In the palace of the royal capital, the communication ended, but the king's face became deeper and deeper.

Recalling the knowledge that Nicole had conveyed to him just now, he quickly walked out of the communication room, took a few guards around him, and ran outside the palace.

"Climb up, take two stones of different sizes, and throw them from them at the same time."

Pointing to the top of the towering palace, the king said to the guards next to him.

Although the guard was confused, he still did so.

Soon, the guards climbed up, and the companions below also passed two stones.

Under the king's signal, the guards released their hands at the same time, and the two stones suddenly made a free fall movement.

Seeing two stones of different sizes and weights falling to the ground at about the same time, the king's eyes lit up.

But the guards next to him didn't see anything, and they were still heartbroken by stones on the floor with two small grooves.

When he was distressed, the king continued, "One more time, but this time, just a piece of paper, a stone." "

Soon, the second experiment began, and the results were completely different from the first.

The stones had already landed, but the contrasting paper was still floating slowly.

Reaching out to catch the slowly falling paper, the king took it and slapped it a little more.

Feeling the resistance, the king muttered

, "Air resistance, fluid mechanics? Interesting, I didn't expect that behind the phenomena that I usually take for granted, there was actually this knowledge. Having

done these two experiments, the king also gained a deeper insight into what Nicole had just said.

And with extraordinary vision, he immediately realized how important this so-called rule is.

As we all know, everything in this world is closely related to magic.

And if the phenomena caused by these magic forces are controlled by the rules, then does it mean that the magic is also controlled by the rules!

Thinking of this possibility, the king couldn't help but breathe a lot faster.

At the beginning, several human sages discovered that magic can be carried by matter, and then created alchemy, which changed the pattern of the world.

Now someone has discovered the nature of the world, and found that whether it is magic or anything else, it is controlled by some kind of rule that exists in the underworld.

Most likely, this is the next opportunity for world change.

And where will they be in this change?

Ron and the others from the Buda City Academy of Magic

walked out of the communication room, and Hopkin naturally took Professor Nicole, who was still a little excited, back to the dormitory to rest.

Before leaving, Hopkin did not forget to give Ron a roll of his eyes.

After all, he was originally a very comfortable person, but now he has become Nicole's nanny, running around with Nicole all day.

Ron pretended not to see his eyes, and asked Colin next to him, "So, when does Lord Colin plan to leave for Dieuer's side?"

Looking at the sky, Colin thought for a moment, "It's getting late, I'll leave tomorrow morning, and I'll go see my little son tonight."

"Okay, if you need to, just call me."


The night passed quickly, and Li Ming got up from the bed.

After a night of rest, he is now in much better spirits.

The abundant spirit also made him feel more and more happy.

"New day, continue to work hard to get home!"

After a simple wash, Li Ming walked out of the dormitory, intending to go to the hell warts planting area first.

According to the growth rate of wheat in the real world, after one night, the hell warts should also grow.

When he arrived at the planting area, looking at the gratifying hell wart, Li Ming's mood became more and more happy.

After harvesting a batch of hell warts, Li Ming planted the seeds and planned to go back to start the brewing plan.

But climbed to the negative floor where the portal was located, only to suddenly find that today was different.

"What about Nishiza? Haven't come to work yet?

After glancing left and right a few times, Li Ming left the underground space in puzzlement.

Not far from the underground space, he saw Xi Ze standing with Colin.

He walked over curiously and heard what they were saying.

Knowing that Colin was about to leave for Diyouer, Li Ming thought for a moment and quickly ran back to the dormitory.

Rummaging something out of the box, he jumped straight from the balcony and flew towards the square.


Shouting in the air, Li Ming fell straight down, and a handsome superhero landed, making Little Owen's eyes shining next to Colin.

"Brother Li Ming!"

Xiao Ouen took the lead in saying hello, Li Ming responded with a smile, and then looked at Colin and said, "Are you going to Di Youer to get it?"

"Yes, His Majesty the King gave me the reward of Dieuer last night, and I can be considered to be in office now."

"Then congratulations! However, I heard that Di Youer's side is not very peaceful, and I have prepared something for you, which is a parting gift.

Saying that, Li Ming took out a saddle, as well as some food.

"This saddle, I said it before, I originally wanted someone else to bring it back to you, now that you are here, then I will hand it over to you directly."

"And these foods, it shouldn't need special instructions, right?"

Looking at the pile of things that Li Ming took out, Colin couldn't help but be a little moved.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Li Ming."

"You're welcome, we're friends, aren't we?"

The two simply hugged, and then dispersed.

"It's a pity that you are leaving soon, otherwise tomorrow, I can still come up with some potions with extraordinary effects that can make you safer."

"No need, these foods are enough."

Colin waved his hand again and again: "Originally, I didn't help you much, but I troubled you many times, and then gave me so many good things, but I was a little guilty."

"If only I could help you."

The two said a few more words, and Colin left with the things Li Ming had given.

Li Ming looked at Little Owen who was staring blankly at Colin's back next to him, and reached out to rub his hairy head.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just a little worried about my father."

Looking at Xiao Ouen's furrowed brows, Li Ming smiled.

"Don't worry, there are still many mages over there, and some militiamen, plus those things I gave, this time to Di Youer to lead the chaos, it is much easier than before to rectify Wen Zeling."

At that time, Colin started with two people, and I don't know how many times more difficult than now.

Listening like this, Owen relaxed a lot.

Bart watched all this from the side, also showing a habitual smile.

After playing with Xiao Ouen for a while, Li Ming returned to the dormitory.

Now that the flame powder and hell warts are all in hand, it is time to start brewing medicine.

The materials needed for brewing are ready, but the equipment brewing station has not yet been made.

The brewing station requires 3 cobblestones with a flame rod, which sounds simple, but in fact it is.

At least for Li Ming, who had already been to hell and brushed the Flame Man, it couldn't be simpler.

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