Chapter 104

"Sir this is the report about the meeting. Almost 50 percent of the high rankers didn't attend. Some prestigious Guild sent their representatives not their leaders."

"Let them be, we did the same thing too. I sent our vice-leader to settle the meeting. I just want to know who attended. Did Oliver Johnson come? I remember Christian invited him."

Kyle read the papers that Secretary Hakase brought. It had information about the meeting's agenda. 

"Guildleader Oliver tried to attend but a Black Portal appeared near his territory so he was absent."

"I see, so he didn't make it because an emergency happen… What about Miriam? Did she go?"

"Madam Miriam didn't attend."

"Is that so…"

Kyle pause but Secretary Hakase continued his report.

"Jake Raynold, Kim Soo-Woon, and Ivan Smirnov didn't attend the meeting."

"Pfft- as if those freaks will attend. It will be the end of the world if any of them attend Hunter's meeting."

Kyle smirk remembering those oddballs. 

Jake Raynold was a Leveling addict. Day and night he spent his entire time hunting monsters. He was afraid that someone would beat his current ranking. 

Kim Soo-Woon was currently missing, based on what Kyle knew. He kidnapped a child named Cedy who is Yuuki Kouri searching is. They were playing tags right now. 

Ivan Smirnov was a Russian Hunter that treated as a hero. He used his undead army to defeat many Portals in their country. His country was regarded as the safest land because no monster ever set a foot on their soil. 

'That man is a lunatic, I don't know why the Russians treat him as a hero despite all of what he had done...'

Kyle dropped the documents and stare at Hakase. 

"What about the Demihumans? Did any Elders appear?"

"The only elder that attended the meeting was Dwarven Remington."

Elders were Hunters that reach 800+. Currently, the only species that have Elders were the three migrated species of Elves, Dwarves, and Beastmen.

"Dwarves huh… well they are the most friendly species and we are having a  technological partnership so it's understandable. As for the other two… they're still angry at us huh."

Niña killed the eldest Princess of the Elves. As long as they didn't kill Niña they won't cooperate. 

The Beastmen were having an inside fight right now. Some of their population were dissatisfied with how the Royals lower their head for the humans. 

'If I remember it right. This was the time where a coup d'etat will happen and overthrow their kingdom. The Fangs control the administration and a large war happened in Africa... Let's not forget that Legendary creature.'

"…Hakase you may go out. Thank you for your work."

"Yes, Guildleader."

Secretary Hakase left the room, this made Kyle alone inside his office. 


Something big was bothering him, but he let it pass.

"If she died, this only means she's weak."



A howl of a wolf could be heard in the background. Mikael and Furrneka traveled inside a Red Portal, they were hunting monsters to increase their level. 


Furrneka ran on her four and slash the poor howling wolf. It died just for the reason that they need experience points. 


Mikael bombarded an Ogre's village. The two massacred any lives that they see. Either small or large, they would kill it. Since this was the first time that they enter a Dungeon after a month of training, they could feel that their movements were flowing like a river. They had no unnecessary movements and they killed them precisely.

Mikael was confident that he could reach level 400 for around two months. If they continue this pacing his prediction would come true. 

"Ah, I'm happy that I'm free~ I feel odd if I don't kill a monster for a week. Perhaps this is the problem that every Hunter is facing. We always want to level up faster. It feels like we're a player in a game that's fighting for Ranking position."

"Hey, idiot! What are you thinking, we need to finish this place because Dungeon break will happen in two days!"

Furrneka got irritated. Sometimes she didn't know how Mikael's mind worked. 

"Oh right sorry. I felt emotional knowing that I've achieved freedom."

Mikael honestly told his thoughts.

"Well… you are right. Staying inside the mansion was so boring. I even felt dying in boredom."

Furrneka agreed. She's the type that always loves to wander around. Her feet couldn't stay in one place.

"Hahaha see you agreed too."

"Yeah right.… how about this, Let's have a competition nyah."

"I'm in. What's the catch?"

They want to have some fun.

"Since the two of us have fast feet. Whoever reached the Boss first will have the privilege to kill it. We can use our Skill."

"… Wait a minute, you're faster than me. Besides you have a speed-type Skill."

" One, two, three go!"

Furrneka counted. When she said the signal black lightning covered her body and she dashed. 

"Hey!!! Ah nevermind!"

Mikael activated his Skill and followed her. They raced until they see a silhouette of a large mammal. They saw the Boss. It's a giant Mammoth.

Its tusk has a red color and its trunk had a rune pattern. When the Mammoth saw them, it sucked a large volume of air. Its rune pattern began to glow and it blew a high concentrated typhoon.

Mikael and Furrneka evaded the attack. 

"I win!"

Furrneka reached the goal first.


"Haha, loser!"


The Mammoth stamp Furrneka but the woman counter the attack by using her serpent. The black serpent opened its mouth and cast an explosion. 


The Mammoth stumbled but it regained its balance. Furrneka jumped upward and crawl to the Mammoth's head. 

The Boss tried to stop her. It used its trunk to smash the enemy. But Furrneka was faster than the large but slow attack of the Mammoth. 

When she was near the eyes, she called the serpent again and used another exploding attack.

The Mammoth close its eye to defend but the explosion was much stronger than it expected. 


The Mammoth lost its balance and fell.

(This Arc is now getting to the climax. I hope you like action because many fights will happen.)

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