May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 663: : It is beyond sight!

Kagura...No, it should be called Kagura Dun. He closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "This is how the war is, even if the TAMA (first rank) who took the enemy general won a complete victory and left it to the people of Liming. There is only endless sadness."

Yinzi pointed to Kagura Dun, and said, "Hey, this guy is not so much a man, but a pure man!"

"Is this a nightmare?" Jiang Zi held his forehead and closed his eyes with a look of unwillingness to believe.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you, Aru?" Kagura Dun asked with his vigorous baritone.

"Please, although it's cruel, but please don't call my uncle in this appearance now." Jiang Zi raised his hand and replied, "Please, otherwise I will feel nightmares at night. Although it is usually a little cute. I don’t have any energy, but it feels worse now."

"What does it mean to have no cute feelings at ordinary times? Aru?!" Kagura Dun's uppercut hit Jiang Zi's chin with incomparable precision. What are you talking about Aru?!"


Jiang Zi, whose head was on the ceiling, finally pulled out his head from the ceiling.

"Kagura, PTA, PTA, don't go against PTA!" Jiang Zi said earnestly while wiping the blood on his forehead, "The consequences of going against PTA are very serious!"

"There is no change in this aspect." Looking at the big hole in the ceiling, Yinzi nodded and slowly analyzed, "Although it is related to the beautiful, it has nothing to do with the girl."


Looking at the silver hanging on the ceiling and still swaying without sound, Jiang Zi squeezed his chin and analyzed: "No, it feels stronger than usual, but the single shot made Yin Shi completely unconscious. "

At this time, Jubei slowly said, "This is not the time to talk about these things. I didn't expect that taking a nap at home would be affected. In short, it is better not to let people approach Kabukicho, but also to contact Shinpachi. Haw."

"Leave this task to me!" As he said, Kagura, dressed as a military commander, rode a white horse and shouted: "Let's go! Chitu Machun!"

Looking at this unfamiliar white horse, the silver on his forehead that had just come down from the ceiling before he had had time to wipe off the silver was instantly bad.

"Wait for me! What the **** is Chitu Machun?!" Yin Bai pointed at the white horse frantically with his eyes bursting with blue veins, but then suddenly discovered something—the tadpole eyebrows on the white horse’s forehead. Once again, he spit and spit out: "No, wait, this...this is not Dingchun, right?! This Nima is not a sexual transformation anymore, and it has become another animal, okay! It will be for the hairy. Change with your military commander Faner!"

At this moment, with the sound of a click of the sliding door being opened, the voice of Xin Ba Chi came in.

"I am back."

Hearing the sound, Jiangzi, Yinzi, and Shibingbei standing in the hallway, and Kagura Dun, who was riding on Chitu Machun, looked at Xin Ba Hao who opened the door and walked in at the same time.

"Yin Sang, did you see the light just now?" Xin Ba Haw stepped in the door and continued self-consciously, "The streets are all messed up."

At this time, Jiang Zi and the others, who had noticed something at the same time, changed their expressions in an instant.

[How, how come! ] Jiang Zi was shocked.

【Oh no! 】Yinzi couldn't bear it.

[Are you a step late? 】Shi Bingwei cried out in his heart.

At this time, Xin Ba Hao noticed the Jiangzi trio and Kagura Dun behind them who were standing in the hallway, staring dignifiedly at her, and she was taken aback for an instant.

"Hey! Who are you?" I don’t know that my body (eyeglass legs) has become a girl (pink), Xin Ba Hao pointed at a few people and said hurriedly, and then accused them: "Why don’t you pass by? Run into someone else’s house if they allow it?"

After talking about the new eight chicks, the three Jiangzi finally reacted, and saw the three of them step forward at the same time and shouted in grief: "New eight chicks -!"

Xin Ba Hao was a little frightened, but the next moment...

"How can it be repaired!" The silver kneeling on the ground hammered the floor heavily, and exclaimed in grief, "Why did it become like this?! New Ba Chi's... Xin Ba Chi's temples turned pink. Ah! You have become such a bitch!"

It is worth mentioning that on the floor in front of Yinzi is the body of Xinbajia, that is, the perfect glasses.

"That..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Xin Ba Hao said silently, "That is not Xin Ba Ha."

"Damn! Damn Kong Ming!" Kagura Dun, who was sitting on the Chitu Machun, screamed with a headache while clenching his fists.

"It's not Kong Ming anymore." New Eight Haw Liu Zhengdao.

"Damn it!" Shihbei, who also knelt on the floor and looked at the glasses in front of him, also had the same grief on his face, "How can I explain to Ah Miao!"

Xin Ba Hao’s face was silently violent with blue veins, his fists clenched involuntarily, and he gritted his teeth and whispered bitterly: “Although I don’t know what’s going on, I’m sure about one thing. You make me very angry. ."

"Sorrow." Jiang Zi shook his head gently and patted Shi Bingwei on the back.

Fill in another blue vein on Xin Ba Ha's face.

"No, not dead yet!"

The silver standing outside the door of the House of All Things, watching the crowd on the street who could not accept the yelling after sex, said slowly: "The whole street is in chaos. It seems that the disaster situation is greater than we thought. A lot more. Saying..."

With that said, Yin Zi looked a little impatiently at Jiang Zi, who had been jumping continuously since just now, "Can you be quiet a little bit? Why have you been jumping there since just now? It's annoying!"

"No way!" Jiang Zi instantly retorted with a blank look, and at the same time patted the fence on the side vigorously, "Because of this, I can't see the situation below!"

"Ah, so..."

Yinzi finally realized that the railings in front of him seemed to be a little higher than Jiangzi.

"Really, why do I want to be like this?" Jiang Zi curled his lips with some uncomfortableness. "Neither does Oupai. The body has become so small, which is really irritating."

"Perhaps because of that reason?" Yinzi shrugged his shoulders, and replied casually, "Don't you often say that? Human beings always unknowingly pursue things that they can't get at all."

With that, Yin Zi deliberately stood up, "Isn't this the situation now? A situation that is beyond expectation."

"Although there is some truth to it, but the fire is big." Jiang Cheng replied, and then exclaimed angrily with his fists, "Are you **** showing off?! After showing off his sexuality Body?!"

"How is it possible?" Yinzi once again deliberately straightened her chest, akimbo deliberately showing off, and replied with a chuckle, "How can I show off such boring things in this situation? But where are you? Why can't I see you when I lower my head? Where have you been? Hello?"

Standing with his head down, the blue veins on his forehead rose one after another, and finally...

"Wash the inside for me!" Jiang Zi gave a strong kick while shouting with blank eyes.


boom! !

Just when Yinzi and Jiangzi started to pinch because of some boring things, Jubei, who had lowered his head thoughtfully from the beginning, finally spoke: "Then what... I might be blamed for all this, maybe all this It was all caused by me."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Zi, who was riding on Yinzi, shook his head and used his double ponytails to constantly pump two pieces of fat, stopped, and looked back at Shibingbei.

At the same time, Ginko turned his head and looked at Jiubei, who had a slightly complicated expression.

At this time, the loudspeakers arranged on the streets of Kabukicho sounded at the same time:

"Emergency notice, special martial law is currently being imposed on Kabukicho!"

"The people around Kabukicho, please follow the instructions of the government staff and evacuate quickly!"

"At the same time, the people in Kabukicho must never leave the street until they are instructed!"

The Eko and his party who had just arrived just looked at the same-sexed residents who were still yelling in front of the blocked iron gates that had just been erected by the government at the entrances and exits of a street in Kabukicho.

Yinzi opened his mouth and slowly said, "Every road is completely blocked, and we are completely trapped inside. We are also trapped in this kind of body."

"Kyubei Yanagyu♂" slowly said, "In order not to expand the scope of the victims, does UU reading want to completely isolate us?"

"Sakata Ginshi♀" slowly replied, "No, it's probably literally. Do you want to cover the smelly thing with a lid to isolate the foreign body?"

"Kagura♂" riding on "Red Rabbit Horse Spring♀" has a fierce expression: "Damn! Is this Kong Ming's trap?!"

As for Jiang Zi, he raised his face and looked at the "Jiang Cheng♀↓" on his head, twitching and spitting out the corners of his mouth: "Why is my slogan on the head? Is there an extra symbol? Why is it an arrow? Why is it so? Arrow pointing down? What does it mean? Hey, bastard! What does it mean?!"

"Pink glasses" quickly persuaded: "Calm down, your slogan is normal compared to me! Mine is only the glasses turned! And, your arrow is probably because you are worried that everyone will be in the lens together. I can't find you!"

"What do you mean you can't find me? Bastard!" Jiang Zi scolded, "Don't say it as if I would like to become this kind of body! I am not interested at all! Stinky glasses!"

"Why did you add stinky glasses at the end?!" Xin Ba Haw suddenly became upset, "It has nothing to do with me! Are you really Yinsang and Jiang Chengsang?"

"There are so many words," Yin Zitan shook his head pretentiously and said helplessly, and then held up his hands. "Now I am not Yinsang, I am Yin..."

The words of Gintoki's mouth, who was hit hard by Jubei's fist on his head, and Jiang Zi's whip kick on his calf, came to an abrupt end...

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