May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 670: : Three D means truth!

"It may be this fake Gintama novel ( to find the latest chapter!

At this moment, no one would have imagined that in the underground of Kabukicho, the so-called base camp of the so-called concavo-convex sect on the earth occupies here.

Just as X literally said-dirty and narrow.

As a matter of fact, there are two parts to the concavo-convex believers who stayed behind on the earth. One part stays underground, constantly monitoring the monitors connected to all the surveillance probes in the streets of Kabukicho.

The other part is patrolling the streets of Kabukicho. On the one hand, it is also a surveillance. On the other hand, it is also a deterrent to the residents on the street. At the same time, it can also respond to the abnormal changes in the street at any time.

The two teams keep in touch via radio at all times, just like the relationship between eyes and hands and feet.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is no figure of the archbishop who appeared on the big screen before in the monitoring room, and there is no switch that allows the satellite to launch a virus.

However, Jiang Zi and others do not know these two things at present.


In front of the monitor, a congregation responsible for monitoring the image of the ground camera probe suddenly discovered something and quickly pointed to the upper right corner of the screen divided into dozens of images to report.

"Um... Is there something wrong with the probe screen in the upper right corner? Zoom in and have a look."

Hearing the sound, a congregation sitting in front of the console adjusted the screen and maximized it according to instructions.

Looking at the unidentified mosaic that took up the entire screen and listening to the buzzing of flies, for some reason, all the church members felt like watching a 3D movie.

Moreover, because the smell of the underground is not very smelly, all the church members have a feeling of stomach tumbling.

Σ_(???」∠) Vomit...

This was just the beginning. After the first person vomited out, all the church members turned their faces and threw up madly one by one.

Suddenly, the underground passage itself was not well ventilated, and it was filled with a smell of...vomiting.

"Cut it off! Cut it off!" After the monitor just wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he waved his hand and said, "It's really disgusting, cut it off! Talking about who is actually dropping the wild **** on the monitoring probe. Is it too disgusting!"

As soon as the voice fell, the monitor suddenly discovered something. He pointed to the screen in the lower right corner and said: "I also called this out. I feel something is wrong."

Hearing the sound, the operator who almost vomited up stomach acid brought out the monitoring screen in the lower right corner again.

Looking at the screen, with special effects added to the background, the entire screen was covered with the concave X-shaped piece. The monitor said: "It seems that the wild feces have found the criminals just now. Inform the action team on the ground. The pig caught it and threw it out. Because it was so disgusting, it caught it and threw it out."


After a response, the congregation in front of the console began to operate. But at this critical moment, the mutation happened...


At the same time, in the streets of Kabukicho, Jiang Zi was training how to make her words and deeds look like a real loli (Teacher Yamazaki), while walking around with Yamazaki.

"That..." After placing the last jammer in his hand on the control box under the probe, Yamazaki turned his head and begged, "Boss, please, let me go."

"Who is the boss?" Jiang Zi hugged his hands and hummed, "Call me Missy!"

"Have you treated me as a maid?! It's too fast to improve?! I have become a Tsundere Loli Miss! How did you do it?"



At this moment when Yamazaki was speechless, Jiang Zi suddenly felt that the back collar of his destiny was being lifted, and at the same time he realized that he was gradually floating further and further away from the ground at this time.

Jiang Zi, who felt the incredible strange breath coming from behind, instantly became expressionless.

"It turns out that it really ran out. It really is. I just thought that there was such a possibility to look for it, but I didn't expect it to be found. But... you have changed a bit."

Listening to the strange man's voice behind him, Jiang Zi turned his head blankly and looked at him.

After seeing the man carrying him with a scar on his face, handsome brown hair, and holding a pipe in his other hand, Jiang Zi's entire face began to twitch. , The black line at the corner of the eye also gradually emerged.

"But," said, the man who should be called Yuexiong now lifted Jiangzi up and placed it on his shoulders, "I am lucky that I have not become a sow. Let's go, big …"

Before Yuexiong finished speaking, Jiang Zi shook his head, and the horse's tail bite on Yuexiong's head bitterly. Then, ignoring Yuexiong who was in a daze, he jumped off Yuexiong himself.

"Huh!" Jiang Zi hugged his hands and snorted, "Now that the gender has been changed, do you think you can be the same as before? Yueyue?"

"It's not Yueyue, it's Yuexiong!"

"Who cares about you," Jiang Zi snorted again, and continued with his face up and closed eyes in a very arrogant tone. "Anyway, it's just a stinky man. It looks the same to me. From now on, let me Respect. Now I am more than just me. Behind me... there is PTA! All rude people will be punished by PTA! You boars!"

"God! Kawaii~!" a former Baihua member, the Baihua ♂ member at this time, tweaked and said, "Jiang Cheng sama turned out to be so cute after she became a girl! Ah~!"

"It's so noisy! You boars! Call me Missy from now on!"

"Hi! Miss!" ×n

Looking at Jiang Zi, who was able to tame all the members of Baihuayuan in an instant, even if he changed his gender, Yamazaki's eyes were full of admiration.

"Right," Yamazaki suddenly thought of something, ", Miss, if there are so many people, let them help install jammers for the surveillance probes!"

"Retire, it's hard work." Yuexiong patted Yamazaki's shoulder.

Facing his former boss, he retired a little embarrassed, touched his head and smiled: "No, no, no, no."

"Leave it to us next."

"Give it to you?"


It was still on the small open space with only one exit. The pooled team of Yinzi and the team of Wanxuan were reporting on their respective situations (records).

"We basically dealt with nearly 20 surveillance probes." Jubei said to the silver and the others in front of him, with a little helplessness in his tone, "but the number of probes is more than expected. The entire Kabukicho There are so many probes. To be honest, I don’t know if they can be solved."

Standing next to the nine soldiers, wearing a purple women’s kimono with a pink butterfly pattern, said: “If they don’t destroy their surveillance, there will be no way to investigate the sect’s base area. Now they can only do a little bit. ,Darling."

"Who is Darling!" Shi Bingwei instantly exploded.

The apes supported his chin and nodded confidently and turned back: "After all, we are stalkers following the same person. I think the two of us can still get along well."

"Who wants to get along well with you!" shouted the Ten Bingbei, and then drew the sword out, gritted his teeth and threatened with white eyes: "Try to touch me again? Be careful next time I really cut you!"

"Enough!" Yin Zi, who had been quiet, suddenly said.

Hearing the sound, Shibingwei and Xiaozi stopped at the same time and looked at Yinzi.

"This problem has been solved." Yin Zi held his hands and said with his head down.

"Hey?" Xin Ba Hao was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "What? What does it mean that it has been resolved?"

As soon as the voice fell, a monitoring probe pierced with Kumu's scrap fell from the sky in front of Xin Ba Hao.

Looking at the obsolete surveillance probe on the ground, Xin Ba Hao obviously hadn't reacted yet, but immediately afterwards, more and more obsolete surveillance probes stuck in Kuwu fell in front of Xin Ba Hao.

At the same time, the voice of a strange man came from everyone's head.

"It's literal." The man standing on the top of the building wearing red spectacles with lavender hair pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said lightly: "There is no more surveillance probe left on this street. Now, when you become a noisy woman, everything is done. There are men like us!!"

"Surveillance probes are all...!!!" Xin Ba Hao reacted, looking at the surveillance probes stacked in front of him and exclaimed.

Then I turned my head and raised my head to look for the voice just now. After seeing the man on the edge of the building, Ji couldn't help taking off his glasses and wiping her eyes vigorously.

After putting on the glasses again, Xin Ba Ji looked at the little ape on the top of the building again, and instantly the whole person was not good: "Hey——! Who is this spectacle character who will steal my part?! In other words? It’s so high-profile, they will find out!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yuexiong's voice sounded from behind everyone, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

"no need to worry."

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Hao and others looked back.

Yuexiong continued, "If you don't want to be No matter the eyes of the surveillance person, just seal their ears, mouth, hands and feet at the same time. This group is hiding in the nest. People in, there is no way to get outside information anymore."

With that, Yuexiong took a puff of cigarette, then let out a puff of cigarette lightly, and then said: "Next, just wait for the restless head to jump out of the lair."

Seeing the members of Baihua ♂ who escorted all the concavo-convex cultists who were walking on the street walking behind Yuexiong, everyone present was silent.

"Well, that's it." Jiang Zi, who was sitting on the shoulders of a Baihua member, said with her legs upright, "just let these stinky men do things. Girls... it's better to live a little more delicately."

"Enough, Jiang Chengsang," Xin Ba Haw raised his hand and said, "Even if we give us such an excuse, we can't hide our frustration! Enough!"

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