May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 629: : The word "laser" can make everyone's heart touched!

One morning, Hengdaoguan Daochang.

   After listening to Ah Miao's decision, Xin Ba Ji showed a shocked expression on his face and let out an incredible exclamation.

   "Huh—?! Want to recruit students?! Sister... Sister, did you forget that setting? I thought you would develop this place into a night dojo..."

"Really," said A Miao, who was sitting on her knees in front of the new eight haws, cursed, "Am I like that kind of mean woman? I'm just doing my job to wait for my destiny. When I went to TSUDATA a while ago, God suddenly told me It's almost time to act..."

   "You just remembered it when you were reviewing the second volume of the DVD!" Xin Ba Hao spit out in an instant.

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting under the eaves, supported his chin and said blankly: "I don’t know if it’s a sleazy woman, but the woman who rushed to someone else’s house in the morning and dragged someone over is really not what it can do. A woman that people like."

"What are you talking about? Jiang Chengsang?" A Miao squinted and looked at Jiang Cheng who was sitting under the eaves without a smile. , Can you definitely understand my mood?"

   "Private Marseille, I don't remember when I supported this kind of thing."

   "What are you talking about?" Ah Miao smiled, "Isn't the only apprentice in Paradise Wuxin Liu who you recommend?"

   "Haruta?" Jiang Cheng only then remembered, and then he held his forehead and let out a long sigh, "Ah, because I didn't show up very much, I almost forgot the existence of that kid."

   Xin Ba Ji lowered his head and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, silently vomiting: "I don't know what's going on, I suddenly feel that Haruta-kun who is now in a private school is a bit pitiful."

   "But at that time, I just threw him here just because I was so annoyed by that little devil. As for supporting or something, I didn't dare to be it." Jiang Cheng shrugged and continued.

"It's even more pitiful." Xin Ba Haw answered silently, and then showed a smile on his face, praised, "But Qing has really worked hard for so long, and she will come to practice every weekend and holiday. Become a very qualified apprentice of Heaven Wuxinliu!"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Jiang Cheng waved his hand without looking back, "As long as he doesn't wander in front of me when he is free, I will pay a lot of tuition every year. Ah, By the way, if you can, let him live here and never return to Yoshihara."

   "How much do you hate Haruta-kun..."

At this moment, Ah Miao said to herself: "In short, after the six hundred chapters, including the tuition that Jiang Chengsang paid for Qing Taijun at the beginning, I also saved a lot of money. If you want to act, you can only take advantage of it now. ."

From the beginning, Gintoki, who had never spoken, sat under the eaves and said casually, "What are you talking about? No one will come to learn swordsmanship now, right? The era of swordsmanship is over. …"

   While talking, Gintoki's little finger buckled his nostrils and turned his head and glanced at the two people in the room, "From now on, it will be the era of the super young wife waving Kato Cha."

   "When did Katocha and Shimura take the topic?" Xinbaji vomited angrily.

"Now the children's dream is not to be a samurai or a ninja. Aru," Kagura, who was sitting between Gintoki and Jiang Cheng, turned his head, raised an index finger and closed his eyes and replied, "but marrying For Kato Cha, or peeping from behind the idol’s backing band and the era of backing dancers."

   "I don't remember how dirty this era is now!"

   "Cut, you still can't keep up with the times as always," Jiang Cheng said with a twist of his lips, "How could it be that kind of thing, now..."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng took out the smartphone he had just bought, "But the era of virtual currency!"

   "You are too advanced!"

   "Uncle, what is virtual currency Alu?" Kagura asked Xiang Jiangcheng curiously.

   "Huh, no one really knows," Jiang Cheng snorted, with a little pride on his face, "What precious metals, what stocks, what funds, these things are not comparable to virtual currencies!"

   "It is true that I heard that the orangutan fund lost a lot in the previous paragraph." Xin Ba Hao nodded and said, "Could it be that you have switched to virtual currency now?"

   "Kagura sauce, the so-called virtual currency," Jiang Cheng put up an index finger and talked, "The most important thing is the word "virtual", which means that it doesn't exist in reality!"

   "Uh... it's correct." Xin Baji murmured.

   "Kagura, are you rich now?" Jiang Cheng asked Kagura.

   "No." Kagura shook his head slightly.

   "Then close your eyes and imagine!" Jiang Cheng continued solemnly, "Imagine in your brain that you have a lot more money, and that money is virtual currency!"

   "How is it possible! That's just a delusion!" Xin Baji spit out loudly.

   "Hmm, I have imagined a room of gold coins," Yin Shi asked with closed eyes, "What's next? Should I take them out of fantasy?"

   "Even Cobb can't do that kind of thing! Stupid Prio!" Xin Baji said again.

   "Don't touch my money Aru!" Kagura closed his eyes and exclaimed, "All those are my money!"

   Yin Shi was upset in an instant: "Huh?! Obviously it is mine! I imagined it! I was going to use all the money to buy strawberry milk!"

   Looking at Kagura and Gin for some reason, Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "In short, this is basically a virtual currency, because it is an imaginary currency, so there is no need to worry about losses."

   "It's a head! What you said has nothing to do with virtual currency!"

"So, Ah Miao," Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at Ah Miao and suggested, "The dojo in this era has to keep up with the times. I have already thought about the plan, and the name is called the virtual dojo! Keeping up with the trend of the times, people can't help but want to invest money when they hear it."

   Xinbaji twitched the corners of his mouth and murmured silently: "It sounds like a pirated online simulation business game, but...if it's in Edo, it feels like it will be popular for a while."

   "Hey?" A Miao was taken aback.

"Right?" Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "First of all, Ah Miao, you also learned the silver time, they closed their eyes, and then began to imagine that their dojo became the most famous dojo in the universe, and the virtual dojo was basically completed. Now. You can turn your dojo into the most sought after dojo in the universe without spending a penny..."

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng only discovered that A Miao, who came to him at some point, squinted and smiled incredibly sweet.

   Looking at Ah Miao, who was gearing his hands, Jiang Cheng wondered: "Hey? Ah Miao, what are you going to do? Have you started to imagine it?"

   Two seconds later, ignoring Jiang Cheng who was hit in the yard with a fist by himself, A Miao clapped his hands and said, "This kind of time highlights the importance of swordsmanship."

"Do you think you can't defuse your anger only with your fists?" Xin Ba Hao squinted Doudou with expressionless eyes, then turned his face to look at Jiang Cheng who was lying in the yard in a large font. "There is also Jiang. Cheng Sang, although you said very tactfully, I can also understand the point of persuading my sister to stop having boring dreams."

   "This ancient Japanese traditional culture is going to be extinct now," said, Amy's expression gradually softened, "I think it is our duty to protect this traditional culture and pass it on to the next generation."

Having already decided the victory or defeat with Kagura, the virtual currency in his brain was all stolen by Kagura, frowning and sighing: "But ah, have you smelled the kendo arm guard? , I don’t change my job to make natto-wrapped wheat stalks. And because of wearing a face protection, the animation can’t tell who is who, a sword seals the throat, or something, that’s really wanting to kill people, let that stuff happen. Isn’t it our duty to disappear in this era?"

   "Have you really practiced swordsmanship?" Xin Baji twitched the corners of his mouth and spit out angrily.

"There is indeed a part that is backward with the times," A Miao continued slowly, "So I think it is necessary to absorb the trend of the times and improve it to protect the tradition. Therefore, I want to update the paradise no flow. "

   "Update?" Xin Baji let out a puzzled cry.

   "That's right," Ah Miao nodded, then stood up and shouted with the action, "Become a heartless lightsaber stream in heaven!"

   "Where did you lose the tradition?!"

   "But the lightsaber style can really hit the heart of a child," Kagura said after counting the virtual currency, "Maybe there will be gods to learn."

   "It's not that problem anymore."

   "Is it a problem with the Force?" Jiang Cheng, who got up, shrugged and said.

"It's not that anymore! Before we care about that kind of problem, we will encounter even more difficult copyright issues!" Xin Ba Hao spit out angrily with wide-eyed eyes, and then curled his lips with a somewhat helpless look on his face." Besides, who will teach that lightsaber flow?"

"this problem has been solved."

   "Hey?" Xin Baji was taken aback.

   "There is a very suitable candidate." A Miao narrowed her eyes and explained with a smile, "People who know our paradise no flow, but also use lightsabers. You will be surprised if you see Xinchan."

   A Miao just finished speaking, a man dressed like a Jedi warrior walked over and stopped at the door of the house under the gaze of Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi, and Kagura.

   "Oh," the man with a long scar on his right eye raised his hand and greeted Xin Ba Hao, "It's been a long time since you've grown up, Xin Zai."

   Looking at the man with a refreshing smile on his grinning face that appeared at the door, Xin Ba Ji just watched in a trance, and after a few seconds, Xin Ba Ji had a reaction.

   saw his eye sockets moist for an instant, his nose and tears gushing out at the same time.

   "Ah...Ah brother!"

   Looking at the new eight chicks who threw himself into his arms, the man Omi laughed, and reached out and patted the new eight chicks on the head: "Hahahaha, the strength has also increased."

   "Brother Oh, you are still alive," Xin Baji wept with joy, and kept rubbing O Miichi's chest, "It's great, it's great!"


   "Huh? The coach of the past?"

   Gintoki, who was sitting opposite Omi, still looked confused.

   "Really?" Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and looked at O ​​Miichi with weird eyes. "Were there really people in this dojo before?"

   "Don't underestimate people, Jiang Chengsang." A Miao said with a smile, "At that time our dojo was still very prosperous."

   "I am Omiichi," Omi said grinningly, "If it is troublesome, call me Obi-Wan."

   "No, that kind of name is more troublesome," Yin Shi replied.

"During my absence, thanks to you for taking care of Miao and Xinzi. Let me also say thank you." After saying that, Omiichi folded her hands towards Jiang Cheng, Gintoki and Kagura on the other side of the table. People thank you.

   "Thankyouvery Hamney!"

   Yinshi replied: "Thankyou? Hamnida? Huh? Which country are you from Hamnida in the end?"

   "Big Brother Omi wanders the universe all the year round, so he has learned a lot of dialects of the planets." Ah Miao explained.

   "Ahaha, I am so hard to understand what I said, so I really feel sorry for Su."

   "No, why did you learn the unsatisfactory sentence in the universe?" Yin Shi vomited. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com

"Yin Sang, Jiang Cheng Sang," Xin Ba Hao explained to the two of them with some excitement, "A-Yi brother is very powerful, he became the instructor of our dojo at a young age, and he is famous for swordsmanship. Therefore, he was selected as an overseas student of swordsmanship and went to the universe. But he was involved in the explosion accident of the central tower transmission device. We thought he would never come back again."

"Ahahaha..." Omiichi laughed again, and then explained, "The moment the explosion happened, I was miraculously teleported to the planet on the border. In that case, I wanted to practice swordsmanship there, but inadvertently He became the strongest person there, wandering in desperation from one planet after another, and was dubbed this strange nickname inadvertently. Then no one dared to challenge me again. It was so boring, I I'm back to Edo again."

   "That's amazing! He turned out to be a cosmic swordsman!" The new eight hail exclaimed, "Sure enough, Brother A is really amazing!"

   "No, no, I'm far behind Xinzai's father."

   "Hey, what is the Universe Juggernaut?" Gin Shizuki asked Xiang Jiangcheng and Kagura blankly, squinting Doudou's eyes.

   "Not only the characters, even the nickname is very annoying Aru." Kagura murmured silently.

   "I don't want to get involved with people of this kind of personality at all." Jiang Cheng said silently, "I feel absolutely the kind of egoist who doesn't listen to people 100%."

   "Hmm." Gintoki and Kagura nodded at the same time.

   "But, I didn't expect the dojo to become so dilapidated," Omi sighed, "Xinzai, Miao, I didn't help you during the hardest time, so sorry Su!"

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