May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 694: : The ending of the civet cat will always be seen through!

The latest website: "Damn it!" Kondo pretended to be struggling while pretending to be angry, "This way, there is no way to leave this shop! What should I do!"

As he said, Kondo raised his head to look at Gintoki, who was expressionless, and then said, "Could it be that you can only play here? You insidious shopkeeper!"

"No, you are preventing me from doing business, can you get off?" Yin Shi replied faintly.

"Yes, that's right!" Kondo seemed to have thought of something suddenly, turned his head to look at Ah Miao and suggested: "Anyway, it's all going to play, Ms. A Miao might as well be together! I'll treat you!"

"Hey?" Ah Miao showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, "but I just want to thank you..."

Hearing the sound, Kondo hurriedly replied: "Then just as a gift, let me walk around with me for a while!"

A Miao smiled politely and replied, "Of course I am willing to accompany you around..."

【Very good! ] Kondo's heart is overjoyed.

"But for money..." Ah Miao showed a bit of embarrassment, and stopped talking.

Yin Shi, who was on the side, spoke very timely to encircle Ah Miao, saying like this: "A Miao, don’t let a man look up. At this time, I’ll give the stinky man a face. Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you. Let’s open a couple's special offer."

Looking at the price list of three gears that Yin Shi raised up: "Single dogs: 200 yuan, couples: 300 yuan, cockroaches: 6,000 yuan." Kondo immediately complained: "It's too much for cockroaches. ! As a result, there is still no special price for couples!"

"There's no way~" Yin Shi counseled his shoulder, and replied naturally: "As the saying goes, finding one cockroach is equivalent to having thirty cockroaches."

"That's at home! By the way, do you plan to charge thirty?!"

"If you don't want to, you can go to another house," Gin Shiki's face was indifferent, "but Miao will be waiting for Kagura here."

Kondo pretended to say indignantly: "Asshole, I used cockroach stickers to make my feet sticky and unable to walk!"

"But in contrast, our family also has goldfish and shooting, and everything is available." Yin Shi continued, "It can be a theme amusement park that allows you to taste the flavor of the festival. It will definitely not let you. It's a loss."

【no solution anymore! This is also to be able to enjoy this festival date with Miss A Miao! ] Kondo (forced) made a decision in his heart, and then turned around and asked Ah Miao who was behind him, "Then, Ms. Miao, let's shoot."

"Okay~" Ah Miao folded her hands and showed a smile, "I miss it, it's very good."

Seeing this picture of A Miao, Kondo silently decided in his heart a certain (idiotic) kind of (heart) determination (delusion) heart (thinking): [Look at me! I must pass this date to shut Miss A Miao's heart into the cockroach house like a cockroach! 】

"Miss Yue Yong is looking forward to it too, right?" A Miao smiled and looked at Yue Yong who did not know when to arrive.

"Hmm..." Yue Yong nodded lightly.

"Hey?" Kondo was stunned, and then looked blankly at Jiang Cheng and Yueyong who was wearing a civet mask behind him who did not know when he would arrive, "You..."

"Yo! Captain!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and greeted him very familiarly. "The remaining twenty-seven are too shy, so only the two of us are here!"

"Let’s see, the price of a civet cat should be..." Yin Shi said while writing on the price list, but when he just wrote 1 and was about to write zero, Jiang Cheng’s sandals were directly stepped on his face.

"What are you talking about? We are all under the captain!"

"No, no matter how you look at it, they are two kinds of creatures," Yin Shi said, clutching his bleeding nose.

"It's a civet-like cockroach." Jiang Chengtan continued casually.

"What a joke, there is no such thing at all." With that, Yin Shi started to write on the price list again, but was kicked in the face by Jiang Cheng again.

"It's said that we are under the captain," Jiang Cheng clasped Kondo's shoulders very familiarly, "right? Captain?"

"No, I don't know you at all, this young lady on your side is quite familiar."

"Oh~ that's right~" Jiang Cheng lied naturally, "This one is the eldest sister among the twenty-nine cockroaches. I was just promoted. It's normal for you to be unfamiliar."

"No, that..."

"Hahaha, stop talking!" Jiang Cheng smiled and patted Kondo's back to interrupt Kondo's words, and then pointed to Yueyong on the side, "Look? The tentacles on her chest, and your tentacles. It's basically the same. Don't doubt it if you are your own."

Three seconds later, looking at Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the back of the pool of blood, with blood flowing on his head, Yue Yong said lightly: "Look, his three tentacles are almost exactly the same as those of cockroaches."

Kondo replied silently, "No, generally cockroaches only have two tentacles."

"Don't worry," Yue Yong took out Kuunai again, "I can turn him into two tentacles immediately."


"Miss A Miao, do you have any favorite prizes?" Kondo asked, holding a cork gun, "I'll shoot you beautifully!"

"Hey?" A Miao asked in surprise, "Really? Which one do I want?"

[Ah~ My mind seems to be washed away, can it be said that this is the legendary festival date? ] Kondo thought of it like this.

", miss, do you have anything else you want?" Jiang Cheng asked Yue Yong, who was blushing aside.

"Ah, I..." Yueyong was startled, and then a little embarrassed, "All...all...all...all are okay."

[It’s just that it’s unpleasant to have so many cockroaches around me,] Kondo glanced at Jiang Cheng Yu Yueyong, and thought, [By the way, this civet cat will not be the same as mine, right? I want to use a mask to confuse the eldest sister of Yoshihara or something. Although I just said that it will help me, but I always feel that something is wrong. 】

【Do not worry! ] Jiang Cheng calmly gave a thumbs up to Kondo, [It will definitely not spoil your good deeds! team leader! 】

[Well, forget it, since I said that...] Kondo nodded silently.

"Ah! I want that!" Ah Miao suddenly discovered something, then put away the binoculars and pointed down and said, "That handkerchief!"

"The little girl has a really good vision~" she said with a compliment while looking at the silver under the binoculars. "That handkerchief is a famous brand, from Meritor~ Then, your boyfriend should aim well. The trick is to aim at the bullseye. , And also... let the bullet fly for a while."

Standing on the same tall building, Kondo, who was at least two hundred meters away from the shop below, put away his gun and complained in an instant: "If you can fly, there will be ghosts! Don't treat the guests participating in the festival as first-class snipers!"

"This is a special service for couples." Yinshi replied disapprovingly. "The purpose is to combine the inner distance and shooting distance of the lovers."

"It's too far! I can't see you when I'm so close!"

[Distance...? ] Yueyong glanced at Jiang Cheng on the side, [Indeed... Indeed, I sometimes feel this way, but it’s close at hand...]

"It's obviously a cockroach, so quick to give up." Yin Shi curled his lips in disdain.

"Then you should put down that handkerchief and try it!" Kondo retorted.

"Handkerchief?" Yin Shi was surprised, and then continued with a little disdain: "Who wants you to aim at that kind of thing?"


"Even if you hit that thing, you won't get the prize," said Yin Shi picked up the binoculars and looked at the shop in the distance again. In the past..."

"Even the goods are from other people's stores?!" Kondo spit out frantically, and then exclaimed excitedly, holding the cork gun, "This is not shooting at all! It is clearly a robbery act!"

Yin Shi replied solemnly: "If you don't have the consciousness of killing, don't use a gun casually."

"I'd rather blast it in your head with one shot!"

Jiang Cheng nodded at this moment and looked at Yue Yong, who lowered his head thoughtfully, and said, "Anyway, the rules are already understood, so let's start."

"Yeah." Yue Yong nodded lightly.

"Hey, wait, do you really want to shoot that kind of stuff?" Kondo quickly persuaded, "No way? That kind of absolutely no way, right?"

"Look at someone else's boyfriend," Yin Shitan pretended to shook his head helplessly, then picked up a cork gun and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Sa, remember one thing, when he was caught by the police. Please don’t panic. If you have a better confession attitude, you probably won’t be sentenced to death."

"Ah, this is unnecessary," Jiang Cheng declined the gun that Yin Shi handed over, and then pointed his umbrella to the shop below, "We brought our own."

At the same time, Yueyong also found out a few kunai.

Moreover, the two of them shot without hesitation.

A bullet and several rounds were shot out in an instant, but thanks to Kondo's faster reaction speed, Jiang Cheng and Yueyong were pushed away in an instant.

Because of this, the boss escaped.

"Hey, I said," Jiang Cheng, who rubbed his head and got up, complained: "What are you doing? Captain? I almost got the prize just now."

"Get your head! I almost sent the boss back to the west!" Kondo clenched his fist and exclaimed angrily, "You are just a tanuki who likes pranks! You are just a tanuki who likes pranks! You are. Give me a favor too! No, I don’t expect to pay my favor, at least don’t make trouble for me!"

(Cable Cat: An animal in Japanese legend that likes to play pranks, and will turn into a human form to repay favors. However, whether it is a prank or a good deed, the ending will always be seen by humans.)

"It's really rude." Jiang Chengtan started and said, "please call me the civet cat Sangda."

On the street, the driven Jiang Chengzheng and Yueyong walked slowly in front of the shops one after another. After the short episode just now, it might be a normal "walking festival".

", civet cat...Sang." Yue Yong shouted tentatively.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng replied, "What's the matter? Miss?"

"No, nothing..."

Jiang Cheng asked, "Speaking of which, is it the first time for the lady to go to a temple fair like this?"


"Um..." Jiang Cheng stopped, and turned to stand in front of Yue Yong, "I always feel that the lady can't let go, what's wrong? It's because I was nervous when I went to the temple fair with the civet cat I saw for the first time. Is it? Or... Actually, I want to go to the temple fair with other civet cats in my heart?"

"No, mine is just..."

"That's it..." Jiang Cheng nodded lightly, then raised his head to look at the night sky full of colorful fireworks. He paused for a while before speaking again: "You know? In fact, human beings, maybe everyone There are several faces, masks and so on. Sometimes even humans don’t know whether they are wearing them or not. But..."

As he said, Jiang Cheng looked down at Yue Yong, "I shouldn't care about that troublesome thing now? If you ask why, isn't there a mask in front of you? True or false. There is no need to think about it, just treat it as a fake."

"What do you mean?" Yue Yongqing asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What do you mean..." Jiang Sung lifted the sleeves of his yukata, pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "It means that you can simply enjoy now."

"Hey?" Yue Yong was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to say something, but Jiang Cheng took the lead in reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"Sa, let's go."

"Hey, let go..." Yue Yong blushed and wanted to take out her hand, but then inexplicably gave up breaking free, letting Jiang Cheng pull herself away.

[This man’s hand... unexpectedly... so stable...] Yueyong felt this way in her heart. Yes, it was not that Jiang Cheng’s hands were warm nor that Jiang Cheng’s hands were big, but that Jiang Cheng’s hands were very Steady, compared with myself, there won't be a trace of tremor.

In front of the takoyaki shop, Yue Yong couldn't help but smiled softly because the mask that was far away at this time was covered with refusal Jiang Cheng.

In front of the drawstring lottery shop, watching Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth about to get the first PSO gift package, Yue Yong's expression on his face became more relaxed.

In front of the goldfish shop, watching Jiang Cheng who had dozens of goldfish in his hand, Yueyong, who had only two goldfish in his hand, showed a bit of dislike.

In front of the candy store, Yue Yong, who had fully buckled the umbrella pattern, looked at Jiang Cheng, who had crushed more than a dozen pieces of candy but was still reluctant. UU Reading

In front of the shishokoro shop, Jiang Chengzheng put a piece of shishokoro into his mask without any influence, while Yueyong looked at his wallet with black lines, wishing to smash Jiang Cheng's head.

There are many, many, one person may also be two people's ceremonial memories.

Waiting alone in front of an apple candy store, Yueyong held an apple candy. Hearing Jiang Cheng's shout, he turned his head and looked over. After seeing Jiang Cheng who was waving to him, he responded with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked casually, "looks quite happy."

"No, nothing." Yue Yong replied lightly.

"Huh? Did you go to the festival with a strange man?"

"No, it's just a simple Mr. Tanuki."

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