After getting some information from the innkeeper, Li Ming went straight to rest.

Early the next morning, Li Ming left the small city and released the Eye of the Ender in the wild.

Seeing that the Eye of the Ender pointed to a mountain range outside the city, Li Ming frowned.

According to the innkeeper yesterday, the veins of Da'an City are in this mountain range outside the city.

But now that vein has been occupied by unknown monsters, the endless mountains are no longer safe!

Right now, the Eye of the Ender Shadow pointed to this mountain range, which made Li Ming quite uncomfortable.

But the portal framework is right in front of him, and he doesn't want to give up, so he can only take risks!

After putting all the equipment on, Li Ming put a series of food, potions, and equipment in the shortcut bar before starting to move towards the mountain range.

Flying into the mountains with his elytra, Li Ming looked around, but found that the surroundings were full of life and there was nothing suspicious.

At a glance, he also saw some animals such as hares, moving around the mountains.

This situation is different from what the innkeeper described.

As far as the boss said, no matter what those monsters see, they will go up and wreak havoc!

Whether it is humans, elves, or animals, they will be attacked by them!

But if that's the case, it can look so natural here?

Li Ming frowned, could it be that the boss deceived him?

Or did the boss also hear these statements from others, did not know whether they were true or false, and told him directly?

Shaking his head, Li Ming temporarily threw these questions out of his mind and stayed on a mountain top.

After confirming that there were no other abnormalities around, Li Ming took out the Eye of the End Shadow and threw it out again.

The Eye of the End Shadow paused for a moment, then fell directly towards the dirt, and seeing this, Li Ming quickly took out the drill pickaxe and dug all the way.

Withdrawing the Eye of the End Shadow into his backpack, Li Ming continued to dig down.

But it didn't take long for his feet to be empty and fall downwards!

Li Ming's heart tightened, but fortunately, he kept grasping the light spirit feather in his left hand, and he was not afraid of falling and hurting.

He didn't lose a few blocks before his feet touched the ground again.

Stabilizing his figure, Li Ming immediately took out a torch and shone it around.

But as soon as he took out the torch, a white skeleton appeared in front of him, which startled him.

Looking at the white bone, Li Ming swallowed.

After coming to the otherworld for so long, he has also killed a lot of people, but in the MC system, after killing the enemy, the enemy will immediately turn into a particle effect and disappear.

So seriously, he really hasn't seen a dead person, let alone the situation in front of him where all the flesh and blood are eaten by mosquitoes, and only white bones remain!

Fortunately, after many experiences, he has now developed a big heart, and he is not too afraid.

After hesitating for a moment, he took the torch and slowly approached the white bone.

After overcoming the psychological pressure, Li Ming can now observe this skeleton a little calmly.

What surprised him was that he originally thought that this skeleton was a miner who had unfortunately died before, but now he was looking at this skeleton with a pair of dusty armor.

"It's not like miners."

Li Ming took the torch and moved it gently, and found a rather delicate-looking long sword in the skeleton's hand, which also allowed Li Ming to confirm the identity of the skeleton.

"It is said that Da'an City once invited a team of mages and arranged for hundreds of fully armored knights to enter the mountain range together to try to eradicate the monsters in the mine, but none of them returned!"

Remembering what the innkeeper said, Li Ming squinted slightly.

"It seems that what the boss said is not all false, but it still has some credibility."

Li Ming stood up and looked at the dark passage around him.

"Looks like you've already entered the mine."

The fear of darkness is an instinct engraved in human genes, and Li Ming is no exception.

Even though his mental strength is extremely high now, he still has some discomfort.

In order to suppress the fear in his heart, he subconsciously began to talk to himself, trying to alleviate this emotion.

"Put some torches first and look around."

Li Ming quickly planted a few torches around, and the range of observation increased a lot, making him relax a lot.

And he also saw another corpse turned into white bones around him.

"This is not so deep, so many people have died?"

Li Ming was a little surprised, even if the scope of this pit was extremely small, which limited the play of this exploration team.

But they are so well equipped that they will not lose several people so quickly, right?

Li Ming's brows became deeper and deeper, and in order to obtain more information, he boldly stepped forward and flipped the corpse.

Turning the body over, Li Ming wiped the dust on the armor, but unexpectedly found that there were no traces of blows on this armor!

Looking through the armor all over the body, I didn't find that any place had been hit.

"Poison gas?"

After finding out the current situation, this word instantly appeared in Li Ming's mind.

"If it's poison gas, it's very likely, otherwise the knights in full armor won't be so easy to knock down!"

In the face of all-armored knights, the effect of any weapon will be greatly reduced, and only blunt weapons can cause certain effective damage to these knights.

But there are no signs of blows on these armors, which indicates that they were not knocked down by blunt objects.

And Li Ming can only think of the possibility of poison gas attack for the time being!

After thinking of the poison gas, Li Ming quickly opened the backpack bar, checked his state, and made sure that he did not have a negative state of poisoning, before he breathed a sigh of relief.

And looking at the dark passage before and after, he was also a little hairy in his heart.

"Dig straight down!"

Li Ming didn't care so much, he now understood why those people went to the haunted house to explore, they were all in groups!

Because a person faces the pressure of the unknown, it is really countless times greater than imagined!

He took the pickaxe, dug directly down, and after digging out a few blocks, he immediately sealed the passage above his head with a stone.

In the small space he dug out, Li Ming's sense of security in his heart increased greatly.

Taking out the Eye of the End Shadow, Li Ming checked the location of the End Portal frame again before continuing to dig down.

But it didn't take a long time for Li Ming to hear some strange sounds through the rock wall.

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