May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 534: : Perceive...

"The insight is really good. In fact, I was a little curious about the samurai before. I can do it today, and I am really a little excited~" Kamui squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"Children lied, adults can tell at a glance, you are too tender, kid." Takasugi chuckled and replied unhurriedly, "You are not interested in samurai, right? It's the man, right? Boy..."

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, it's the man's former companion, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship you two had before." Shenwei suddenly opened his eyes, and his expression became a little savage. Other people’s gifts, now... even back to me with interest! Your... fate!"

   "Hmm..." Takasugi snorted softly, "So, didn't you tell me? You are too tender, this kind of lie...Do you think I will believe it?"

"Well... you not only have good insight, but also seem to have superpowers. Is there any secret in that left eye?" Shenwei squinted again and tilted his head. "Now I...probably already. I'm clear, how boring things he has been guarding are. Although there is only a little bit, I can see clearly that his chains are bound to his chains. So... I will give him this boring thing completely. Cut it off. Go to hell, Gao Zai."

   Takasugi didn't reply, he just looked at Shenwei very plainly.


   At this moment, the voice of Goulang came from behind Shenwei, and there was also a small sound of footsteps. There should be a lot of people listening.

   Looking at the celestial beings with guns and various weapons coming from all around, Shenwei just turned around and reminded faintly: "I said not to interfere with me, right?"

   Gou Lang chuckled, "It won't interfere with you..."

   As he said, Gou Lang waved his hand, and the celestial soldiers standing beside Gou Lang instantly pulled the trigger towards Shenwei's back.

   But what is strange is that instead of bullets, they fired one after another anesthesia arrows.

   Several anesthetic arrows hit Shenwei's back, and a few drops of blood slowly fell to the ground.

   The supernatural power that came to understand later let out a puzzled cry, "Huh?"

   "Shenwei, we are here to kill you." Gou Lang explained lightly.

   On the other side, the three Chunyu spaceships were slowly approaching the ghost soldiers' spaceships, but... At this moment, Avotu who was on the spaceship suddenly discovered something through the big screen in the driver's cabin...

"Where did you get it wrong?" The corner of Afutu's mouth was slightly raised, and he looked at the countless spaceships that suddenly appeared behind the Ghost Soldiers spaceship not far away, pretending to be confused and muttering to himself: " Has anyone said that the enemy has such a big family?"

   Switch the angle of view back to Chunyu Headquarters...

"The blood of your night rabbits is too dangerous," the real murderer behind the planning of all this-Admiral Admiral slowly walked over and stood beside Goulang and stopped. "A knife that is too sharp will be hated. Oh, God's might!"

   "It's really bad this time~" Shenwei squatting on the ground didn't have the slightest panic on his face, "I was actually a step ahead of the idiot admiral."

"Don't worry, my purpose is the same as yours. I want to cut off those boring chains. Although the method is a little different, I am very upset when someone uses that kind of thing on my body..." Takasugi said as he moved towards Shenwei came over, stopped in front of Shenwei and pulled out the knife on his waist, his eyes flashed with cold light, "So you can die with peace of mind, as long as you die, that kind of boring chain should be broken. ..."

  Speaking, Takasugi slashed down at Kamui's shoulder...


   On the other side, on the spaceship where Afutu is.

"Deputy Commander! Behind the Ghost Corps is Chunyu's fleet!" A member of the Seventh Division who was manipulating the spaceship reported without looking back, "That should be the Eighth Division of the Gowolf Commander! It looks like it should be the admiral's private fleet!"

   Just finished speaking, it was very intuitive to see on the screen that the opponent's spacecraft fired at this side at the same time, and the dense purple rays shot over here at extreme speed.

   Feeling the hull that started to sway slightly because of the attack, Afutu frowned slightly, and a slightly wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It looks like we are being swayed together~"

   On the other side, on the spaceship of the Ghost Soldiers, looking at the spaceships of Chunyu outside the window that were firing at each other and attacking each other, Wan Zhai asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

   "Why are you firing guns at each other between the spring rains?" He murmured again.

   "Don't worry about anything, everyone, everything is being calculated." Takeshi walked over with his hands in his arms and explained aloud while standing behind them.

   "Senior Pervert..." Youzi turned around and looked at Takeshi.

"Who is a big pervert, you wild boar girl." Takeshi spit out, and then explained, "That is the 7th Division of Chunyu, with the elite of the battle tribe, Yetu, and is called Chunyu's strongest unit. Theirs The leader, the influence of the commander of the Wudou dispatch division of Chunyu, now even the admiral feels afraid. Now some of the leaders of the 12th division want to abolish the admiral and support the prestige of his prestige."

   "And they are under attack, it means..." Wan Zhai continued, "Does that trash admiral want to get rid of the seventh division that threatened his status?"

   "That's the case," Takeshi replied, "We are the bait to lure the ships of the 7th Division, the strongest hand-to-hand combat, and isolate them."

   "Is it used by Chunyu's gang again..." Youzi whispered a little uncomfortably.

   "That incompetent admiral is better for us to control." Takeshi replied.

   "But..." As he said, Wan Zhai turned his head and looked out the window, "He actually killed each other in order to maintain his position. As the group grows, will this kind of stupid people continue to increase?"


   On the other side, at the Chunyu headquarters, Admiral Dumb looked at the Goulang and Takasugi on the table and smiled extremely happily.

   "Hahahaha!" Admiral Admiral Admiral admired in the spring breeze, "Your Excellency Takasugi, good work! In this way the insurgents who resisted me disappeared! The action of Goulang is also very beautiful!"

"No, I just fulfilled the duty of being an idiot... Admiral Adidas's 12th division leader." Goulang hurriedly said to Admiral Adidas, "Seeing the end of the rebels, those who follow the power of God will also wake up. , Take an oath of loyalty to the admiral again."

   From the beginning to the end, Takasugi, who held his hands and closed his eyes, said with emotion, "But it's a pity..."

   "Huh?" Admiral Adu and Goulang both looked at Takasugi suspiciously.

Takasugi gently raised the corners of his mouth, with a bit of playfulness on his face, "That kid, there are so many poisonous arrows in his body that even the elephant will be comatose in an instant, and then I was stabbed by me, and he was still laughing until the end. With this kind of injury, you can kill more than fifty of your subordinates. Compared to the loss suffered to get rid of him, getting rid of him seems to lose more..."

   "It's okay," Admiral Dumb looked disapproving, "The vacant positions will be filled by your ghost soldiers."

   "Hmph," Takasugi groaned his shoulders and snorted, "I'm sorry, please allow me to refuse. I would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen. Compared to the top pirates, I am still the king of the mountain more relaxed..."

   said, Takasugi stood up, walked towards the door, and when he reached the door, he stopped and turned his head, "And I must not abandon this name."

   After that, Takasugi turned around and stepped out of the automatic door that had just opened.

   "So what about the reward?" Admiral Admiral asked Takasugi.

   "Nothing is needed," Takasugi replied without looking back, "It's the same as it is now, and the equivalent exchange is enough."

   After the automatic door closed slowly, the Gou Lang who remained in the house reminded Admiral Admiral Admirably in a low voice: "Please pay attention, that guy is more elusive than Shenwei. I don't know what the lone wolf is thinking about."

   "I know, there won't be a second time for this kind of farce." Admiral Adumb's mouth evoked a meaningful smirk.


   is still that dark and humid underground prison with only a little yellow light. In the cell at the end of the corridor, Hua Tuo still plays with the broken bowl in his left hand with his eyes blankly, repeating in his mouth.

   "It's a single." Takasugi stopped outside the cell, and spoke back.

   Hua Tuo opened the broken bowl, still a screw and a screw, "It's a pity... it's a double..."

"Oh~ it's your turn to die this time~" Shenwei's voice suddenly came from the side, "That is a cursed gambling. Those who lose will definitely be unfortunate, because I also lost, so there will be no mistakes. ."

   looked at the cell squatting on the ground. With the power of the handcuffs and shackles tied to his body, Takasugi snorted: "Huh, monsters that can't be killed are still talking nonsense here."

   "The purpose of treating me specifically and letting me live is to warn others in public execution, right?" Shenwei said casually, as if he didn't care at all, "When is the day?"

   "Three days later."

"Three days?" Shenwei narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Who will die first, me or you? Do you understand? The guys here only consider their own interests. No matter how they are kind to others, They will only be used by each other, and they will be thrown away if they are useless."

Listening to Shenwei's words, Takasugi smiled softly, "Indeed, whether you are using others or being used, such a cowardly companion is really boring. Staying in this place will finally rot and fall off the sharp teeth that grow out. It."

   After that, Takasugi turned and walked slowly in the direction he came.

   "What are you...what do you want to do here?" Shenwei asked with interest.

Takasugi stopped and replied without looking back, "Wandering around in order to find a place where the living sharp teeth can penetrate, and... the same purpose as you, by the way, find out what the man thinks What do you want to do and if there is a boring chain, you can cut it off for him."

   The expression on Shenwei's face stagnated for a moment, but then returned to normal, "I... don't understand."

"What a clever kid, and his sense of smell is surprisingly sharp. But even after searching for so many years, don't you get nothing?" Takasugi said something, and then glanced at Shenwei again, "You know? Indeed, I really want to abandon it. This broken ship that can't go anywhere gets on your ship, it feels like this development continues to be good, and it feels...that you can catch the tail that you haven't been able to catch, of course, it's the same for you. How is it? Are you interested?"

"Hahaha, although it's really tempting, seems to be betting on my life," Shenwei smiled, "I think I would be happy to bet on your life, right? I think the results are similar. I can prepare you two more knives afterwards. Although I want to give you the position of deputy captain, how could Avotu disagree."

"Glittery kid, you do look a bit like that man before, but...just a little bit, he...will not let himself be embarrassed." As he said, Takasugi continued to start and walked forward, but Then he stopped, "By the way, there is one thing you don't seem to know. He... is not alone."

   "Are those women? They are really amazing," Shenwei narrowed his eyes, and the dull hair on his head moved.

"No, it's a secret force that I don't know the number of--the guys he rescued in that war, or maybe...not just those guys." Takasugi said slowly, "I've been searching for a long time. , But I have never found any trace of them, you said...Where are those guys?"

" deserves to be that man, he can do things to the point where dripping water does not leak." Shenwei shook his head and sighed softly, "But... I've heard of that guy before. A woman who is a cosmetic surgeon, I heard that she is still the number one cosmetic surgeon in the universe."

   "Do you think there are a few fur-covered wolves on this boat?" Takasugi gently hooked the corner of his mouth, then started again, and raised his left hand at the same time, "Goodbye, cosmic...fighting expert."

After Takasugi left, Shenwei squinted his eyes and smiled and muttered to himself: "Yeah, he really convinced him. No wonder I haven't found any clues after searching for years. It turns out...has been under your nose all the time, uncle fool. So... this boat really can't stay here..."


   A crowd of celestial pirates on the spring rain gathered together to discuss something.

   "I didn't expect the admiral to give the 7th Division to..."

   "Did you use the power of the Senate?"

   "No, it is said that it was a set played by Takasugi of the Ghost Corps."

   "It's too much, after all, it's the guy who made so many exploits for Chun Yu."

   "There is no one who acts for the spring rain, right?"

   "As long as the guys get in the way, get rid of them all. This is the spring rain."


   Three days later.

   In the stands around the execution ground, pirates from various divisions gathered.

   In the middle of the execution ground, a black gown's supernatural power was fixed on a thick metal wall, and his hands were also firmly fixed by metal shackles.

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