May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 477: : Most of life is made up of pranks and useless things.

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"Who is your benefactor!" Jiang Chengbai retorted, "Don't just mix irrelevant people into your own housework! It's really irritating, you bastards!"

As he said, Jiang Cheng glanced at Qingming on the side, and then at Daoman on the other side, "A self-conscious idiot brother who married his sister and didn’t care about his sister’s feelings but regretted it afterwards. An idiot who doesn’t understand a woman’s heart at all and has zero love experience, even though he is married, he can’t even guard his wife’s smile."

"Because of this kind of boring reason, why do you break the weather? It's disgusting! Can't you find the reason from your own?! No matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is your own fault, right!"

"Because of your own fault, the whole Edo suffers. Don't you still pretend to be the cameras of Edo... No... guardians?! Don't you feel blushing?! Are you kids?!"

"Because of your fault, it has rained every day, so that Yoshiwara’s passenger flow has been reduced by at least half of the recent days! My game funds have been cut by half every month! And by the little girl with horns on her head The game equipment that I smashed today...this mood of you understand this mood?!"

"Understand a ghost!" Xin Ba Hao couldn't help but spit out crazy, "It's all your complaint in the end! Complain about the game funds and game equipment being smashed!"

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng cut his face with disdain, "There is also an idiot fan. These guys get together and have nothing but idiots."

"Who do you think is an idiot fan!" Yin Shi exclaimed angrily.

"It's you. An idiot is a natural idiot." Jiang Cheng curled his lips and replied contemptuously, and then looked at Dao Man again, "Hey, do you see that idiot over there? That's you and that. The prime culprit of a woman's divorce is that that kind of thing happens because of his amnesia. If there is any hatred, just go to him."

"That...that," Daoman's voice suddenly became a little lower, and he said intermittently, "off...about the way you can remarry with Kriste just now..."

"Is there really any? That method?" Qingming asked the silver time aside quickly.

"I don't know, but... it is indeed possible," Yin Shi's expression became a little solemn. "That idiot is still an emotional idiot with an empty head, but he is unexpectedly popular with women. With his words, it is indeed possible to think of a feasible method. And, what he said just now is not unreasonable. If at that time, after anchor Yuno got married, if the ex-husband could do what he just said, it would indeed be possible to heat up the relationship between the two..."

"No, I don't want to say it now." Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes and said blankly, "Because it has no meaning at all. Besides, it's your family's business. Why should I do this kind of benefit? What's not there? No matter."

Seeing that his whole body was trembling because of Jiang Cheng's words, Xin Ba Ha lifted his glasses and vomited expressionlessly: "This person is so terrible, deliberate? Absolutely deliberate, right? Deliberately give others hope. But it shattered hope. S, it is undoubtedly what S did."

"Actually... I just discovered something suddenly about you and that sister..." Jiang Cheng said, holding up his hand and pointing his chin to think like a thought. After thinking for a long time, he raised his head and looked at Daoman again. Maybe the person you like is not the woman but the sister-in-law..."

"Are you **** playing tricks on me?!" Dao Man roared, bursting with veins, "How could I like Seimei! He is a man!"

"Hey, sister control, this guy said that he really likes you." Jiang Cheng shouted to Qingming, "The person he really wants to marry is actually you! Your sister is just a tool for him to get close to you! He really wants to All you have to do is to put on the same underwear as you and chase and run on the beach in the sunset!"

Reminiscent of Qingming and Daoman in that picture, several black lines appeared on his face at the same time.

"Well, can you stop saying such bad things..." Qingming spit out black lines.

"Have you heard?" Jiang Cheng turned his face to look at Dao Man. "That sister said just now that he actually likes you too. Okay, the rest of the matter will be left to the two of you who have just communicated with each other. happy yo!"

"Where did you come from?" Doman and Seimei cursed at the same time, "None of us said that!"

"The synchronization rate is really high~" Jiang Cheng shrugged.

"I always feel that the atmosphere is suddenly a little strange..." Xin Ba Hae murmured silently, "I always feel that the atmosphere between Seimei-sang and the anchor Yuno's ex-husband is a bit strange. The two of them have no longer dared to say what Jiang Chengsang said. Looking straight..."

"Anyway... anyway!" Dao Man turned his back to Jiang Cheng and the others, cleared his throat and said, "I...I won't give up revenge! Just... just like that..."

After all, Dao Mancai led a group of sirens and wild people to leave slowly.

"This's Tsundere, it's completely set by the hostess with full Tsundere attributes. I always feel that the situation is developing in a strange direction..." Xin Ba Hao murmured.

"Brother, you won't really..." Yin Shi looked at Seimei on the side in disbelief, "Like your sister's ex-husband!"

"Who is your elder brother!" Qing understood and cried, "Who else likes Doman?! Don't say such disgusting things anymore!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qingming finally couldn't hold on anymore, a feeling of exhaustion came, slowly closed his eyes and fell straight on his back.

"Qing Ming Sang!" Xin Ba Haw shouted and rushed to help Qing Ming.

"Cheer up! Sister control!" Kagura followed at the same time to help Qingming's other side.


In the afternoon.

Shinba Chi and Kagura stood outside the door of Yuno's hall, watching the wounded in the hall who fell to the ground because of the weather.

"I didn't expect the battle to control the weather to be carried out in this kind of place..." Xinba Hao said unbearably, "Neighborhood disputes between Onmyojis will actually become so difficult."

"Everyone was defeated Aru." Kagura murmured.

"Wai Dao Maru," Shinba Haw turned his head to look at Wai Dao Maru, who was closing her eyes with her back against the wall, and asked, "Anchor Yuno doesn't know about this, right?"

"I closed the news." Wai Daomaru replied faintly.

"Why is this? The anchor Yuno is so painful!" Kagura asked rhetorically.

"If you let her know about this, I will definitely go to Doman's place again in order to calm the incident." As he said, Wai Daomaru turned around and slowly started and walked forward along the corridor.

Upon seeing this, Xin Ba Hao and Kagura slowly followed.

Waidomaru went on to say, "In fact, the dispute between the two families doesn't matter to me at all. Even if the Yuno family, who surrendered me to any drive, is destroyed, it has nothing to do with me. But..."

With that said, Gai Domaru thought of the appearance of anchor Yuno who was married to the Sirino house, sitting under the eaves every day, just staring at the sky blankly.

"...I can't bear to look at Lord Christine with that lonely expression."

"You really think about Yuye anchor." Xinbaji said with some emotion.

"Krista-sama is the only one in my onmyoji who treats me like a friend." Waidaomaru continued unhurriedly, "and that adult didn't want Krista to know. This matter..."


On the other side, Jiang Cheng and Qingming sat cross-legged on the floor under the eaves at the door in the same pose. Of course, the two people thought completely different things.

Inside the room, Gin Shiki lay on the ground with one hand propped his head, and with his little finger dug his nostril in the other hand, he watched the anchor Yuno who was apologizing on TV.

"Hi~ I’m Yukino, and the wrong weather was forecast during the day. I’m so sorry." The anchor Yuno smiled apologetically, "Tomorrow’s weather will definitely..."

"It's so noisy! How many times does your little girl have to report the weather before she will give up?!" It was suspected to be an angry audience next to the set.

"Um... we are still taking pictures." It is suspected to be a crew member on the set.

Indignant on-site audience A: "What is being photographed? What are you doing with the inaccurate weather forecast?"

Excited live audience B: "Your weather forecast is no longer wanted to be seen!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of an empty can hitting something on the TV.

"Don't throw anything! Yuye anchor, get away quickly, it's dangerous!" the staff shouted.

"Then, let me forecast the next weather..." anchor Yuno continued.

"What are you doing? Anchor Yuno! Hurry up and avoid it!"

The sound of various bottles and cans hitting something came from the house one after another.

"Hey, are you okay? Anchor Yuno!"

Finally, sister Qingming did not hold back, gritted her teeth and stood up and rushed into the house.

Seimei said in surprise when he watched the anchor Yuno's silver who was still throwing various empty bottles on the TV while lying on the floor staring intently.

"Aren't you... a fan of Kriste? It's a shame that you can watch."

"Well, because I am Super S," Gintoki responded casually, "Furthermore, anchor Yuno insisted to continue to convey. We have to watch, right? Brother."

"Who is your eldest brother?" As he said, Qingming slowly came to Yinshi's side and sat down cross-legged, then slowly continued: "Let Daoman go astray, it's all my harm. Yes, it’s impossible to turn a blind eye. If you don’t need to take a good look at this pair of eyes... I used to be the leader of the Yuye people too much to protect the clan, but I was blinded by this mission..."

"...I used my sister as a political prop without authorization, and took it back from Doman without authorization..." After a pause, Seimei smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, "This is the strongest who has seen through everything that protects Edo so far. Master Onmyoji, who would believe it?"

"I found out after I missed it, I found out after I lost it..." As he said, Seimei's eyes looked straight ahead again, "I can't see important things clearly without staring at them."

"My elder brother," he asked casually when he noticed something silver, "what is that?"

"Who is your elder brother?" Qingming said irritably, and at the same time he lifted his left hand and took out the folded envelope with the cuffs exposed, and then explained: "A letter from Doman."

"Seiaki, no matter how many times there are boring small-scale battles, it will only waste troops blindly, right? It is the duty of the head to protect the family, but it is also the duty of the brother to protect the younger sister. Although you will not let people choose one side, but If you want to protect the two games, just fight with me. Shikigami 3V3 spell death battle! Use this duel as an understanding of the battle of the weather. PS: My sexual orientation is normal! It's a normal man's. Sexual orientation!"

"What the **** is going on with this PS? How much does he care about that idiot's nonsense?" Yin Shit twitched his mouth, and then asked, "Shikigami 3V3 spell deathmatch? What is this? Brother? ?"

"Who is your brother?" Qingming reminded, and then explained, "That's a three-on-three confrontation of Yin Yang Dao."

"So that's the case, it means it's a duel book." Gin Shizuo suddenly said, "Not only the Yuno anchor, but also the little brother."

"Who is the little brother? You give me enough!" Qingming reminded me irritably, "Are you just wanting to cover it like that!"

"No, I have no other intentions," Yin Shig glanced at Qingming, and explained solemnly: "I just want you to experience what it feels like to be surrounded by 12 lovely brothers one day."

"What is that disgusting little brother princess?!"

"Ah, you really know, sister princess," Yin Shi nodded, and continued self-consciously, "You are a sister-in-law, Dandan."

"What is Dandan? What's the connection?!" After spitting out, Seimei became a little serious. "In short, I think this duel book is an opportunity. If you win, you can save Princess Kriste. ."

"You are jumping into the trap by yourself, Nissan," Yin Shi reminded.

"Who is Nissan?! It's already the brother of Nissan, let's talk about it!" Qing understood and said, and then became serious again, "I am enough for this matter. The responsibility lies with me."

"I don't hesitate to protect the anchor Yuye, because of that guilt?" Yin Shi looked at Qingming and asked.

"Guilt...?" Qingming replied slowly, closing his eyes, "No, maybe I just feel a little envious. Compared with me who uses my strength to protect the shogunate and my position, I am vigorous and vigorous in order to forecast the weather for people. She who uses her own power..."

"After seeing her always using her smiley face to convey the weather forecast in the rain and in the strong wind, I finally realized that she was brilliantly using her hands to protect Edo and the people and lead them to happiness. More like a great person than me. Master Onmyoji, she is... mine, and also... proud of the crowd."

"But having said that, the two brothers and sisters are exactly the same," Jiang Cheng's voice came from outside the door, "one serves as a camera and the other serves as a weather forecast."


"Don't get excited, I didn't mean to belittle you," Jiang Cheng continued, "I just feel that I suddenly changed my mind to your brothers and sisters, and the stubbornness makes people feel a little respectable. I don't use more convenient methods. It's really stupid to be obsessed with doing this kind of thing in one's old but accustomed way... But, I don't hate it. Of course it's not a favorite."

"You..." Yin Shi said faintly, "Jiang Cheng, what is your purpose? You shouldn't have the purpose of staying here, right?"

"Who knows," Jiang Cheng shrugged, "Even if it is an animal, he suddenly smelled a familiar and dangerous smell, no matter who wanted to check it out. But your brother over there didn't seem to want it. Tell me."

"Hey, why did you speak for him? Who is his brother!" Qingming exclaimed, and then his tone slowed down, "I have nothing to say about the smell you smell, but you won't be in any danger, after all. It's our benefactor. And it has nothing to do with Christine."

"It seems that you knew the purpose of my coming from the beginning." Jiang Cheng chuckled, "Also, don't talk about benefactors anymore, I really can't bear it. No matter how you look at me, I'm like the one that made you two. The fuse for the complete break of the family is really uncomfortable. Without knowing it, it has become such a troublesome role."

"Finally, I won't go back until I figure out what the smell is. Because... I seem to have forgotten something very important. No, it's not right to be so certain. It should be something that may or may not be important... ...Memory will not disappear out of thin air, that is to say, it is being manipulated by someone...or by some existence. Do you think I will accept this kind of result honestly?"

"What a smart Qingming snorted softly, "You can see even this kind of thing, but I advise you to give up, it's useless, let you forget that memory The existence and the existence you are looking for are a person. "

"That's why it's even more popular. I did something like that to other people's memories..." Jiang Cheng snorted slightly. "The reason why the little girl with horns appeared in Yoshiwara is also Because of this, there is the existence I am looking for, but for some reason, I can’t tell me directly. Is it blocked by you?"

"No, I don't have that great ability yet." Seimei shook his head, "And after all, it is Kriste's spirit, I will not interfere with her freedom."

"It has nothing to do with your sister, and it's not that you asked her to seal it... that is to say..."

"It seems to have said too much," Qingming stood up, turned and walked slowly in the direction outside the door, "I should leave. Goodbye."

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng took a sip of his face.

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