May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 500: : Isn't the year-end party just a group of people sending each other's griev

"No, no, I...that..." The owner of Xinghai Fang hurriedly waved his hand, and then spread his left five fingers and touched his chest with the fingertips, pretending to be relaxed, and continued, "However, as you can see, It’s easy for me to feel like "Santa Claus? Pretending to be...""

"No, you don't have to maintain your character image anymore, right? The beard is obviously glued on, right?" Yin Shi did not give in at all, and then made a somewhat helpless look with his hands on his hips, "Well, although I I don’t mind if others copy me, but can you be more dedicated, if you underestimate Santa Claus, you will get retribution."

   "No, no, can really be joking~" Even though a green vein burst on his face by Yin Shi's words, the owner of Xinghai Fang still tried his best to keep himself smiling, "I am the one who is in the cottage, right?"

   [What's the matter, this guy! 】Xinghai Fang thought in his heart, [I don’t mean to leave at all...]

"But now there are many people who are clearly in the cottage but haven't noticed it." Although Yin Shi was unconsciously violent with blue veins on his face, he still had a casual tone like an okay person. "It's like the creation of the Great God Tezuka. Everyone uses the same form of comics as a matter of course."

   [This uncle is unexpectedly difficult...] A drop of cold sweat oozes out of Yin Shi's face unconsciously.

   [What's the matter, this guy. Why are you so stubbornly refusing to quit until now! The master of Xinghaifang gritted his teeth and said, [Obviously it's just a fake! 】

   "Do you listen to rock?" The owner of Xinghaifang once again launched an offensive. "It can be said that the most popular rock music in the world is the children of the Beatles. So in my opinion, you are no different from my children."

   "What? You listen to the Beatles as Santa Claus?" Yin Shi was surprised.

   "Hey? What's wrong? Can't it? What do you listen to?"

   "Santa Claus wants to listen to Enya, heal." Gintoki took his hand for granted.

   [You are enough to stop! Uncle! Anyway, you are also a counterfeit, hurry back to your hometown! ] Yin Shi shouted in his heart.

   "Hey, what about Enya," the owner of Xinghai Fang quickly replied with a smile, "I also listened to Enya, that "um~ fuck~ yeah~"

   "That's not Enya, it's Ikiya." Gin Shizuku put his hands in his pockets and corrected.

   (Ikiya Nagasuke: Japanese comedian, captain in the comedy group "Drif".)

   [Weird, this man's defiant attitude...] The owner of Xinghai Fang felt that the situation was getting worse.

   "There's Talang's, even though it's almost rotten." Gin Shiki continued with a casual expression, shrugging his shoulders.

   (Tatsuro Yamashita: Japanese senior male singer.)

   "It's outdated, it's the age of his wife Maria," Xinghaifang said pretendingly, "KFC's song."

   (Maria Takeuchi: female singer, once produced commercial music for KFC.)

   "Only Tatsuro and Kazumasa are famous songs no matter what era." Gintoki replied casually, and then angrily thought in his heart: "This uncle, he can handle no matter how he attacks!"

   (Kazuma Oda: Kazumasa Oda, a well-known male singer.)

   [This confidence...Is he...] The expression of the owner of Xinghai Fang gradually became serious.

   [Could he be...] Yin Shi was also a little panicked in his heart.

   Immediately afterwards, the two of them widened their eyes at the same time, and several black lines appeared under the corners of their eyes, and they showed a constipation expression at the same time, and at the same time they thought: [ the real Santa Claus? ! 】

[Speaking of this, look at this guy now...] When the owner of Xinghaifang looked at Yin in secret, he then thought: [Although at first glance, he is lazy, but his behavior and standing are all around an axis. , His aura like a swordsman is impossible to ignore. He is obviously an old man with a gray beard, but he is so energetic, even his skin looks like a young man in his twenties... Is this guy really human? ? 】

   At the same time, Yin Shi was also looking at Xinghai Fangzhu silently, and at the same time he thought: [I have indeed met a bad old man who claims to be Santa Claus before, but that is just a bad old man who is not domineering at all. But this guy is different. Although he does not have the iconic white beard of Santa Claus, the mustache and the completely different mustache under the nose are unexpectedly realistic! Unconsciously, people think that Santa Claus may have such a mustache or something. It’s like the feeling of betrayal when seeing Lord Frieza’s final form, "Actually, the deity is unexpectedly simple"...]

   The owner of Xinghai suddenly realized something, [No, but...Isn't it...]

   [No...No...] Gintoki also realized something at this time.

   [I... I actually met the real Santa Claus at the most critical moment? ! 】The two thought at the same time.

"Jiang Cheng sama, those two people have been standing for a long time," a Baihua lady pointed at the two people in the yard and said to Jiang Cheng, who was sitting nicely beside Jiang Hua, "no one spoke. Just stand still."

   "Don't worry about that kind of thing, it probably won't affect us." Jiang Cheng replied casually, his eyes fixed firmly on Jiang Hua.

   "That's right, it doesn't affect us at all, ah ha ha..." Xin Ba Ji said with a smile, and then took a few large pieces of beef from the hot pot in front of him and feasted on it.

   "Yes, it doesn't affect us at all!" Hasegawa uttered a very refreshing cry after drinking a glass of wine again, "Huh~ Today is really a race high~ The wine can be drunk casually, so cool~"

   "It's a lively Christmas~" Hichirin narrowed his eyes and smiled.

   "This year's Christmas is the best Christmas, because I received the best Christmas gift~" Kagura still spoiled in Jianghua's arms wantonly.

"You are Kagura-chan's mother," Amy said with a smile to Ganghwa, "I didn't seem to see it when I came to the earth last time. I am Shimura Mya, and I am Shimura Shin who works with Kagura-chan in the house of all things. Eighth sister."

   "Kagura usually thanks you for taking care of it, thank you." Jiang Hua nodded gently and smiled.

   "No, no, Kagura-chan is also very sensible." Ah Miao replied with a smile.

   "Jiang Cheng Sama, people want the best Christmas gifts too." A Baihua lady said coquettishly.

   "Yes, we also want the best Christmas gifts." A group of Baihua ladies agreed.

"You don't need to learn from them." Yue Yong glanced at the side. Although the costumes are the same, but because of the slightly smaller size, the Baihua member who is slightly more prominent among the members of Baihua, said lightly, "They have no more It's a cure."

   "Hi..." The Baihua member responded quietly.

   "What about the gift..." Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin, thought about it for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and showed a nice smile, "I can't think of it, but what do you want?"

   "Of course I did something soft with Jiang Cheng Sama!"

   A group of Baihua members said in unison, but then they hated each other.

   "Well, can you mention some wishes that will not hurt your body as much as possible..." Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly.

   "Speaking of which, Jiang Chengjiang should be married at this age, right?"

   At this time, Jiang Hua's seemingly plain sentence made the dozens of Baihua members present momentarily quiet.

  【Chance! 】

   "Ahaha, it's the first time being urged to marry." Jiang Cheng touched the back of his head and smiled a few times.

"No, it just seems that there are a lot of women around Jiang Chengjiang..." Jiang Hua smiled, then glanced at Yue Yong and the group of Baihua ladies on the side, "Do you like it? If so, It just so happens that when you come to Earth this time, I can ask my sister to look for you.

   "Anyone can?" Jiang Cheng's expression became serious.

   "Ah, anyone can, my sister will help you."

  In an instant, all the ladies of Baihua swallowed unconsciously.

   "Then I will say..." Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, and then showed tenderness on his face, gently holding Jiang Hua's hand, "Sister, leave that bald..."

   Before Jiang Cheng could finish, a few kunai had been stuck in the back of Jiang Cheng's head, and the latter fell directly on the table with his eyes rolled.

   "Pay attention to ethics, you idiot scumbag." Yue Yong said coldly.

   "What are you doing! Stinky woman!" Jiang Cheng pulled out the back of his head and said with a blank eye, "There are not many opportunities like this! And what do you mean by paying attention to ethics?!"

"  " literally means Yueyong replied faintly.

   "Did you make a mistake? We are not sisters and brothers!"

   When Jiang Cheng said this, the eyes of all Baihua members looking at Jiang Hua became less friendly.

   "Isn't it a sister and brother?" A Miao said in surprise, covering her mouth, "Obviously, even in "Three Years Group Z, Teacher Jiang Cheng", Kagura sauce called Uncle Jiang Chengsang."

"The setting over there is adopted son." Jiang Cheng took his hands and nodded and explained to himself, "Adopted by Jianghua's parents since childhood, he went to study in Japan after graduating from high school, and became a teacher after graduating from university. Stayed in Japan."

   "Hey? Is that so?" Ah Miao said in surprise.

   "Well, that's it."

   "Well, can we not say in the feature film that the setting of the next room is set..." Xin Baji said silently, "I always feel that something is wrong... It's embarrassing."

"Isn't it already said that it will be a year-end party?" Jiang Cheng shrugged, "So a little complaint is not a big deal, right? Spread the grievances accumulated in the past year to each other, and then drink two cups and forget to welcome the new ones. One year, this is the true meaning of the year-end party!"

   "That's right, that's right..." Hasegawa, who was already drunk, echoed vaguely, "Drunk until you get drunk and forget all your troubles!"


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