May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 545: : People who never wear swimming trunks when going to the pool, please raise your hand

"Let’s change your mind, Hasegawa-san," he said while eating while sitting on the bench while eating the grilled fish silver, "If we are with these idiots, there will be accidents again. There are no guests. It's better instead? Fortunately, these guys are very strong, and it doesn't matter if you put them aside. Let's take a good rest for the whole day today."

"That's it, so it is." Hasegawa, who was moved by Yin Shi, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, sighed and sighed with emotion, instantly got up and raised the draft beer glass and touched it with Yin Shi who was also holding draft beer. , "Even if it is a daily watch, there are summer vacations! It doesn't matter if we take a break!"

"That is to say! Anyway, this is for those who don't want to watch the Olympics live broadcast and only pay attention to the number of gold medals!" Ginshi replied, "and we don't have many readers at all! Even if we rest, we won't be noticed. !"

"Oops! Thinking like this, I suddenly feel HIGH!" Hasegawa exclaimed and exclaimed in excitement, "Can I get the whole fruit?! Can I take a butterfly swim in the swimming pool without my whole body?!"

"Can I build a strawberry milk pool?! Can I drown in strawberry milk?!"

"Um! It's okay, it's okay!" Hasegawa tore off his lifeguard uniform, "because it's all here today..."

"——Our paradise!" I don’t know when he brought a huge can of strawberry milk, he was pouring silver into the swimming pool, and had torn off his beach pants, Hasegawa who made a diving pose with one hand over the mosaic part. At the same time exclaimed excitedly.

But just as Hasegawa went to the swimming pool, when Gintoki was pouring strawberry milk on his own, a gunshot of "Bang!" brought Gintoki and Hasegawa back to reality.

Gintoki and Hasegawa ignored the strawberry milk bottle that was shot through. After a second, they turned their heads and looked at it blankly.

"Hey—" Mr. Matsudaira, who raised his pistol and had a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the two people, Yin Shi, and his tone was slightly impatient, "I have been calling you since just now, haven't you heard? Brother... Lend me pants."

[That...that is...] Yinshi's face seeps out drop by drop with cold sweat, his mouth is half open, his eyes are wide open, and the whole face starts to twitch.

"Oh, the person who was with me suddenly said that he wanted to swim," Matsudaira pointed at his back, showing a bit of helplessness on his face, "It's definitely more fun to tell him that the bar will definitely be more fun. In a hurry, we didn’t bring beach pants, but since it’s a swimming pool, there are always some for rent or sale, right?"

As he said, Matsuhira once again pointed his guns at the two people, "If not, take yours off for me within three seconds! One!"


The bullet hit Yin Shi's feet, causing Yin Shi to panic.

"Don't be so arrogant, Lihu." The young man with a turban on his head walked slowly over, "Don't worry..."

[That...that is! ! Looking at the young man who arrived, Gin Shiki's eyes widened, his facial muscles almost spasm, [Could it be that it is...? ! 】

Mao Mao, who had torn off his kimono and headscarf, was only left with a pair of white briefs. He saw him with one hand on his hips, and said solemnly, "The generals are from generation to generation, and they are also ordinary briefs when swimming!"

[General... General... General card——! ! 】Gin Shi and Hasegawa are all bad.

"Hey, is it okay?" Mr. Matsudaira, with his hands in his uniform pockets, reminded him unhurriedly, with his hands akimbo on the side, "Swimming in briefs will make you soaked. It's not Zhou. At six or eight o'clock, General Baofang revealed his identity."

"No way," Mao Mao's eyes were extremely serious, "The general's family has always been General Lonely Fang from generation to generation."

[Yes...Is that the problem! Yin Shi and Hasegawa, who didn't know when to put on beach pants and came to the shore, were also covered with cold sweat on his face, with black lines at the corners of his eyes, twitching the corners of his mouth while thinking.

"I've always wanted to swim in a place like a swimming pool," Mao Mao continued, and then turned away to look at Jiang Cheng and the crowd playing in the swimming pool, with a bit of yearning on their faces, "This is also the case. It’s a good opportunity to experience the common people through the hot summer. Moreover, the gentleman who promised to take me to Yoshiwara to experience the swimming pool just before is not in Yoshiwara, but... I didn’t expect to be here, maybe it is also a kind of fate..."

[Is that the bastard? ! Yin Shi gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Cheng, who was surrounded by a group of Baihua ladies in the pool, and thought bitterly, "What kind of pool does this **** want to take the general to experience!" Natural stay should also have a limit! 】

"Hey~ I'm really a curious person~" Matsuhira replied a little helplessly, turned and walked away slowly, and at the same time reminded, "Then I will go to the bar I often go to. Hello. , And you two, teach me how to play in the swimming pool. After all, we also ran out sneakily. The identity of the general must be kept secret."

"Ah!" Matsuhira, who suddenly thought of something, raised his hand and waved, and then casually reminded, "If there is an accident, you and I will all be heads off. That's it, please... "

Looking at Duke Matsudaira who left without turning his head, Yin Shi and Hasegawa opened their mouths openly, shouting in their hearts full of black lines: [Wait...Wait! 】

"Just call me the teenager, please give me some advice." Mao Mao's polite man said to the two of them.

[Also... I want to pack all the swimming pools for a day off... Why does the general come to this place? Why do generals always appear at this time? Yin Shit twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Hasegawa on the side, and then looked at Mao Mao who was holding the supports on both sides of the disinfection tank and only disinfecting there, [Why disinfect only there? ! 】

Immediately afterwards, Yin Shi looked at Jiang Cheng and the others in the swimming pool who were playing darts (Kunai) blindfolded, and then thought: [What a joke! This swimming pool is no longer an ordinary swimming pool. It is the magical sea area where fools of Edo come to spend their vacation-the Big Delta of Fonmu! 】

"It looks like I was having a good time." Mao Mao, who had sterilized there, came to the pool and looked at Jiang, who was being forced to stand beside the pool holding an apple and turned his back to the crowd, expressionless and trembling. Cheng and blindfolded, holding a few Yueyong who are waiting to be released, and Ah Miao who is cheering for them, with a bit of yearning on their faces, and said softly, "I want to join them too. …"

[Where is it fun? ! Had it not been for that idiot's better health, he would have died long ago, okay! If you change to an ordinary person, you have long been killed by playing, okay! ] Yin Shi was crazy in his heart, [Where does that kind of thing make you interesting? ! If you change it to you, it won't work! 】

[Eunsang...what...what to do? ] Hasegawa twitched half of his face, looking at Gintoki with black lines all over his head.

【No way! Yin Shi's expression was solemn, his bloodshot eyes widened, 【Absolutely not! Letting the general join there is like throwing Ken Matsudaira, who is holding only a pair of sand hammers, into a school of sharks! 】

【I know! Silver mulberry! But... what should I do? ! Silver mulberry! If you don't let the general enjoy yourself, we...our heads are...! ! Hasegawa's expression gradually became horrified, and even thought of a scene similar to the scene where his head was pecked by a crow on the bank of an empty river at dusk.

[It's useless to say that these are now! ] Yin Shi tore off his lifeguard uniform, took a swimming ring and went down into the swimming pool, [I can only find a way to follow these idiots and let the general have a good time! You help the general put on a swimming cap and goggles, don't let those guys find out! 】


Yin Shi, who was in front of Jiang Cheng with a swimming ring, said, "Well, stop for a while, everyone listen to me."

"What's the matter, Aru? Ginchan wants to play with Aru, too?" Kagura asked Xiang Yinshi suspiciously.

"It's okay, but the newcomer has to lift the apple three times." Jiang Cheng, who was full of suffering on his back and head, held up his hands and nodded in agreement.

"What's the rule?! It won't work once! Who else here can stand that kind of thing except you! Stop it! Stop the game that kills ordinary people!" Silver Shi With his eyes open, he tried his best to complain, then turned his head and pointed to Mao Mao, who had already put on his swimming cap and goggles by the shore, "And, it's not me, it's the one over there, that... called the teenager. That person said he wanted to make peace. You guys have fun together."

"We have no problem at all." Ah Miao replied.

"No way, just let him join, Miss A Miao." Kondo, who emerged from the water beside A Miao, said helplessly, holding his hand.

"It's so cute," said the little ape who emerged from the water with one hand on his hips and smiled helplessly. "There are such clumsy children who don't know how to integrate into the circle of friends~"

"Come here! Young general!" Dongcheng, who stood up from the water, shouted in the direction of Come here! Junior! we are already friends! But it is forbidden to talk to the young master! "

"No, you are not qualified to say such things." Yin Shi spit out without thinking.

"Sama Jiang! The ten-minute holding of breath in the water has been completed!" Ge Ye and Waidomaru said simultaneously when he stood up from the water.

"The two of you are completely irrelevant things!" Yin Shi vomited angrily.

"Hold on for two more hours." Jiang Chengcheng just glanced at the two of them faintly, then turned his head to look at Mao Mao on the shore, his expression became a little serious, "Yin Shi, that person..."

[Is it exposed? ! ] Yin Shi was shocked.

"Are you wearing briefs?" Jiang Cheng pointed to Mao Mao and looked at Yin Shi.

[Did you notice this? ! ] Yin Shi once again complained in his heart.

"Indeed, although we have nothing to do," Yue Yong said, standing beside Jiang Cheng, holding his hand, "but that man is wearing briefs instead of swimming trunks?"


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