May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 494: :Onmyoji, over!

   "Wine! Natural roll!" Kagura didn't mean to let go, still biting Ginshi's head fiercely.

   "It hurts, it hurts! Stop it!" Gin Shiki kept shaking Kagura, but it didn't work at all. "Blood is coming out!"

   "Stop making trouble, Kagura-chan." Xin Baji smiled helplessly, "The Kagura-chan is not included in the women Yinsan said."

"Asshole! Virgin glasses!" Kagura instantly jumped onto Xin Ba Hao's shoulder, opened his mouth, and gnawed at Xin Ba Hao's head, cursing vaguely with his white eyes and mouth, "This Wasn't it even a woman who scolded me this time? Aru?! Wash inside, wash inside, wash inside!"

"Who are the virgin glasses! Let me loose your mouth! Stinky woman!" Xinba Haw roared, "We are talking about women in a different sense of women! Just like the screwdriver, Saaki who restored our body. Miss like a woman! Besides, aren’t you Jiang Chengsang’s niece?! You are just Jiang Chengsang’s family!"

   "Hey? Is that so Aru?" Kagura let go, and looked up at the silver time that was still spurting blood with a puzzled expression on his head.

   "What did you say?!" Gin Shiro roared with his eyes open.


   At the same time, Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng are in the room.

   It’s very rare. Today’s Jiang Cheng didn’t just stay in front of the computer and play games as usual. Of course, there may be reasons why the budget for the new equipment has not been approved by Yueyong.

   Jiang Cheng leaned against the window of the living room, looking up at the clear sky with a smile at the corner of his face and mouth. On the window sill was an empty wine glass and a bottle of liquor with the lid unscrewed.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, mother let me..." Qingta opened the door and walked in, but before she could say anything, she suddenly saw a new object in Jiang Cheng's room—a shrine placed in the corner of the living room. "Brother Jiang Cheng, is there anything like this in your room? Why haven't you found it before."

   "The adults' rooms are many things that children haven't found." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

"But there is really no impression, as if it was just put here." With that, Haruta came to the shrine and took a close look at the golden statue placed in the shrine. "But then again, what is this? God? A little fox **** with nine tails?"

   "Who knows, it is said that there are 8 million gods in Gao Tianyuan, who can tell who is who." Jiang Cheng replied without looking back, "But, maybe this one is a little different."

   "It's really rare, Jiang Sung still believes in these superstitions." Harita said in a little surprised, "But after all, can I worship this god? Will it pass my final grade?"

   "Probably not," Jiang Cheng shrugged, "It should only cause strange bugs to appear in your lunch. It is better to recite your multiplication formula."

   "I have completely memorized it!" Harita quickly patted her chest and replied, "This time my mother asked me to come to you to recite the multiplication formula! Please put your ears up and listen! It will definitely surprise you!"

"Sorry, I don't have time to listen to that kind of thing on your back now. Next time." Jiang Cheng glanced down at the wine glass that was filled with wine for some reason, raised the corner of his mouth lightly, then lifted the glass and raised his head to take a drink. Utterly.

   After a careful aftertaste, Jiang Cheng showed a look of disgust and looked at the empty wine glass in his hand.

   "As always... hard to swallow."

   Just after Jiang Cheng's voice fell, there was a very slight "pop" behind him, and the pure gold idol in the shrine split a crack in the middle.

   "Brother Jiang Cheng! The idol is cracked!" Harita exclaimed, pointing at the idol.

   "Get out quickly," Jiang Cheng turned his head and said angrily, "Otherwise, throw you out."

"Cut!" Harita snorted, and then turned away angrily, muttering as he walked, "It must be God Sama who hates your attitude that caused the idol to split! God Sama, it must be. Punish him well!"

   "Really, what an unpleasant kid~" Jiang Cheng shook his head and sighed, but then, Jiang Cheng discovered that the glass in his hand was miraculously filled with wine again.

   After toasting again without hesitation and drank the wine in one sip, Jiang Cheng showed a more disgusting expression.

   "Why is it more difficult to drink every time?" Jiang Cheng looked at the wine glass in his hand with a look of disgust.

   "Really?" Yue Yong's cold voice suddenly came from outside the window.

   "Hey? Why is Yueyue here?" Jiang Cheng raised his head, and asked with a puzzled expression to Yueyong who was standing on the eaves at this moment, "Why are you holding my wine again?"

   "No, it's nothing." There was an unnatural flash on Yue Yong's face, and then he put the wine back on the window sill.

   "Speaking of which, your expression is very strange..." Jiang Cheng held his chin and looked at Yue Yong with a puzzled expression. Then suddenly he thought of something and said, "Could it be...!"

   "Nothing, I didn't do anything, I just happened to pass by." Yue Yong silently turned her face away.

"Could it be that I suddenly wanted to **** on the way to patrol, so I came here to borrow the toilet? If that is the case, say it early, don't be shy, no matter what this kind of thing is likely to happen," Jiang Cheng retired. She went to the side and gave Yue Yong the place of the window, "Sa, come on, just use it, constipation is a woman's natural enemy."

   Jiang Cheng didn't know that when he was just talking, Yue Yong's face was completely black, and there were even blue veins on his forehead that kept beating.

   "Wash inside!"

   Yueyong took out countless kunai from his arms without hesitation, and slammed it towards Jiang Chengbian.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


   On the other side, at this time, the three of Yin Shi had also returned to the House of Everything.

"But I'm really a little surprised afterwards," Xin Ba Hao still couldn't stop feeling. "That Jiang Chengsang has such a side, and suddenly he changed a little bit. He has never made a woman cry... It sounds like it’s a little unclear."

"Um...Did you misunderstand something?" Yin Shi, who was sitting on the sofa watching the divination show hosted by Yuno anchor on TV, said without looking back, "That idiot never made a woman cry, but those The woman just wanted to kill him."

   After a long silence, Xin Ba Ji lifted his glasses, and then took a deep breath.

   "Isn't that just a scumbag?!"

   "Didn't I say it a long time ago?" Gin Shizu waved his hand, and continued without looking back, "That guy is just a pure scumbag."

   "But, even if it's a scumbag, yesterday's uncle worked very hard."

   "My Ms. Pandemonion!" Xin Baji who thought of something shouted with a sad expression on his head.

   "Σ_(???"∠) vomit..." Thinking of the scene where the new eight haws holding Pandemonion exchanged love, Kagura no longer held back his head and vomited directly.

   "Hey! It's dirty! You guy!" Yin Shi jumped onto the sofa instantly, pinching his nose and shouting, "How disgusting you are!"

   "Ah, sorry," Kagura wiped the corners of his mouth, "I can't help Aru when I accidentally think of some disgusting scene. If you want to blame, blame Xinbaji Aru."

   "It's so disgusting, it makes me feel like vomiting..." As she said, Yin Shi suddenly felt sick for no reason, lowered her head and vomited, "Σ_(???"∠)vomit..."

"Hey! What are you two doing? What did you do when others fell into good memories?!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed angrily, but just finished speaking, he did not hold back, "Me too... Σ_(???」∠)Oh..."

   "You two made me want to throw up again. Aru...Σ_(???"∠)Oh..."


   A week later, Yoshihara.

"Well, Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Bahao pushed his glasses, and asked with a blank face, Jiang Cheng, who was still immersed in the game, "Just take the liberty to ask, what did you do to anchor Yuno's ex-husband? Why has he completely become a stalker who doesn’t want to be reluctant? The anchor Yuno has come to the House of All Things to complain about his grievances, saying that he can see the ex-husband hiding near him secretly showing his love to him at any time recently, the degree of the stalker Already on par with a certain orangutan and a certain trembling ninja, Yinsang is so angry that he wants to kill you..."

   "It's not a stalker!" Daoman's voice suddenly came from Jiang Cheng's door, "It's the Hunter of Ai! No, I was wrong, it's the Hunter of Kriste's Ai!"

   "I always feel that this person is completely orangutanized now. UU reading is no different from that stalking orangutan. What happened?"

"I just came here to express my gratitude to you," Dao Man came to Jiang Cheng's side and bowed deeply to Jiang Cheng. "Thanks to the two masters you found for me, I was truly I understand how stupid I was in love before. Thanks to the careful teaching of the two masters, now I can have intimate physical contact with Christine (being kicked) basically every day, and I can feel it , Kriste and I are becoming more and more inseparable!"

   "Ah, keep on cheering." Jiang Cheng, who had just finished the game, turned his head and said casually to Daoman.

"Then goodbye, Kriste will be recording the show in a while. To be honest, watching live broadcasts now is not a bit worse than recording on DVD. Of course, people like Seimei won’t understand, after all, this kind of experience The gap is too big, I won this round. Ahahahaha..."

Seeing Daoman who was leaving with a big laugh, Xin Ba Chi twitched his mouth and looked at Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Chengsang, what's the matter with the two masters in love? It won't be the orangutan and the trembling natto woman. Right?"

   "Teach you very well, right?" Jiang Cheng squeezed his eyes.

   "What a good ghost!!"

   (Onmyoji, end.)


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