May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 696: : Don't underestimate the initial settings! !

The latest website: The cicadas are constantly crying, the ground is steaming, and the streets are empty. This may be the most true portrayal of this hot summer.

Except for a few people, most people will stay at home honestly at such a noon. The few people (Kagura) who hold their umbrellas and sweat but are still raining, speak unlovably.

"It's so hot Aru..."

When both eyes and Wushen's face were filled with some desperate silver, he made an unmotivated voice: "What is it going to do this summer? Today is the highest temperature in the history of meteorological observation."

Eyes were confused, the glasses without the slightest break in sweat took the words weakly: "Is this also the effect of the greenhouse effect? ​​What will the earth be like?"

"No, I'm not talking about this." Kagura replied contemptuously, and then looked at him shamelessly leaning on his side to enjoy the natural roll of the parasol and the new eight. "I'm talking about you two sticking together." Me, it made me almost so hot. Get out of here! This is my parasol Aru!"

"Don't speak so loudly, you will be suspicious."

Yin Shi weakly reminded him, and then looked at the target or surveillance target of the mission not far away—the uncle who had an extramarital affair and his cheating target.

"It's more suspicious that we are walking like three danzi brothers on a hot day!" Kagura frantically complained with blank eyes.

Yin Shi reluctantly replied: "If you run out under the sun on such a hot day, the three dumpling brothers will become the three skewers. Let us hide for a while. Don't keep yourself under the umbrella."

"What are you talking about?!" Kagura was unhappy for a moment, and retorted excitedly: "I am not the Aru who I like to hold a parasol all day long! We, the night rabbit clan..."

"Okay, okay," Gin Shiki interrupted Kagura impatiently. "Anyway, I'm afraid that the setting of the sun will be almost forgotten, right? This setting is not easy to handle, right?"

"Huh? What are you talking about!"

Xin Ba Haw took the words tepidly: "Until now there have been several times without an umbrella, running around directly under the sun, don’t care about the character settings. It’s all so hot, these things Throw it all away."

"Don't use the heat as a shield to say such terrible things! These bastards!"

"It's been a long time, it's inevitable that there will be one or two settings that get in the way," Ginshi replied indifferently, "Everyone will definitely understand, it's like the next shot is suddenly missing a parasol. Or a pair of glasses, no one will complain."

"I'll spit out!" Xin Ba Haw retorted in an instant, "A messy setting is equivalent to directly obliterating a character, okay?!"

"Enough! Don't talk nonsense and get out of here!" Kagura kicked Yinshi out with a blank look, and then kicked out Xinba Hao angrily. "It's almost suffocated!"

"Don't don't!" Yin Shi got into the umbrella again, fought Kagura for control of the umbrella, and at the same time replied angrily, "I don't want to become a grilled man! No way!"

At the same time, Xin Ba Hao was also vying for the small shade of the shade with the two under the umbrella, but suddenly, Xin Ba Hao found something, pointing to the target that disappeared in the street corner and said: " Yinsang! The goal is heading for a street towards the love hotel!"

"What?!" Gin Shiki was startled, and at the same time he grabbed Kagura's parasol and rushed towards the corner of the street in front of him, "Hurry up and get the camera out!"

However, after Yinshi and Xinbahao rushed to the street of this so-called love hotel, they found that there was no target figure, or that the two should have entered a certain love hotel.

"Oops, I was slipped by the two of them." Xin Ba Haw said in anguish, "Obviously it is a good time to seize the evidence of derailment."

"No, they must be in which hotel, right?" Yin Shi replied, "No way, let's continue to stare here and aim at the moment they came out."

"Hey?" Xinba screamed in surprise, and when he turned his face to look at Yin, "Would you like to be in this hot hell?"

"Anyway, I'll stare here first. You will change shifts for about thirty minutes." After that, Gintoki turned his head and looked aside, "Hey, Kagura, lend me your parasol."

Xin Ba Hao on the side pointed to the parasol in Yinshi's hand expressionlessly, and reminded: "If you have the parasol, you already have Yinsang."

"Oh! Oops!" Yin Shih noticed the parasol in his hand, and then shouted to Kagura, who was lying on the ground in a large font not far away, "Hey, Kagura, I will borrow this parasol first." ."

But... Kagura, lying on the ground, didn't respond, as if he hadn't heard it.

"Hey... are you listening? Kagura?" Gintoki tentatively shouted a second time.

But... still no response, lying motionless on the ground.

Xin Ba Hao raised his glasses at this time and said, "Hey, Yinsang, don't you think Kagura-chan's appearance is a little weird?"

At this moment, the two people reacted and trot over quickly.

"Kagura-chan." Xin Ba Haw lowered his head and shouted, but he didn't get a response.

"Hey, God..." When she noticed that something was wrong with Yin Shi, she threw away the parasol in her hand, and squatted down to lift up the girl who was not delicate but looked unusually delicate at the moment.

Looking at Kagura with his eyes closed and his face still panting in pain, Gintoki shouted again, "Kagura, hello! Kagura!"

At the same time, Xin Ba Hao also realized that something was wrong, and eagerly said, "Kagura sauce!"

Oedo Hospital.

In a doctor's office, after swallowing a mouthful of water with a fidgety look on his face, he asked nervously the doctor in front of him who was very similar to the crew next door.

"Um...Doctor, how is Kagura?"

"It's just heatstroke," the doctor replied.

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Hao and Yin Shi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Great..." Xin Ba Hao said with some gratitude.

But before the two of them were relaxed for two seconds, the doctor continued to say: "It seems like that, but her condition is a bit wrong."

"Hey?" ×2

Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao raised their heads at the same time, and their expressions changed at the same time when they had just relaxed.

The doctor looked at the medical report on Kagura in his hand, and slowly said, "I have taken emergency treatment for the time being, but the fever has not gone back. She is not an earthly person, right? And she seems to be a very rare god, unfortunately. , Our hospital does not have detailed data on the Yatu clan. But I heard that Yatu is a race that has no resistance to sunlight at all, you guys..."

As he said, the doctor raised his head, staring sharply at the two of them, "...Do you know what's going on? For example, let her expose her to the sun for a long time."

Only for a moment, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao lowered their heads at the same time.

"No, I didn't know." Yin Shi said, but the cold sweat on his face came out drop by drop, and his pupils began to tremble.

The doctor went on to say: "Or in such a hot day, there is no such thing as hydration and overwork."

"No, I didn't know it!"

"Prepare her to be hospitalized. Let's wait and see for a while." As he said, the doctor placed Kagura's pathology report on a side table. "During this time, I will check the detailed data and be able to receive her. The hospital. For now, it’s hard for me to say whether she will get better or get worse..."

Silently walked out of the doctor's office and silently closed the door, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao, with their heads down and a black face, were silent at the door for a long, long time.

"I... our fault," Xin Ba Haw broke the silence, closing his eyes and showing an expression of unbearable expression. "It is all because we underestimated Kagura's settings to become like that!"

"You...cold, calm down." Yin Shi patted Xin Ba Hao on the shoulder. Although he had no confidence, he walked and comforted: "It's not a serious illness. She has been leaping around in the sun until now. Although it was sweltering heat this time, it shouldn't be that serious anymore."

Xinba Haw walked with her head down and said, "Maybe she has always been reluctant to stand in front of us. Kagura-chan has stayed on the earth for a long time, and maybe one day her body will be swallowed by the sun. ."

Yin Shi's expression became more and more ugly as he listened to Xin Ba Hao's words.

"Ah! It's all our fault!" Xin Ba Haw suddenly stopped, and complained to himself while bumping his head against the wall on the side, "Blame us! If we were more reliable, it wouldn't be the case. !"

"Don't worry about it!" Yin Shi hurriedly shouted and comforted, "How could she have lost to the sun! And don't forget, there is more than one night rabbit on the earth! There is a certain fool! Nothing happened after staying on the earth for twenty years! The favorite thing of the idiot before was to bask on the roof at noon! If that kind of guy is okay, then Kagura who is related is also not. Something will happen! Don't worry, let go..."

Before Yin Shi's words fell, he suddenly heard the urgent voices of nurses from the side, accompanied by rapid footsteps.

"Keep out of everything! Keep out of everything!"

"Emergency surgery! Hurry up and arrange emergency surgery!"

"How's breathing? Ah! No! Artificial respiration! Hurry up!"

"Are the stun guns ready?! Hurry up!"

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was turning his eyes in pain on the hospital bed that passed by him, and the nurses who surrounded him nervously and pushed him towards the operating room, Gin Shi and Xin Ba Hao two people. ...Is silent.

After that, Yue Yong, who walked slowly and heavily, shook his head slightly and sighed after seeing Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao.

"Do... get ready," Yue Yong said like this, and then walked slowly toward the operating room again.

After Yue Yong left, Xin Ba Hao finally had a reaction, only to see him knocking his head on the wall again and again.

"Kagura sauce—!"

"Hey! Let me say calm down!" Yin Shi widened his blood-stained fisheyes, and exclaimed, "Don't you know that something like genes will evolve?! Generations are more than generations. Qiang, don’t you know?! Kagura is definitely better than the kind of guy who is as troublesome as a woman every month! He must be clamoring in the ward now, "Is people eating things other than raw eggs and rice bowls?" Woolen cloth! Trust her! "

With that said, Gin Shiki opened the door of the ward on the side and greeted Kagura who was sitting on the bed in a relaxed tone, "Is that right? Kagura?"

Kagura, who was wearing a hospital gown sitting on the hospital bed, looked blankly at the patient’s meal in front of him, and for the first time let Nagong speak Mandarin.

"Didn't I say no? I don't have any appetite."

"But if you don't eat, your body won't be able to hold it." The nurse beside him kindly persuaded.

At this moment, the expressions of Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao changed from shock to some kind of panic.

"It won't be okay if you eat it?" Kagura continued with his eyes blankly, "I know my body best, cough cough..."

Seeing Kagura who was suddenly covering her mouth and coughing, Xin Ba Ha hurried to the hospital bed: "Kagura-chan!"

"Ah..." Kagura said weakly, still staring at his helpless eyes, "You two are here..."

"Kagura-chan, what's wrong with you, this!" Xin Ba Haw asked in a panic.

Yin Shi twitched the corners of his mouth, covered in cold sweat, and tremblingly asked, "Why do you speak Mandarin? Why did you start coughing all of a sudden?"

Xin Ba Haw bit his lower lip, with a distressed expression on his face: " actually didn't even eat any food, it' serious...!"

"I'm sorry," Kagura lowered his head with an expression of self-blame, and apologized softly: "I blame me for messing up all the work. I tried not to cause you trouble, but it seems to be counterproductive. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Now, I know that one day it will become like this. People like us who are bloodthirsty and dangerous, who can only survive in the shadows, really don’t deserve to live on such a sunny planet. Under such warm sunlight. , There is no place for us. But..."

As he said, Kagura raised his hand that was still pierced with a needle and gently pressed it to his forehead, blocking the dazzling sunlight for his eyes.

"...Even if this body is burned by this hot sun, even if it is tortured by this unbearable pain, and my life is constantly being reduced, I don't want to leave you. Maybe this is just my waywardness."

With constant cold sweat on his face, his expression stiff, and the black lines in his eyes panic in his heart: [So you are so painful? ! Have you been patient all the time? ! 】

"So don't worry about me anymore, Yinjiang." Kagura raised his head, smiled lightly, and continued, "It's not Yinjiang's fault."

[No, this is obviously my fault! Sure enough, I blame my feeling! 】

"Hey... Kagura," Gin Shiki pretended to take two steps forward calmly, and tentatively shouted, "Don't you joke with us, isn't this just heat stroke? It's okay. You, you are too exaggerated. Don't Worry, you will get better soon."

With that, Gintoki tentatively patted Kagura on the back in order to cheer him up.

Who knows...

"Wow!" Kagura spit out a big mouthful of "blood" in an instant, and the large amount of blood instantly stained the quilt on Kagura's body red.

"Kagura sauce—!" Xin Ba Haw said in horror.

"What did you do just now!" The nurse rushed forward, "Call the doctor! Call the doctor over!"

"Kagura-chan! Kagura-chan!" Xin Ba Haw cried out sadly.

As for Yin Shi, there was no calmness on his face for a long time, only a certain kind of despair and...self-blame.

"Leave it to us first!" The nurse said while pushing Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao, "Don't continue to irritate her!"

Ignoring the knocking outside the door and the uninterrupted shouts of Xinbahao, Miss Nurse dragged out a full box of persimmon juice that had been emptied from under the bed and complained: "Really, what are you doing? Even though you are asked to rehydrate, after drinking so much, naturally you can't eat anymore."

"Cheese—" Kagura just raised his head and wiped the persimmon juice from the corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry."

Immediately afterwards, Kagura smirked secretly, and thought in his heart: [Huh, more effective than imagined, feel more responsibility, and blame yourself more! If you dare to underestimate the heavy setting of others, and treat others at will, please give me a good reflection and introspection, Alu! Fortunately, this hospital does not have enough knowledge about the night rabbit, and no one has discovered that I just have a common cold. Now is the best time! Let you know how heavy my settings are and how important my existence is! I'll just keep it like this for a while, and have fun with them...Hahahaha...]

"First... don't rush to give up!"

Outside the ward, Yin Shi raised his head, UU reading, although his eyes were still trembling, he still said with such enthusiasm: "There is one on the other side! I know him! I will definitely not be because of this. Everything is over! As long as that fool is okay, Kagura will be fine in the end! Okay! Come and see that fool with me! Ahaha..."

Afterwards, Yin Shi took the shoulders of Xin Ba Hao and walked towards the ward beside him.

Yin Shi opened the door and said with ease, "Hey, Jiang Cheng, I just saw you..."

But before finishing talking, Yin Shi suddenly saw that Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on the bed in a hospital gown, opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

And...not only vomiting blood, but also...a lot of black blood clots.

"Ah, it's Yinshi..." Jiang Cheng wiped the "blood" from the corner of his mouth, and raised his head tremblingly, "Much...thank you for coming to see me at this time, but I..."

"We went to the wrong room, sorry."

After all, Yin Shi closed the sliding door, standing outside the door with a black face just silent.

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