As soon as the iron puppet took out a frightened enemy with a punch, he heard someone next to him shout.

Before his body could turn around, a big sword slashed from the side, and a sword slashed at his iron head.

The bell ~ The

iron puppet's entire body shook, and he saw the big man's face happy.

Did this sword shatter his head?

He looked at the iron puppet, but watched the other party turn and sweep, his arm straight towards his head.

Feeling the strong wind, the spy leader, who was more like a berserker than a spy, changed his face and bent down sharply to dodge.

The iron puppet missed the blow, raised his hands, and smashed down again.

Fortunately, the spy leader thought of this blow, and when he bent down earlier, he began to roll and dodge this blow again.


After seeing his boss meet, he directly fell into a disadvantage, and the other spies were also stunned.

"Leave me alone, go and take the wolf away first!"

The spy leader gritted his teeth, took out a small ball from his waist, and smashed it directly on the head of the iron puppet.

A layer of unknown slime burst out, wrapping the iron puppet's head directly inside, and then spreading downward until it stuck to the iron puppet's upper body, affecting his movements and greatly reducing his speed.

Looking at the iron puppet's helpless appearance, he took out another bottle of potion and poured it on the great sword.

Covered in potions, the great sword emitted an earthy yellow brilliance.

And after the enchantment, the spy leader raised his sword again, and one turned around and slashed at the feet of the iron puppet.

After enchantment, the attack of the big sword appeared thicker, as if it was not a big sword, but a huge mace.

This time, even the iron puppet was beaten back two steps!

The spy leader chased after the victory, sword after sword, and took advantage of the iron puppet's inability to attack, and pursued several times in succession.

After being cut so much, there are many more cracks on the iron puppet's body, and it seems that it will soon crack!

The spy leader looked at this scene, his face was also happy, and while attacking, his eyes looked to the other side.

I saw that the two interrogators over there had no protection from the iron puppet, and they could only deal with the spies who surrounded them.

Fortunately, they have also broken away from the restrictions of the ice, and the spies around them have almost used up the restricted props, and after pulling out the long sword on their waist, they can still deal with those spies.

Confirming that the spy wolf had no possibility of getting out of trouble, an interrogator directly knocked him unconscious so that this guy would not make small moves behind his back.

And as he moved, a spy suddenly raised his crossbow, and a crossbow arrow shot towards the back of the inquisitor's heart.

Fortunately, another interrogator kept an eye on these spies, and the moment the spy raised his hand, he blocked behind his companion, raised a sword in front of him, and blocked the crossbow arrow.

"It's a bit hard to beat."

The interrogator said to his companion, who also smiled after dealing with the captured spy.

"But want to knock us down? It still takes a bit of work. The

two stood side by side, looked at the spies around them, and threw a sword flower together.

The spies around took their respective weapons, glanced at each other, and directly pounced.

They don't have to go one by one, it's not better to go directly together.

But the two interrogators were trained by the Zimmerman family, and their cooperation was seamless, and after some maneuvering, they also blocked the attacks of the spies.

But their living space has shrunk a lot, and they have been forced into a corner by those spies.

The surrounding spies glanced at each other, and several people took out their crossbows at the same time, and one crossbow arrow after another flew away.

So suddenly, in an instant, the two interrogators could not block all the crossbow arrows, and each of them was hit by two crossbow arrows.

Although these crossbow arrows did not hit their vital points because of their resistance, they still affected their movements somewhat.

And while you are sick, asking for your life, watching the enemy injured, all the spies rushed up in unison, and they were about to kill the enemy directly.

And at this critical moment, a small cart flew directly from the side, smashing a group of spies all down!

The two interrogators were originally adrenaline bursts, intending to pull a few more people to accompany the burial before they died, but looking at this scene, they were also stunned.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the iron puppet who chased out was striding towards them.

And behind him, the ordinary spies who were pushed out to attract his attention all fell to the ground, already unconscious.


The two interrogators breathed a sigh of relief, and felt the sharp pain in their bodies, and a trace of sweat appeared on their heads.

"There should be no poison on the crossbow arrow, did you bring the potion?"

"Bring it, give it."

Leaning against the wall, the two interrogators looked at each other, their eyes showing that they had escaped.

At this time, a guard also got up from the ground, covered his bleeding arm, and staggered towards the two.

"Are you all right, my lord?"

Looking at the injured guard, the two interrogators who had just escaped from death did not think too much, "It's okay, are you okay?" What about everyone else?

The guard looked left and right and sighed.

"They all had their necks cut or their hearts pierced, and if I hadn't hid at the end, they wouldn't have escaped the same fate."

The guard lowered his head and covered his face with some grief.

"You're okay, the others... Alas.

The interrogator sighed, and the guard seemed to calm down a little and walked towards them.

"Need help? My lord?

"Well, just help us pull out the crossbow arrow, don't shake your hands."

One of the more funny interrogators said with pain, and he tried his best to smile, and the guard relaxed a lot and walked towards the two.

But next to him, another interrogator noticed that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, don't come over first!"

The interrogator gulped as he tried to pick up the sword next to him.

But his body is slightly weak now, and even if he holds a long sword, he does not have much combat power.

When the guard heard this, his face showed an expression of surprise, but the movement of his feet did not slow down, and even accelerated a little.

The kinder interrogator also understood that this person was not a teammate, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, and took up a weapon against himself, the interrogator tried to raise his weapon in an attempt to force the guard back.

But the other party just picked, the weapon in the interrogator's hand was picked off, and seeing the other party raise the weapon and chop it down, the interrogator subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

At the critical moment, the iron puppet who was chasing and killing ordinary spies arrived, and with a punch, the guard could only retreat helplessly.

I wanted to rush up again, but the iron puppet seemed to find that the trick of throwing something was very useful, so he directly picked up the debris next to him and smashed it to the ground.

Seeing that the other party showed no sign of moving again, the iron puppet turned to look at the two interrogators.

After saving the two, the iron puppet tilted his head slightly, stretched out his hand to the two, and popped out a poppy.

The interrogator breathed a sigh of relief, and looking at the action of the iron puppet, he also thought: "Are you going to apologize to me for not protecting us?" The

iron puppet nodded, making the interrogator raise an eyebrow.

"Are you really a weapon?"

The iron puppet could not understand this sentence, but it did not prevent him from continuing to tilt his head.

"Forget it, you go help the big man first, it looks like the guy has encountered some difficulties."

The interrogator said helplessly, and the iron puppet turned his head and also saw his brother.

Finding that his companion was struggling but unable to get out of the predicament, he was frantically attacked by the spy leader, and the cracks on his body became more and more.

Looking at this scene, the iron puppet was also angry, and directly rushed up, forcing the spy leader back twice.

With many props, it was difficult to solve an iron puppet quickly, but it was another iron puppet, and the spy leader's mentality was somewhat broken.

And listening to the strange noise in his ears, he turned his head and looked, and found that the other guards in Buda City were about to arrive, and he no longer hesitated, and turned his head to look around.

Seeing the guard who was knocked down by the iron puppet throwing debris, the spy leader shouted twice, and the spy guard also reacted somewhat.

It seems that he was smashed unconscious just now, and now he is awakened by the spy leader, and the spy guard seems to have remembered something.


"Use that!"

After being yelled at by the spy leader, the spy guard took something out of his pocket.

It was the last killer tool he had been called to by the head of the spies before the attack began, and given to him when there was really no way to do it.

And the two interrogators also had a sense of foreboding when they looked at this scene, they glanced at each other, and directly pounced on the fainting spy wolf next to them, trying to block the upcoming unknown attack with their own bodies.

The head spy and the remaining spies watched this scene and also quietly retreated.

The spy guard who was entrusted with the task did not notice this scene, otherwise, whether he would have carried out the task that the spy leader had given him before was another matter.

Under everyone's gaze, the spy guard knocked the object in his hand on the ground according to the method that the spy leader had given him before, and then tried to throw it towards the interrogator.

Seeing that unknown alchemy prop being tasked, the spy leader and other spies no longer hesitated, turned around and ran.

They knew the power of that thing.

If it explodes, everything within a radius of five meters will be destroyed! You will be attacked indiscriminately from a range of 30 meters!

And at this moment, the two iron puppets seemed to feel something, and their eyes flickered and communicated wildly at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.

Finally, the iron puppet, who was in much better condition, quickly rushed towards the alchemy props in the air, and directly opened his arms to block them in front of the interrogator.

The other iron puppet did not resist the attack because there were already many cracks on his body, not much health, plus what unknown slime was plaguing his actions, but rushed towards the spies who wanted to escape, wanting to prevent them from escaping.

The spy leader was blocked in front of him by the iron puppet, and he looked at the alchemy props that were about to land behind him, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"You get out of the way for me!"

He took out his weapon and tried to take out the monster in front of him that looked like it would crack at any moment.

But he had slashed dozens of swords before and failed to defeat the iron puppet.

Right now, above his great sword, the earthy yellow light is about to be extinguished, making his attack power lower and lower!

Even though the iron puppet did not have much health, it still failed to knock it down, but was directly knocked to the ground by the iron puppet.

After all, with a weight of 30 tons upwards, if the iron puppet charges, it is no different from a large truck.

It's just that the speed is relatively slow, and the spy who was hit was not sent to the other world, but was knocked over to the ground.

This iron puppet is too lazy to catch other spies, he glared at this guy, he was the fiercest beating of this guy before, this guy must stay, other spies are casual!

He didn't know that he had inadvertently caught a big guy, but looked up in the direction of his companion.

His eyes flashed a few times, and his face also revealed a worried look, while the other iron puppet looked at the alchemy prop confidently.

And when the alchemy props landed on the ground, a burst of cyan light erupted, and countless wind blades swept out!

Within five meters, countless wind blades gathered, cutting everything around them into slag.

The iron puppet blocked in front of the interrogators, and was also hit by countless wind blades, and red light constantly flashed on his body!

Cracks quickly appeared on the iron puppet, and the iron puppet, who had never faced an attack of this level, was stunned for a moment.

No, isn't that a bit too much?

But now that he is standing here, he can only grit his teeth... Stare at all this.

Under the action of magic, countless wind blades repeatedly washed within a range of five meters for several seconds before losing control and cutting towards the surroundings.

The guard who threw out the alchemy prop was very unlucky to face a wind blade, and the entire upper body was directly cut off and died on the spot.

On the other side, after the spy leader realized that he could not escape, he immediately lay on the ground and curled up.

It was also his luck that the wind blade that burst out did not cut into his body, allowing him to survive.

The iron puppet next to him was also hit by a wind blade, and he could feel that his health had dropped to the extreme, and it would immediately crack if he came at any time.

He silently lowered his head and looked at the spy leader lying on the ground.

This guy won't get up and give him another look, will he?

The spy leader who escaped also raised his head, looked at the iron puppet, and touched the big sword next to him with his hand.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the iron puppet stepped forward and tried to step on the big sword, but the spy leader grabbed the hilt of the sword and turned over, avoiding the pursuit of the iron puppet, and then aimed the big sword at the iron puppet.

Just as he was about to attack, the guards of Buda finally arrived.

Armed with spears, they quickly surrounded the scene, and several unlucky spies, who were about to escape, ran head-on into these guards and were caught red-handed.

The spy leader saw this scene, looked at the iron puppet in front of him, and although he did not want to, he still put down his weapon and tied his hands.

The broken iron puppet breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his companion on the other side who was within five meters of the alchemy prop.

Looking at the cracks on the other party's body and his own, the iron puppet also relaxed a lot.

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