May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 502: : After all, Christmas or something is originally a Western holiday...

[But... it doesn't matter whether the real or fake product...] Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi thought at the same time, and slowly got up at the same time, and then rushed towards each other with their fists raised at the same time.

[Santa...It's me! ! 】×2

Two quiet pops! Two very slight pops! The sound rang at the same time.

"Hey, that's it." Jiang Cheng stood between the two, with his arms crossed and stopped in front of his chest, open his hands to block the fists of Xinghaifang Master and Yin Shi respectively.

However, what everyone didn’t notice was that there was still standing in the shadows under the wall behind Jiang Cheng, who seemed to have just jumped off the wall, holding a knife and scabbard in his hands, holding some kind of wanting to rush to stop Yin Shi and Xinghai. The owner's...Santa Claus.

[Nani! The owner of Xinghai Fang was shocked, [This stinky kid could block my full blow so easily? ! Growth... This is not growth anymore, right? Can it really grow to this level in just 20 years? ! What kind of monster! 】

[Why did you come out to make trouble at this time? ! ] Yin Shi slandered in his heart, [I will kill him soon and become a real Santa Claus! 】

"That, I'm really sorry." Jiang Cheng loosened their fists, touched the back of their heads and smiled a little embarrassedly, and then reached out again in his arms and took out his wallet with a painful expression of 10,000 yuan. Put it into the hands of Xinghaifang master, "Let you fight for such boring things, well, now everyone has it, and it's fair that everyone has 10,000 yuan. This time everyone is happy!"

Looking at the ten thousand yuan banknote in his hand, the owner of Xinghai Fang was stunned for a long time, but he didn't get over.

[Does this idiot think we are fighting for such boring things? ! 】Yin Shi thought to the center of the earth with black lines all over his head.

[Can you look at the atmosphere, atmosphere! After the owner of Xinghai Fang put the money into his trouser pocket, gritted his teeth and thought bitterly, [No matter how you look at this situation, it’s impossible to fight for that kind of boring thing! 】

[It hurts! what's up? These two guys. Jiang Cheng thought to himself, [I almost broke my arm, these two guys are definitely not ordinary people! But... I didn’t expect that such a guy would fight for that kind of boring thing... But this is enough. When both of them have 10,000 yuan, they shouldn’t fight again, in order to make them happy. The Christmas party continues. In order to make Kagura-chan and Jianghua sister have a happy Christmas Eve, this method can only be used. Although it hurts, it can only be done! 】

"That..." Xinghaifang said haha, "Actually..."

"I'm telling the truth, can you two take a look at the atmosphere?" Jiang Cheng sighed helplessly, interrupted Xinghai Fang's words, and then pointed to a group of people in the room, "You are very here. It spoiled the atmosphere of our Christmas party. The originally pleasant Christmas party ended up calling you around in the yard. We were really upset. I didn’t know that you were volunteers in that volunteer team, but it was enough. We really No need for this kind of show. Go ahead..."

"Hey? Pleasant? Is that kind of atmosphere very pleasant?" Yin Shi looked at the people in the room and asked, pretending to be puzzled, and then pointed to himself calmly, "Since it is a Christmas Eve party, it is not very Is something obviously missing?"

"Yes, yes, something is obviously missing." The owner of Xinghai quickly echoed, and also pointed to himself calmly, "Ahem, there is missing something very important and decisive. Without that, it doesn’t look like a Christmas Eve party, it just looks like an ordinary party."

"Hey?" Jiang Cheng looked at the room with a suspicious sound, then he folded his chest with one hand, and began to think about it with the other hand holding his chin. , What is it..."

"Yeah, right! Did you find it too? An idiot!" Gin Shiki quickly took over, "Yes, there is indeed something missing. It is a creature that is not appropriate to say that it is an object! If that is missing. It's not like a Christmas Eve party at all!"

"Yeah, I did find out..." Jiang Cheng nodded, but then he reacted, turning his head to look at Xiang Yin, "Wait, did you just say an idiot? Absolutely, right? Just clearly Call me an idiot, right?"

"No, no, absolutely not." Yin Shi quickly shook his head in defense, "Let's talk about the topic just now, haven't you noticed what your Christmas Eve party lacks?"

"Cough cough!" The owner of Xinghai Square coughed again and glanced up at Jiang Cheng. "Already noticed? What is missing in your party, as long as you observe the yard, you will definitely find it!"

"Oh!" Jiang Chengduan tapped his palm, "I see! What's missing!"

"It seems that I finally remembered..." The owner of Xinghaifang shook his head and chuckled, then pointed at himself again, "Sa, then hurry up and invite "that guy" into your party. "That guy" your Christmas party is complete! "

"But you have to keep your eyes open. "That guy" is also a fake," Yin Shi glanced at the owner of Xinghai Fang, then coughed slightly and pointed at himself without moving expression. "Look carefully. Make a decision if you are clear! "

"That's right, you have to make a good decision! Your Excellency Jiang Cheng!" Jiubingwei's voice suddenly came from behind everyone, "What is "that guy" who should be invited into that kind of happy party which one…"

"You are in the same volunteer group?" Jiang Cheng pointed to the Jiu Bingwei in Santa Claus costume and asked the owner of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi in front of him.

"No, it should be Xiao Jiu, right? It's Xiao Jiu clearly, right?" Ah Miao said while looking at Jiu Bingwei in the yard, then smiled and waved at Jiu Bing Wei, "Come in, Xiao Jiu, I just said why I can't contact you, come in and have a party with everyone."

"It's not Xiao Jiu, but the old man of Jiu Bing!" Jiu Bingwei corrected.

"So that's the case, it's Mr. Jiubingwei," Jiang Cheng looked closely at Jiubingbei's face, then smiled and said, "But having said that, did you come to the party in this way on purpose? Now, Jiubei...No, I can’t call you in this outfit anymore. It should be Miss Jiubei. Hurry in, Miss Jiubei, the party is really crowded and lively."

"Your Excellency Jiang Cheng, I hope you can treat me as a real Santa Claus and invite me to your party. Tonight, I don't want to be that Jiu Bingwei, just be an ordinary Ninth birthday!"

"Do you like this tune?" Jiang Cheng let out a puzzled voice, then shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "It's up to you, that old man with nine... or something, hurry in..."

"Wait!" The owner of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi interrupted Jiang Cheng at the same time and put their hands on Jiang Cheng's shoulders at the same time.

"Didn't you just say that you should think about it?" Yinshi's forehead burst with blue veins, half of his face twitched, and he forced his anger to remind him, "Why made the decision so easily."

"Your kid did it on purpose?" The owner of Xinghaifang gritted his teeth and the blue veins on his forehead were still beating, and whispered bitterly, "It was definitely on purpose, right? That kind of guy is clearly not Santa Claus, right? Why? Then casually invite that kind of guy to the Christmas Eve party?"

"No, because this guy is an acquaintance. Is there anything wrong with inviting acquaintances to the party?" Jiang Cheng looked unclear, and then patted both of them's hands and smiled gratefully. "But then I am very grateful. You two, thanks to you two, I thought of what was missing from today's party."

"Hey, don't show me such a refreshing smile, I just think it's even more irritating, bastard..." Yin Shih's expression gradually improved.

"Give me to think more clearly before making a decision, bastard!" The owner of Xinghai Fang looked at Jiang Cheng with a kind face.

"Well, it really wouldn't be a Christmas Eve party without a turkey~ Thank you both for making me think of this~" Jiang Cheng said with some emotion, then turned his head and smiled at Miss Baihua on the side, "That If possible, can I ask you to buy some turkeys?"

"Hi! Go right now!" In an instant, several young ladies Baihua with quick eyes and hands responded and rushed out in the direction of the door.

"Not at all!!" The owner of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi raised their legs at the same time and kicked Jiang Cheng away.

"Why do you think of that kind of thing! It's not right at all!" The owner of Xinghaifang pointed to Jiang Chengbai and shouted, "What is going on with your head? Why do you think it is Christmas as long as you have a turkey? !"

"Because..." Jiang Cheng got up from the ground, watching the two seriously replied When watching American TV shows, the most indispensable thing on Christmas Eve is the turkey..."

"Hey, do you think this is a small theater for American TV dramas?!" Yin Shibai shouted, "Move your barren brain cells and think about it! Why can't you see things that are clear at a glance?!"

"Oh! I thought of it!" Jiang Cheng tapped his hand with his fist again, "Sure enough, only a turkey won't work! That's it! Only with that one can it be called Christmas!"

"It seems that I finally noticed it." Jiu Bingwei chuckled lightly.

"Thank you, you guys!" Jiang Cheng said to the three with a grateful look, then turned his head and said to everyone in the house, "That, mince pies..."

"It's still wrong!!" ×3

The owner of Xinghai Fang, Yin Shi and Jiu Bingwei shouted with white eyes at the same time, and simultaneously kicked Jiang Cheng.


Jiang Cheng, who was kicked by the three of them, fell heavily to the ground...

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