Chapter 110


The Beastmen were species that couldn't evolve their Skills, they need the help of others to do it, their Kampi. Whenever Beastmen was born, a spirit would reside in his bodies and this animal spirit would give him supernatural powers and other abilities that physical strength couldn't materialize. However the spirit would remain constant in terms of power, they couldn't increase their abilities on their own.

To do that they need the power of another animal spirit, their composition and traits would merge to form Skills. The animal spirits would have to mate to do that.

Those who succeeded to find Kampi was called high-rank warriors.

That's why many Beastmen traveled the world to find their spirit's mate. Each animal spirit had a different taste, there were even some spirits who didn't want to mate, such as the imperious Black Serpent.

They would remain alone and the Beastmen who didn't meet his Kampi would be known as the lowest warrior, a failure. 

But this didn't mean that Beastmen were weak. Overall, the Beastmen were savage warriors. They would crush anything that would block their paths. 

The species had another innate ability. The Beast Transformation. Whenever they reach level 500, they would gain this Skill either your a high rank or lowest warrior. 

Besides, being the lowest warriors won't mean they were weak. There were Beastmen who didn't evolve their Skills but have the frightening ability to kill a high-rank.

The first was the Descendants of Nine Tails Fox, a lineage that could topple any opponents, they were true monsters. Even if they didn't have a Kampi their power was formidable. 

There are other examples, such as Furrneka. When she was young no one could beat her in her generation. She was known for being a genius. Although that reigning stopped when her peers found their Kampi and grow stronger.

As for the third example, he was a member of the Tiger tribe. His speed was like a bolt of threatening lightning that would burn his enemies. He was loyal to the King and he was appointed as the Captain of his Royal knights. His name was James. 

"Kuck!!! What!? Why is this happening!? I know that you're strong but I believe that I can beat you easily. I'm a high rank!!"

"You are right. If we fought in the past, I will lose. But not this time. We are not in our world. This is a new world that we never thought to live in. We're actually surprised that we can find our partners here."

James replied. 

"Y- you! No, I don't believe this! You're saying you find it? So you found your Kampi. Why? Why now, when I lose everything!? I can't accept this! I- gah!!"

James kicked him. He found that Hakanria was turning hysterical, he couldn't accept the reality. James was far stronger than he thought.

"Hakanria, I'm not the past me. The man that you belittle is already dead…"

James said it, he remembered the past. He melancholy remembered it. 

"…I'm sorry…"

James had a sad expression. 

"No!! Don't pity me!!"

"No, I need to… I know you did everything to save my sister…"

" Stop!!!"

Hakanria smashed him but James dodged it and put distance. He needed to say this, if not Hakanria would suffer more. 

"Hakanria… it's not your fault."

"I said stop!! No matter what you do!! No matter what I do!!! I, I can't change it!! So stop!!"

James charged and crushed his face. He wanted to say these words to awaken Hakanria.

"My sister, your Kampi, your wife, it's been eight years since she died. If my mind is right, next week will be your wedding anniversary."

"Ugh… guh!"

James punched him. He needed to tell this. He punched Hakanria until his fist bled. Hakanria's face was disfigured. 

" This is what you want right? You want someone to hurt you. You want someone to show you how degraded you are. You fuck, you rape, you hurt, you kill, you did many things! Is this how you want to live!!? My sister will be sad if she knows this."

Every time he spoke,  his fist collided with Hakanria. 

"I am!! This is me!! I did what I want cause I don't give a f*ck. They can kill me if they want to, I will kill them if I wanted to. This… this is not about Elizabeth!!- ack!"

James punched him again.

"No!! This is all about her!! You know it!! How can you say that it's not when you're wearing her earrings!!! Wearing earrings for Male is uncourteous behavior! You!!Were!! The!! One!!! Who!!! Taught!! Me!!! That!!"

James punched him again and Hakanria did nothing. He received all of his fists. He already lost his will to fight.… He already lost it a long time ago. 

"Hah hah …"

James panted and stopped when he saw that Hakanria was unconscious. He glanced at his fist, it was bleeding and some bones were broken in his fingers. 

"Are you sure you're not going to kill him?"

A silhouette appeared. It was a man who was carrying a shield. Kalman asked James, his Kampi, he asked him what he would do to Hakanria.

"Hakanria killed many people… the IHA wants him dead."

Kalman said staring at the disfigured face of Hakanria. 

"No, he needs to be punished. But I believe it's not right for him to die. You can put him to jail for all I care but don't kill him. "


"How's the Alpha?"

"He's alive, I administered the antidote to his body and the wound on his chest was healed. He will not die… but I can't do anything about his other eye. Jamil is alive too, she just fainted."

"Thanks, man."

James looked up at the sky. The Tomb was already destroyed and Fafnir flew away. He believed that Fafnir would fly to their Kingdom. He hoped their God was a venerable one.

"What are you going to do about Fafnir?"

James inquired him, Kalman had a high position in IHA and he had jurisdiction here in Africa. 

"About that… if he did something funny, you know what will happen."

Kalman smirked. He just arrived here when the IHA received information that some ruckus was happening in Sahara. He didn't think that he would meet his friend here. He opened his Inventories and took out a potion, he threw it to James.

James caught it but he just stared at the potion.

"What you're not going to drink it? Your hands are bleeding"

James chuckled.

" I want this to heal on its own and besides I want to feel the pain right now…"

"You're odd, man."

"Yeah, many people actually told me that."


(I made some foreshadow about Hakanria such as Lander and Patriarch's conversation. Patriarch can relate to Hakanria because he lost his loved ones too. Then I think I wrote a part about Hakanria wearing earrings, it's a precious item from his deceased wife. He wears it because he misses his wife, still, killing and rape is a bad thing so Hakanria is bad... Hmmp! )

(Author's note: let's just say you are teleported to an unknown place and you realize that you will never see your home and loved ones again. What are you going to do? What feelings will you have after realizing it? I'm thinking about how do prisoners cope with their problems about missing their families.… I'm sure everyone has a place that they call home/family and we always want to be with them. All I want to say is love your loved ones, always love them before they disappear.)

(Another note: I actually said ' I love you' to my mom, dad, and brother after writing this.)

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