May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 487: : In fact, it's not just talking about the beauty of the beauty and the troubles

Qingming, who burst out with a strong and dazzling blue curse power up and down his body, drew a pentagram in the air with one hand, and at the same time replied unhurriedly: "The eyes that see through everything are already for me. No need, just... as long as I see her smile, I'm satisfied!"

   Qingming's voice just fell, and a burst of air burst out from the azure blue five-pointed star array in front of him, and the strong air wave directly blew the Fentian Pill along with Layer An.

   Boom! !

   After a loud noise, the entire boxing ring was completely destroyed. A huge hole appeared on the wall in the distance, which was knocked out by the flying Fen Tian Wan.

   Doman was not blown out because he used a fan to block the impact by using a fan to block the impact for himself at the last minute.

"Daoman, let the horse come here!" Qingming shouted to Doman who hasn't slowed down, and then stretched out his left hand to pose in a pleased posture, "Let you get to know the leader of Yueno Haruaki, Yuno Haruaki. The true power of!"

"Oh oh!!" The host who realized afterwards yelled in excitement, "This...what a powerful force! Seimei contestant actually gathered all the power scattered in Edo! Sirino! The shikigami of the teams was shattered with a single blow! Player Layer An, lost the intent to run away! Only player Daoman is left!!"

"Well, I wanted to ask from just now," Jiang Cheng raised his hand to the host and asked, "Which side are you from? Are you not from the ex-husband? Why can you do it with a normal referee? Same as the host? Are you not afraid of being fired by the ex-husband?"

   "That, I'm just the referee and host who was invited." The host touched his very smooth head, grinned and explained, "This dress is just for the occasion."

   "Suga..." After a casual comment, Jiang Cheng once again looked at the two people who were ready to go on stage.

   At this time, Seimei and Doman, standing in opposition, exploded with blue and dark red curses on their bodies.

   "Dao Man!" Qingming shouted.

   "Qing Ming..." The dark red magic power color on Dao Man's body began to deepen, "Qing Ming!!"

   Immediately afterwards, the two men began to portray the magic circle in front of them.

"Prompt, soldier, fighting, zhe, all, array, column, in, front!" Daoman instantly portrayed his chess-like spell array, pointed at Qingming with **** and shouted, "curse the secret method, the army wins Secret spell!"

   And Qingming also portrayed the five-pointed star array in front of him at the same time, pointed at Daoman with **** without panic, and shouted: "The secret spell of enchantment, the reflection of the spell!"

  As soon as the two people spoke, the blue and red curse powers rushed towards each other. The two curse powers collided violently in the center of the ring, and the entire ground began to shake violently because of the collision of the curse power.

   "The two are a heroic fight!" The host did his duty, and still explained impassionedly, "The venue is almost unable to hold on! It's like a scene in Dragon Ball!"

   "Qing Ming...I won't lose...I will never lose!!" Daoman gritted his teeth and shouted while controlling his curse power.

   Looking at Seimei's side, it seemed very relaxed, without any effort.

   "It's useless, Dao Man," Qingming opened his eyes and opened his mouth unhurriedly, "You can't beat me by your own strength!"

   After that, Qing Ming raised his right hand and controlled the curse power to exert force. In an instant, the blue magic power instantly overwhelmed the red magic power, and the Dao was blown out of the ring.

   After a scream, Dao rolled in the air, bending his legs firmly to the ground. However, even if the power gap was so large, Dao Man was not ready to give up, and after landing, he quickly picked up his handprint and recited the spell.

   "But Doman still refuses to admit defeat and continues to chant the spell!"

"It seems that you have become unable to see the situation around you because of excitement. Daoman." Qingming came to the edge of the ring and watched Daoman, who was still chanting spells on one knee below, faintly. Said, "This is your bad habit, now I will let you wake up a little bit."

   "Shut up!" After gritted his teeth and said, Daoman, surrounded by countless talisman papers covered with red spell power, stood up, his left finger pointed upwards, "Fudo Mingwang Fire Curse!"

   "Appeared!!" The host was still explaining, "There are countless burning charms around Doman contestants! It's a terrible spell to be able to manipulate so many charms by one person!"

   "Qing Ming..." Dao Man opened his hands and his expression became frantic. "Let's be burned to ashes by countless flames!"

   "Dao Man, don't count the wrong number."

   After hearing Seimei’s words, Doman suddenly reacted, and his eyes widened unconsciously when he looked at the talisman behind Seimei, which was so many times more powerful than he did, that was full of blue spell power.

   "The 103 charms are not countless even if they are rounded." Qingming's tone is flat, "By the way, I have 1562 here. These are still far from countless."

"This...what amount is this!" The host exclaimed again, "The number of spells controlled by the player Qingming far exceeds that of the player Doman! No, he has controlled 1,562 charms, it is simply a huge wall of flames. !"

   "Qing...Qing Ming..." Daoman's face kept oozing cold sweat, his eyes widened, and he looked at Qing Ming in disbelief, " guy..."

   "Daoman, this is between my belief and yours!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Qingming controlled the charm behind him and charged towards Daoman. Countless blue charms gathered into a huge flame, and rushed to Daoman's position in the blink of an eye!

   Boom! !

   After a loud noise, Dao Man was swallowed by the flame of curse power.

   "Ahhhhh!!" Daoman's screams kept ringing.

"The situation is downside-down!" The host shouted, "In front of Seimei who had liberated his true strength, Doman could not fight back! Doman was engulfed by a huge flame of cursing power, his body was The incantation flame keeps burning, is it going to be the winner this time?!"

   At this moment when the situation gradually became clear, Daoman, who was about to lose consciousness, recalled the past, the past, far, far away...

  ——Memory exclusive dividing line——

"Daoman, Daoman, what are you doing?" Daoman's father turned on the light in the room and looked at Daoman who was still a child sitting on the bedding. He smiled and said, "What a naughty child, no Will sleep."

   "Because I can't sleep." Xiaodaoman, holding a deformed robot toy in his hand, turned his head to look at his father and explained.

   "You really can't help it, do you want to listen to the old legends again?" Daoman's father came over and sat down on Daoman's bedding.

   "Wow!" Komichiman exclaimed, looking at his father expectantly, "What's the story today? Kintaro's Gaidomaru Teiji or the story of Momotaro?"

"No, today's story is even longer than those." Daoman's father shook his head, and then slowly began to tell: "A long, long time ago, there was an evil **** in Kyoto called Antenmaru. That ghost and **** covered the sky of Kyoto with dark clouds and made the sky rain continuously to torture people."

"However, this Antenmaru was sealed with incredible power by two passing travelers, and the sky of Kyoto cleared up again. As a reward, the king gave them the "Miyamon" which means "the one who guards Kyoto." "One surname, and let them be their own retainers. "

"The relationship between the two brothers of Mimon is very good. In front of them, no matter what kind of monsters can only flee, the bond between the two has always guarded Kyoto. But there is one thing that makes the connection between them The bond that any monster can't cut has created a crack..."

"The younger brother secretly fell in love with the Wang’s sister, the beautiful princess. But the identity of the princess and the Mimon brothers is too far apart. The younger brother’s relationship is destined to be an impossible tragic relationship. The younger brother can only The love for the princess is hidden in my heart, and she silently guards the princess from a distance..."

"But one day, my younger brother learned that the princess had been abducted. It was my brother who had abducted the princess. That's right, both brothers had an admiration for the princess. Without the poor brother’s knowledge, the elder brother and the princess have grown to the point where they are like glue..."

"Finally, abandoning his status and reputation, and eloped. The furious king took his brother as a thief who abducted the princess and issued an order to kill, and the one who was granted this the younger brother. The younger brother went to where his brother was with a complicated mood. local……"

"But when he saw his brother and princess living happily...and their children, his heart plunged into deep darkness... When he recovered, what he loved so much The two have fallen in front of themselves."

"My brother let go of my brother's child, probably because he couldn't bear his degeneration. He returned to Kyoto and became a high-ranking official. But no matter how high he got no matter how beautiful a wife he got. , His mind can't be clear again..."

"Like his gloomy mood, the continuous rainy weather has begun in Kyoto. So, my brother finally realized that it was himself who made Kyoto rainy and rainy. He has turned into a demon, not only the mind, but also the body. It's ugly..."

"That appearance is exactly the ghost and god, Antenmaru, who was sealed with his brother. Antenmaru, who was sealed by the two, has been looking for opportunities, taking advantage of his younger brother's negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred, and waiting for the opportunity to avenge them. But , When he noticed it was too late."

"An arrow has penetrated deeply into his ugly forehead... The one that appeared in front of him was what he had let go of it with his own hands-the brother's son. So the clouds that had surrounded Kyoto for a long time finally dissipated. But. A new cloud has appeared again!"

"Kantenmaru was defeated, and his revenge was met. The brother's son who was re-used by Wang Zhong established Yunoya, and the son of his younger brother who was deprived of his surname and expelled from Kyoto because of the sin committed by his father established the Sirinoya. The sacred gate that once protected Kyoto, "Gomon", was divided into Yuno and Miri, split into two halves, and became the dirty gate! This is the source of the constant struggle between the Yueno family and the Simino family for a long time! This spiral of hatred..."

   "After listening to this messy past, I can sleep so that I really have a ghost!!" Xiao Daoman finally couldn't help but yelled to stop his father.


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