May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 714: : Compared with things that change, things that are unchanged are more valuable...

"Cola Garmentos."

Xin Ba Chi Tucao: "You are also quite old... The current tubing owners basically don't upload videos of that old experiment anymore."

"Stupid? Who said that?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, and while holding his hands, he glanced at Kagura and Atung-chan on the sofa. "I'm not talking about letting the two of them take that Kind of boring video."

"Then what do you mean?"

"When did new media such as youtubers, live broadcasts, etc. begin to enter the public eye? The new eight?"

"Just... in recent years, what's the matter?"

"So when it comes to YouTuber's videos, they all originated from Mentos and Coke. The mainstream in it were all kinds of random experiments and tricky videos."

" is true."

"But there are very few now, right?" Jiang Cheng shook his shoulder and looked at Xin Ba Hao again, "Now posting a video of Mentos and Coke, do you think it will be as sensational as it was then?"

"Probably there won't be any clicks..."

"In just a few years, the heat of the once-hot mess has been reduced to almost nothing." After that, Jiang Cheng turned and looked at Ah Tong and Kagura on the sofa. "In fact, this kind of thing is similar to idols. There is no difference. Even though there is a lot of popularity now, this kind of information can be known at any time...the era when all kinds of idols are bursting out, it may become bleak. ."

"No! I won't! Atong sauce, she..."

"Shut up, glasses." Jiang Cheng interrupted Xin Ba Hao's words flatly, "Yes, no matter what kind of personality you set for them, and how many fans you will attract, one day they will become too. Bleak and dull."

"how come…"

"It's useless to be entangled in the new possibilities of human design," Jiang Chengtan started, and then looked at Kagura and Atong again. "The most important thing is to find something that will never change. , Which is the shining point that can attract fans. That is the most important. As long as there is that, it will probably last a few more years."

"Unexpectedly, Jiang Chengsang would occasionally say something that doesn't fit this family's nit status..."

"Want to be beaten?" Jiang Cheng frowned and glanced at Xin Ba Ha, then cleared his throat, "Anyway, it means that Bz and WANDS are absolutely not acceptable, so let's change to ZARD."

"Is there any difference?!"

"No, speaking of sister Quanshui, I still like it even now."

"Is this what you said unchanged?!"

"Why didn't Sister Quanshui announce that she would enter the political arena! Obviously I will definitely support her!" Jiang Cheng cried out in grief.

"Shut up, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! How come you two idols were moved to tears along with you! Can you stop talking about Daisuke? I'm so annoying—!"

"No, Bz and WANDS are better!" Yin Shi said.

"No, ZARD is immortal!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

"Bz and WANDS!"


"What are you two arguing about?! Stop it!"

"Then neutralize it." Yin Shi nodded.

"Well, you can." Jiang Cheng agreed.

"Then... Daisuke." Jiang Cheng and Yinshi raised an index finger at the same time.

"Why! How can I neutralize Cheng Daisuke! What did you two neutralize!"

Jiang Cheng supported his chin and replied solemnly: "No, I'm wondering if Sister Quanshui once thought about participating in elections."

"Miss you! Anyway, shut up both of you, and now forget about Bz, WANDS, and ZARD! Daisuke will also forget about it!"

"I will never forget you!" Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and shouted solemnly, "Sister Quanshui!"

"We won't forget either!" Kagura and Atong exclaimed, clenching their fists with emotions on their faces.

"No, what I said is not the forgetting. Anyway, can you guys forget about those bands now? This kind of thing is only necessary when asked about the "favorite band" in an interview. Appeared, now there is no need to show up at all! It will be overwhelming! "

"That's it, I know." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Looking at Jiang Cheng sitting between Atongchan and Kagura, Shin Baja...


At this moment, Ah Miao's voice suddenly came from the direction of the door.

"Xinjiang is right, so stop making fun of Xinjiang." A Miao, who stepped in the door naturally, smiled and said, "Focus on Bz and WANDS and ZARD. Yes, I can even let Sister Quanshui help write a song or something, have forgotten a very important thing, President, P. Sakata."

Xin Ba Hao vomited blankly: "Well, sister, you just forgot something very important. If you are not obedient, why is your sister here?"

A Miao, who walked slowly, squatted down and placed the lunch box in front of a few people. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I heard that Kagura-chan is about to make her debut, and I want to cheer her on. , This is a condolences."

"Sister!" Kagura cheered and took the lunch box.

"I wanted to put down the condolences and left, but I really can't stand it anymore."

A Miao closed her eyes and spoke with a sense of helplessness, and at the same time slowly got up.

At the side opening the lunch box, Atong sauce looked at the dark matter in the lunch box that exuded an unknown dark atmosphere, and asked excitedly: "It's amazing! What is this!"

A Miao closed her eyes and slowly said, "President, Sakata P, you two really don’t notice anything. You think about it, but you only think about how to sell and how to please everyone. Audience. But the opponents of idols are not just off the stage. The real enemy is behind them. That is, the backing band and the dancers. Do you know how many idols they have devoured?"

"What do you want to say—!" Xin Ba Haw's voice was hoarse and horrified.

"If you think about it again, the Qian [BEEP—] of the earlier years and Bin Obu. If you think about it, it's all idols who were trapped by the accompaniment dancers and suffered a lot."

"No, although there are indeed many such things."

"They disguised as companions of idols, looking at their defenseless backs, gearing up in secret, waiting for the moment to be ready to take action. Then once there is a chance, aim at the moment when the idols relax..."

Seeing Ah Miao who covered her mouth with a surprised expression, Xin Ba Hao spit out again: "The accompaniment dancers are too terrible!"

"In the entertainment industry, idols are commodities." Ah Miao held up her hands and continued solemnly: "Ignore the audience and let the products be harmed by people around them."

"Atong sauce -!" Looking at Atong who lost consciousness and high light on the table after eating the dark matter, Xin Ba Chi yelled and complained, "Your condolences have already killed an idol!"

Ah Miao went on to say to herself, with a bit of ridicule in her words: "Idol's big selling point is purity. You men should all know this? But you just casually decided on the accompaniment band or something, it's ridiculous. It should be overthrown immediately!"

"What do you say as a layman?" Yin Shiqiang replied, holding back irritation. "Then you said, who would you let to accompany you?"

"Guitar! KYUBEI—"

"Bei... Beth, TSUKUYO..."


"The castanets, OAE—then, the four together..."

"Electronic perfume!" ×4

Seeing the four A Miao who even changed their costumes, Xin Ba Hao once again complained: "You guys are also full of momentum! Where did the dumb band come from!"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yuan squeezed his shoulders, and naturally defended, "Our electronic perfume has an appointment before you, and we made an appointment in the next studio."

Jiubei said, "The opportunity has finally come, Otae-chan."

"You have no chance at all, UU reading hurry back to me!" Xin Ba Hao pointed at several people and shouted.

"We all understand, let us be an accompaniment band. But...the enemy of the idol is behind, please don't forget it~"

Looking at Ah Miao with a kind expression on the castanets, Yin Shi vomited: "What are you thinking about! What the **** is the castanets! This thing is useless!"

"Hey, how do you play the bass?" Yueyong asked, holding the bass as if holding a baseball bat, "Is that that? Anyway, just use this to hit the ball out of base, right?"

"Ah, that's right, solve the three idiots next to him first, and finally hit his head." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and raised an index finger.





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