May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 632: :The more you want to cry, the more you have to laugh!

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"That...that, Mr. Yuanwai!" As if he had made some determination, Xin Ba Hao turned to the old man Yuanwai and said, "Ayi brother, sure enough..."

Hearing the sound, the old man outside the source was silent for two seconds before slowly speaking: "The human heart has stopped working, and all body functions are supported by the right half of the body. In other words, it is now in a state of relying on machinery for survival. "

After that, the old man Yuanwai stepped out of the door and gently closed the sliding door.

In the room, Ah Miao, who was kneeling in front of the bedding, and Xin Ba Hao, who stood by, kept their original movements. The eyes of the two of them showed the same sadness, and they were silent for a long time.

"I thought he finally came back..." Xin Ba Haw lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "It's too cruel. You can't live without relying on machinery... This kind of thing is really..."

At this time, A Miao interrupted Xin Ba Hao's words without looking back: "No matter what Xin Jiang becomes, big brother or big brother, and can't let him see such an expression, right? You forgot. Is it? A promise with Big Brother..."

——Memory exclusive dividing line——

"How many times have you said it?"

In the yard, A Miao (when I was a child) carrying a bamboo sword, looked at Xin Ba Ha (when I was a child) who was a head shorter than herself and held a bamboo sword with his head down, complaining, with a slightly serious tone.

"Whether it's swinging a sword or doing other things, didn't you say that the posture must be correct? I think that there is an axis in my body, and my body has to make circular movements around that axis!"

Seeing the serious expression on A Miao's face, Xinba Haw sobbed twice before raising his face and howling loudly.

"I don't understand! Sister, because there is no axis in my body!"

Looking at her brother who was still crying in front of him, A Miao frowned and complained: "Really, didn't you say you can't cry? Are you still a son of a samurai like this? Shinchan."

"But..." Xin Ba Haw said with a cry.

"No but! There is no Masamune!" Ah Miao interrupted Xin Ba Hao's words instantly.

At this time, the apprentice who was practicing swordsmanship in the house was attracted by the two brothers and sisters who were noisy in the yard.

"Ahahaha, it's arguing again, kids."

But at this moment, a serious reprimand suddenly came from the courtyard.

"Hey! Where are you doing?!"

After seeing the middle-aged man walking towards Sister A Miao, the two apprentices who were slacking off exclaimed that they turned around and swung their swords intently.

In the yard, after hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, Ah Miao turned her head and said to the middle-aged man——Shimura Jian: "Father, father, please say a few words to him. Shinchan knows crying, and she always cries. Don’t stop. Everyone laughs at him for being too noisy. It’s a shame."

Boom! Boom!

Shimura Sword, who knocked his sister and brother on the heads with his fists, reprimanded: "You two are very noisy!"


At dusk, Ah Miao, who was sitting on the wooden steps under the eaves of the door, was still sobbing, while Xin Ba Hao was sobbing with her knees and her head buried.

But at this moment, a young boy's laughter suddenly came from behind the two.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Hearing the sound, A Miao and Xin Ba Ha turned their heads and looked at them.

The master of laughter-Omiichi, who was a teenager, walked towards the pair of sisters and brothers with a bamboo sword on her back.

At the same time, he said grinningly: "They really are a crying sibling, why? Can I get paid if I cried? Then I will pay you the wages too, let’s have a laugh!"


"Ayi brother..."

After Omiichi put down the bamboo sword in her hand, she walked slowly behind the two of them, and slowly squatted down and put her two hands on the shoulders of the two.

"Listen to you two. The so-called tears are a convenience product that can wash away pain and sorrow together. But one day, when you grow up, you will know that there is There is a huge sorrow that even tears cannot dissipate, and there is also a heavy pain that can never be shed tears."

With that, Omi raised her face and looked towards the sky, her eyes firm.

"So! Really powerful people, the more they want to cry, the more they will laugh, and endure all the pain and sorrow. Even so, smile and move forward with them! Now if you want to cry, cry, but one day you Both have to become such powerful samurai."

"That's it..." A Miao suddenly thought of something and said, "So Big Brother is always laughing."

"I... I also want to become as strong as Brother Ayi!" Xin Ba Hao said, clenching his fists.

"Suga!" Omi suggested with a smile, "Then don't practice kendo today, let's practice laughing together! Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!"

Looking at O ​​Miichi's laughing appearance, A Miao was taken aback for a moment, then grinned and practiced laughing.

Similarly, Xin Ba Hao laughed.

"Wow hahahahaha!"


"Speak louder! Ah Miao!"

"Too tender! Xinzi, be like me! Oooh——hiahiahiahiahiahia——!!!"

At this moment, Shimura Sword, who came to behind the three of them unconsciously, raised the bamboo sword in his hand involuntarily.

"The three of you are so noisy!!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After Shimura Sword left, Omiichi and Amiao's sister and brother each lay on the ground with a big bag on their heads for a long time without getting up.

"No..." Omiichi struggled to raise her head, and she reached out to touch the big bag on her head with tears, "This pain can't be forgotten even if we cry."

Slowly got up, also because of the pain, the tears hung in the corner of her eyes, A Miao brother and sister looked at O ​​Meiyi in front of him and couldn't help but laughed, leaving the pain behind.

One to bring one, one to infect one...


——Recall end dividing line——

"... Regardless of the form, we met once again with Big Brother Omi." A Miao's eyes softly looked at Omiichi who was still sleeping, "I saw that smiling face again, it's just that... "

With that, Ah Miao turned her head to look at Xin Ba Hao, squinting her eyes and showing a smile.

"...Isn't that enough?"

Seeing A Miao's slightly reluctant smile, Xin Ba Haw murmured.

"elder sister……"

Outside the door, everyone in Jiang Cheng sitting under the eaves remained silent and no one spoke first.

It was Kondo and Kubei who got up first, and they seemed to have made an appointment, and they got up at the same time tacitly and walked slowly toward the gate at the same time.

Jiang Cheng, Yinshi and Kagura watched the two slowly leave, and they turned their heads almost at the same time on the way, showing whether they would cry or even cry or even have a somewhat irresistible expression.

Gintoki and Kagura looked at each other until the two started again until they disappeared.

"I should go back, too."

When Jiang Cheng got up, he lifted Qing Tai very easily, who was still asleep because of some indigestible poisonous substances.

Yin Shi lifted his eyes and glanced at Jiang Cheng's casually paced back, his unmotivated eyes all year round, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Silver sauce?" Kagura called out suspiciously.

After hearing the sound, Gintoki glanced at Kagura and shrugged casually.

Time came in the middle of the night...

Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng's room.

Sitting on the ground, Jiang Cheng, who had just finished a game, chose to restart the game, and said without looking back: "I don’t remember you having this kind of not coming in through the front door, but sneaking in from another place. The habit of coming to other people’s homes, Yin Shi."

I don’t know when I came, lying on the floor and looking at the silver of a photo album found in Jiang Cheng’s room, I slowly got up and put the photo album into my own naturally. Chest.

"Is it... your acquaintance?" Yin Shizu asked casually, picking his nostrils with his little finger.

"Who?" Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically without looking back.

Yin Shi curled his lips and said with a hint of irritation: "No matter when, you are so annoying."

"It's the same with you, it's a natural roll no matter what."

Ginshi's face suddenly burst into blue veins: "What does it mean to always have a natural curl? Do you mean I hate it as a natural curl?"

"Yin Shi..." Jiang Cheng turned around and looked at Yin Shi in disbelief, "'s [Natural Rolls] turned out to be... so much better!"

"Don't talk about something like a virus! Bastard!!" Gintoki clenched his fists, stood up and cursed with white eyes, "And what is [Natural Volume]?! What kind of evolution is it! No! , Saying that evolution feels more like degradation!"

"Ah, [Natural Rolling] has degraded a little bit again." Jiang Cheng covered his mouth with a look of surprise.

"Want to die?"

"Keep on working hard, Silver Time." Jiang Cheng encouraged, "If you continue at this speed, you may become a human again in your next life."

"It's been too long!!" Yin Shi screamed in pain.

"Ah~" Jiang Cheng stretched as he stood up, "Goodbye, I'm no longer a human silver hour."

While forcibly suppressing the angry Yin, he glanced at Jiang Cheng again: "What the **** is going on with that man? You should be clear, right?"

"Know your size..." Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes with a look of contempt. "I am not a mechanic, and I don't know anymore. I don't have any acquaintances who are half-length robots."

"No, you can't afford to like robots the most?" Gin Shiki replied casually, digging his nostrils, "So when I wondered if you were in the universe, what happened to the laser shot from the right half of the man's thigh? of."

"Ah! Found a wild natural roll!" Jiang Cheng pointed out the window and shouted in surprise, and then kicked it out of the window while taking advantage of Yin Shi's stunned moment.

After doing all this, ignoring Yin Shi, who was planted head down on the street, whose body was still twitching from time to time, Jiang Cheng closed the window casually.


In the morning of the next day, Zhen Xuan Zutun.

For some reason, there are really selected team members running around in panic everywhere.

Looking at Kondo, who was holding his knees and dangling his eyes in the quilt, Shisi faintly said, "Where have you been? To be honest, something has happened now. If you are not careful, the earth may be ruined. Oh."

"Huh—really?" Kondo was still curled up in the quilt and motionless, "Isn't that good? Anyway, I'm over, and my relationship is over. It's better if everyone is over together."

"It feels like the comfort mode is fully open again." Sougo squinted and glanced at the fourteen who was aside, vomiting a little disgustingly, "I definitely don't want to listen to him."

Fourteen bowed his head and sighed.

"It's so troublesome, let's talk about the key points and go to work."


On the other side, the Yanagis family.

"Young Master--!" Dongcheng hurriedly ran to the door of Jiu Bingwei's house while shouting, and opened the door of Jiu Bingwei's house, "I said, where have you been so far? There is something serious in Edo now!"

However, after just finished speaking, watching Jiu Bingwei sitting on the floor in white clothes and kneeling on the floor in front of him with a dagger for cutting his abdomen, Dong Cheng's whole body was in a state of weakness in an instant.

"Something big happened here too——!!!"

"I feel disgusted with myself." Jiu Bing said slowly, closing his eyes, and then slowly opening his eyes, "I actually want to obliterate the existence that Miao cherishes so much. The one who should be obliterated should be such a dirty me. That's right!!!"

Looking at Jiubei who was picking up the abdomen with a dagger, Dongcheng did not hesitate to step forward to the back of Jiubei and set up his arm.

"Calm down! Young Master!" Dongcheng stopped, "Watch TV! TV! It is all mankind who is about to be wiped out!"

"Don't touch me!!" After the Jiu Bingwei threw away the short knife, he dragged Dongcheng and smashed it against the wall on the side.

boom! !

"Oh!" Dongcheng, who had smashed the entire wall, exclaimed, "Ah, it's exposed..."



Jiang Cheng, who was awakened by the noise on the street, came to the window while yawning in his pajamas.

"What are you doing? It was so noisy in the morning...Ah!"

Having just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng, who was in the middle of Kuwu on his forehead, rolled his eyes and fell behind him.

Yue Yongbai, who was directing the evacuation downstairs, shouted angrily: "When are you still thinking about sleeping!"

Jiang Cheng pulled out the Kuwuhou from his forehead and got up, came to the window again, looked at the Baihua ladies who were guiding the wandering girls to evacuate on the street, and asked casually.

"What's wrong? Is the earth going to be destroyed?"

A young lady from Baihua ran over and reported to Yue Yong, "Boss! The machine that controls the sky above Yoshihara is too old and can't be moved!"

"Take that idiot!" Yueyong pointed to Jiang Cheng at the window upstairs, who had just turned around and was about to go to sleep, and said to Miss Baihua, Kabukicho, Machine Hall.

The Yin Shi leaning on the door frame inserted his kimono pocket and asked the old man outside the source who was busy in the room.

"Have you found any problems? Call me to such a place."

"Actually, when examining his body, I found something," Yuan Wai said without looking back, "Well, but there is nothing I can do to put it aside."

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"The semi-mechanized body is implanted with the interstellar wave laser cannon that is activated regularly. The target is the planets of the Planetary Alliance. Once launched, it will become the earth and start a war against the entire galaxy..."


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