?! Let me go!"

   "I said no! Hey! Let go of that stuff!"

   "Hey, it's dangerous, are you all right?"

   Gintoki's voice just fell, the opposite suddenly heard a "stab" sound like a dagger piercing the human body and Okasan's short, painful moan.


   After a long silence, the voice of the suspected Shigami father came from the other side.

   "Hey... Setsuko? What's wrong with you? Hey...ah!"

   "Hey? What happened?" Gintoki asked tentatively.


   "Hey! What happened?! What the **** is going on!" Gin Shizuo exclaimed in a frantic manner, "How come it has become so dramatic without authorization?!"



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