May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 512: : Just call it out loud to me! !

In the afternoon, Jiang Cheng, who had not had lunch, sat in a dumpling shop on Yoshihara Street, and the table in front of him was piled full of chocolates.

Jiang Cheng didn't know how many cups of tea he had drunk before he ate a half of these chocolates.

On the side, Harita looked disappointed or frustrated at the chocolate on the table in front of Jiang Cheng, wanting to say something but didn't know what to say.

"It's really a convenient body. No matter how much you eat, you won't get fat." The sun wheel on the side looked at Jiang Cheng with emotion.

"Of course!" Jiang Cheng said vaguely while chewing on the chocolate in his hand, "I've done a good job of turning what I eat into energy consumption! Well, please have another cup of tea. "

"Hey, here." The young lady in charge of the dumpling shop came over with a cup of tea and put it on the table.

"Oh, thank you." Jiang Cheng picked up his teacup and gulped it down.

"But having said that, it turns out that all the chocolates are made by myself." Hichiwa continued, "I didn't even buy one from the store."

"Is there any difference?" Jiang Cheng, who was planning to take a break, asked suspiciously, "Is there any difference between the chocolate bought in the store and the one made by myself?"

"Of course," Hiran nodded affirmatively. "The heart in the chocolate you make must be more important than the one you can buy at random. It seems that you are really popular in Yoshiwara. ."

"Ahahaha, in fact, I knew the fact that I was a very good man before." Jiang Cheng touched his head and smiled, "There is really no way to do this kind of thing~Ahahaha..."

"Speaking of which, where is Jiang Chengsang most attracted to women?" Rilun asked suddenly.

"I always feel that your question is so sudden," Jiang Cheng stopped laughing, and silently murmured, then he took his hands and closed his eyes and thought, "Indeed, am I most attracted to women..."

Yueyong, who was leaning against the wall, pricked her ears unconsciously.

"Of course it's the face and O..."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Yue Yong threw out a kunai again, right in the middle of Jiang Cheng's forehead. At the same time, a little girl who suddenly appeared with strange power also roared at Jiang Cheng's belly with white eyes. Kicked out.

"Why... why even Kagura..." Jiang Cheng, who fell to the ground, rolled his eyes and murmured.

"Did you start talking about rogue remarks in broad daylight? Aru?! Uncle OTAKU is abnormal!" Kagura cursed vigorously.

"Hey, what a terrible man." Yue Yong sipped disdainfully.

"Why is it bad to tell the truth?" Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected in the same place, pulled out the kunai on his forehead and sat down on the chair again. He raised his hands while showing a look of unhappiness. "I really don’t understand you people. The words I said are clearly what all men think in their hearts. Are you happy to hear those rhetoric? Don’t you have to be more sincere? When you confess, what do you say "I Like you, please stay with me"! It's disgusting! Tell me honestly: I want to [BEEP——] can’t you? ! "

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Cheng was knocked to the ground by Yueyong and Kagura again.

"What are you talking about in front of the child!" Yue Yongbai roared with eyes open, "If the confession becomes like that, the world will be over! No more women will agree to a man's dating request!"

"No, primitive people usually confess like this." Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected again, sat up and defended solemnly.

"Uncle uncle alone needs to be a primitive person, Aru!" Kagura exclaimed with a blank eye.

"Cut, anyway, I can't say anything that is involuntary! I have already decided! I definitely shouldn't be that kind of disgusting hypocritical man! I hate the man who only speaks nice things to coax women! "

"Women and men like you are the most annoying." Kagura sneered ruthlessly.

"I also like this of Mr. Jiang Cheng the most! That's right! I also hate that kind of disgusting hypocritical man!" A young lady from Baihua suddenly jumped out.

"Master Jiang Cheng, I want to [BEEP——] with you!"

Several Baihua sisters jumped out at the same time.

The slapped Kagura pointed to Jiang Cheng, squinting Doudou's eyes and looking at Yue Yong expressionlessly, "All are... primitives?"

"No, it's just a bunch of hopeless fools." Yue Yong replied casually.


After a little farce was over, Kagura sat down on a bench beside him, and casually took out two boxes of chocolates from his arms, and threw one box on Jiang Cheng’s table and one box to Jiang Cheng’s table. Haruta on the side.

"God... Sister Kagura, is this... Could it be..." Harita looked at the very beautifully packed heart-shaped chocolate box in her hand, and was incoherent with surprise.

"Chocolate." Kagura replied casually.

"Really...really?!" The platform cheered for an instant, and danced on the spot, "Mom, I received chocolate!"

"I beg you for my share, uncle." Kagura said to Jiang Cheng casually, but after seeing Jiang Cheng's disgusting expression, his face suddenly burst into blue veins, "Hey What kind of expression is that?! Why do you just show that kind of disgust for my chocolate Aru! Give me enough!"

"No, no, it's just a little uncomfortable suddenly." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied, "I didn't expect to receive chocolate from Kagura sauce. This kind of development is unexpected. By the way, you...really okay, right? Isn’t it sick?"

"Give me to die!" While shouting, Kagura smashed Jiang Cheng's head on the table again, and the whole table was shattered by Kagura's blow.

"There is no booger in this, right? It doesn't matter, right?" Harita asked Kagura, raising the chocolate in her hand.

"How is it possible to let it go! Watch out for me beating you! Smelly kid!" Kagura yelled with a burst of green muscle, "Why are any of them so popular!"

"I didn't expect you to be a trendy kid too," Hinawa said with a smile and squinted eyes. "Maybe you can become an oiran in the future."

"Really?" Kagura squinted his peasy eyes and replied casually, "Then come to your place without hesitation."

"Hey, can I eat this?" Harita opened the chocolate box in her hand, and glanced down at several of the boxes in the box that looked like little cakes and sprinkled with a little bit of chocolate like sesame seeds. There seems to be something like sesame seeds..."

"It seems that Kagura-chan had sesame seeds for dinner yesterday." Jiang Sung, who came to Harita at some time, picked up the chocolate in Harita's hand.

"Hey! What you said is starting to sicken myself!" Kagura roared with blank eyes.

"How is it possible, it's booger." Yueyong took it casually, "You will have diarrhea after eating."

"Hey! Although it's better than what the uncle said, Aru! But it's still disgusting!" Kagura stood up and shouted with white eyes, "You have enough! What impression do I leave on you!"

"Take it back, whether the booger or the sesame that I ate in my stomach yesterday." Then Jiang Cheng closed the box of chocolates in his hand and stuffed it into Kagura's hands. "I want to give it to you." It’s not Haruta, right? Isn’t it enough to give those two guys generously? Why are you so entangled? You are not a junior high school student."

"I...I didn't want to give the silver sauce the chocolate Aru!" Kagura defended loudly.

"No, I didn't talk about Yin Shi~"

"Hey--! It's too cunning!"

"Sasa, hurry up. Although you may have diarrhea after eating, he might be very happy if he does receive it." Jiang Cheng said casually, "That guy...since I knew him. It seems that I have never received chocolate on Valentine's Day."

"No need Aru!" Kagura turned his face away and snorted, "Even if I don't give it, Xiao Yuan and the others will give them Aru! This chocolate can be given to Haruta Aru!"

"Hey, did you hear that? Yinshi, Xin Ba Hao," Jiang Cheng said into the phone, "Kagura said that if you give the chocolate to Harita, he won't give it to you."

"What?! Bastard! Give you three minutes to send me the chocolate back to the House of All Things! That is my chocolate! My! And that stinky kid, if you dare to eat my chocolate... Kill you!" The voice came from the phone.

"Kagura-chan, we will be very happy to receive your chocolate!" The voice of the new eight harp came from the phone.

"Uncle, you fool!!" After Kagura yelled, he gave Jiang Cheng an uppercut.


Looking at Kagura, who turned around and left with chocolate, Jiang Cheng stood up from the ground and patted the dust on his clothes like an okay person.

"Really, what is going on with such an unfrank child?" Jiang Cheng shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Jiang Chengsang really cares about Kagura sauce." Hichirin said with a smile.

Jiang Chengrou said: "I just hope that Kagura can be like an ordinary girl with a little willfulness. If you want to do something, you can do If you want to say something, you can say it. What you want to convey is to convey, and live without worry and heartlessness. No, not just me, many people hope that she can live such a happy life. Worry, pain, sadness, loneliness, confusion... …These things are enough for…others to carry them."


"My only chocolate... no more..." Harita squatted on the ground with a look of depression, "Who should bear my pain..."

"Of course men should be responsible for their own lives." Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain.

"The child's matter is resolved, but..." As he said, the Sun wheel glanced at Yueyong's back who had left quietly for some time. "There is another person's heart that hasn't been conveyed. And, I said it. In that case, homemade chocolate or something... For that child, the difficulty seems to have risen a lot..."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at the Sun Wheel with a puzzled expression.

"No, it's nothing." Hirin smiled and shook his head.


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