Chapter 107: GREEDY DRAGON

The rally began to worst. Many Beastmen join them and the capital started to be congested. 

" The royals should step down!!!"

"That's right!!"

"We don't need leaders that broke their promise!! Kill the King!!"

"Kill the King! Kill the King!"

Their harmonious shout echoed throughout the land. The Hunter Association watched the scene. They were forbidden to make a move. This was not part of their jurisdiction since this was a different country, a different world albeit inside one. 

"Sir! Our Intel said that the King will do a Press Conference at 9:00 pm. As for what decision he will do, we don't have enough information about it!"

"Good, you can now go… Hayst. Why am I here? I should have been inside a Dungeon flying with my sword."

Lee Hal-Sung sighed. He was an executive of the International Hunter Association, also known as IHA. The IHA decided to build a fighting power using Hunters from different countries to control the powers that rising in each country. In a sense, they are called watchdogs. 

Lee Hal-Sung, the watchdog of IHA, was currently watching the Beastmen. The IHA gave him a mission to observe the movement of Beast Kingdom. The IHA would decide to intervene if a possible major disaster would happen. 

"Tch, f*ck I have been scammed! They say that being an IHA executive is a blessing because you travel around the world hunting Dungeons!! The travel part is true but the hunting Dungeons is bullsh*t! I'm currently scrapping in leveling!!"

Lee Hal-Sung was level 653 right now and that was an embarrassing thing. He was part of the 1st batch which means that he should be around 660-670. But now even the 2nd batch already beat him in terms of level.

"Ah f*ck I should've left. Those directors are f*ck*ng unfair. They treat us like a slave. If that person didn't talk to me, I should've already packed my belongings."

He was holding his sword, he was ready for the upcoming battle, or rather he was ready for the upcoming war. His blood boiled whenever thinking that he could go all out.

"Please please just come already. Undeads of the underworld."

Lee Hal-Sung smiled thinking about it. 


"So this is the place huh."

A teleportation device opened and Axelle saw the endless land of desert. He took a step and passed through the portal. 

He was now in the middle of the Sahara desert. 

"… This looks desolate. Let's clean this place a little."


A large wind swept away all the sands. Axelle saw that a figure started to appear, they were two actually.

"I never thought that I'll see the two of you here. Elder Alpha and Elder Patriarch."

"You got guts showing yourself. You fake Beast!"

Lander's body started to enlarge and his nails transform into claws. He was angry that someone was thinking of overtaking the whole Kingdom from their true leader. 

"Haha look at your expression, my friend. Hahaha, chill."

Patriarch's aura was overflowing even though he said chill. He knew that someone was gonna die here. 

"… Hakanria!!!"

Lander shouted. He saw his son from the portal. He didn't only saw Hakanria, he saw the other Elders of Beast Kingdom. 

"Kuhahaha hello Father!!"

Hakanria exited out of the teleportation portal. 

"You bastard!! Did you betrayed our country!!"

"Of course not. I'm loyal to the Kingdom, I'm loyal to the King, to King Axelle!! hahaha"

Lander's eyes turned red, he couldn't swallow everything that happening. His son disappointed him again. 

"Hello, my old friend…"

A man with two horns came out of the portal. Patriarch saw the man that he treated as a best friend. 

"I see… Bbakab, I know that we will meet again but I never thought that it will be here, on this battlefield."

Patriarch answered melancholy. Bbakab was the leader of the Buffalo tribe. He and Patriarch were sworn friends. 

'If you didn't get corrupted I know that you will never agree to this…'

Patriarch thought.

"Kishikishi this is not the right time to get friendlier, we are here to take the remains of Fafnir."

A woman who had a lower-body of a snake was crawling out to exit the portal. Her long body spanned ten meters. She was the Leader of the Snake tribe, the Queen lamia, Jamil. 

"Since the whole characters are here. How about we do some rehearsal?"

Axelle said. 

"Haha, Okay I like that, my body is actually itching for some action."

Patriarch stretched his body to show that he was ready. 


Fafnir was the Dragon God that ruled the Animalia. He ruled the world with tyranny and the people feared and respected his endless strength. However, no matter how powerful the Dragon was, he couldn't escape the disease called aging. He died after 900 years. His descendants, the Royals, protected his remains.

Some part of Fafnir's body was starting to rot but there were parts that haven't. Millenium passed but his bones and heart were still intact. 

His Crystal Heart was beating like there's a life inside of it. And yes, there's a power inside of it. His descendants hide the remains to keep them from any malicious intent. They treated Fafnir as their God even though he was already dead hundreds of years ago. 


'Come! Come, my child! Bring me to life! Muhahaha, Come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come comecomecomecomecomecome I will kill them!!!!!! Hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah no one will liveeee!!! I will be the new God of this world!!!!!! Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha'

Fafnir the prideful and greedy Dragon. His remains would destroy the whole continent of Africa. 

( Okay, the main event of the third Arc is here. By the way, the IHA and WHA are the same, I just think that IHA is cooler than the WHA.)

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