May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 474: :Onmyoji: 6

A group of Junye people took out the talisman paper from their arms one after another. Only the index finger of the right hand pinched it with the middle finger, and the left hand stopped in front of the chest with the Buddha number, and repeated a spell in their mouths in unison.

"To offer a gift to all Tathagatas in all directions, to mutilate and break obstacles in all time and space, the most evil and angry deity, to destroy all obstacles and then to destroy them, to destroy all obstacles!"

Accompanied by the spell, the blue spell power visible to the naked eye continuously gathered from the bodies of each Yuye crowd in the talisman paper in their respective hands.

"Fudo Mingwang Fire Curse! Burn all the demon kings to death!"

After the Yuye crowd who was suspected to be the leader shouted, all the Yuye crowd raised the talisman paper at the same time and threw it at the Yin Shi several people.

Looking at the dozens of talisman papers full of hostility flying towards them, Kagura and New Eight Haw did not hesitate to hide behind the screaming Gin Shi.

"Waidaomaru! Hurry up and do something... eh—?"

Yin Shi turned his head full of sweat and shouted, but before he finished speaking, Yin Shi suddenly felt something, lowered his head and opened his clothes, watching as he squatted on the ground with his hands and hid under him. The Wai Dao Wan, some collapsed shouted.

"Why are you hiding in my shadow?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the enemy's talisman had already arrived in front of Yin Shi and others...

There was a huge explosion, which was also mixed with the screams of the three people of Yin Shi.

Looking at the huge smoke that was blown up by the talisman and completely enveloped the people of Yinshi, the head Yuye said softly, "Did you kill it..."

But just after speaking, the Yuye crowd discovered something in the gradually dissipating smoke. It was a blue five-pointed star formation that stopped in midair in front of Yinshi and blocked the attack just now!

"Let’s stop there," Yuno Kiyomi, who stood in front of the Ginshi group and also blocked the attack on behalf of Ginshi’s them, faintly reminded, "These people are Kriste’s friends. Kerry St's friend is also my friend. If you do such a rude behavior to your guests again, I will not forgive you."

After seeing Qingming, a group of Yuye people knelt on the ground and bowed their heads quickly, and shouted at the same time: "I'm extremely sorry! I didn't know it was the leader's friend, it's really rude!"

Seeing this scene, Yin Shi stood up, and at the same time asked, "Who? That guy with the noble face."

"Sir Seimei." Waidaomaru on the side explained, "The leader of Yuyezhong, known as the strongest genius onmyoji in the history of the clan, Haruaki Yueno, is the older brother of Lord Kriste."

"Hey?" Yin Shi's face was stunned.

"Hey, that guy in a white coat and a fan may think he is handsome, but he actually looks like an idiot to me."

Jiang Cheng's lazy voice suddenly came from behind Yin Shi and others, "Are you the parent of that little girl over there?"

"Jiang Chengsang?!" Xin Ba Haw turned his head and saw Jiang Cheng who was leaning at the door with an impatient look, "Why are you here?!"

"Uncle!" Kagura yelled in surprise, "Are you here to save us Aru?!"

"No, it probably has nothing to do with you." Jiang Cheng shook his head and looked at Qingming again. "Hey, why are you so unconscious? The one over there who is wearing clothes but may not be wearing underwear and holding a fan. Guys."

Qingming remained unmoved, with her back on her back, the hem of her clothes and hair swaying slightly in the wind, quite a bit of a worldly expert.

"Hey, I have called you several times," Jiang Cheng took out the letter paper from his arms. "The address is written here, and the mosaic over there is like an obscene hand. The guy with the fan, I ask if you are the parent of that mace girl."

"Why is my image in your mouth more and more unbearable?!" Finally, Qingming turned his head and shouted at Jiang Chengbai without holding back his anger, "This is a precious debut! If you weren't If our benefactor, I would have done it a long time ago!"

"Benefactor? What silly thing to say," Jiang Cheng said casually, and then came to Qingming step by step, and then took out a note with the bank account number on it, and pointed to Waidaowan on the side at the same time.

"Please remit the money from my gaming device that your child destroyed to this account, please. Also, don't scold her. It is normal for a child of this age to make mistakes. As a parent, you must carefully teach your talents. Correct!"

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, as the benefactor of our congregation, leave this to me."

After a chuckle, Qingming took the note with the price and bank account number written in Jiang Cheng's hand.

"That, Mr. Jiang Cheng," Wai Daomau on the side pointed to Yin, and reminded at the same time: "This is my parent."



Yuno's reception room.

"I'm sorry for giving you such an unpleasant memory." Qingming sat on the floor casually holding a folding fan, watching Jiang Cheng and the others who were directly opposite, saying, "Waidoumaru, you protected Christopher's Friends, I want to thank you. You can relax here, and if you let you go back like this, Kriste will blame me."

"No, please let me go quickly." When Jiang Cheng was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen silver, he raised his hand and replied, "I'm about to die. Could you please send me to the hospital? Please, feel like Several ribs are broken."

"Shut up! Compensate me for the gaming equipment destroyed by your child!" Jiang Cheng scolded angrily.

"It has nothing to do with me!" Yin Shibai retorted, "When did I be her parent?!"

"Sir Yinshi, in fact, if you want me to call Dad, you just need to give an order." Wai Daomaru behind Yinshi reminded, "Because it is the master, I will accept all orders from the master."

"Shut up to me! Who wants to be the father of a thousand-year-old monster like you! Also, take the blame for yourself!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed angrily.

"No, in fact, for the monsters, my age is only sixteen years old as a human being." Waidaomaru lied solemnly.

"Who believe it!"

"Okay, benefactor." Seimei started to persuade, "After all, Waidomaru is also our shikigami, so that kind of thing is also our responsibility. What kind of game equipment? Owee? Is it a PS5?"

"Hey? Is it okay?" Jiang Cheng asked a little surprised, "I always feel a little embarrassed."

"No, it doesn't matter," Qingming shook his head, "After all, it is our benefactor, and I always wanted to thank you personally. Don't mind this."

"From the beginning, I talked about the benefactor, what is that?" Jiang Cheng looked at Qingming with a puzzled look.

"Maybe I don't know it, but it's okay. Just remember that you are the benefactor of our Yuye people." Qingming smiled lightly, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "Sa, if you can drink it, please go back It’s okay to order wine."

Seeing the delicious food that appeared in front of Qingming’s snapping fingers, Xin Ba Haw was trembling all over, with wide-open eyes, cold sweat on his face, and he muttered in disbelief: "Just... just hit With a snap of my fingers, the delicious food appeared. Strange...the monster, it must be the incarnation of Polumu, Yinsang...Jiang Chengsang, my mind has become strange...we must be possessed by foxes..."

"This is not such a trivial matter as being possessed," Gin Shizuo echoed in a low voice, "It's just like the feeling of being pinched by the breast O."

"No, you are really pinched Aru." Kagura reminded him expressionlessly. "I have been pinched by my uncle all the time. Ah, I've been pinched, and I'm bleeding."

"Hey?" Yin Shi looked down at his chest that was bleeding for some reason, and then turned his head without hesitation and pressed Jiang Cheng's head to the food in front of him, "Give me back my breast. Ah! Why is it milk O? It's so disgusting! What kind of nasty fun is this?!"

"Sir Yin Shi, please don't make a fuss about that kind of More importantly, the prank of the fox fairy in front of you," said Wai Daomaru, taking away Yin Shi's arm and leaning forward. , Staring at the food in front of Yinshi, "Let me try the poison first."

"Hey, your saliva is dripping." Yin Shi reminded him expressionlessly.

Seeing that it didn't work on this side when Ginshi, Waidomaru turned his head towards Kagura without hesitation, lowered his head and grabbed a fish in front of Kagura and ate it.

"this is mine!!"

Kagura instantly exploded his hair, gritted his teeth with white eyes and pulled with Wai Daomaru.

"That, Haruaki-san..." Xinba Haw asked tentatively, "How do you know that we are friends of anchor Yuno?"

"We Yuyezhong has protected the shogunate and Edo for a long time according to the Yin and Yang Dao," Seimei said slowly, "Then, do you know what means we used to accomplish this task?"

As he said, Qingming opened the fan in his hand and closed it, and pointed to his eyes at the same time.

"It is by "seeing." When you want to foretell disasters and bad luck, you must first observe and analyze from all aspects, otherwise you don't know anything. In various places in this Edo. There are countless shikigami that I have spread, and they can see for me. It is my task to use the countless scenes obtained by their eyes to understand the dynamics of the country and guide the future of the shogunate. Such me, do you think you will be unclear about your sister's movements? "

"That..." Jiang Cheng suddenly raised his hand and asked, "According to what you said, wouldn't it be enough to use the camera to monitor directly? It's also more convenient, isn't it? Although what you said is pretty bluff, listen. Doesn’t it look like a camera in another sense?"


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