May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 515: : Master the initiative of dating, you can master everything!

In a hundred-yen second-hand store in Edo.

"Sa! Pick whatever! No matter what you want, you can buy it for you!" Jiang Cheng said, slapped his chest towards Yue Yong, who was standing behind him.

However, after just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng realized something was wrong, because Yue Yong's appearance was a little strange, and there was no expression on his face down, and he never said a word.

"That..." Jiang Cheng who thought of something hurriedly explained, "Yueyue, you know, all my money is bought for games or taken by Kagura. This kind of shop is already the limit! But, gifts. This kind of thing doesn’t distinguish between high or low! I always think so! Spread it, pick whatever you want, all the things here are only one hundred yuan! Seeing that you bought me this 20,000 yuan game, I You can choose two! This is the limit!"

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, there was another silence for more than half a minute.

"That," Jiang Cheng said with a quick smile, "It's really the limit... Can you say something, I'm a little scared like you are."

"Yeah..." Yueyong's voice sounded like a mosquito, and then slowly stepped into the shop door mechanically with hands and feet.

"Have you been obsessed with mechanical dance idol groups recently?" Jiang Cheng grumbled blankly.

"Guest, how about this?" The shopkeeper who was in his 50s and who was about to become a boomerang had one missing front tooth, said, holding a milky white chopsticks, "This is the town of this hundred-yen shop." The treasure of the shop-engagement chopsticks...hairpins."

"Hey, did you talk about chopsticks just now? You already talked about chopsticks, right? It must be very hard to change your tongue temporarily!" Jiang Cheng frantically complained with his eyes blank.

"You can see this engagement hairpin... The chopsticks, the lady really has a vision. It has a lot of background." The boss with reading glasses forced the chopsticks into Yue Yong's hands.

"Hey, why did you change it back again!" Jiang Chengbai struggled to spit out, "What are engagement chopsticks? I have never heard of that kind of thing! And don't the chopsticks always come in one pair? Why is there only one pair of chopsticks? One!"

"There is a reason for this," the store owner sighed, shook his head and explained in a deep voice, "this chopstick, it used to be Toyotomi Hideyoshi who wanted to warm Nobunaga's feet in the cold winter, in order to be able to produce The microwave oven for straw sandals, the chopsticks used to eat hot pot in the winter morning. And the other chopstick has been thrown away because it fell into the hot pot."

"It's totally irrelevant! Why do you eat hot pot in the morning? Why is it a microwave oven?" Jiang Cheng said with a blank eye, "If you have hot pot, you don't need to warm your feet for Nobunaga? Just ask him to eat hot pot. Better? Your whole body will warm up after eating!"

"Ah, I remembered it wrong," the store manager pushed the glasses on his face and said, "This chopstick is actually Zhuge Liang and others on the shore watching the burning ships in the river during the Battle of Chibi. Listening to Cao Cao’s soldiers calling for help, while eating the chopsticks used in the hot pot."

"Don't think that making up this kind of story can make it appreciate! It's just useless chopsticks! And there is only one!"

"In short, now this restaurant is discounting, and you can get this engagement chopsticks for only one thousand yuan." The shop owner ignored Jiang Cheng's words and continued on his own. "If you add another hundred yuan, I will personally add another one in the hot pot. Pick up a chopstick, rinse it, and give it to you."

"Is it you who dropped the chopsticks into the hot pot?!" Jiang Chengbai said angrily. "Are these chopsticks only the chopsticks you use to eat hot pot in the end?! Isn't it a 100-yuan restaurant? Why do you want one? Thousand yuan? When I am an idiot?! Give me a price reduction, two sticks of fifty yuan will do!"

"Guests, you are bargaining too hard. You can get a 50% discount at most," the shop owner replied, "but you are only responsible for fishing it out, and you don't give away washing services."

"Ten yuan, clean it well with disinfectant!" Jiang Cheng said sharply.

"Three hundred yuan! Give me a pair, it's Nobunaga's rotten straw sandals!" The shop owner didn't make any concessions.

"Five yuan! Give me your straw sandals and flush them out of the toilet! Immediately!"

"One hundred yuan! The limit! You can give me at most one more antique loincloth that Cao Cao has worn for 30 years!"

"No loincloth, fifty yuan is my last bottom line!" Jiang Cheng's expression became solemn, "otherwise we... will go to the next store. As far as I know, Edo's 100-yen store is more than yours. Oh~"

"You kid!" The shop owner frowned, his expression unbearable, "No way, it's all about it, okay!"


At four o'clock in the afternoon, on the way back to Yoshihara.

"That, is it really okay?" Jiang Cheng asked Yue Yong, who kept his head down and kept silent. "That kind of dirty old man's dirty chopsticks, even if they have been disinfected, are still full of old and smelly chopsticks. Is it okay? If you don’t like it, you can throw it away. If you use that kind of chopsticks, you might get a virus.”

"Yes...Yes...Yes." Yue Yong replied quietly, lowering his head.

"Well, wait for me for a while," Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something, stopped, turned and walked to the other side, "I'll be back soon."

In three minutes, Jiang Cheng, holding a small octopus ball in his hand, came to Yue Yong's side and handed the lunch box in his hand to Yue Yong.

"Eat it, even if it's just compensation." Jiang Cheng said casually.

"" Yue Yong took the lunch box in Jiang Cheng's hand, and then asked quietly, ""

"What?" Jiang Cheng looked at Yue Yong suspiciously.

", how about hairpins?"

At this time, Jiang Cheng discovered that Yue Yong had tied the two chopsticks as hairpins on his head.

"Very good." Jiang Cheng responded casually.

[About...a date! This is dating! ] Yueyong lowered her head as she walked and thought, [This is the date that Sunrin said during breakfast today! Men and women go shopping, give each other gifts, and eat together! Next is...watching a movie, and...]

Thinking of this, Yue Yong raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, [This man...what happened today? ! Does he...really...really want to do that with me? ! How to do how to do? ! What should I do in this situation? ! 】

"Oh! Today there is a re-screening of one or two of "Transformers"! Seeing both of them together, you can get popcorn and a large glass of Coke for only 150 yuan!" Suddenly I saw a poster posted by an old movie theater on the side of the road. Jiang Cheng was instantly attracted, then turned his head and shouted excitedly, "Yueyue! Can I go back later today? Can I watch this?!"

[Late... go home later! This man, today...does he really have that kind of plan today? ! Yue Yong's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

"Yes." Yueyong replied lightly, but there was a different vision in her heart, [You can be tall! Am I an idiot? ! Why did you say that kind of thing! I'm obviously not ready yet! 】


This dilapidated movie theater has only one screening room, and it is very old. The staff...There is no one else except the one at the door, who is lying on the window while chewing gum and selling tickets, who looks unmotivated and polite. .

The floor of the projection hall is also full of all kinds of littering, and there are even a few waste people who can be called **** sleeping on the seats.

"Oh, brother, you guys are watching the movie too!" Hasegawa greeted Jiang Cheng while holding the wine bottle.

"The brother who gave me the wine last time, Saxi ignores it." Uncle Musashi who was also sitting in a seat holding a bottle of wine drunkly yelled to Jiang Cheng.

"That..." Jiang Cheng, who was sitting down at a certain seat with Coke and popcorn, asked the Yue Yong who was aside expressionlessly. "Why did you follow along? Do you... also like robots?"

"Um... Um." Yue Yong, who was completely immersed in her own world, lowered her head and kneaded in response.

"Really?! Do you like robots too?!" Jiang Cheng said in surprise, "I didn't show it before! Then, keep quiet and watch the movie! The first two are my favorites! "

"Hmm..." Yue Yong, who couldn't hear what Jiang Cheng was talking about, responded again.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Cheng walked out of the cinema with tears in his eyes. Behind him was Yue Yong, who bowed his head and said nothing.

" moved!" Jiang Cheng cried out with tears, "Even in such a dirty and disgusting movie theater, it still makes people so touched! Romantic! A huge deformed robot is always there. Man’s romance! Yueyue, do you understand?! If you also like robots, you should understand?!"

"Uh...huh." Yue Yong responded again.

"Well, I always feel that something is wrong with you today." Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously, "There are very few accidents today. Does it really matter? Is there something wrong with your body? Would you like to take a rest and go back?"

【rest! This is it! I said in the morning! Men usually use this reason to trick women into that kind of place when dating, and then move on to the next step! Yueyong thought, [Oops! This situation...]

"Then... take a break..." Yue Yong lowered his head and squeezed back in a low voice.

[What am I talking about! Doing that kind of thing with this kind of man is over! Not only... but your life is over! ] Yueyong scolded herself for not being able to live up to her heart.

"You...couldn't it be... that is coming?" Jiang Cheng leaned closer, pinching his chin and looking at Yue Yong's face questioningly.

[Is this... any confirmation? ! I always thought this man was... a vegetarian, but did he turn out to be a carnivore? ! The situation has become more and more passive, and if this continues, he might really take the initiative! No way! I... want to fight back! At least, I have to take the last initiative! 】


"I'm fine, but you, won't you suddenly fall asleep?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng faintly, and said coldly.

"Ha? Why did I want to go to sleep? Today is not the middle of the month." Jiang Cheng showed a strange expression on his face.

[I'm parrying it! This man...can't be underestimated! In other words, this man thinks that he has the initiative all day, so he can take the initiative to the end as a matter of course! terrible! This man is really scary! I have never found out that he has such a side before! Was it hidden by him? ! But I can’t lose! Never lose! The best coping strategy at this time is...]

"Don't think too much, just worry that Nit, who stays in the room playing games every day, can't keep up with his physical strength." Yue Yong pinched the cigarette stick and turned his face with a look of disdain.

"Huh?! Who are you looking down on? Do you think I will get tired after walking a few steps? I'm not a kid." Jiang Cheng hugged his hands and snorted, unhappy.

[Even not to give up! ! ] Yueyong's whole person is not good, and she thought in her heart, [This man...]

"Why didn't you talk anymore?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously, "Ah, no, you are really weird today. What happened to you? Are you upset about me? Upset, did I buy you a gift like that? Isn’t it okay with me? If you don’t like it, you said it at the time, and didn’t I compensate you all? Isn’t that little ball compensated? Why are you still..."

[Well, forget it, facing such a man, I can't stand it... Now, there is only one way...]

Thinking about it, Yue Yong took out a few kunwu from his body, and before Jiang Cheng hadn't reacted, he slammed them all on Jiang Cheng's head.

"Okay, that's it. Your state is really not good today." With that, Yue Yong dragged the collar of Jiang Cheng, who fell to the ground and rolled his eyes and was still twitching, and started moving towards Go in the direction of Yoshihara.

"Did I... have done anything bad?" Jiang Cheng, who was already unconscious, murmured, "Why... why do you treat me like this..."


The next morning, Yoshihara.

Jiang Cheng, with a thick bandage on his head, sat at the dining table and stared at Yue Yong on the opposite side.

"Hey, can you explain it now? Why did you treat me that way yesterday? I just passed out because of excessive blood loss."

"It's just that you are upset." Yue Yong, who was chewing slowly, replied faintly.

In an instant, Jiang Cheng's face exploded with several blue veins, "Huh?! What does it mean to be unhappy?! I am also very unhappy! I am also very unhappy because my head is stabbed with holes! Do you want to fight?! Asshole !what!"

"Be quiet when you useless chanet in bad condition."

"Although I don't know what it means, I do feel the contempt in your words..." Jiang Cheng's blue veins on his forehead seemed to burst out, "Hey, stinky woman, I will never endure you again today..."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he got a few more kunai on his forehead.

"I'm full." After whispering, Yue Yong got up and dragged the back collar of Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the table and rolled his eyes because of karma, turned and walked towards the door, "We Go on patrol."

"They...every day, every day." Harita pursed her mouth and murmured silently.

"Yes, but maybe for that kid, this way of getting along is more accustomed. Of course. It must be for that man too."

Hilawa smiled and replied, and then turned to look at the back of Yueyong, who had already gone away, and saw that Yueyong had two more milky white chopsticks that were used as hairpins and were cleaned and cleaned. ...

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