May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 700: : Hey,, no, you can come and join me...

Latest URL: "Please! You scream Kagura-chan—!"

Listening to Cheng Ye's unbearable cry of grief, Kagura lying on the hospital bed had an idea: [Yes! With this opportunity to talk to me, I can be resurrected! 】

Thinking of this, Kagura was overjoyed, then hurriedly turned his face and said at the same time: "I..."

But as soon as I said the word, I was stopped by Zou Wu who came to the bed to find the right time and hit my neck with an elbow.

"Hmm, what what?"

Sougo put his elbows firmly on Kagura's neck to prevent him from making a sound, while erecting his ears pretentiously, he nodded from time to time.

"That's how it is, that's how it is."

[Ok...It's painful...] ​​Kagura, whose breathing is not smooth, thought in pain, [What does this guy want to do? 】

"I got her wish, Your Royal Highness."

So Wu said to Princess Cheng Ye.

"Really?" Princess Cheng Ye said in surprise, holding both hands.

"Yeah." Sou Wumian nodded without changing his face.

At the same time, Kagura was also constantly tortured by Zongwu, slowly closing his eyes, and gradually falling into a coma.

The last word Kagura heard before he fell into a coma was what Sougo said to everyone...

"Hurry up and start preparing for the funeral."

"Some things, as expected, can only be communicated to real friends."

Jiang Cheng sighed with such emotion, and at the same time put the sweet money he had just received into his chest calmly.

"Isn't it, we adults seem to be useless at all."

Yin Shi also sighed softly, and at the same time stretched out his hand calmly to compete with Jiang Cheng for the money.

【You bastard! 】×2

Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi refused to give in, and no one knew how long this dispute would last.

In the darkness, Kagura, wearing a white and elegant white cheongsam, slowly opened his big eyes full of confusion, and what followed was the doubt in his little head.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Here...Where is it? Huh? Can't move, still can't make a sound, am I... sleeping stupid? 】

Just as Kagura was puzzled as if he was sleeping, a small skylight was slowly opened above his head, and some dazzling light slowly shone in.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's head with a soft expression that suddenly came through the small skylight, Yin Shi with a relieved expression, and Xin Ba Chi who concealed his sorrow, Kagura was puzzled.

【Um? 】

"He has a serene look." Yin Shi closed his eyes and sighed with emotion.

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng looked at Kagura with gentle eyes, and replied softly: "It's the same energetic face as usual, even now... it's very energetic."

"That's right..." Gin Shiki lightly shook his head and replied, "This guy is probably the same as usual when he gets there, as energetic as usual..."

"Kagura sauce..." Xin Ba Hao couldn't help but choked again.

[What are these three people doing? 】

"It's ready." Suddenly the voice of a kind old man came from the side.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and replied with a gentle expression, "Then go..."

【Hey? what? Where are you going? 】


While the door was slowly opened, all the guards standing outside the door in formal attire on both sides of the road, with solemn expressions, wailed at the same time.

Under the leadership of the leader who was slowly advancing on a horse,, the coffin where Kagura was carrying the love of countless people was slowly lifted towards the auditorium.

Jiang Cheng, Yueyong, Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao in formal attire, family members headed by a few and Kagura's acquaintances slowly followed behind the coffin with heavy expressions.

At this moment, Kagura, who was carried in the coffin, finally noticed something, and his expression turned a little worse.

[What is this? What is this nasty feeling? Could it be...]

After seeing the white chrysanthemum framed with white chrysanthemums on the gate just passed by, the black words on the white background such as "Friends of Your Royal Highness, Kagura's Farewell Ceremony", some of Kagura's conjectures were confirmed!

[My funeral has begun! Kagura exclaimed in his heart, and collapsed and thought, [And it's at the level of a state funeral—! 】

Princess Sumiya, who also changed into a dark formal dress, followed Kagura. The teardrops in the corner of her eyes, the handkerchief in her hand, and the soft choking sound all proved that Princess Sumiya suddenly **** on Kagura. Grief.

"your Highness."

Zong Wu, who was following, comforted softly: "She must be very happy now, to be able to send her away with such a big ceremony."

At the moment when he heard the voice of Sougou, Kagura was shocked: [Difficult... Could it be that...! 】

"And I can still bathe in the sunlight that has been scorching up to the present." As he said, Sougo pressed the UV switch in the tanning salon-shaped coffin in his hand. "It must be very happy to be able to sleep in the tanning salon-shaped coffin and go to Huangquan. "

Kagura, who was "baked" by the dazzling and scorching ultraviolet light irradiated by the dense ultraviolet lamps on the inner wall of the coffin, was not well.

[That guy...that guy...found it! 】

In the grand and solemn funeral venue, Kagura's coffin was placed at the forefront of this spacious venue.

At the top, there is a photo taken from the OP of Kagura smiling at the camera.

The Taoist monks from the well-known temples sit in the front to recite scriptures for them, and behind them are people who have sat in the hall to see them off.

"Namo Amitabha... Nammo Amitabha..."

With a muffled sound of beating the bowl, the monk's chanting work is over, and then it is the family's turn to give a speech.

Perhaps because Jiang Cheng was already crying and unable to speak at this time (on the surface), Grandma Dengshi slowly came to the microphone as the representative elected.

"Cheer are the only real relative here, right?" Yue Yong said to Jiang Cheng who was holding the portrait of Kagura and wiping the tears that couldn't stop with his other hand, softly comforting.

"Hug... I'm sorry." Jiang Cheng replied with a sob, then wiped away his tears and stood upright, raising his head and looking forward with complicated eyes.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to this funeral in your busy schedule."

Granny Dengshi had a heavy expression, and gently bowed forward.

"So many relatives and friends can come to her funeral, and that child should feel relieved. That's right, she is just like her smile, a child who hates gloom.

So please everyone, at this last moment, send her away with a smile. This must be... the best farewell gift. "

The words of Dengshi's mother-in-law fell, and then slowly backed two steps, Jiang Cheng turned the portrait in his hand to Yueyong, and walked forward slowly.

After taking a slow and deep breath, Jiang Cheng bowed his head.

"Thank you..." After thanking him, Jiang Cheng slowly got up, and continued with a soft expression: "For that child, this may be the last thing she wants to say to everyone who comes. Come alone. This strange planet has unknowingly walked so many fetters, at the last moment... Thinking back to life on earth for so long, that child will definitely feel satisfied because of meeting you."

"Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Ba Haw whispered, then turned away from his face a little unbearable, and choked very quietly.

"This child is happy every day on the earth. Because of everyone, he must be happy. So...Thank you again."

Jiang Cheng lowered his head again, and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking slightly.

"Enough..." Yue Yong gently pulled up Jiang Cheng, softly comforted, and then stepped forward and bowed to the crowd and said softly, "Next, please put the farewell flowers in the coffin one by one. In the meantime, finally tell her...

The moon chants are over, and the part of sending flowers and farewells comes.

Sougo was the first to walk forward slowly with a flower in his hand.

Seeing Sougou standing in silence holding a flower in front of the coffin, Xin Ba Haw whispered softly, "Okita-san..."

Looking at the back of Sougo, whose shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, Kondo closed his eyes and said with emotion, "Sougo, it's the first time I saw him show that expression. It's obviously noisy when we meet, humans. This kind of creature, there is no difference between losing a good friend and losing a bicker that hates each other..."

Kagura, who was lying in the coffin and unable to move, saw only the words black belly written on his face. Sougou couldn't stop laughing. He opened his eyes desperately and cursed in his heart.

[You shit—! 】

"How does it feel to lie in the coffin?" Zongwu asked casually, and at the same time, he increased the intensity of the ultraviolet rays in the coffin. At the same time, he calmly continued: "I hope you can take a good bath in Huangquan. Sunshine, that’s why I specially prepared a tanning salon-type coffin for you."

[It's hot! It's scorching! What do you think? Let me go out quickly! 】

"I understand, UU reading you don't need to say anything, I understand all your gratitude."

[Who would be grateful to you! 】

"You pretended to be sick just to make sure that the boss didn't care about you? Then you should pretend to be sick too, just pretend to be dead, so that you can see the nature of people more clearly. Don't worry, you will be in the next half of the day. You can't move, and you can't make any sound. Your dead look is absolutely in place! Don't have too little chance to see your funeral with your own eyes~ You have to be grateful to me."

With that, Sougo put the flowers in Kagura's horrified gaze, and then continued:

"If the boss really cares about you, they can definitely find out. But by that time, you may have been nailed in the coffin or burnt in the kiln. But this is your own self-sufficiency and you must hate it. If you do, I hate you for choosing to pretend to be sick stupidly."

After that, Sougo turned around and covered his mouth, pretending to be sad, and left slowly.

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